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Twinkl NewsRoom delivers the news for kids today. Our daily kids news reports are child-friendly ewsRoom Ac N
and a great way to help children explore the news with confidence. Each kids news report
comes with a range of curriculum-friendly questions and extension ideas. It’s the perfect way to teach reading
comprehension around the news!
Our suggested structure is here to help children engage with current affairs and practise key learning skills at the
same time. By using the article, questions and tasks, they will be able to learn about events happening across the
world while allowing them to develop their reading, writing and investigative skills.
Display the news story on the whiteboard. Ask children questions about the image
and headline.
Now might be a good time to elicit if there is any further information you or they think
is necessary before reading on. Daily News Fun
27th May 2022
UK News
There’s an old saying - “you are what you • It’s thought that people in South
eat.” Most people interpret it to mean that America were consuming cacao beans
you might ask the children to read in pairs, taking turns to read a paragraph out loud.
if you want to be healthy you have to eat around 5000 years ago but chocolate
healthily. only came to the UK around 400 years
Yet, maybe it’s also true when it comes ago and was enjoyed mainly as a drink.
to what you find tasty. We’re all unique,
• The company J.S. Fry & Sons made the
so perhaps there are unique flavour
first edible chocolate bar in 1847 and
combinations that you find delicious but
the scientific name for the cacao tree is
others find disgusting. Theobroma cacao which means ‘food of
If looking at it on paper, ask the children to underline any unfamiliar words or phrases. the gods’.
Ask children who are waiting for others to try and summarise what the story was
about. This could be independently, with a partner or as a group. They might also That certainly seems to be the case
for a new chocolate bar that’s been
dividing opinion.
The snack company Tayto is behind the
Ketchup on your popcorn? Chocolate on
your cheese pizza? Maybe it’s fish fingers in
custard or peanut butter on your burger?
Or is it something even more… unique?
check any unfamiliar words against the glossary or a dictionary. new mash-up. They’ve created a chocolate
bar with cheese and onion crisps in it.
While some people think it’s a revolting
idea, others think it’s marvellous.
interpret Decide on the meaning of
Of course, companies have been
experimenting with different flavours of consuming Eating or drinking something.
chocolate for a while. Have you ever tried edible Something that is OK to eat.
chocolate flavoured with fruit, nuts, mint,
salt or even chilli?
Do you like the idea of adding crisps to
chocolate or do you already have a favourite What else would you like to try
mash-up of flavours? adding toCreates
Company your chocolate?
Cheese and Onion Chocolate
Encourage children to read all of the questions first. Then, see if they can answer any Questions visit
from memory. Teach them to look back at the news story to help them answer the 1. Find and copy two of the flavours mentioned in the article that companies have added to
If they got any wrong, use the answer sheet to help them understand their mistakes. 2. Using information from the article, fill in the missing words to complete the sentence.
A company has recently created a bar with
flavour crisps in it.
Finally, explain how to answer those types of questions more successfully next time. 3. Find and copy a word used in the article which means ‘one of a kind or unusual’.
Look at the activities on the Task Sheet. These are designed to deepen children’s
chocolate is made?
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