ACI-350 Concrete Beam Design 1.1
ACI-350 Concrete Beam Design 1.1
ACI-350 Concrete Beam Design 1.1
the provisions of ACI 350-06. Calculation requires input of both service and factored loads in shear and moment. Sulfate exposure level can be set to either moderate or severe. Working stress checks are performed per ACI-350.
2 Assumptions and Conventions Sulfate exposure level can be set to either moderate or severe. It is recommended that this calc only be used with US Units (in*lb) due to limitations of ACI 350 code equations. 3 Calculation Reference ACI 350-06, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary, American Concrete Institute (2006) 4 Calculation Validation XLC formulae and peer review provide verification of intended functionality. 5 Calculation Units 6 6 Sketch B fc 0.85f'c a cservice d Neutral Axis H Neutral Axis a/1
s bb
CC Symbol f'c= c = fy = Es = Value 5,000 0.086805556 60,000 29,000,000 Moderate Unit psi lbf/in psi psi Formula ACI 350-06 Section
Item Input Material Properties Concrete Compressive Strength Unit weight of concrete Steel yield strength Steel elastic modulus Exposure class Input Loads M Service M Factored V Service V Factored Input Beam Properties Beam Width Beam Total Depth Clear Cover Bottom Bar Size Bars per row Number of rows of bars Row Vertical Spacing Shear Stirrup Size Legs per Stirrup Stirrup Spacing
=150 pcf
Ms Mu Vs Vu
= = = =
18 36 2 7 3 1 4.5 4 2 8
Design bottom face bars for max positive moment A bb = Bottom Bar Area As = Total bottom face steel area Dia bb = Bottom Bar Diameter Dia stirrup = Stirrup Diameter Effective depth d=
in in in in in
= A bb r bb n bb
Dia bb s vert [r bb - 1] 2 2
= H - CC - Dia stirrup -
Dia bb s vert [r bb - 1] 2 2
Max tensile strain at failure Minimum Reinforcement ACI 350-06 Table
t = A smin
0.05320625 in in in in in
0.003 (d - c) c
10.3.1 10.3.5
OK, t >= .004 = 1.08 1.08 0.76 0.72 OK, Asmin <= As 1.411764706 0.8 1.764705882 3,494,515
Depth of compression zone at failure 1 (dependent on f'c) Depth to Neutral Axis Nominal Moment Capacity Determine Resistance Factor c/d Tension or Compression Controlled?
a= 1 = c= Mn =
Asfy 0.85f'cB in lbfin
a = 1
a 2
0.053374847 Tension controlled For c/d<.375, Tension Controlled c/d>0.6, Compression Controlled .375<= c/d <= 0.6, Transition Zone For Tension Controlled, =0.9 For Compression Controlled, =0.65 For Transition, =0.48+83*(t) 9.3.2 & 10.3.4 9.3.2 & 10.3.3 9.3.2 9.3.2 9.3.2 9.3.2 9.3.2
f =
Calculate Durability Factor for Flexure Exposure Class Concrete elastic modulus Modular Ratio Reinforcing Ratio k c (at service)
EX= Ec = N= = k= c service =
= 33( c 123)1.5 (f'c ) E = s Ec A Non-commercial use. = s Bd = ([N] 2 + 2N) - N kd Non-commercial use. H - c service = d - c service
1.108729471 1.2 6.0625 36,000 20,000 37,100 36,000 1.25 in psi psi psi psi kd Non-commercial use. H - c service = d - c service = max( M u / M s , Non-commercial 1) use. B - 2CC - 2Dia stirrup - Dia bb = n bb - 1 Non-commercial use. 9.2.6
= if(EX = "severe" , 17000 , 20000) Non-commercial use. if[EX = "severe" , 260 , 320] = 1000 [s bb 2 + 4{2 + 0.5Dia bb }2]
Durability Factor Check capacity of section Factored Positive Design Moment Max Allowable Moment Check capacity
Sd =
ffy f smax
SdMu= fMn=
lbfin lbfin
= ( f M n >S d M u )
Check Allowable Stresses Service Internal Moment Arm Total Tension force in steel Service stress in steel jd = T= fs = 31.04719805 32,209 17,894 fs<fsmax - OK Service stress in concrete fc = 592 fc<0.45f'c - OK Serviceability Check Cracking Moment Service Moment M cr = 2,061,923 lbfin
in lbf psi
=d =
c service 3
Ms jd
T 0.5Bc service
f rI g yt
3 = BH 12
Ig = yt =
69,984 18 530
in in psi
Concrete Modulus of Rupture Check Shear Effective depth Design Slab Strip Width Design Shear As on tension face under controlling load Reinforcing Ratio Design Moment Shear strength of concrete
fr =
d= B= Vu = As = = Mu = Vc = Vc = Vc < v = 0.5Vc= Vu =
33.0625 18 6,000 2 0.003024575 1,200,000 79,955 79,955 147,286 0.75 29,983 6,000 TRUE OK
in in lbf in
As dB = (1.9 [f'c ] + 2500 [ V d / { M 12000}]) dB u u Non-commercial use. = 3.5 (f'c )Bd
Shear Resistance Factor Allowable shear Maximum factored shear Check shear capacity
lbf lbf
vV c 2
= (0.5Vc >V u )
Calculate Durability Factor for Shear Factored Shear Service Shear c (at service) s
lbf lbf in 9.2.6
s = f svmax =
vf y s f svmax
Durability Factor Calculate Shear Stirrup Contribution Stirrup Size Stirrup Area per leg Legs per Stirrup Stirrup Spacing Shear Steel Area Stirrup Capacity Total Section Shear Capacity Required Shear Capacity CHECK
S dv =
vf y s f svmax
a leg n leg sv A sv
= = = =
Vs = vVn= Vu =
= n leg a leg f A d = y sv sv
Vs S dv
Vc +
11.1.1 11.1.1
= ( v V n >V u )