Contract Its at For
Contract Its at For
Contract Its at For
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VOLUME-] EIEM/RC-0712017
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. invites Open e-Tenders (two bids) duly sealed from
experienced firms/contractors for the work "Comprehensive Annual Maintenance and Operation
Contract of Centralized AC Plant and its equipments installed at DO building and Training
institute at Shastri Park Train Depot for 03 Years". l
NOTE: The bidder who fails to submit the tender cost & tender security (in original)
within stioulated scheduled deemed to be rejected'
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VOLUM E-I EIEM/RC-07 120t7
(a) One single work of similar nature of at least 80o/o value of estimated cost
(b) Two similar works, each of at least 50% of estimated cost of contract.
(c ) Three similar works, each of at least 4Oo/o of estimated cost of contract.
in Govt, / Semi Govt, / PSU during last 5 years ending February-2OL7 are eligible
pa rticipate.
a. Self attested copies of work order, BOQ along with completion certificate
(indicating the name of work, final amount, quantity of work, completion date
etc,) issued by the client preferably on their letter head for completed work,
b. Self attested copies of work order, BOQ and latest certificate issued by along
with completion certificate issued by the client preferably on their letter head
for quantum of work executed for work under progress,
t.2.2 Financial Standinq (Annual turnover) -
a) Contractor's average Annual Turnover of last three audited financial years should be
equal to or more than B0% of estimated cost of work. Tenderer shall submit last three
years audited financial statement (Profit Loss Statement) duly attested by certified
b) Applicant must not have been blacklisted or deregistered by any Govt. / Semi Govt. /
PSU undertaking during last five years. It should be on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.
10/- duly attested by Notary.
c) Undertaking on Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.10 attested by Public Notary
certifying that for applicant not involved in any litigation/arbitration or no case
pending in any court against them during the last 05 years,
d) Net worth of applicants should be positive. Tenderer shall submit last three years
audited financial statement (Balance sheet) duly attested by certified CA to work out
net worth.
r.2.3 The following documents are to be submitted along with the tender (technical bid):-
i) Pan No. as per Income Tax Act.
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xil) List of work executed with completion issued by the concerned department. The
contractor shall submit certificate from client for satisfactory completion of works
indicating the contract value, nature of work, duration and the name of the
organization for who the work was executed.
xiii) Power of Attorney.
Documentary proof of satisfying eligibility conditions and audited financial data to be
furnished along with the application on printed letter heads, Testimonials of
satisfactory completion should be obtained from an officer not below the rank of
executive engineer,
L.2.4 The tender submission of bidders, who do not qualify the minimum eligibility criteria, shall
not be considered for further evaluation and considered rejected, The mere fact that the
bidder is qualified as mentioned in sub clause of clause 1.2 shall not imply that his bid
shall automatically be accepted. The same shall be subject to the data as required for
consideration of tender prescribed in the ITT
The mere fact that the tenderer is Pre-qualified as shall not imply that his bid shall
automatically be accepted. The same should contain all Financial & other details as
required for the consideration of tender.
r.2.5 Tender document consists of the following documents:
a. Notice Inviting Tender
b. Scope of Work
c. Tender Prices and Schedule of Payment
a, Instructions to Tenderers
b. Other terms and Conditions
c. Special Conditions of Contract
d. General Conditions of Contract
e, Bill of Quantities,
Please note carefully the requirements for submitting tenders and the date & time for
J., J The tenderers may obtain further information / clarification, if any, in respect of these
tender documents from the office of Sr. DGM /E&M, DMRC Ltd. 2nd Floor C Wing Metro
Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001
7.4 The intending bidders must be registered on e-tendering portal
https://eprocure, who are not registered on the e-tendering
portal shall be required to get registered beforehand. If needed they can be imparted
training on'online tendering process'. After registration the tenderer will get user id and
password. On login tenderer can participate in tendering process and can witness various
activities of the process.
1tr The authorized signatory of intending bidder, as per Power of Attorney (POA), must have
valid class-Ill digital signature. The tender document can only be downloaded or uploaded
using Class-III digital signature of the authorized signatory,
VOLUME-I E/EM/RC-4712017
1.6 Tender submissions will be made online after uploading the mandatory scanned
documents towards cost of tender documents such as Demand Draft'or Pay Order or
Banker's Cheque from a Scheduled commercial bank based in India and towards Tender
Security such as Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker's Cheque from
a Scheduled commercial bank based in India and other documents as stated in the tender
docu ment.
t.7 Tenders shall be valid for a period of as per ITT clause 12.0 from the date of submission
of Tenders.
1.8 Tenderer is cautioned that the tender containing any material deviation from the tender
document which consists of NIT, Instructions to t'enderers, General conditions of contract,
Special conditions of contract, Bill of quantities is liable to be summarily rejected as non-
1.9 DMRC reserves the right to accept or relect any or all proposals without assigning any
reasons. No tenderer shall have any cause of action or claim against the DMRC for
rejection of his proposal.
1,10 Tenderers are visit the site before offering their rates.
1. 11 Bidders shall note that the maximum file size that can be uploaded is 5 MB and in the form
ot pdf/jpq/jpeg format. All the uploaded files in tender submission should be named
prop'erly and arranged systematically.
t,t2 The bidders are advised to keep in touch with e-tendering portal for updates. Any corrigendum, addendum etc issued
shall be part of this tender document and shall be made available on this e-tendering
Delhi Metro
2ndfloor, C Wing Metro Bhawan,
Fi re B ri sade La ne' t-x';T:,Tli
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VOLUM E-] EIEM/RC-07 /20t7
2.0 The contractor will execute the work i.e, "Comprehensive Annual Maintenance and
Operation Contract of Centralized AC Plant and its equipments installed at DO building
and Training institute at Shastri Park Train Depot for 03 Years", The centralized AC Plant
is operational since Year-2003.
2.1.2 Motherboards
The plant operation is carried out with the help of 02 Nos. motherboards, one for each plant installed at
a control panel. Model No. NC 2020i, Make Dunham Bush, Operating voltage 12V, calculates the
percentage full load capacity of the compressor on discharge pressure, line voltage and current drawn
by the compressor, The motherboards comprise of the following analogue /digital inputs.
. Compressor status
. Cooler pressure compressor
. Condenser pressure
. Voltage
. Compressor amperage
. No, Stop
. Low cooler pressure
. High condenser pressure
. Freeze( low water temp)
. Low oil
. No run
r Power loss (power failure)
. Low differential pressure
o Water temp sensor error
. Cooler pressure sensor error
. Discharge pressure sensor error
. Under voltage ( High/Low)
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VOLUME.I E/EVvRC-07 120t7
2.1.9 FCU
HP- 0.5, Ton-02, 12 Nos.
AHU Control Panels consisting of MCCB, contactors, Relays, Rotary switches and on delay timers, Make-
Bhartia cutler hammar
Contactor shall strictly follow the Preventive Maintenance Schedule along with checklists as per
Technical Specification. However if contractor feels that any other activity is required to be additionally
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VoLUME-I E /Et'1lRC-07 /2017
done for proper maintenance of the system as per the OEM recommendation, he shall carry out the
same. Requirement of preventive maintenance indicated in technical specification checklists is the bare
minimum. The preventive maintenance is to be carryout for complete HVAC system & its associated
accessories installed at Shastri Park Depot as per B.O.Q including replacement faulty spares and
consumable items. The Preventive Maintenance is to be carried out in such a manner that overall
functioning of the system & functional equipments is not affected.
The corrective/breakdown maintenance is to be carried out any time during 24hrsX 365days inclusive
of all Sundays & Holidays.
(a) Minor Maintenance:- Inclusive of Repairing and Replacernent of all Spares/Components and all
other associated accessories which are covered otherwise and attention of all defects other than major
d efects.
i. Response Time (Max.) - 04 hours
ii. Attending Time (Max.) - 0B hours
(b) Major Maintenancer - Detection of Gas leakage, Refilling/Charging of gas Pipefitting, Welding
/brazing works, Rewinding of Motors, Basically it covers attention of all types of Major
Failu res/Breakdowns.
i. Response Time (Max,) - 04 hours
ii. Fault Attending Time (Max.) - 48 hours
(Should be in proportion
With the Type of Failure)
. Call made before 16:OO Hrs shall have to be attended on same day.
.Call made after 16:OO Hrs shall be attended by 10:O0 Hrs on next day.
C) Yearly descaling /cleaning of waler- cooled condenser.
D) Repairing/overhauling the components of the equipment at site/in our service station, including
replacement of worn out parts as and when required.
E) Replenishing the refrigerant as a result of a leak from the system arislng out of standard wear and
tea r.
F) De scaling /cleaning of chiller when found necessary.
G) Checking condition and setting of panel controls, operating controls, safety controls to ensure
optimum performance, reliability and replacement of the same if found necessary.
H) Checking all electrical controls and components (switches, timer, relay and starter) in the chiller
electrical panel and replacement of the same if found necessary.
I) Checking the refrigeration system, motor and starters for performance and ensuring the overall
healthy condition of the plant.
Checking the system for leaks and then rectifying leaks, if any.
Taking a set of readings and then evaluating them to ensure satisfactory performance of the plant.
The following Maintenance Services are not Covered Under CAMC of Centralised AC plant
Day to Day/ Routine maintenance and operation of HVAC system.
Firm will not replace the equipment however in case of failure, firm will repair / overhaul the compressor
condenser, chiller, motor, cooling tower, cooling tower fillings, heating/cooling coils, fans,FCUs, AHU,
Sheet metal parts.
Repair / replacement of electrical main switch/circuit breaker, main incoming cable, fuses and indication
Repair / replacement of component of main electrical drstribution board and distribution power control
Repair / replacement of chilled water and condenser water valves and water piping, and all kind of
masonry/ structural work.
Ducting and its accessories like dampers off all types, Thermal and Acoustic installation,all type of piping
and valves, electrical panelf cabling, control wiring, bulbs and fuses,
Building Management System.
Replacing of fine filters and absolute filters.
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1 1. Open fan section cover AHU; check belts for wear and tear. Replace
ifnecessary, check bearings and alignment of belt drive. Refit the fan
2. Inspect contacts for chatter marks and clean.
3, Check if there is a rust spots o! sheet panels and intermediate
drain trey, ambry such spot and patch up with red oxide and paint.
4. inspecting the plant/system and carrying out preventive
Chiller System
5. Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminal, rectify if necessary.
(2nos, )
6, Checking the system for leaks and then rectifying leaks, if any.
7. Taking a set of readings and then evaluating them to ensure
satisfactory performance of the plant.
8, Checking the control and set points for operation and adjusting the
settings if necessary,
9, Check flow switch operation for proper operation,
10. Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
adjustinq the settinqs if necessarv.
2 1. Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
adjusting the settings if necessary.
AHU Motors 2. Check AHU motor mounts for undue vibrations. Replace mounts if
necessa ry .
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SN Items Description
1 1. Open fan section cover AHU; check belts for wear and tear. Replace
if necessary, check bearings and alignment of belt drive. Refit the fan
2. Inspect contacts for chatter marks and clean.
3. Check if there is a rust spots op sheet panels and intermediate
drain trey, ambry such spot and patch up with red oxide and paint.
4. Inspecting the plant/system and carrying out preventive
5. Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminal, rectify if necessary.
6. Checking the system for leaks and then rectifying leaks, if any.
Chiller System
7, Taking a set of readings and then evaluating them to ensure
satisfactory performance of the plant.
B. Checking the control and set points for operation and adjusting the
settings if necessary.
9. Check flow switch operation for proper operation.
10. Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
adjusting the settings if necessary.
11. Descaling of condensers/Chiller if deemed necessary.
12. Checking the condition and setting of panel controls, operating
controls and safety controls to optimum performance, reliability and
reolacement of the same, if found necessary.
2 1. Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
ad;usting the settings if necessary,
2. Check AHU motor mounts for undue vibrations. Replace mounts if
necessa ry,
AHU Motors 3. Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminals, rectify if necessary.
4. Inspect contacts for chatter marks and clean.
5. Checking the condition and setting of panel controls, operating
controls and safety controls to optimum performance, reliability and
reolacement of the same, if found necessarV,
3 1. Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
ad.lusting the settings if necessary.
All pumps/ panels 2. Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminals, rectify if necessary.
and contactors 3. Inspect contacts for charter marks and clean.
(cleaning and 4, Checking the condition and setting of panel controls, operating
servicing )
controls and safety controls to optimum performance, reliability and
reolacement of the same, if found necessary.
4 Cooling tower, 1, Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminals, rectify if necessary.
panel and 2. Checking the condition and setting of panel controls, operattng
contactors controls and safety controls to optimum performance, reliability and
(cleaning and replacement of the same, if found necessary,
servicinc ) 3. lnspect contacts for charter marks and clean.
5 L Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
adjusting the settings if necessary
2, Check FCU motor mounts undue vibrations, Replace mounts if
necessa ry.
Fan Coil unit 3. Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminals, rectify if necessary.
4, Inspect contacts for charter marks and clean.
5. Checking the condition and setting of panel controls, operating
controls and safety controls to optimum, performance, reliability and
reolacement of the same, if found necessary.
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VOLU N4 E-] E/Et\/RC-07 /2017
1, Checking the electrical control and set points for operation and
adjusting the settings if necessary
2. Inspect cables for loose/loaded terminals, rectify if necessary.
Centrifugal fan/
3. Check Fan motor mounts undue vibrations. Replace mounts if
necessa ry.
Exhaust fan
4. lnspect contacts for chatter marks and clean.
5. Checking the condition and setting of panel controls, operating
controls and safety controls to optimum performance, reliability and
ment of the same, if found necessa
6 1. Checkillg the electrical control and set points for operation and
adjusting the settings if necessary
2. Check FCU motor mounts undue vibrations. Replace mounts if
necessa ry .
2.4 DMRC is an ISO-14001 & OHSAS 1BOO1 certified Organization for Environment, Health & safety.
The work is to be carried out as per International Norms/Standards and in such a manner that
all premises always look Neat & Clean. Similarly, the waste disposal is also carried out in totally
sealed manner without affecting the Environment.
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