Clearing of Bushes, Trimming and Removal of The Trees in HWP (M) Colony For The Year 2019-2020
Clearing of Bushes, Trimming and Removal of The Trees in HWP (M) Colony For The Year 2019-2020
Clearing of Bushes, Trimming and Removal of The Trees in HWP (M) Colony For The Year 2019-2020
Online item rate tenders in TWO Stage system are invited on behalf of the President of India by
the General Manager, Heavy Water Plant, Manuguru, through e-tendering mode from eligible contractors
of DAE and those of appropriate list of CPWD, M.E.S., Railways and State PWD and contractors of
repute having adequate experience and capabilities to execute similar works (as defined here after) of such
1.10 Last date and time of closing of
online submission of tenders: 14/10/2019 (23.00 Hrs).
1.11 Last date for submission of contractor On or before 18/10/2019 (14.00 Hrs.) in the office of
credentials (hard copies i.e. attested Deputy General Manager (ES), Heavy Water Plant,
copies of certificates for proof of Manuguru, Bhadradri - Kothagudem District –
eligibility criteria and Original 507116, Telangana State.
DD/BC etc., towards EMD, copy of e-
payment receipt etc.
1.12 Date and time of online opening of 18/10/2019 (14.30 hrs) in the office of Dy. GM (ES),
Technical Bid (Part A) HWPM.
1.13 Date of opening of financial bids of
qualified bidders (Part B) Will be notified at a later date.
1.14 Defect liability period 03 (Three) months
1.15 Validity of Tender 90 days from the last date of submission of tenders
(a) One similar completed work of aggregate value not less than Rs. 6.63 lakhs
(b) Two similar completed works, each value not less than Rs. 4.97 lakhs
(c) Three similar completed works, each value not less than Rs. 3.32 lakhs
Similar work means: Civil maintenance works/Horticulture/Any labour oriented job of above
magnitude etc.
For this purpose cost of work shall mean gross value of the completed work including cost of material
supplied by the Government/ Client but excluding those supplied free of cost. This should be certified
be an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer /Project Manager or equivalent with complete
postal address, their mobile & phone numbers.
1) The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual
value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from date of completion to the last date of
receipt of applications for tenders.
2) Cost of components of work executed other than those mentioned in definition of similar work shall
be deducted while arriving at the value of similar work for eligibility. Bidder shall submit certified
abstract of cost of similar components in support of this.
2.3 Turnover:
Should have average annual financial turn over on Maintenance/construction works should be at
least Rs. 4.15 lakhs during the immediate last 3 consecutive financial years. This should be duly
audited by a registered Charted Accountant and scanned copy of certificate from CA to be uploaded.
Year in which no turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the average.
They should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two years
during last 5 years period ending with 31.03.2018.
2.4 Solvency:
Should have Bank Solvency certificate of a Nationalized/Scheduled Bank equal to a minimum of Rs.
3.32 lakh and should not be older than one year from the date of opening of tender. A copy of
Certificate issued by any schedule Bank is required to be uploaded and submitted.
2.6 To become eligible, the bidders shall have to furnish an affidavit as under:-
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed through
another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in DAE in future forever. Also, if such a violation
comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to
forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee. (Scanned copy to be
uploaded at the time of submission of bid).
3.1 e- Portal
a) The services for e-tendering in HWB/DAE is provided by M/s ITI Ltd., Tender wizard Help Desk
Centre, B-1/5A, 2ndFloor, Main Nazafgarh Road Near Janakpuri Metro Station (East) Janakpuri, New
Delhi-110058, Fax_No: 91-11-25618721, Ph_No: 011-49424365, e-mail:
[email protected]. through the website
b) Registered contractors can only purchase/download & submit/upload tenders after paying requisite
fees. Those contractors not registered on the web site mentioned above, are required to get registered
beforehand for e-tendering with DAE.
c) It is mandatory for the applicants to have user ID & password to get access to the website
d) It is mandatory for all the applicants to have class-III digital signature certificate from any of the
licensed Certifying Agency to participate in e-tendering.
e) The applicants have to get registered their firm / company with the service provider, M/s ITI Limited
for user ID & password. The registration shall be done by paying an annual registration fees to M/s ITI
Limited and completing other formalities as mentioned in the above website. For assistance/
clarifications please contact mobile 09969395522, e-mail: [email protected], Tender
Wizard Help Desk – (080) 40482000 (9am to 6pm – Mon to Sat).
f) The applicants, who have already obtained such valid user ID and password from M/s ITI Limited,
for any other project of HWB/DAE, need not obtain fresh user ID and password for the purpose of
participation in the present tender.
vii. In status column bidder will find the tender as RECEIVED.
viii. Bidder will be able to download required Tender Documents by clicking “EDIT
ATTACHMENT” icon for any number of times till last date of submission.
(c) The agencies interested to participate in online tendering process are required to fill up payment
details towards cost of tender processing fees within sale / download period for downloading the tender
document (excel sheets) from the e-tendering portal only, otherwise, it will not be possible for them to
upload / submit the tender.
(d) Interested bidders who fail to download the editable documents for submission within the period
indicated in tender notice will not be able to further participate in tender process.
(e) Downloading the tender documents (excel sheets) without confirmation of payment details on web
site shall not be valid and rejected summarily. Online bid documents
submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those bidders, who has deposited e-Tender
Processing fee with M/s ITI Limited and Earnest Money Deposit and other documents scanned and
uploaded are found in order.
However, if a Tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote
any percentage above/ below on the total amount of the tender or any section/ sub head in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest
(v). After submission of bid, contractor can resubmit revised bid any number of times but before last
time and date of submission of bid as notified.
(vi). While submitting revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more item(s) any number of
times but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
(vii). Contractor shall not disclose rates quoted in price Bid nor shall enclose /submit any hard
copy along the documents mentioned in Para 3.6.
(d) Print copies of all the worksheets of Part I (General Data, Form A, Form B and Form C), shall
be signed physically, then scanned and uploaded as mandatory documents.
(e) Data in Formats Form A to F (Section VII of – Tender Document) are to be filled, signed, scanned
and uploaded.
(f) Scanned copies of documents mentioned under Para 3.6 are also to be uploaded
(g) Links are created for uploading mandatory documents. Before submission of bids, bidders have to
upload documents against each such mandatory links against subject tender. If no mandatory link is
available for any of these documents, same shall be uploaded as other document.
(h) The bid can only be submitted after e-payment of Processing Fee in favour of ITI Limited and
uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as Demand Draft of any schedule bank in favor of
P&AO, HWPM, drawn on SBI-HWPM Br. (Code:20960) towards EMD and other documents as
(i) Contractor can upload additional supporting documents in the form of JPG format and PDF
format. In case file size is more than 5 MB, the file should be split up into files each of size not more
than 5 MB.
(j) Physical EMD & Copy of e-payment receipt towards Tender Processing Fee shall be placed in
single sealed envelope super scribed as "FEE (Earnest Money, and Cost of Tender Processing
(k)Copies of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as specified in
the detailed tender notice shall be scanned and uploaded to the e- Tendering website within the period
of bid submission and certified copy of each shall be deposited in a separate envelop marked as “Other
(l) Both the envelopes shall be placed in another envelope with due mention of Name of work, date &
time of opening of tenders addressed to Deputy General Manager (Engineering Services), Heavy
Water Plant, Manuguru– 507 116 and shall be dropped in the tender box placed at Deputy
General Manager (Engineering Services) office on or before last date and time of submission as
(m) Contractor shall sign the ‘Tender Undertaking’ printed on their Letter Head, scanned and
uploaded with Technical Bid. Original submitted with “Other Documents” as above.
(n) All information called for in the uploaded forms should be furnished against the relevant columns
in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet, this fact should be
mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to be provided in a column, a “nil” or
“no such case” entry should be made in that column. If any particulars/query is not applicable in case
of the bidder, it should be stated as “not applicable”. The bidders are cautioned that not giving
complete information called for in the application forms or not giving it in clear terms or making any
change in the prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the information may result in the bid being
summarily disqualified.
(o) In case of any problem with the submission of the online tender document, the applicant may have
the assistance of help desk on mobile and e-mail mentioned at 4.2 or uses the help manual and other
information given on the said website.
(Certified Copies of all the scanned and uploaded documents to be submitted along with Physical
Financial instruments)
1) Latest Bank Solvency Certificate and Form D – Section VII.
2) List of Similar Works completed in last 7 years in the format of Form ‘A’ (Section VII)
3) List of Works In Hand in the format of Form ‘B’ (Section VII)
4) Valid Certificates of:
a. Accreditation /Registration certificate, if any
b. Certificates of Work Experience / Performance Certificates
c. Certificate of Registration for GST and Acknowledgement of up-to-date filed Return.
d. TIN Registration Certificate
e. PAN (Permanent Account Number) Registration
f. Labour License.
g. EPF & Insurance for workmen
5) FDR/DD/PO/BC of any Scheduled Bank against EMD
6) Copy of e-payment receipt towards cost of Processing Fee.
7) Undertaking that the eligible similar work(s) have not been executed through another Contractor on
back to back basis. Signed letter of tender undertaking as per Technical Bid.
8) Pre-bid clarifications if any issued by the Department after close of sale of tenders as indicated in the
Technical Bid.
9) Any other Document as specified in any part of tender document.
Note: Scanned copy of original certificates to be uploaded. EMD/Tender Processing Fee and other
documents shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of tender
submission and original should be deposited as specified in 3.5(i) to 3.5(l) above. Further details if any
required by the department shall be submitted during /after opening of tenders/ technical bid.
3.6 Applicants are advised to keep visiting the above mentioned web-sites from time to time (till the
deadline for bid submission) for any updates or corrigendum in respect of the tender documents, if
any. Failure to do so shall not absolve the applicant of his liabilities to submit the bids complete in all
respect including updates/corrigendum thereof, if any. An incomplete bid submission may be liable for
3.7 The tenderers are advised to submit their offer/ upload their documents well before the due date
and time, to avoid last minute rush on the server or complications in uploading. HWB/HWPM shall
not be responsible for any delay in submission of documents or for any type of problem in uploading
the documents for any reason including server and technical problems.
(e) Part-B (Financial Bid) will be opened (Date to be notified separately) only of those bidders who
qualify eligibility criterion mentioned in NIT and evaluation of Part-I (Technical Bid). Therefore
bidders are required to submit the requisite data with documents in Part-I (Technical Bid) itself.
Contractors can login and see the status of Bids after opening.
4 Prospective agencies shall satisfy themselves of fulfilling all the NIT criteria before submission of
tender. Department reserves the right of non consideration of tender of the agencies not fulfilling the
NIT stipulations and / or having adverse report. If it is found that the tender is not submitted in the
proper manner, or contains absurd rates it will be open for the Government to ignore the tender.
5 Any effort on the part of the bidder or his agent to exercise influence or to pressurize the employer
would result in rejection of his bid. Canvassing of any kind whether directly or indirectly, in
connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to
canvassing will be liable to rejection.
6 The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in HWPM in which his near relative
(responsible for award and execution of contracts) is posted as Assistant Accounts Officer or as an
officer in any capacity between the grades of Engineer/ Scientific Officer and Scientific Assistant (both
inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are
subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any Gazetted officer in HWPM/HWB or
in DAE. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the
approved list of contractors of this Department.
8 The tender for the works shall remain open/kept valid for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety)
days from the last date of closing of online submission of tenders. If any tenderer withdraws his tender
before the said period or issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications
in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, or refuse to pay
any pre-requisite fee, or do not pay any prerequisite fee with reminders, or do not submit any requisite
document with reminders then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be
at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further, the tenderer shall not be
allowed to participate in the re-tendering process of the work.
10 The Department reserves the right, without being liable for any damages or obligation to inform the
bidder to a) Amend the scope and value of contract. b) Accept/ Reject any or all the applications
without assigning any reason thereof.
The HWB/HWPM shall have the right to omit or add one or more items put in the tender either before
or after an agreement for the work is entered into. In order to comply with the latest requirements of the
Organization, local development, control bodies, site conditions, certain variations in the execution of
items may be warranted.
12 The competent authority on behalf of President of India does not bind himself to accept the lowest
or any other tender, and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received
without the assignment of a reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not
fulfilled or incomplete or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer
shall be summarily rejected.
13 Competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves the right of accepting the whole or
only part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rates quoted.
14 Site Visit:
(i) The tenderer shall acquaint themselves with the work and working conditions of the site and
locality and no claim will be entertained for these issues.
(ii) Intending Tenders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is
practicable and applicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site. The
accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to
risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender.
(iii) A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no
extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.
(iv) The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools
& plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing
the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.
(v) The tenderers shall read the specifications and study the drawing carefully before submitting the
tender. The contractors should procure required materials from the choice as per the specifications
mentioned in the tender schedules. In case of ambiguity in regard to conditions and other related
matters if any with the Tenders the decision taken by the GM, HWPM shall be final and binding.
15 Plant Visit:
Due to the security reasons the bidder (or) their authorized representatives cannot be permitted inside
the plant without prior permission. Those bidder(s) who want to enter inside the plant premises (For the
purpose of site visit/Pre-Bid clarifications/to drop the Technical Bid and other documents) must
intimate Dy. General Manager (ES) at least 2 working days in advance (to the date of visit) and
obtain entry permission and they should complete the security checkup before entry as a statutory
requirement. For further information please contact Dy.MM (Civil) 08746-234431 Fax: 08746-234833
during office hours.
16 It is mandatory to obtain Police verification certificates in respect of labour engaged for execution
of works in HWPM by paying requisite fee. The successful Bidder whose tender is accepted will be
required to obtain and shall submit Police verification Certificate (PVC) of all the staff including
Engineers, supervisors and labours to be engaged for the work at his own cost, through the office of SP,
Bhadradri-Kothagudem by paying requisite fee at the rates in force from time to time as per the
guidelines issued by the state Government of Telangana Keeping in view the national importance of
this plant, the successful bidder shall ensure security measure besides whatever is mentioned in the
General Conditions of contract. All stipulations and instructions given by Plant/Colony Security
personnel and CISF from time to time shall be scrupulously be followed for entry, exit of men and
materials and as also during execution of work for security purpose. The necessary sums required to
meet this aspect shall be considered by the contractor and should quote accordingly.
17 GST in respect of this contract shall be payable by the contractor and Government will not
entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. Also, TDS on taxable Goods or Services or both, taxes
and levies as applicable from time to time will be deducted from the bills as per the applicable laws.
i) Before submitting the tender, the tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by actual
inspection of the site and locality of the works, that all conditions liable to be encountered during the
execution of the works are taken into account and that the rates quoted in the tender forms are adequate
and all-inclusive to accord with the provisions of General Conditions of Contact for the completion of
the works to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
ii) The tenderers will examine the various provisions of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act-2017
(CGST)/Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (IGST)/Union territory Goods and Service Tax
Act, 2017 (UTGST)/respective State’s State Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017 (SGST) also as notified
by Central/State Govt. & as amended from time to time and applicable taxes before binding. Tenders
will ensure that full benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) likely to be availed by them is duly considered
while quoting rates.
iii) The successful tenderer is liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act shall submit
GSTIN along with other details required under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act to HWPM
immediately after the award of contract, without which no payment shall be released to the contract.
The contractor shall responsible for deposition of applicable GST to the concerned authority.
iv) In case the successful tenderer is not liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act,
the HWPM shall deduct the applicable GST from his/their bills under reverse charge mechanism
(RCM) and deposit to the concerned authority.
18 The Rates quoted shall be inclusive of all material, men, equipment/ plant/machinery required for
satisfactory completion of item in all respects and should be inclusive of all taxes, GST, duties and
levies like labour cess, seigniorage, etc as applicable as on last date of submission of offer. 1% of gross
bill value will be recovered from the bills towards “GOI cess on construction works” and the same will
be remitted to Telangana Building and other construction workers welfare board. Employers
contribution of EPF and ESI should be paid by the contractor to the respective authorities and an
evidence of having deposited the same shall be submitted by the contractor to Engineer-In-Charge
every month.
d) In Lump Sum Contracts, the amount quoted in figures shall be taken as correct.
20 The tenderer whose offer is accepted is required to furnish Performance guarantee for the due
fulfillment of his contract. Performance Guarantee shall be 5% of tendered value in the form of
FDR/Demand Draft/Pay Orders/Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank issued in favor of Pay &
Accounts Officer, HWPM drawn on SBI, HWP (M) Branch. (Code: 20960) including the extended
period if any, valid up to period as mentioned in LOA or Order issued by the Department. In case the
contractor fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule
'F', including the extended period if any, the department (HWPM/HWB) shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely and automatically
without any notice to the contractor. Further if the successful tenderer, fails to commence work within
1/8th of the stipulated time, the President of India or his successors in office shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money and the
performance guarantee absolutely. The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be returned after
receiving the aforesaid performance guarantee.
21 During execution of work, Security Deposit (SD) will be collected by deductions from Running
Bills as well as final Bill. Security Deposit shall be @ 2.5% of tendered value. Security deposit will be
collected by deductions from the running bills as well as final bill of the contractor at the rate of 5% of
bill value till the total SD amount is recovered. If so desire by the contractor, the total SD amount can
be deposited in the form of FDR or Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker's Cheque in favour of Pay
& Accounts Officer, HWPM drawn on SBI, HWP (M) Branch. (Code: 20960). The security deposit
will be refunded only after the satisfactory completion of defect liability period of 03 (Three) months
after the actual date of completion of work as a whole wherein all the defects shall be rectified by the
contractor at his own cost, or after passing of final bill whichever is later.
22 Agreement:
• Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders in prescribed Form (Tender document along
with other document) uploaded on the web site
• Bidders shall quote their rates as per various terms and conditions of the said tender which will form
part of the agreement.
• It will be obligatory on the part of the tenderer to sign the tender document for all the component
• The written agreement to be entered into between the contractor and the HWPM shall be the
foundation of the rights of both the parties and contract shall not be deemed to be complete until the
agreement has first been signed by the Contractor and then by the proper officer authorized by
HWB/HWPM to enter into the contract on behalf of the HWB/HWPM.
23 Authorized Representative:
On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the contractor who would
be responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-In-charge shall be communicated to the
Engineer-In-charge. The successful tenderer will have to furnish the name and qualification of the
Technical Assistants employed by the contractor together with the willingness letter of the technical
assistant and appointment orders of the contractor at the time of the concluding agreement.
24 After award of work to the successful bidder, the contractor shall submit time schedule & cash flow
statement for approval of competent authority which will form a part of agreement.