Tender Schedult EL 50-36 - 2019-20 - Off Trade Maintenance
Tender Schedult EL 50-36 - 2019-20 - Off Trade Maintenance
Tender Schedult EL 50-36 - 2019-20 - Off Trade Maintenance
Name of Work:- Kota Division:-Off Trade (Top Portion & Battery maintenance) of Passenger
/Express Train No.12059/12060, 19803/19804, 19805/19806, 19807/19808,
19809/19810, 22981/22982, 22983/22984, 59821/59822, 59811/59814 and
59831/59834 for a period of three years.
(Total Rs. Two Crore Seven Lakh Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Eight & Paisa
Sixty Four only)
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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6. The completion period will be 36 Months from the date of acceptance of offer.
7. The rates are firm. No price variation would be allowed on the quoted rates. All Govt., levies
like income tax, cess & water charges are to be recovered from the contractor’s bill.
8. All released accountable material will be returned back to the Railway by the contractor at
concerned depot.
9. Electricity will be provided by Railway on free of cost for the work.
10. All drawings with technical details related to work should be approved by Sr. DEE(G) Kota
before execution of work.
11. Contractor has to ensure this department regarding payment of wages to their employees is
being done through bank payment, before passing of their bills. Contractor shall ensure that
employees working under him should have their own Bank Account. Contractor will arrange to
pay monthly wages to the employee through their Bank account .He will submit the details of
payment of wages of all engaged employees as detailed in Muster roll. The wages disbursed
should be got certified by Railway in-charge by Bank Pass book entry.
12. Tenderers to quote his offer based upon various labour rates i.e. minimum wage, EPF rates,
ESIC rates, GST and any other rates as applicable as on the date of opening of tender as the
evaluation of his offer will be based upon the rates exists as on the date of opening of tender. If
these rates / charges/ taxes revised during currency of contract than the payment of bill will be
made based upon revised charges on submission of document showing revised payment.
13. The contractor shall be liable to pay the wages to labour at revised rate if rates revised by the
Ministry of Labour during currency of contract. Railway will pay difference of payment towards
wages along with corresponding difference towards EPF, ESIC and GST to the contractor
subject to submission of the documentary evidence in this regard.
14. If any tenderer will quote rate in more than two (02) digits after decimal, rounding off will be
done upto two digits after decimal as per provisions of IS-02 for quoted rate or for any
calculation or anywhere.
15. If any tenderer will quote rate other than in the way as mentioned in rate sheet or at any other
place than his offer will not be considered.
16. If two or more than two tenderes quote similar percentage, in this situation, tender committee
will decide ways to finalise tender by adopting following criteria –
Reasonable distribution of work among equal offerer based upon the sum of complete similar
nature of works in last three financial year and this financial year upto date of opening of tender
for works having eligibility criteria condition for other than private individuals.
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of advertised value of
the tender.
(b) (i) In case of composite works (e.g. works involving more than one distinct component, such
as Electrical Engineering works, S&T works, Electrical works, OHE works etc. and in the
case of major bridges – substructure, superstructure etc.), tenderer must have successfully
completed any of the following during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tender is invited:
Three similar works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of
each component of tender, or
Two similar works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of advertised value of
each component of tender, or
One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of advertised value of each
component of tender.
Note: Separate completed works of minimum required values for each component can also
be considered for fulfillment of technical eligibility criteria.
(b) (ii) In such cases, what constitutes a component in a composite work shall be clearly pre-
defined with estimated tender cost of it, as part of the tender documents without any
ambiguity. Any work or set of works shall be considered to be a separate component, only
when cost of the component is more than ₹ 2 crore each.
(ii) Contractor should have valid GST registration, EPF registration, ESIC registration & should
submit verified documents with the offer for these requirements failing which the offer will
summarily rejected.
(iii) Offer received with overall value less than the minimum wage rate along with statutory
deductions (EPF, ESIC, GST, if applicable) on the date of tender opening, shall not be
Payment for the Number of trips performed during the month shall be made quarterly. The
payment are subject to compliance of contract obligations followed by Rlys in works contract
which are in brief- signing of contract agreement after verification of power of attorney by
Rlys legal department, furnishing security deposit, MB entries, bill in Rlys standard form etc.
The standard payment terms will be as under:
(a) Payment for the first month shall be made subject to submission of verified attendance of staff.
Documentary evidence for disbursement of payment to contractor’s staff for the month.
Contractor has to disburse the payment to the staff as per applicable Minimum Wages enforce
by the Labour Commissioner.
(b) No advance payment will be made by the Railways. Payment will be made as above through
on account bill submitted by the Contractor after inspection by nominated representative.
(c) Payment as above shall be subject to any deductions of any amount for which the contractor is
liable under the contract against this tender including penalty as specified in work evaluation
and penalty or any other contract in respect of which the President of India is the contracting
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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Sr. Train No. No. of rakes to Total no. Total no. of coaches
No. Be maintained of rakes per rake
per Day (Excluding AC Coaches)
i Train No.-19807/19808 1 3 14
(1095 Trips)
ii Train No.-59831/59834 1 4 11
(1095 Trips)
iii Train No.-59821/59822 1 3 11
(1095 Trips)
iv Train No.-59811/59814 1 4 14
(1095 Trips)
v Train No.-19809/19810 1 2 12
(1095 Trips)
vi Train No.-12059/12060 1 1 17
(1095 Trips)
vii Train No.-22983/22984 1 1 13
(1095 Trips)
viii Train No.-22981/22982 1 2 12
(1095 Trips)
ix Train No.-19803/19804 1 per week 1 11
(156 Trips)
x Train No.- 19805/19806 1 per week 1 11
(156 Trips)
c. No. of coaches may vary on day to day basis and no variation of payment will be agreed on
this account. However, if the variation is more than 25% in any rake then the rates in the
contract will be changed on proportionate basis (Variation from number of coaches indicated
d. The contractor will be responsible for the following works. He will ensure that all the
equipments mentioned above are kept in proper working order.
e. He will note down all the defects and deficiencies of the train concerning to his area of
maintenance works as indicated below on all the coaches as per contract at Kota.
f. List of the defects & deficiencies will be submitted to get certified by the supervisor incharge
before starting the work.
g. The work will be got certified by the supervisor incharge after completion.
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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i. Battery Maintenance: -
Contractor will measure and record the voltage and specific gravity of all the coach battery (1
pilot cell per battery box) in incoming condition at pit/washing siding. He will top up all the
cells with distilled water supplied by the Railway. He will also replace the battery cells
supplied by Railway as and when needed. He will clean and provide gel and battery terminals
daily if needed. Inner side of battery box and its bottom portion should be cleaned regularly.
For SMF batteries the maintenance will be done as per prescribed schedule.
k. Contractor will be responsible for carrying out all the major work arising during the service
due to major defects developed on the coach or due to change of the coach in rake etc.
l. Contractor will be responsible for dispatching the train from PF by switching on light and fans
half an hour before departure of the train. He will also be responsible for provision of PELE
Box in Guards Compartment which will be supplied by the Railways. He will ensure that
PELE Box available in the train at the time of the departure of the train.
m. Details of daily maintenance to be carried out by the contractor are enclosed in Annexure I
daily. Work done by the contractor’s staff shall be recorded in the Performa (Annexure II)
supplied by the Railway and shall be submitted to the supervisor incharge duly completed in all
respect after completion of the works. At the end of the maintenance, Contractor will advise
supervisor in charge to inspect the rake, supervisor incharge may impose penalty if required as
per penalty clause.
2. Store:-
a. Major consumable spares like wire fuses , HRC fuses , MCBs distilled water , charging wire ,
lamps , lamps fittings , tube light fittings , tube light rods, inverters , fans , Gel for battery ,
switches , PVC adhesive insulating tapes, other spares etc. will be supplied by the Railways
free of cost to the contractor i.e. it will be free supply from Railway side and contractor will
not be allowed to take theses items out of the maintenance area.
However, general, consumable items other then spares will be brought by the contractor for
Use in the maintenance work. These items include emery paper, cloth for cleaning, cotton
waste, cleaning brush, K. Oil, solders etc. These consumable items in sufficient quantity shall
be stocked in ETL stores and the same shall be issued to the contractor’s staff by the Railway’s
stock holder as per the requirements.
b. Contractor will be responsible to bring all the tools and equipments required for the above
maintenance work such as cutting pliers, screw driver, nose pliers, testing lamp, hammer,
chisel, hydro meter, spanner, keys for opening lamps /boards , multimeter , tong taster cell
tester, jar with funnel and tube for topping of batteries, hand gloves , drill machine , blower ,
crimping tool soldering iron and material , torch, hand lamp etc. Each team of contactor
maintenance staff should have a tool kit with cutting pliers, screw driver , nose pliers , testing
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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lamp, hydro meter, spanner, keys for opening lamps /boards , multimeter & hand lamp for day
to day maintenance.
a. Deployment of staff- Contractor will maintain the attendance register and a list of the persons
deployed daily which be submitted to the supervisor In charge.
b. A penalty of double rate of prevailing minimum wage per head/per day shall be levied
for short/less deployment of staff.
c. A penalty of 100/- per fitting will be imposed on the contractor for the defective fittings.
However this penalty will be not be charged if it is due to non supply of Stores from Railway
side. The supervisor in charge will decide this penalty.
d. Contractor will ensure that during the course of maintenance of by the acts his men/ staff
employed by the contractor incurs no loss of any kind however if there is any loss, contractor
will be responsible to pay the full amount of loss as decided by the Railway e. In case of fire in
the coach due to contractor fault, if established by the enquiry committees nominated by the
Railway the contractor will be responsible to pay all the direct/ indirect losses in the terms of
amount as established in the enquiry.
e. The contractor has to do maintenance within the available time of the rake at the places
decided by the Railway and no interference from contractor side will be permitted penalty of
2000/- per rake will be charged by the Railway for delay in train departure up to one hour on
any day and penalty will be increase to 5000/- per hour per rake for subsequent
hours/fraction of hours.
f. The successful contractor’s staff shall be responsible to keep all the fittings like fans /lights
/switches etc. in neat and clean condition. In case if any fitting found in dirty/shabby condition
during the course of inspection / surprise check, a penalty at the rate of 50.00 per fitting shall
be imposed on the contractor. However, If during any particular Inspection a large number of
discrepancies are noted than a penalty upto Rs. 10,000/- per rake can be imposed.
g. On arrival of train contractor’s staff shall be responsible to switch off light and fan supply from
the junction box of every coach. In case if light and fan found in ON condition at yard, a
penalty at the rate of 100.00 per coach shall be imposed on the contractor.
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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Inspecting authority will be SSE (TL-RAC) Kota and will also known as supervisor in charge,
SSE (TL-RAC) Kota will nominate a senior supervisor for the period he is not available on
duty However Railways may change the inspecting authority from time to time for judging the
satisfactory maintenance work and for the inspecting authority will take imposition of penalty
decision. The supervision shall be done by the SSE (TL-RAC) Kota. However if the contractor
has any grievances he can represent his case in writing with all details to Sr. DEE (G) Kota and
decision of Sr. DEE/G/ Kota will be considered as final.
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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xiv. Necessary Photo Identity cards to the employees shall be issued by the contractor duly attested
by the Railways. In case of cancellation of train on a particular day due to unknown reason the
employees shall be used for other equivalent work, as per advice of supervisor incharge.
xv. The concerned Railway Depot In charge for certifying the bill of the contractor shall maintain a
Diary. Railway Depot In charge duly signed by the contractor and Railway authority shall
maintain the number of employees provided by the connector.
xvi. The employees working on duty shall not consume any alcoholic drinks or any other narcotic
drug items.
xvii. The staff employed by the successful contractor shall follow the prescribed dress code. The
staff shall be in the prescribed uniform with firm`s name badge while working in the trains.
xviii The contractor shall not employ children below the age of 18 years as laborer directly or
through petty contractors for the execution of work.
xvix Contractor should ensure the Police verification of all the staff deputed by the contractor and a
copy of Police verification of the staff deputed by the contractor will be submitted to SSE(TL-
RAC) Kota as per enclosed format as Annexure III.
xx The successful Contractor will deploy minimum 04 staff per day per rake (normally 01 skilled
& 03 unskilled) the staff shall be deputed in each rake for 6 hrs. One trip is equal to
maintenance activities of 06 hrs.
xxi In case if the composition of the above trains is changed or new train/special train/ coach/
coaches if any is introduced in future, the successful tenderer shall have to provide
additional staff at the accepted rates and on same terms & conditions.
xxii In case, any train no. changed by railway, the new train no. will be applicable in lieu of old
train no.
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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1. As soon as the train arrives at the platform, all lights and fans load should be immediately
switched off before coaches locked by carriage staff.
2. Condition of lights/fans should be thoroughly checked.
3. Lights and fans working/defective/deficient should be properly noted.
4. Switches /fixtures of fuse/cutout /cover should be in proper position.
5. Other electrical fittings including the charging sockets, charger / inverter etc to be checked
1. Charging of DIM/DARK coaches to be done.
2. Battery of DIM/DARK and other coaches to be checked.
3. Temporary connecting wire to be disconnected at the time of charging the coaches.
4. Maintenance of Battery: - Checking of specific gravity of pilot cells, checking ON load &
OFF load voltage of all Coaches, topping the cells by distilled water, application of petroleum
jelly on battery terminals, checking of inter cell connection, BCT terminals for its working
5. Battery fuses to be checked of all coaches for overhauling. Battery covers to be closed after
6. Under frame junction boxes to be checked for its proper working and tightness.
7. Cable of under frame to be checked for its proper fitness.
8. There should not be any positive or negative leakage in any part of the coach.
9. Charging terminals nuts bolts to be checked.
10 Replacement of battery cells supplied by Railways on and when needed on coach.
1. Junction box: - MCB /Rotary Switch /Fuses of Light, fan, Socket and main negative fuses. All
Fuses/HRC Fuses/MCBs to be checked for their proper working. Junction box and fuse
distribution board should be cleaned properly.
2. Defective / Deficient light / fans to be attended for cleaning and proper operation of light point,
fan guards fan blades should be properly tightened light/ fan fuses to be attended and replaced
if found blown off.
3. Mobile charging points, switches, switch boards, emergency light, connected wiring, cut outs
cover defective /deficient to be put right.
4. Reading /Night –Lights should be in proper working order.
5. EFT points on both the sides of coaches to be in working condition. Nut bolts to be checked for
tightness. EFT covers to be checked.
6. In SLR coaches, tail lamp, side light, master switch & flush light fitting in luggage area to be
checked for proper working.
1. All the lights and fans should be switched on about half an hour before the departure of the train.
PELE box to be kept in guard compartment and signature of guard to be obtained in token.
2. Ensure that the train leaves the platform without any defects and detention Defects/Deficiencies
must be noted on arrival of the train and whatever work is carried out should be recorded in
Annexure –II, supplied to the contractor’s supervisor which is to be submitted to Railways
supervisor incharge.
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
West Central Railway Kota Division Electrical Branch
Train No. Date-
S.N. Coach Eart TL/ FDBs Status Cell SPG ON Batter Remar
No. & h Fa Bulb Junc Mob Emer of & lug & y Fuse k
type Lea ns tion ile gency EFTs date OFF
kage Box Cha Light load
rger volta
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Railway Supervisor/ Rake
Annexure - II
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Annexure III
¼9½ daiuh@Bsds
dns kj dk uke &
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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¼10½ D;k vki dHkh fdlh vijk/k esa fxj¶rkj fd;s x;s gS] ;fn gka rks fooj.k nsaA
¼12½ eksckbZy@Qksu uEcj (;fn Lo;a dk ugh gS rks fudVre O;fDr dk crk;s ftlls lEidZ fd;k tk ldsA
gLrk{kj gLrk{kj
fnukad &
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota
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It is mandatory on the part of every employee deployed by the contractor to keep in his
possession the Identity card issued by the contractor throughout the execution of work. Failure
to possess such Identity will be treated as unauthorized presence in the Rly premises. Such
person shall be liable for prosecution as per law.
It is mandatory for the contractors to submit the list of the employees issued with the Identity
cards and deployed for execution of the particular contract, to the railway’s Engineer at site
before commencement of the work and also for any subsequent change made during the
execution of the work.
No claim whatsoever arising out of implementation of special condition pertaining to issue of
identity cards shall be admissible.
Seal & Signature of contractor …………… Seal & Signature of Railway Authority
Contractor Sr.DEE(G)/WCR/Kota