ETM 2020 04 19 Page 19 Cropped
ETM 2020 04 19 Page 19 Cropped
ETM 2020 04 19 Page 19 Cropped
20 feel smart
APRIL 19-25, 2020
April 19, 1987
Animated sitcom The Simpsons
debuts oon the Tracey
Ullman Show in the
form of one-minute
sho The sketch
b a
prime time
show in 1989.
What is it? A new movie or
the name of a new startup?
A fish, actually. A box-shaped, April 20, 2010
yellow one with black polka The
dots. Deepwater
And how do they manage to drilling rig
look like a box?
explodes in
They have a bony plate-like the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11
structure, almost like an ar- and causing the rig to sink. The
mour, under their skin that resultant oil discharge becomes
gives them a cube-like shape. one of the worst environmental
ming, while others felt the bone struc- Hmm, so cool. Where do these disasters in the world.
Wow, that is impressive.
ture has to be an impediment. yellow boxfish live?
Yes. Now imagine swimming while
wearing an armour. That too when In the coral reefs along the Pacific April 22, 1977
And? What is the latest on that Ocean and the Indian Ocean. General
placed inside a box. front? Telephone and
In a paper published last week, scien- Hey, that means we could get one Electronics uses
Uh oh. Difficult.
tists have now said its tail fin is spe- for the aquarium? optical fibre to
But the yellow boxfish is a deft swim- cial. It changes shape as needed to sent the world’s
Maybe, but there is a catch.
mer. In fact, it can do 360 degree balance the body structure and help first live
turns, like helicopters. the fish manoeuvre so well. Now what? telephone traffic
If stressed, they may release a toxin. in Long Beach,
How does it do that? The tail changes shape? It is rare, but they have a reputation California.
There were debates among scientists Yes, it can take the shape of a stick or for killing all beings in an aquarium.
about how it manages to do that so
well. Some said the bone structure
it can open up like a fan depending on April 23, 2005
the need. Oh my! A killer in a box.
helped it balance itself while swim-
Text: Suman Layak
Coronavirus may send a shiver down the spine coronavirus Easter eggs at his shop in Karim uploads the first video on
Brittany, France. He told French newspaper the site. Karim’s friend Yakov
of many people. But some are using it to tickle Le Telegramme he did it to bring some humor
your taste buds Lapitsky had shot the
to the situation
after growing "tired
18-second “Me at the zoo” clip
of hearing" about at the San Diego Zoo.
the coronavirus.
The chocolate eggs April 24, 1973
are painted black Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is born
and are dotted with
to Rajni, who works in the
almonds to replicate
insurance industry, and Ramesh
how the virus looks Tendulkar, a well-known Marathi
while viewed under novelist and poet.
a microscope.
April 25, 1976
India loses the deciding Test
match to West Indies by 10
Corona Burger Face Mask Emoji wickets in Jamaica after a series
In Hanoi, chef Hoang Tung and his team are In western Germany, the of batsmen are forced to retire
making green tea-stained burger buns that also Schuerener Backparadies bakery hurt because of some dangerous,
sport little “crowns” made of dough to resemble has two coronavirus-themed short-pitched bowling.
microscopic images of the virus. “We have this creations to offer: biscuits Source:,
joke that if you are scared of something, you designed around the face mask
Write to us with feedback
should eat it,” said Tung, at the Pizza Home emoji and cakes shaped like a
takeaway shop in downtown Hanoi. toilet roll. [email protected]
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