Mtss Math Unit Plan Template-1

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Circle the Tier Level: Tier 1 Tier 2: Pull Out or Push In Tier 3: Pull Out

Time: 25 minutes 4x/week

Core Standard: Standard 3.OA.9 Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition
table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations.
Standard 3.NBT.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and algorithms based
on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and

Mathematics Practice(s): Students will be able to compare word problem sentences.

IEP Goal(s): When given two-step word problems. B will use the correct operations to solve the
problem 4 out of 5 times with 85% accuracy.

Lesson 1: Comparison Number Families

Objectives: Students will be able to compare word problems and identify the correct operation.

Vocab: number family, word problems, less than, more than, comparison.

C: I will read simple word problems to the students. E.g. J is 20 less than M. I will explain/show
how to break down a word problem with using a number family line e.g.
I will explain how to identify the first number that goes on the number family line (20). I will
then explain to them how to identify the big number using the vocab words in the sentence
(less than, M is the big number). I will read through more sentences and have the students tell
me the first number on the number family, and identify the big number. I will have them
explain their answers.

R: I will provide students with a lined piece of paper. I will read them more simple word
problem sentences and have them right down the first number, and the big number.

A: I will give the students another worksheet with blank number family lines on them. The
students will fill out the number family lines with the information from the lined paper. I will
have the students fill out a Frayer Model using the vocabulary words less than and more than.

Lesson 2: Filling out number families

Core Standard: Writing Standard 1:
Standard 3.OA.9
Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain
them using properties of operations.
Standard 3.NBT.2
Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
IEP Goal:
Actual: When given two-step word problems. B will use the correct operations to solve the problem
4 out of 5 times with 85% accuracy.
Revised: When given two-step word problems. B will use the correct operations to solve the problem
4 out of 5 times with 85% accuracy.

Instructional Objective:
Students will be able to compare word problem sentences by filling out a number family chart.

Lesson Agenda: (minimally include the following points)

 Model
T: “You’re going to work problems that have two letters.
The problems tell the number for one of the letters.
I’ll read the problem: R is 50 more than S. S is 68.
Where going to find out what the first small number is.
The first sentence tells you how to make the number family.
Listen: R is 50 more than S. The first small number is 50.
The big number is either R or S.
Listen: R is 50 more than S. R would be the big number.”
 Guided practice
T: “Now we have a family with two letters and a number.
The second sentence tells a number for one of the letters.
Listen: S is 68. What is S?”
S: “68”
T: “So, cross out S and write 68.”
 Group practice
T: “Now the problem has only one letter, R. So we can figure out what that letter is.
Say the problem for figuring out R.
S: “50+68”
T: “Let’s figure out what 50+68 is”
S: Works out problem
T: “What’s 50+68?”
S: “118”
T: “What doe R equal?”
S: “118”
 Independent practice
T: “Now you guys are going to work out some problems.
Remember, the first sentence tells how to make the family.
The second sentence tells a number for one of the letters.
You write that number in the family, and you have a number family with only one letter.
These are like the problem we just worked. I’ll read the problems. You’ll work them out.”
S: Works out problems.
 Error Correction procedures
S: Writes the letter/number in the wrong spot on the number family.
T: “Let’s remember the first sentence tells how to make the family,
the second sentence tells a number for one of the letter. Let’s reread this first sentence.”
 Activity
The students will use pair/share with a peer to fill out their number families. They will take turns
Teaching their partner how to correctly fill out the number family.

Daily Evaluation: (Assessment; pre & during)

I will listen to each pair/share and check if they are explaining how to write the number family to their peer
Progress Monitoring: (Assessment; post)
Keep practicing family numbers. Assess with actual word problems and allow them to use family numbers.

Lesson 3: Comparison word problems and solving for (x)

Objectives: Students will compare word problems and accurately fill out a number family line,
they will then solve for the missing number.

Vocab: Number family, less than, more than, equal, add, subtract.

C: Use a number family line to show students how to accurately fill out a number family line.
Have students identify the first number that goes on the line and the big number.

R: Use a number family worksheet and have students fill out the worksheet accurately making
sure they have the small and big number correct on the number family. I will read word
problems and have them fill out the number family line and solve the problem. E.g. T is less
than B. B is 79. What is T?

A: With a peer have students come up with their own words problems and have their peer
solve them.

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