Part F: National Standard For Commercial Vessels

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National Standard


Commercial Vessels



Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

Edition 1.3

Draft for comment of Edition 1 was issued on 1 July 2001.

Edition 1 was endorsed by the Australian Transport Council in July 2002,
and first published in August 2002.

This compilation was prepared by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority

on 29 June 2018 taking into account:
- correction Amendment 1, that commenced in October 2010;
- Amendment No.1, 2016 that was approved by the National Marine
Safety Regulator on 7 June 2016 to commence on 10 June 2016;
- Amendment No.1, 2018 that was approved by the National Marine
Safety Regulator on 15 June 2018 to commence on 1 July 2018.

© Australian Maritime Safety Authority

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without
written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Australian Maritime
Safety Authority.
Published by Australian Maritime Safety Authority, GPO Box 2181
Canberra, ACT 2601. All inquiries to be addressed to the General
Manager, Domestic Vessels, Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
ISBN 0 642 73617 0

Edition 1.3 Page 2 June 2018

National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

This Section of the National Standard for Commercial Vessels was
prepared as part of the review of the Uniform Shipping Laws Code. It is
additional to the content in the Uniform Shipping Laws Code, standards for
vessels travelling at speed not being addressed within that document.
In drafting this Section, consideration was given to a number of factors
a) Technological developments that have occurred in the performance of
vessels engaged in domestic operations in Australia.
b) The development of the IMO Code of Safety for High Speed Craft
applicable to vessels engaged in international operations.
c) The integration of aspects of the HSC Code into the high speed and
light craft rules of most Classification Societies.
d) The adoption of the HSC Code by Commonwealth legislation for
domestic vessels engaged in interstate operations.
e) The fact that some State &Territory jurisdictions already require
compliance with parts of the HSC Code by administrative means to
certain domestic vessels engaged in intrastate operations.
This Subsection of the NSCV is intended to be read in conjunction with Part
B—General Requirements of the NSCV.
The NMSC Secretariat drafted this Subsection with the assistance of a
reference group comprising representatives from industry, State and
Territory marine Authorities, and the Australian Marine Safety Authority
(AMSA). A workshop on Fast Craft was hosted by the NMSC in May 2000
with the purpose of reviewing safety issues to be addressed by the
A draft of this Subsection, along with a Regulatory Impact Statement, was
released for public comment on 1 July 2001. A reference group met in
September 2001 to review and assess the public comment and to provide
recommendations on the document to the NMSC. The NMSC accepted the
recommendations of the reference group on 14 November 2001 and the
draft Subsection and RIS were revised accordingly.
The office of Regulation Review provided an assessment of the final RIS in
March 2002. NMSC approved this version of the Subsection in February
2002, with the Australian Transport Council (ATC) endorsing the document
for publication in July 2002.
This standard was first published in August 2002 on CD, and again in April
2005 on CD. There were no amendments between the first and second

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

Edition 1 was later subject to a correction amendment. Amendment 1 to

Clause 3.6.1 was endorsed by NMSC on 5 October 2010 and published in
October 2010.
Since 2010, Edition 1 has been subject to two consequential amendments
(Amendment 1 of 2016 and Amendment 1 of 2018) which aligned
references and requirements in the standard to other standards and Marine

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY .................................................................................. 7
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Application ......................................................................................... 7
1.3 Objective ........................................................................................... 7
1.4 Definitions.......................................................................................... 7
1.5 Abbreviations ..................................................................................... 7
1.6 International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code) ......... 7
CHAPTER 2 REQUIRED OUTCOMES .................................................................. 8
2.1 General ............................................................................................. 8
Required outcomes..................................................................................... 8
2.2 General requirements—HSC Code Chapter 1 ................................... 8
2.3 Buoyancy, stability and subdivison—HSC Code Chapter 2 ............... 8
2.4 Structures—HSC Code Chapter 3 ..................................................... 9
2.5 Accommodation and escape measures—HSC Code Chapter 4 ........ 9
2.6 Directional control systems—HSC Code Chapter 5 ......................... 10
2.7 Anchoring, towing and berthing—HSC Code Chapter 6................... 11
2.8 Fire safety—HSC Code Chapter 7 ................................................... 11
2.9 Life-saving appliances and arrangements—HSC Code Chapter 8 ... 12
2.10 Machinery—HSC Code Chapter 9 ................................................... 13
2.11 Auxiliary systems—HSC Code Chapter 10 ...................................... 13
2.12 Remote control, alarm and safety systems—HSC Code Chapter 11 14
2.13 Electrical installations—HSC Code Chapter 12................................ 14
2.14 Navigational equipment—HSC Code Chapter 13 ............................ 15
2.15 Radiocommunications—HSC Code Chapter 14............................... 15
2.16 Operating compartment layout—HSC Code Chapter 15 .................. 16
2.17 Stabilisation systems—HSC Code Chapter 16 ................................ 17
2.18 Handling, controllability and performance—HSC Code Chapter 17 . 17
2.19 Operational requirements—HSC Code Chapter 18 ......................... 17
2.20 Inspection and maintenance requirements—HSC Code Chapter 19 17
CHAPTER 3 DEEMED-TO-SATISFY SOLUTIONS .............................................. 18

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

3.1 Compliance with HSC Code ............................................................ 18

3.2 General requirements—HSC Code Chapter 1 ................................. 18
3.3 Buoyancy, stability and subdivision—HSC Code Chapter 2 ............. 20
3.4 Structures—HSC Code Chapter 3 ................................................... 20
3.5 Accommodation and escape measures—HSC Code Chapter 4 ...... 20
3.6 Anchoring, towing and berthing—HSC Code Chapter 6................... 21
3.7 Life-saving appliances and arrangements—HSC Code Chapter 8 ... 21
3.8 Radiocommunications—HSC Code Chapter 14............................... 22
3.9 Operational requirements—HSC Code Chapter 18 ......................... 22

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

This Subsection of the NSCV specifies requirements for the design,
construction and operation of seagoing Class 1 & 2 fast craft of equivalent
length (Le) 35 m and more engaged in domestic operations in Australia
(Category F1 Fast Craft).
It shall be read in conjunction with Part F Subsection 1A (General
Requirements for Fast Craft), and Part B—General Requirements of the

This Subsection applies to Category F1 Fast Craft.

The objective of this Subsection is to specify standards for the design and
construction of larger seagoing fast craft engaged in domestic operations
that are consistent with the requirements applied to equivalent craft
engaged on international voyages under the IMO High Speed Craft Code.
NOTE: The risks associated with the operation of large seagoing fast craft within
Australia are similar to those for fast craft operating under the HSC Code in an
international context. The differences are mainly a matter of jurisdiction rather than
practical operation and environment. Accordingly the standards applicable to
Category F1 Fast Craft closely mirror the standards contained within the HSC Code.

For the purposes of this Subsection of the National Standard for
Commercial Vessels—
a) the definitions given in Part B of the NSCV, Part F Section 1A of the
NSCV, and Clause 1.4 of the HSC Code as modified in Chapter 3 of
this Subsection shall apply; and
b) where there is any duplication in the terms defined, the definition in
Part F Section 1 Subsection 1A shall apply, followed by Part B.

failure mode and effect analysis


For the purposes of this Subsection of the NSCV, compliance with the HSC
Code is considered to provide a standard of safety for a Category F1 Fast
Craft equivalent to that of the NSCV Parts B to E for a conventional vessel.

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels


A Category F1 Fast Craft must meet the required outcomes specified in
Clauses 2.2 to 2.20.
NOTE: The chapters of the HSC Code referred to in the headings in this Chapter are
used to relate groups of required outcomes in this Chapter to the relevant chapters of
the HSC Code.



2.2.1 Verification and maintenance of safety standards
A craft must be subject to independent initial and periodic inspections of
sufficient frequency to ensure the required outcomes of the safety solutions
are achieved and maintained over time.

2.2.2 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018

2.2.3 Essential infrastructure to be established and maintained
Essential infrastructure such as: places of refuge; communications; weather
forecasts; maintenance facilities; and rescue facilities must be adequate for
the intended operation and must be maintained as such.


2.3.1 Buoyancy
A craft must have buoyancy characteristics adequate for safety where the
craft is operated in the non-displacement mode or the displacement mode,
or when it is stationary or damaged.
NOTE: Buoyancy in the damaged condition is usually provided by subdividing the
internal spaces of the vessel by watertight bulkheads.

2.3.2 Integrity of enclosed spaces

Openings in the boundaries of buoyant spaces and spaces that contain
essential systems that will fail to function if wet or flooded must be arranged
to prevent the entry of water within the space in normal and abnormal
conditions of operation.
NOTE: Closing appliances are normally fitted to exposed openings to prevent the entry
of water.

2.3.3 Intact stability

A craft must have stability characteristics adequate for safety when the craft
is operated in the non-displacement mode or the displacement mode,
during the transient mode and when it is stationary.
NOTE: Stability includes the characteristics of longitudinal stability as well as
transverse stability.

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

2.3.4 Stabilisation systems

Stabilisation systems, if fitted, must be arranged not to endanger the safety
of persons during normal and abnormal conditions of operation or in the
event of malfunction.

2.3.5 Stability in the event of damage

A damaged craft must have stability characteristics adequate for safety
where the craft is in the displacement mode.

2.3.6 Stability in the event of system malfunction

Stability characteristics in the non-displacement and transient modes must
be adequate to transfer the craft safely to the displacement mode in case of
any system malfunction.


2.4.1 Strength, deformation and watertight integrity
The structure of a craft must be capable of withstanding the static and
dynamic loads, including predicted fatigue loads, which act on the craft
under all operating conditions in which the craft is permitted to operate,
without such loading resulting in loss of watertightness, structural failure or
excessive deformation that could interfere with the safe operation of the


2.5.1 Protection of persons—wind and sea
Passenger and crew accommodation must be designed and arranged so
as to protect the occupants from unfavourable environmental conditions
and to minimise the risk of injury to occupants during normal and abnormal
conditions of operation.

2.5.2 Means of internal communication

Arrangements must be provided to ensure that crew can communicate to
effectively carry out their duties, and persons on the craft can be quickly
informed of potential dangers and can be directed to safety in an

2.5.3 Protection of persons from excessive accelerations

The accommodation layout; accommodation linings; furniture; baggage
stowage area; and fixing arrangements for cargo and other large masses
on a craft must be designed to protect the health and safety of persons
from the risks of the accelerations or decelerations associated with the
operation of the craft in normal and abnormal conditions of operation.
NOTE: The HSC Code assumes that abnormal conditions include collision at
operational speed with a vertical rock that extends 2 m above the waterline.

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

2.5.4 Protection of essential systems from accelerations

Fittings and systems essential to the safe operation of the craft must be
protected from loads or impacts arising from the movement of cargo,
stores, luggage or other masses within a compartment.

2.5.5 Access between crew spaces and passenger spaces

Easy, safe and quick access must be provided from the operating
compartment and crew accommodation to the passenger accommodation.

2.5.6 Escape
The craft must have a sufficient number of exits from all enclosed spaces
that normally could be occupied, suitable to facilitate the quick and
unimpeded escape of persons wearing approved lifejackets in emergency
conditions, such as collision or fire.

2.5.7 Evacuation
The craft must be designed so that all persons on board can quickly and
safely evacuate the craft into survival craft under all emergency conditions,
by day or by night.
NOTE: The HSC Code requires that a craft be safely evacuated under controlled
conditions in a time of one third of the least structural fire protection time applied to
areas of major fire hazard after subtracting a period of 7 minutes for initial detection
and extinguishing action.

2.5.8 Noise levels

Noise within occupied spaces arising from machinery, propulsion systems
or other sources must not exceed levels that would affect the health and
safety of persons. In particular, noise levels must not interfere with
essential communication within and outside the craft.


2.6.1 Control of heading and direction of travel

The means of directional control must be of suitable design and adequate
strength to enable the craft’s heading and direction of travel to be
effectively controlled and manoeuvred in all conditions for which the craft is
intended to be operated.

2.6.2 Reliability of directional control systems

The probability of total failure of all directional control systems must be very
remote when the craft is operating normally; i.e. excluding emergency
situations such as grounding, collision or a major fire.
NOTE: HSC Code Clause 5.2.5 states that a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
should include the directional control system.

2.6.3 Human / system interface for directional control systems

The means of directional control must be capable of being used in all
foreseeable conditions and speeds, and without undue physical effort. The
operator of directional control systems must be located so as to allow that

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

person to readily observe potential navigational hazards, the craft’s heading

and the direction of travel.
NOTE: Information on these matters are essential to enable the operator to make
appropriate and prompt decisions needed to protect the health and safety of persons.


2.7.1 Anchoring and berthing
Anchoring and berthing arrangements must be capable of reliably tethering
or securing a craft in all reasonably foreseeable weather conditions for the
intended area of operation.

2.7.2 Towing of the vessel

Arrangements must be provided to enable the craft to be towed to safety in
the worst intended conditions of operation in the event of it being disabled.

2.7.3 Protection of persons—anchoring, towing and berthing

All arrangements for anchoring, towing and berthing must minimise the
risks to persons engaged in these operations and to other persons on the

2.7.4 Design and strength of attachments

All anchoring equipment, towing bitts, mooring bollards, fairleads, cleats,
and eyebolts must be constructed and attached to the hull so as to perform
their function reliably and without breaching the watertight integrity of the
craft or endangering personnel.


2.8.1 Fire properties of materials of construction and fitout
The materials of construction; linings; furniture and furnishings of a craft;
arrangement of the craft and the type of fuel used must be chosen so as to
reduce to acceptable levels the risk of fire and the risk of injury or death to
persons through heat, smoke or toxic gases.

2.8.2 Alternative safe areas for assembly and evacuation

Category F1 fast craft for which rescue assistance is not readily available
(Category B craft within the HSC Code) must provide occupants with an
alternative safe area or compartment for assembly and evacuation in the
event of a fire within the passenger accommodation.

2.8.3 Early detection and extinction

Arrangements must be provided for the early detection, containment and
extinction of any fire in its space of origin.

2.8.4 Containment of fire

Arrangements must be provided to prevent the spread of fire out of spaces
of high or moderate fire risk or into spaces essential for the safety of

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

persons on board the craft (the latter including spaces which provide the
means of escape or evacuation or access for fire-fighting).

2.8.5 Protection of essential systems

The main functions and safety systems of the craft, including propulsion
and control, fire detection, alarms, and extinguishing capacity of all spaces
outside the affected space must be maintained after a fire has occurred in
any one compartment on board.

2.8.6 Fire information

Fire control information must be provided for the purposes of planning and
instruction, and also for locating, using, and maintaining the measures for
fire control on the craft.


2.9.1 Rapid evacuation
Life-saving appliances and arrangements must enable abandonment of the
craft into survival craft within a specified evacuation time and under all
emergency conditions, by day or by night.

2.9.2 Reliability of evacuation systems

Life-saving appliances and arrangements must perform reliably and within
specifications designed to control risk to within acceptable levels.
NOTE: Redundancy is used to allow for the failure of a proportion of the life-saving
appliances through malfunction, damage or loss.

2.9.3 Protection of personnel during evacuation

The evacuation process must not subject evacuees to risks to health and
safety that are unacceptable.

2.9.4 Means to facilitate rapid rescue

Life-saving appliances must be provided with communication and other
equipment to facilitate rapid location and rescue in the event of their use.
Means must be provided to permit the marshalling of survival craft.
Means must be provided to permit the rapid rescue of persons who may
have fallen overboard from the craft.

2.9.5 Means to sustain and prolong life of evacuees

Survival equipment must be arranged and equipped to protect and sustain
the health and safety of evacuees, especially if rescue is delayed.
Life-saving equipment must be provided to protect the health and safety of
persons who may be in the water, either through misadventure or in the
event that dry-shod evacuation is impossible or impractical (e.g. in the
event of a person falling overboard, a sudden capsize, etc.).

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

2.9.6 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018

2.9.7 Medical evacuation
Where the distance to the closest port exceeds two hours, arrangements
must be provided to facilitate the medical evacuation by helicopter of
individuals on board the craft, without unduly endangering the health and
safety of any person engaged in the evacuation, or any other person on
board the craft.


2.10.1 Reliability of essential machinery
Machinery systems, the continued operation of which are essential to the
safety of the craft, must maintain an appropriate level of reliability against
failure or malfunction in normal and emergency situations.
1. Redundancy and arrangements for monitoring are methods that go towards
satisfying this required outcome.
2. HSC Code Clause 9.1.10 states that a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
should include machinery systems and their associated controls.

2.10.2 Protection of persons—machinery systems

Machinery systems must be installed and protected so as to reduce danger
to persons on board. Particular care must be taken to protect against the
risks associated with moving parts, high pressures, loss of watertight
integrity, electrocution, the accumulation of explosive or toxic mixtures, and
hot surfaces.

2.10.3 Ability to return to port

Category F1 fast craft for which rescue assistance is not readily available
(Category B craft within the HSC Code) must be capable of maintaining the
essential machinery and control so that, in the event of a fire or other
damage in any one compartment on board, the craft can return to a port of
refuge under its own power.


2.11.1 Function of fluid systems
Fluid systems must be constructed and arranged so as to ensure a safe
and adequate flow of fluid at a prescribed flow rate and pressure under all
conditions of craft operation.

2.11.2 Protection of persons—fluid systems

Auxiliary systems including fittings must be designed, constructed and
installed to protect the health and safety of persons on the craft. Particular
care must be taken to protect against the risks associated with leakage,
high pressures, the accumulation of explosive or toxic mixture, and hot

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

2.11.3 Containment of fluid

The probability of failure or leakage in any one fluid system causing
damage to the electrical system, a fire, or an explosion hazard must be
very remote.

2.11.4 Watertight integrity

Auxiliary systems must be designed and constructed to ensure that the
watertight integrity of the hull and watertight decks and bulkheads is

2.11.5 Draining of internal spaces

Arrangements must be provided to drain those compartments on the craft
where failure to do so could give rise to unacceptable risks for the safety of
the craft and those on board. The arrangements for draining compartments
must be operable in normal and abnormal conditions of operation.


2.12.1 Monitoring of essential systems
Sufficient instruments and alarms must be provided to enable the operating
crew to monitor the status of systems essential to the safety of craft.

2.12.2 Human / system interface for remote control, alarm and safety
Controls, instruments and alarms essential for navigation or for responding
to an emergency must be provided and placed so as to permit the
operating crew to correctly perform the duties for which they are
responsible without difficulty, fatigue, excessive concentration, or undue

2.12.3 Control in the event of a malfunction

Controls and alarms essential for navigation or for responding to an
emergency must be arranged so that, in the event of the failure or
malfunction of an automatic or remote system, control can still be effected
manually or by alternative means.


2.13.1 Continuity of electrical power for essential services
Electrical power essential for the safety of the craft and persons on board
must be maintained in normal and, for a finite period, emergency
conditions. The probability of the craft and persons on board being at risk
through failure of the electrical installation must be very remote.

2.13.2 Monitoring of electrical systems

Electrical systems that are essential to the safety of the craft must be
provided with means for ensuring continuity of supply in both normal and
abnormal conditions of operation.

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

NOTE: Redundancy of systems, indicators, and alarms are methods frequently used
to provide an appropriate level of reliability against failure or malfunction.

2.13.3 Protection of personnel—electrical systems

The electrical system must be installed and protected so as to reduce to a
minimum any danger to persons on board. Particular care must be taken to
protect against the risks associated with electric shock, fire, and the
accumulation of explosive or toxic mixtures.

2.13.4 Illumination
Illumination must be provided throughout those parts of the craft normally
accessible to and used by passengers or crew. Emergency illumination
must be provided at all locations essential for escape and evacuation,
control stations, machinery spaces, and other spaces containing essential
machinery or safety equipment.


2.14.1 Scope of navigational equipment
Sufficient navigational equipment must be provided to enable the operating
crew at their normal operating position to establish and monitor the craft’s
position, heading, speed, course and the presence and location of
navigational hazards.

2.14.2 Human / system interface—navigational equipment

The operating crew must be capable of safely navigating the craft in normal
and abnormal conditions of operation without difficulty, fatigue, excessive
concentration, or undue time delay.
The user controls for all the navigational equipment must be designed to
enable the operators in their normal operating position to adjust the
performance of the navigational equipment without reducing their ability to
control the vessel.

2.14.3 Accuracy and reliability of navigational equipment

The accuracy of navigation equipment must be sufficient to facilitate
navigation in the intended area of operation. The reliability of navigation
equipment must be such as to reduce risks associated with its failure,
malfunction or improper operation to within acceptable levels.


2.15.1 Scope of communications equipment
Means must be provided to permit and maintain radio communications
between the craft and other vessels, safety information services and rescue
services in both normal and abnormal conditions of operation.

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

2.15.2 Reliability of radio communications equipment

The reliability of radio communications equipment must be such as to
reduce risks associated with its failure, malfunction or improper operation to
within acceptable levels.

2.15.3 Human / system interface—communications equipment

The user controls for all the radio communications equipment must be
designed to enable the operators in their normal operating position to adjust
the performance of the radio communications equipment without reducing
their ability to control the vessel.

2.15.4 Risk of electromagnetic interference

Radio communications equipment must be installed in such a way as to
avoid harmful electromagnetic interference arising from, or being given to,
other equipment


2.16.1 Human / system interface—operating compartment

The design and layout of the compartment from which the crew operate the
craft must be such as to permit all operating crew members to perform their
duties without unreasonable difficulty, fatigue, concentration, or time delay.

2.16.2 Visual and other information to carry out navigational and safety
The operating station/s must be arranged and equipped to provide the
relevant visual and other information needed to enable the officer in charge
and any assisting officer to carry out navigational and safety functions
effectively and without undue delay.

2.16.3 Monitoring of risks

The operating station/s must be arranged and equipped to permit the
operating crew to effectively monitor the status of all risks associated with
the craft that are within their control and that may have a significant impact
on the safety of the craft, persons on board the craft and persons not on
board the craft who may be adversely affected by the passage of the craft.

2.16.4 Protection of persons—operating compartment

The design and layout of the operating compartment must be such as to
minimise the likelihood of injury to operating crew members in both normal
and abnormal conditions of operation.

2.16.5 Internal communications

Means must be provided to enable the crew to communicate between, and
have access to, each other and with other occupants of the craft in both
normal and emergency conditions.

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B


2.17.1 Reliability of stabilisation system
Any stabilisation system fitted must be designed so that, in the case of
failure or malfunctioning of any one of the stabilisation devices or
associated equipment, the safety of the craft is maintained.
NOTE: HSC Code Clause 16.2.6 states that the failure mode and effect analysis
(FMEA) should include the stabilisation system.



2.18.1 Verification of performance

The performance characteristics of the craft must be systematically
established, verified and documented to ensure that information essential
for the safe operation of the craft is available to those with responsibility for
its safety.

2.18.2 Verification of essential systems or components

The effect of a failure or malfunctioning of handling or control devices and
other essential main propulsion or auxiliary machinery systems or
components must be tested or otherwise assessed to verify that the vessel
can be operated safely over the intended range of operational conditions.
NOTE: This process validates the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).


2.19.1 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018
2.19.2 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018
2.19.3 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018
2.19.4 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018


2.20.1 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018
2.20.2 Delegation of responsibility for maintenance
The persons responsible for maintaining the safety systems on board the
craft must be identified.

2.20.3 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018

2.20.4 Deleted as part of Amendment 1, 2018

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels


The HSC Code shall serve as the “deemed-to-satisfy” solution for all
Category F1 Fast Craft, except where specifically modified within this
Chapter. When referring to the HSC Code, unless otherwise modified
below, clauses that contain the term “shall” shall be interpreted as meaning
“shall” for the purposes of a “deemed-to-satisfy” solution.


3.2.1 HSC Code Clause 1.1

Replace first sentence of Clause 1.1 with:
"This Code shall be applied as a complete set of comprehensive
requirements. It contains requirements for the design and construction
of Category F1 Australian Fast Craft engaged on domestic voyages,
the equipment which should be provided and the conditions for their
operation and maintenance."

3.2.2 HSC Code Clause 1.3.1

Replace Clause 1.3.1 with:
"This Code applies to Fast Craft Category F1 (craft engaged on
domestic voyages)."

3.2.3 HSC Code Clause

Replace Clause with:
“Cargo craft of 35 m measured length and more which do not proceed
in the course of their voyage more than 8 hours at operation speed
from a place of refuge when fully laden.”

3.2.4 HSC Code Clause 1.3.6

Delete Clause 1.3.6.

3.2.5 HSC Code Clause 1.4.1

Replace Clause 1.4.1 with:
"Administration has the same meaning as National Regulator in the

3.2.6 HSC Code Clause 1.4.7

Replace Clause 1.4.7 with:
“Base port State means the Authority of the jurisdiction in which the
base port is located.”

3.2.7 HSC Code Clause 1.4.29

Replace Clause 1.4.29 with:

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

“High-speed craft is a fast craft defined as Category F1 under Part F

Subsection 1A: General Requirements of this National Standard.”

3.2.8 HSC Code Clause 1.4.45

Replace Clause 1.4.45 with:
"Organization means the Australian Transport Council (ATC)."

3.2.9 HSC Code Clause 1.4.62

Add new definition:
“Government, Flag State or State has the same meaning as National
Regulator in the NSCV.”

3.2.10 HSC Code Clause 1.4.63

Add new definition:
“Port State is the Authority in which a port of call is situated in a
jurisdiction other than that of the jurisdiction which issued the
certificate of survey.”

3.2.11 HSC Code Clause 1.8.2

Replace first 2 lines of Clause 1.8.2 with:
"Another Authority may, at the request of the issuing Authority, cause
a craft to be surveyed and if satisfied that the requirements of the
Code are complied with…”

3.2.12 HSC Code Clause 1.10

Delete Clause 1.10.

3.2.13 HSC Code Clauses 1.11.1 and 1.11.2

Replace Clause 1.11.1 and 1.11.2 with:
“Safety solutions that differ from the deemed-to-satisfy solutions
contained within the HSC Code may be used provided equivalent
safety is maintained; i.e. the vessel meets the required outcomes
specified in NSCV Chapter 2 of Part F Subsection 1B to at least the
same extent as required by the deemed-to-satisfy solution.

3.2.14 HSC Code Clause 1.13.2

Replace Clause 1.13.2 with:
“A design may be produced which cannot comply with the provisions
of this [HSC] Code, nor can it comply with the requirements for
equivalent solutions based on the required outcomes specified in
Chapter 2. In such a case the craft shall comply with the provisions of
this Code to the extent that they are applicable and shall additionally
comply with the provisions of Part F Section 3: Novel Craft of the

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels


3.3.1 HSC Code Clause 2.2.1
Add the following to the end of Clause 2.2.1:
“Reserve buoyancy represented by the volume of the hull above the
waterline up to the bulkhead deck at the maximum operational
displacement shall not be less than the following:
a) Class A: 250 per cent
b) Class B: 200 per cent
c) Class C: 150 per cent”


3.4.1 HSC Code Clause 3.6

Insert new Clause and note after Clause 3.6 as follows:
3.7 Category F1 Fast Craft must be designed and constructed in
accordance with the relevant rules of a recognised organisation.
These craft must be maintained in class with a recognised
NOTE This clause does not preclude the National Regulator from
accepting a craft not in class as an equivalent solution if the National
Regulator is satisfied that it can achieve and maintain the safety
system envisaged in the recognised organisation’s rules.


3.5.1 HSC Code Clause 4.9
Insert new Clause and note as follows:
4.9.5 Craft which carry motor vehicles or other cargo shall be
provided with a Cargo Securing Manual complying with SOLAS
Regulation VI/5. The Cargo Securing Manual shall be kept on board
the craft.
NOTE: The accelerations to be resisted may include collision
accelerations under Clause 4.3.4 of the HSC Code where the
resultant shift of cargo could pose an unacceptable risk to the health
and safety of persons or could adversely affect the operation of
emergency or other essential systems on the vessel.

3.5.2 HSC Code Clause 4.10.1

Replace Clause 4.10.1 with:
“The noise level in public spaces and crew accommodation shall be
kept as low as possible to enable the public address system to be
heard. The average noise level measured at various locations within a

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National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B

space shall not exceed 75 dB(A). The maximum noise level within a
space shall not exceed 78 dB(A).”


3.6.1 HSC Code Clause 6.2.1
Insert new Clause as follows:
‘6.2.1A Anchoring arrangements shall either comply with—
a) the anchoring requirements contained in Part C Subsection
A1 7D; or
b) the relevant rules of a Classification Society applicable to
the intended operation of the craft and any limitations
placed on the operation of the craft.”

3.6.2 HSC Code Clause 6.3.3

Insert new Clause as follows:
“6.3.4 For the purposes of designing the towing arrangements, the
design towing force shall be determined as follows:
FT = 640 PT
FT = design towing force in newtons (N)
PT = power required to tow the craft at 10 knots in kilowatts (kW)”


3.7.1 HSC Code Clause 8.3.5
Add the following to the end of Clause 8.3.5:
“In lieu of lifejackets complying with regulation III/32, Category F1
craft in Class C service may be provided with lifejackets having
characteristics, lights and whistles for a conventional Class C vessel
in accordance with Part C Subsection 7A (Safety Equipment) of the
NSCV. The number of lifejackets shall be as per the HSC Code
Clause 8.3.5, except that the requirement for lifejackets for children
may be omitted provided the lifejackets are of a multifit type suitable
for the use of adults or children.”

3.7.2 HSC Code Clause 8.1.2

Add the following to the end of Clause 8.1.2:
“As an alternative to the above, Category F1 craft in Class B or C
service may be provided with liferafts of a type complying with the
requirements for conventional vessels of Class B or C service
respectively contained in Part C Subsection 7A (Safety Equipment) of

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Part F Section 1 Subsection 1B National Standard for Commercial Vessels

the NSCV. The capacity of liferafts shall be as per the requirements of

the HSC Code.”

3.7.3 HSC Code Clause 8.10.2

Add the following sentence to the end of Clause 8.10.2:
“The use of open reversible inflatable liferafts shall be considered on
a case-by-case basis in accordance with the requirements for an
equivalent solution. Where adopted, open reversible inflatable
liferafts shall be considered a local equivalent solution.”

3.7.4 HSC Code Clause 8.11

Replace Clause 8.11.1 with:
“Craft operating on voyages having a duration of 2 hours or more
between each port of call shall be provided with arrangements for
helicopter pick-up as follows:
a) Category B craft shall have a helicopter pick-up area
complying with a relevant national or international
b) Category A craft shall incorporate in the craft operating
manual appropriate procedures for helicopter pick-up from
a rescue boat or liferaft.”
NOTE: A relevant standard for helicopter pick-up areas is the
AMSA publication Ship-Helicopter Transfers—Australian code
of safe practice."


3.8.1 HSC Code Chapter 14

Delete entire Chapter 14 and replace with:
“Class F1 Fast Craft shall comply with the requirements of Part C,
Subsection 7B (Communication Equipment) of the National Standard
for Commercial Vessels.”


3.9.1 HSC Code Clause 18.3.7
Replace Clause 18.3.7 with:
“The National Regulator under which the craft is to operate shall be
satisfied with the training, experience and qualifications of the master
and each crew member. Designated crew members shall hold a valid
certificate of competency under the NSCV or Marine Orders in
addition to a valid type rating certificate appropriately endorsed.”

Edition 1.3 Page 22 June 2018

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