TMT, Hysd, Tor
TMT, Hysd, Tor
TMT, Hysd, Tor
HYSD: When expanded, HYSD stands for High Yielding Strength Deformed
Steel; and is also their main characteristic. HYSD steel also undergoes heat
treatment similar to TMT bars, but the subsequent processes are different.
In this type of steel, after undergoing the heat treatment process, the hot
steel rods are either heat rolled or cold twisted for shaping, thus making
them both thermally and mechanically treated.
TOR: The technical term for TOR (Toristeg Steel Corporation of Luxembourg)
is CTD, which when expanded, stands for Cold Twisted Deformed steel. It is
a form of HYSD steel, where the steel bars, after undergoing the mandatory
heat treatment process, are cold twisted and deformed. These deformations
are present on the surface and are done after an elongation process, which
imparts higher yield strength to steel and the surface deformations impart
higher bondage with concrete. Because of the deformations, these bars
minimize slippage in concrete and increases the bond between the two
materials. Deformed bars have a higher tensile strength than that of MS
steel bars and the deformations should be uniformly spaced along the length
the bar.
Both TOR and TMT bars have almost comparable iron content, so both of
them exhibit high strength, albeit TMT bars are significantly stronger. Also,
due to the superiority in the strength of TMT bars and also because of its
higher corrosive resistance, TMT bars are better suited for use in large
concrete structures and concrete structures built on the coastlines where
high humidity is a major issue. On the flipside of the coin, TOR bars are
general purpose steel bars used in buildings, roads, and bridges as they
surpass the minimum strength requirements.
To sum it all up in short, the basic difference between TMT, HYSD, and TOR
steel bars is the manufacturing process – TMT bars are subjected to water
quenching whereas HYSD and TOR are subjected to heat rolling or cold
9 Reasons Why You Must Opt for TMT bars over HYSD and TOR steel:
The above reasons clearly illustrate the difference between TMT, HYSD, and
TOR steel bars and make it clear why it is beneficial for the customers to opt
for TMT bars over the latter variants.