Ceramics International: Li-An Han, Wan-Lin Zhai, Bing Bai, Hua-Ze Zhu, Jing Yang, Zheng-Xin Yan, Tao Zhang T
Ceramics International: Li-An Han, Wan-Lin Zhai, Bing Bai, Hua-Ze Zhu, Jing Yang, Zheng-Xin Yan, Tao Zhang T
Ceramics International: Li-An Han, Wan-Lin Zhai, Bing Bai, Hua-Ze Zhu, Jing Yang, Zheng-Xin Yan, Tao Zhang T
Ceramics International
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ceramint
Department of Applied Physics, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an, 710054, China
Keywords: We report an in-depth investigation of the critical behavior in Ni0.15Cu0.15Zn0.7Fe2O4 (NCZFO) spinel ferrite
Critical behavior synthesized via the solid-state reaction method. The structural analysis demonstrates that NCZFO belongs to the
Spinel ferrite Fd3m space group of the cubic crystal system. The magnetic transformation in NCZFO at approximately
Magnetic transformation TC = 290 K is of the second order, as per the Banerjee criteria. Employing various models, we have attempted to
estimate the CP (critical parameter) values. The self-consistency of the CPs is confirmed by Widom's relation as
well as the scaling hypothesis. The values of the CPs manifest that the magnetic ordering in NCZFO belongs to
the Heisenberg theory in three dimensions, signifying short-range ferromagnetic interactions. The relationship
between the exchange distance (J(r)) and the spatial distance (r) in NCZFO are expected to decline as J(r)
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L.-a. Han).
Received 16 January 2019; Received in revised form 1 April 2019; Accepted 16 April 2019
Available online 17 April 2019
0272-8842/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
L.-a. Han, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14322–14326
Fig. 1. XRD spectra with Rietveld analysis for the NCZFO ferrite. Fig. 2. M (T) curve at 0.01 T for the NCZFO ferrite in ZFC mode inset: The
derivate dM/dT.
implying the presence of short-range interactions in NCZFO.
method that relies on the following expression [21].
2. Experimental 1/
= a1 + a2 M1/
M T (1)
Using the standard ceramic process, powder with a composition of
Zn0.7Ni0.15Cu0.15Fe2O4 (NCZFO) was fabricated. Stoichiometric ratios where a1 and a2 are fitting constants. The critical parameters, β and γ,
of NiO, CuO, ZnO and Fe2O3 were carefully mixed and first fired at are related to the reduced temperature t = T C by two functions [22].
1273 K for 5 h. Then, the material was ground and heated at 1373 K for
7 h. The obtained powder was repeatedly ground and subsequently MS (t ) = M0 t , t < 0 (2)
pressed into plates of 10 mm in diameter, which were calcined at
1493 K for 5 h. To characterize the NCZFO, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was
0 (t ) = (h 0/ M0 ) t , t > 0 (3)
performed with the help of a Rigaku D/Max 2400 diffractometer
(λ = 1.54056 Å) in the range of 15–80°. A commercial magnetometer where Ms (≡MH = 0) stands for the spontaneous magnetization, χ0−1
was employed to obtain the magnetic characteristics of the NCZFO. (≡∂H/∂M ⎢H=0) denotes the inverse susceptibility. M0 and h0 are fitting
constants [23]. β and γ are relevant to Ms and χ0−1, respectively.
Fig. 4 depicts the results of the attempted MAP calculations using
3. Results and discussion
four sets of possible parameters including the β = 0.25 and γ = 1 (Tri-
critical mean-field theory), β = 0.325 and γ = 1.241 (Ising theory in
The Rietveld-refined XRD spectra from the NCZFO ferrite are de-
three dimensions), β = 0.345 and γ = 1.316 (XeY theory in three di-
picted in Fig. 1 and reveal that the NCZFO shows a single phase,
mensions), as well as β = 0.365 and γ = 1.386 (Heisenberg theory in
polycrystalline specimen. All diffraction peaks perfectly match the
three dimensions) [24], respectively. There are two criteria to select the
cubic spinel-type structure (JCPDS# 22–1119) belonging to the
most appropriate model: (1) all MAP curves must be straight, and the
Fd3m space group [16]. The lattice parameter, a = 0.8357 nm, is
isotherm at TC has to cross through the zero coordinate; (2) all plots
slightly larger than that of Zn0.7Ni0.3Fe2O4 [17] and is related to the
should be parallel to each other and have the same slope. Among these
partial replacement of Ni2+ (0.69 Å) by Cu2+ (0.72 Å).
models, the most appropriate universal model can be identified by
The magnetization measurements as a function of temperature (T)
plotting their normalized slopes [25] NS]S(T)/S (TC). By comparing
from 15 to 350 K at 0.01 T for the NCZFO sample are shown in Fig. 2. As
the proximity of NS to “1”, we can choose the most preferred model.
the temperature decrease, the magnetization (M) values increase
Fig. 5 displays the NS-T curves using the abovementioned possible CP,
sharply at the Curie temperature TC = 290 K, which is a signature of the
revealing that the Heisenberg theory is the most appropriate theory to
magnetic transformation from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic ordering.
disclose the critical behavior in NCZFO. The linear extrapolation from
The TC value is assigned as the temperature at which dM/dT (inset of
the high fields (μ0H ≥ 0.3 T) gives MS(T) and χ0−1(T) (see Fig. 6). By
Fig. 2) reaches its minimum. The decrease in TC can be interpreted in
multiple nonlinear fitting of the data for MS(T) and χ0−1(T), one finally
terms of the decrease in the magnetization of the B sub-lattice [18].
obtains two sets of β = 0.367 ± 0.011 with TC = 289.877 ± 0.104 K
and γ = 1.382 ± 0.049 having TC = 290.053 ± 0.021 K.
3.1. Modified arrott plot (MAP)
Fig. 3(a) presents the isothermal magnetization from 270 to 340 K 3.2. Kouvel-Fisher approach
for the NCZFO. As is well known, magnetic transformations in magnetic
materials are roughly probed through the M2 against μ0H/M curves Kouvel and Fisher (KeF) [26] suggested an effective method, which
(Arrott curves) [19]. Fig. 3 (b) illustrates the Arrott curves converted allowed the determinations of β and γ with high accuracy. Presently,
from the M (H, T) data. Two things can be seen from the Arrott curves: this method is widely used in the critical behavior investigation of
first, the presence of positive slopes throughout the range of magnetic magnetic materials [27–29]. The KeF approach on the basis of equa-
fields implies that the magnetic transformation is of second-order [20]. tions (2) and (3) is in the following form [30]:
Second, the isotherms are nonlinear and unparallel, demonstrating that 1
dMS (T ) T TC
the Landau's theory is insufficient to describe the critical behavior of MS (T ) =
the NCZFO ferrite. To obtain an accurate model, we use the MAP
dT (4)
L.-a. Han, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14322–14326
Fig. 3. (a) M-H data for the NCZFO ferrite close to TC (b) Arrott curves for the NCZFO ferrite.
1 1
1 0 (T ) T TC
0 (T ) =
dT (5)
1 1 (T ) 1
dMS (T )
As per the KeF method, MS (T ) dT
and 0
1 (T ) 0
linear functions of T giving slopes 1/β and 1/γ, respectively [31]. The
linear fit shows =0.364 ± 0.071 with TC = 289.783 ± 0.115 K
and =1.385 ± 0.126 having TC = 290.068 ± 0.018 K (Fig. 7). These
values are in good accordance with those from Fig. 6.
At TC, the third parameter δ relates M and H by Ref. [22].
M = H1/ , t = 0, T = TC , (6)
Fig. 4. MAPs with the (a) tri-critical mean-field theory, (b) Ising theory, (c) XeY theory, and (d) Heisenberg theory for the NCZFO ferrite.
L.-a. Han, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14322–14326
Fig. 6. MS (T) and χ0−1 (T) data; the red lines reveal the nonlinear fits fol-
lowing Eqs. (2) and (3). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 9. Scaling curves for the NCZFO ferrite inset: the same data re-plotted on a
double-logarithmic scale.
TC and the second for T higher than TC [34]. Fig. 9 displays the M t
versus H t ( + ) relation near TC by using the values of β, γ and TC from
the KeF method. For improved clarity, the same data are drawn in the
inset of Fig. 9 on a double-logarithmic scale. Clearly, for the NCZFO
spinel ferrite, the scaling hypothesis is well followed, i.e., all data merge
into two categories; one for T < TC and the other for T > TC [35], which
indicates that the estimated CPs and TC support the scaling hypothesis.
For comparison, we list the evaluated CP values of NCZFO and the
widely used theoretical models in Table 1. Evidently, the calculated CP
values of NCZFO in this work are fairly close to those of the 3D Hei-
senberg theory.
Fisher et al. suggested that J(r) relies on d and σ via the relation
Fig. 7. K–F plots for the NCZFO ferrite.
J (r )
r d+ (10)
where J(r), d and σ represent the exchange interaction, the lattice di-
mensionality and the range of the interaction, respectively.
Numerically, the exponent γ and σ satisfy a mathematic relation
given by Refs. [37,38]:
4 4n + 2
8(n + 2)(n 4)
× 1+
2G ( ) (7n + 20)
d 2
d n+8 2
d (n + 8) 2 (n 4)(n + 8)
with Δσ = σ−d/2 and G (d/2) = 3–0.25 (d/2) , here, n stands for the
spin dimensionality [39].
By solving Eq. (11), σ = 1.947 ± 0.007 can be obtained and is
mostly close to the σ = 2 for the 3D Heisenberg theory. As our sample is
a 3D material, according to relation (10), J(r) declines as r−4.947.
Hence, the critical behavior of the NCZFO belongs to the Heisenberg
theory in three dimensions together with the short-range interactions.
Fig. 8. Ln(H) dependence on Ln(M) at TC = 290 K inset: linear fit using Eq. (6).
4. Conclusion
To double-check the self-consistency of the determined β, γ and TC,
we conducted the test as per the scaling relation [33]. In summary, we have presented a detailed study on the critical
behavior of NCZFO prepared via the solid-state reaction method. The
M (H , t ) = t f± (H / t + ) (8) Rietveld refinements of XRD spectra reveal that the sample exhibits a
cubic structure belonging to Fd3m space group. The Arrott plots show
where f ± is the scaling function above (+)/below (−) TC. The relation that NCZFO experiences a second-order magnetic transformation at
shows the existence of two sets of universal curves, one for T lower than TC = 290 K β and γ have been estimated from the MAP and KeF
L.-a. Han, et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 14322–14326
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