Part C: National Standard For Commercial Vessels
Part C: National Standard For Commercial Vessels
Part C: National Standard For Commercial Vessels
Commercial Vessels
Subsection 6A
National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part C, Section 6, Subsection 6A
Edition 1.3
Draft for comment of Edition 1 was issued on 10 October 2006.
Edition 1 was endorsed by the Australian Transport Council on 29 February
2008, and first published in April 2008.
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© Australian Maritime Safety Authority, National Standard for Commercial
Vessels, Part C – Design and construction, Section 6 - Stability,
Subsection 6A – Intact Stability Requirements
More information
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This Subsection of the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV)
was developed following a review of the Uniform Shipping Laws (USL)
Code Section 8: Stability, Subsection 8A: Preliminary, Subsection B:
Simplified Presentation of Stability and Sub-Section C: Stability Criteria. In
reviewing the USL Code and preparing this Subsection, consideration was
given to a number of factors, including:
a) The National Marine Safety Strategy.
b) Current vessel designs and construction practices.
c) Relevant national and international standards.
d) Provisions no longer used.
e) Current survey practice, both formal and informal.
f) Discretionary requirements which rely on Authority approval.
g) Current technical standards format and style.
This Part of the National Standard for Commercial Vessels must be read in
conjunction with Part B—General Requirements, Part C—Design and
Construction Subsection 2A⎯Watertight and Weathertight Integrity—Load
Line Vessels, Subsection 6B—Buoyancy and Stability After Flooding and
Subsection 6C—Stability Tests and Stability Information.
This Subsection of the NSCV was prepared by the NMSC Secretariat in
consultation with a working group comprising representatives from the
various State and Territory marine authorities. In addition specialist advice
was sought on a number of issues.
This draft Subsection was released for public comment on
10 October 2005, along with a draft Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS). A
reference group comprising industry and government reviewed the public
comment on Subsection 6A on 13 and 14 March 2006 and 29 and 30 May
2006. Due to the extent of changes arising from their deliberations, the
reference group recommended that the revised draft be subject to a second
round of public comment. The second draft was released for public
comment on 10 October 2006. The reference group met on 20 and 21
March 2007, with recommendations forwarded to NMSC.
NMSC approved this Subsection on 30 May 2007, with the Office of Best
Practice Regulation reporting that the final RIS was satisfactory on the
28 September 2007. The Australian Transport Council (ATC) endorsed the
document for publication on 29 February 2008.
Edition 1 was later subject to a correction amendment. Amendment 1 to
Clauses 1.7, 5.5.3,, 8.6, H4.2, J5, J6 and Tables 6 and 11 was
endorsed by NMSC on 5 October 2010 and published in October 2010.
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................3
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY....................................................................................9
1.1 Scope ..................................................................................................9
1.2 Application...........................................................................................9
1.3 Objectives of NSCV Part C Section 6 ................................................9
1.4 Objectives of Subsections 6A and 6C ................................................9
1.5 Use of NSCV Part C Subsection C6A of the national Standard ......10
1.6 Referenced documents.....................................................................12
1.7 Definitions .........................................................................................12
1.8 Basic concepts and symbols ............................................................19
2.1 Scope ................................................................................................22
Required outcomes ......................................................................................22
2.2 conditions of loading to be safe ........................................................22
2.3 Vessel to be capable of withstanding the effect of heeling
moments ...........................................................................................22
2.4 Stability of a vessel to be established and verified ..........................22
2.5 Stability analysis to be appropriate...................................................22
2.6 Stability analysis to be sufficiently accurate .....................................23
Deemed-to-satisfy solutions .........................................................................23
2.7 Compliance .......................................................................................23
Equivalent solutions ......................................................................................23
2.8 Assessment methods .......................................................................23
3.1 Scope ................................................................................................24
3.2 Application.........................................................................................24
3.3 Types of stability criteria ...................................................................24
3.4 Multipurpose vessels ........................................................................24
3.5 Deemed-to-satisfy criteria .................................................................24
3.5.1 Maximum displacement and longitudinal stability criteria ..24
3.5.2 Transverse stability.............................................................24
3.6 Multihull vessels with three or more hulls.........................................26
3.7 Anti-rolling devices ............................................................................29
F2 Application.........................................................................................98
F3 Heeling moment calculation .............................................................98
F4 Loading condition calculation ...........................................................99
NET SNAGGING ............................................................................100
G1 Scope ..............................................................................................100
G2 Application.......................................................................................100
G3 Snagged net load, its lever and VCG .............................................100
G4 Depth and scope of trawl ................................................................100
G5 Loading condition calculation .........................................................100
G6 Heeling moment calculation ...........................................................100
(WEATHER CRITERIA)..................................................................103
H1 Scope ..............................................................................................103
H2 Severe wind and rolling scenario ...................................................103
H3 Criteria.............................................................................................104
H4 Methods of calculation ....................................................................104
J1 Scope ..............................................................................................107
J2 Plotting the righting lever (GFZ) curve ............................................107
J3 Assumed wind heeling lever ...........................................................107
J4 Heeling lever to deck edge immersion ...........................................108
J5 Dynamic balance to downflooding..................................................108
J6 Dynamic balance to capsize on vessels that have a range of
stability of 90 degrees or more .......................................................109
J7 Dynamic balance to capsize on vessels that have a range of
stability of less than 90 degrees .....................................................110
GUSTING WINDS...........................................................................111
K1 Scope ..............................................................................................111
K2 Method ............................................................................................111
K3 Downflooding angle ........................................................................112
Section 6 specifies the requirements for stability of vessels. This
Subsection specifies the minimum required intact stability criteria for
This Subsection shall be read in conjunction with Part B—General
Requirements, Part C Section 2A⎯Watertight and Weathertight Integrity,
Subsection 6B—Buoyancy and Stability After Flooding, and
Subsection 6C—Stability Tests and Stability Information.
1. The provisions of this Subsection are minimum required standards and should not
be considered adequate for every circumstance.
2. Provisions relevant to the operational measures required to maintain stability are
contained in Marine Order 504 (Certificates of operation and operation
requirements — national law) 2018.
This Subsection applies to all vessels other than Special Vessels provided
for in NSCV Part F of this standard, unless NSCV Part F specifies
Guidance for the application of this Subsection is provided in Clause 1.5.
NOTE: Criteria contained in this Subsection are applicable to specified Fast Craft and
Hire and Drive vessels, but see Part F Sections 1 and 2 for specific limitations and/or
additional requirements.
1. The stability characteristics of a vessel are largely the function of three factors:
• the geometric characteristics of the hull, superstructures, deckhouses and
points of downflooding;
• the mass of the vessel and the vertical, transverse and longitudinal
distribution of that mass; and
• the magnitude and nature of overturning influences such as those listed
under hazards below.
2. Hazards that may lead to excessive heel or capsizing of an intact vessel include:
overloading, excessive mass high in the vessel, premature loss of waterplane
area, unsymmetrical loading of persons, steady or gusting wind loads, rolling in a
seaway, the effects of a rapid change in course, loads arising when lifting or
releasing masses, trawling or towing, free surface of liquids in tanks and other
spaces, shifting of cargo, seawater on deck, premature immersion of ventilation
and other openings, or a combination of these effects.
3. Consequences that may arise from inadequate stability or capsize include:
catastrophic and sudden loss of the vessel through flooding, disabling of the
vessel, shifting of masses on the vessel (further increasing the tendency to
capsize), inability to activate or continue to operate emergency systems,
entrapment of persons, personal injury arising from excessive heel, drowning,
For the purposes of this Subsection —
a) the definitions provided in this Clause shall apply;
b) the following definitions provided in Part B—General Requirements of
the NSCV shall apply: accommodation spaces, crew, depth, fast craft,
fish, fishing vessel, hazard, hire and drive vessel, length, maximum
speed, measured length, non-passenger vessel, operational area,
owner, passenger, passenger vessel, risk, sheltered waters,
superstructure, vessel;
c) vessel use categories (Class 1, Class 2, etc), operational area
categories (Operational Area A, Operational Area B, etc) and service
categories (Class 1A, Class 2A, etc) shall have the meanings specified
in Part B—General Requirements of the NSCV; and
d) where there is any duplication in the terms defined between this
Clause and Part B, the definitions in this clause shall apply.
amidships —
a point located at the mid length of the vessel’s length on the design
waterline (LDWL)
a vessel having a flush weathertight deck intended to carry cargo that may
be dry or liquid either internally within holds or tanks, or on deck.
1. A barge is often flat bottomed of rectangular shape and shallow depth.
2. Some vessels commonly referred to as barges such as hopper vessels, open
barges, landing barges (landing craft) and barges without a weathertight deck are
not included within this definition for the purposes of this Subsection.
the line parallel to the designed load waterline passing through the datum
for the aft draft marks. In the case of vessels not required to have draft
marks, the baseline is a line parallel to the designed load waterline which
coincides with the lowest point of the vessel’s hull.
bare poles—
the condition of a vessel that is capable of setting sail when no sails are
collared vessel—
A1 a vessel with a hull provided with one or more buoyant collars around the
periphery of the vessel such that—
a) the buoyant volume of the collars constitute greater than one-fifth of
the total intact buoyant volume of the vessel, and
b) inclusion of the buoyancy of the collars is essential for the vessel to
meet the applicable intact or damaged stability criteria.
1. The collar may be inflatable, foam filled or of rigid construction.
2. Collared rigid boats include RIBs (rigid inflatable boats).
cockpit vessel—
a vessel having an exposed recess—
a) not within the forward 10 per cent of the waterline length (LWL) of the
vessel from the stem, and
b) extending not more than 50 per cent of the waterline length (LWL) of the
vessel (see Figure 2a)).
the difference measured in units of mass between the displacement of the
vessel in a particular condition of loading and the displacement of the
vessel in the lightship condition.
NOTE: The deadmass corresponds to the total mass of consumables, stores, cargo,
passenger and effects, crew and effects, and any liquids on board except machinery
and piping fluids.
decked vessel—
a vessel that is enclosed by a continuous weathertight deck and which is
neither a cockpit vessel nor a well deck vessel.
depth at amidships (DDWL)—
the moulded depth of the vessel measured at the middle of the length on
design waterline (LDWL) measured from the underside of the deck material at
side to the rabbet line or, on vessels with a plate keel, to the top of the plate.
NOTE: In practical terms the location of amidships being the middle of the length on
design waterline (LDWL) may be very close to the middle of the measured length and
thus the depth (D) maybe very similar to the depth at amidships (DDWL).
design waterline—
the waterline corresponding to the maximum operational displacement of
the vessel with no lift or propulsion machinery active.
displacement ()—
the mass of water that the vessel displaces when afloat, in tonnes.
downflooding angle (f) —
the smallest angle of heel at which downflooding will occur, if all
weathertight closing appliances are properly secured (see Figure 3 and
Figure 6).
NOTE: The downflooding angle is often calculated assuming the centre of transverse
flotation remains at the centre line of the vessel. This approximation tends to become
less accurate at larger angles of heel. It is normally conservative on vessels that have
considerable reserve buoyancy, but can overstate the downflooding angle on vessels
that have minimal reserve buoyancy.
freeing port—
a direct opening through a bulwark provided
for rapidly and completely draining
overboard large quantities of seawater that
may have accumulated on a weather deck.
NOTE: See also definition of scupper.
free surface—
the exposed top surface of a quantity of
liquid contained within a slack tank, bilge or
other space that permits a degree of free
movement of the liquid as the vessel heels
or trims, see Figure 4.
free surface effect—
is the transverse and upward shift of the
centre of gravity of the tank contents of a
slack tank as a vessel heels, see Figure 4.
For the purposes of this Subsection, free
surface shall be accounted for whenever a
slack tank is less than 98 per cent of the full
free surface correction—
the effective upward shift of the centre of
gravity of a vessel that results from free
surface within tanks that are neither full nor
empty. Figure 4 — Free surface effect
hopper vessel—
a vessel that has one or more holds intended for the carriage of dredgings.
The hold has either hopper doors or the vessel is of split and hinged design
that allows the dredgings to be discharged through the bottom of the hold.
NOTE: Hopper vessels include hopper dredges and hopper barges.
landing craft—
a vessel designed for beaching to enable the loading and discharge of
cargo or persons by foot or vehicle directly from or onto the shoreline
without the use of wharfs or other shore side facilities.
immersed profile—
the profile of the vessel below a waterline when viewed from the transverse
direction. The area and centroid of the immersed profile is calculated
including rudder, shafting and shaft brackets; but excluding propellers and
ignoring any deduction from transverse side thruster tunnels.
length on waterline (LDWL) —
the length of the vessel measured along the waterline taken at the
extremities of the design waterline line, in metres.
NOTE: The design waterline is normally determined before a vessel is completed,
reflecting the anticipated deepest draft waterline.
lightship condition—
a vessel complete in all respects, but without consumables, stores, spares,
cargo, passengers and effects, crew and effects, and without any liquids on
board except machinery and piping fluids, such as lubricants and
hydraulics, maintained at operating levels.
lightship displacement—
the displacement of the vessel in the lightship condition, in tonnes.
offshore supply vessel—
a vessel primarily engaged in the transport of stores, materials and
equipment to offshore installations.
open vessel—
a vessel that is not arranged to prevent the accumulation of larqe quantities
of water on deck or in buoyant spaces if swamped. Such vessels—
a) are not provided with a deck that is effectively weathertight;
b) have a freeboard deck line that is in whole or part located below the
deepest waterline; or
c) have weather decks forming wells above the deepest waterline that
are not arranged for rapid drainage of large quantities of accumulated
plain sail—
on a fore and aft rigged vessel includes all working sails on a vessel such
as jibs, genoas, staysails and mainsails, but excludes light weather sails
such as spinnakers and gaff topsails.
rabbet line—
the intersection of the outboard surface of the shell with the side of the keel,
see definition of depth in Part B for illustrations.
righting lever curve (GFZ curve)—
a curve of the righting lever or GFZ values plotted against the angle of heel
of the vessel corresponding to a particular loading condition.
ro-ro vessel—
a vessel having ro-ro spaces with decks that are loaded and unloaded in a
horizontal direction and which are arranged for the stowage of wheeled
vehicles or for the loading and unloading of goods by wheeled vehicles. Ro-
ro spaces extend either a substantial length or the entire length of the
vessel and are not normally subdivided.
a drainage hole through a deck or bulwark provided for the drainage of rain
and/or other relatively small quantities of water.
NOTE: See also the definition of freeing port.
slack tank—
a tank that is neither completely empty nor full. For the purposes of this
standard, a partially-full tank that is less than 98% full is considered to be
a slack tank.
NOTE: The free surface of slack tanks is included in loading conditions undertaken to
verify compliance with stability criteria.
superstructure deck—
a deck forming the top of a superstructure.
waterplane (of the vessel)—
a horizontal plane through the hull of a vessel defined by the intersection of
the shell and the water surface at a particular draft.
a boundary that complies with the requirements for a watertight boundary in
Part C Section 2.
weather deck—
a deck which is completely exposed to the weather from above and from at
least two vertical boundaries to the space.
a boundary that complies with the requirements for a weathertight boundary
in Part C Section 2.
NOTE: A watertight boundary also meets the requirements of a weathertight boundary.
windage area—
the maximum profile area above the waterline including the projected
profile area of all bulwarks, deck fittings, masts, spars, deck cargo, safety
equipment, seating, cranes, other fixtures mounted on the vessel, awnings
and screens.
For the purpose of this National Standard, the intact stability of a vessel
shall be deemed to satisfy the Required Outcomes in Clauses 2.2 to 2.6 to
the extent specified by this Subsection if it complies with the relevant
provisions of Chapter 3 to Chapter 8.
1. Chapter 3 to Chapter 8 refer to the contents of Subsection 6C —Stability Tests
and Stability Information.
This chapter applies to all vessel types specified in this Subsection.
subject to the relevant Operational Area, and any prerequisites and/or limits
of application specified for the particular set of criteria.
Broad Clause
Description Criteria designation
designation number
Table 1 (Continued)
Broad Clause
Description Criteria designation
designation number
Yellow (or light grey) shaded cells denote comprehensive stability criteria
Blue (or dark grey) shaded cells denote simplified stability criteria
Transfer Comprehensive Not applicable Not applicable crane barges crane barges Ch.6J Clause 6.8.1
at sea Comprehensive Not applicable Not applicable Bucket dredgers Bucket dredgers Ch.6K Clause 6.9.1
‘Comprehensive’ means that the criteria require the derivation and analysis of a GFZ curve.
‘Simplified’ means that the criteria can be verified by simplified methods that do not require the derivation and analysis of a GFZ curve.
Allowable maximum
Heel angle of static heel for
conseq- heeling moment(s)
level Single s Combined c (A) Conditions of application
degrees degrees
1. 5 5 No specified conditions of application – applicable to
High any vessel that is unsuited to the application of large
values of heel.
2. 10 15 s or c (if combined lever criteria are applied) may
Moderate exceed 5 degrees where—
1. if the vessel is fitted with a slewing crane that is
subject to the lifting criteria, the crane is capable
of safe operation at angles of heel up to at least
s; and
2. if the vessel is carrying unsecured deck cargo,
the deck cargo shall either—
i) comprise vehicles having rubber tyres; or
ii) have a maximum potential moment from
cargo shifting that does not exceed 20 per
cent of the greatest value of MP, MW or MT.
Table 4 (Continued)
Allowable maximum
Heel angle of static heel for
conseq- heeling moment(s)
level Single s Combined c (A) Conditions of application
degrees degrees
3. 14 18 s may exceed 10 degrees or c (if combined lever
Low criteria are applied) may exceed 15 degrees where—
1. all cargo including deck cargo is secured against
2. seating is provided for all persons;
3. furniture is fixed when in use and/or when
4. sufficient grab rails are provided in spaces that
normally contain persons; and
5. decks and deck surfaces are arranged to reduce
slipping hazards.
(A) Combined moments apply only where combined levers are specified in the criteria.
Item Standard
(1) The requirements for loading conditions to be presented
in stability information specified in Subsection 6C provides a
good starting point for fulfilling this requirement.
This Chapter applies to all vessels to the extent specified in the criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 4A criterion description
Vessels assigned a The maximum displacement in a loading condition for the
minimum geometric purposes of compliance with the intact stability criteria shall not
freeboard in Part C exceed the displacement corresponding to the minimum
Section 2 freeboard that might be assigned in Part C Section 2.
The maximum displacement in a loading condition for the
purposes of compliance with the intact stability criteria shall not
4A.2 All vessels
exceed the maximum displacement assumed for the purposes
of determining hull scantlings in Part C Section 3.
Vessels required to The maximum displacement in a loading condition for the
satisfy buoyancy, purposes of compliance with the intact stability criteria shall not
4A.3 subdivision or damaged exceed the maximum intact displacement required to meet
stability standards in buoyancy, subdivision and/or damaged stability standards in
A1 Part C Subsection 6B. Part C Subsection 6B.
Limits to application Chapter 4B criterion description
The minimum bow height arising from the combination of draft
Vessels assigned a
and trim in all normal conditions of operation shall not be less
4B.1 minimum bow height in
than any minimum value applicable to the vessel specified in
Part C Section 2
Part C Section 2.
A vessel shall have characteristics of freeboard, trim and heel
Vessels with a
4B.2a such that, during loading or unloading, the deck edge does not
weathertight deck
submerge at any point.
An open vessel shall have characteristics of freeboard, trim and
heel such that, during loading or unloading, the minimum
4B.2b open vessels
distance from the gunwale to the waterline shall be not less than
half the minimum operational freeboard.
A collared vessel shall have characteristics of freeboard, trim
and heel such that, during loading or unloading, the minimum
4B.2c collared vessels
distance from the upper surface of the collar to the waterline
shall be not less than half the minimum operational freeboard.
The minimum freeboard at the stern of an offshore supply
vessel in all normal conditions of operation shall be not less
FA = 0.005 LM
4B.3 offshore supply vessels
FA = minimum freeboard at the stern, in metres
LM = measured length of the vessel, in metres
This Chapter contains intact stability criteria that are applicable to all
vessels. The application of specific criteria contained within this Chapter
shall be in accordance with Table 8 and Clauses 5.4.1, 5.5.1, 5.6.1 and
1. The simplified alternative criteria contained in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 may
provide another simpler means of establishing compliance, but will be restricted in
application to a limited group of vessels.
2. For specific types of operations, Chapter 3 requires that the criteria of general
application be supplemented by additional criteria specified in Chapter 6.
NOTE: The designer would normally rely on the owner and/or operator to provide
the necessary information to ensure that the loading conditions analysed are
realistic and sufficiently comprehensive.
f) The magnitude of relevant heeling moments including person, wind,
turning and, where applicable, sail, lifting, tow-rope and/or snagged
Item Standard
(1) Refer to specific clauses within each particular set of criteria.
(2) Part C Subsection 6C specifies minimum requirements for
loading conditions to be presented in stability information.
5.4.1 Application
The comprehensive criteria in this Clause are applicable to all vessels,
subject to Clause 5.3 and any applicable alternative criteria specified in
Table 2.
NOTE: Vessels engaged in special operations are also required to apply the additional
criteria specified in Table 3.
5.4.2 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 10 over the range of
normal operating conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 5A
Limits to application Chapter 5A criterion description
All vessels within The angle of maximum righting lever max shall occur at an angle of
application, Clause 5.2 heel not less than 15 degrees.
Angle of maximum
The area under the righting lever curve up to an angle of 15
5A.2a righting lever max occurs
degrees shall not be less than 4.01 metre-degrees.
at 15 degrees
The area under the righting lever curve up to the angle of
maximum righting lever (θmax) shall not be less than the area
determined by use of the formula:
Angle of maximum A0-θmax = 3 . 1 5 + 0 . 0 5 7 ( 3 0 – θmax)
righting lever max occurs
5A.2b where
between 15 degrees and
30 degrees A0-θmax = the area under the righting lever curve up to the angle of
maximum righting lever (θmax), in m degrees
θmax = the angle of heel at which the righting lever curve reaches
its maximum, in degrees
Angle of maximum
The area under the righting lever curve up to an angle of 30
5A.2c righting lever max 30
degrees shall not be less than 3.15 metre-degrees.
degrees or more
The area under the righting lever curve up to an angle of 40
All vessels within
5A.3 degrees, or the angle of flooding θf if this is less than 40 degrees,
application, Clause 5.2
shall not be less than 5.16 metre-degrees.
The area under the righting lever curve between the angles of heel
All vessels within of 30 degrees and 40 degrees, or between 30 degrees and the
application, Clause 5.2 angle of flooding θf if this angle is less than 40 degrees, shall be
not less than 1.72 metre-degrees.
All vessels within The righting lever shall have a value not less than 0.2 metres at an
application, Clause 5.2 angle of heel equal to or greater than 30 degrees.
Class 1 (passenger The minimum metacentric height (GFMO) shall be not less than
vessels) 0.15 m.
Class 2 (non-passenger The minimum metacentric height (GFMO) shall be not less than
vessels) 0.20 m.
The minimum metacentric height (GFMO) shall be not less than
5A.6c Class 3 (fishing vessels)
0.35 m.
All vessels within
The angle of heel h shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4)
application, Clause 5.2
5A.7a when any of the individual heeling moments due to person
(except as modified by
crowding, wind or turn is applied.
All operational area A
Instead of the wind heeling criterion specified in Criterion 5A.8a,
vessels, and operational
5A.7b the vessel shall comply with the wind and wave criteria specified in
area B vessels 24 m or
Annex H.
more in length
Table 10 (Continued)
Limits to application Chapter 5A criterion description
The angle of heel h shall not exceed c degrees (see Table 4)
Vessels carrying 50 or when the combined effect of the two greatest heeling moments
more passengers resulting from person crowding, the effect of wind or the effect of
turn are applied simultaneously.
The area under the curve of righting levers and above the largest
Vessels having either of single heeling lever curve up to 40o (or the angle of flooding f if
the following: this angle is less than 40o), shall not be less than
The angle of maximum ARS = 1.03 + 0.2 A40 / f
righting lever max < 25
degrees (see criterion where
5A.1), or
5A.9 ARS = minimum residual area under the curve of righting levers
The maximum allowable above the single heeling lever curve up to 40o (or the
angle s > 10 degrees angle of flooding f if this angle is less than 40o), in metre-
and the angle of heel h degrees
from a single heeling
moment > 10 degrees A40/ f = total area under the curve of righting levers up to 40 o (or
(see criterion 5A.7a) the angle of flooding f if this angle is less than 40o , in
The area under the curve of righting levers and above the
combined heeling lever curve up to 40o (or the angle of flooding f
if this angle is less than 40o), shall not be less than
Vessels carrying 50 or ARC = 0.65 + 0.13 A40 / f
more passengers where
the maximum allowable where
angle c > 15 degrees
5A.10 ARC = minimum residual area under the curve of righting levers
and the angle of heel h
from a combined heeling above the combined heeling lever curve up to 40o (or the
moment > 15 degrees angle of flooding f if this angle is less than 40o), in metre-
(see criterion 5A.8) degrees
A40/ f = total area under the curve of righting levers up to 40 o (or
the angle of flooding f if this angle is less than 40o , in
5.5.1 Application
The comprehensive criteria in this Clause may be applied to a catamaran
vessel operating in operational areas B, C, D and E as an alternative to
the Chapter 5A criteria, subject to Clause 5.3.
NOTE: Vessels engaged in special operations are also required to apply the additional
criteria specified in Table 3.
5.5.2 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 11 over the range of
normal operating conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 5B
Limits to application Chapter 5B criterion description
The area (A1) under the righting lever (GFZ) curve up to an angle
shall be at least:
A1 = 3.15
All vessels within Clause
5B.1 A1 = the area under the righting lever (GFZ) curve, in metre-
A1 degrees (seeFigure 7A)
= the least angle, in degrees, of the following:
1) The downflooding angle θf in degrees.
2) The angle max at which maximum GFZ occurs in degrees.
3) 30 degrees.
All vessels within Clause The angle of maximum righting lever max shall occur at an angle of
5.5.1 heel not less than 10 degrees.
The angle of heel h shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4) when
All vessels within Clause
5B.3 any of the individual heeling moments due to person crowding, wind
or turn is applied, (see Figure 7a)).
Heel due to the crowding of persons on one side of the vessel or due
to turning, whichever is greater, shall be applied in combination with
All vessels within Clause
5B.4 the heeling lever due to wind HZ2 (see Clause 5.5.3) to obtain the
heeling lever HZTL. The resultant angle of heel h shall not be greater
than 16 degrees, (see Figure 7b)).
The effect of rolling in a seaway upon the vessel’s stability shall be
demonstrated mathematically. The residual area under the righting
All vessels within Clause
5B.5 lever (GFZ) curve (A2), between the angle of heel (h) and the angle of
A1 roll (r) shall be at least 1.61 metre-degrees (see Figure 7b) and
Figure 7c)). (see Note)
NOTE: In the absence of model test or other data, r shall be taken as 15 degrees or an angle of (f – h) degrees
whichever is less. (see Figure 7)
HZ2 = the heeling lever due to wind, including gusting, in metres
HZ1 = the heeling lever due to wind, in metres
= PW AW h
1000 g
PW = the wind pressure shall be taken as 500 Pa for
A1 operational areas B and C. For operational areas D
and E, the wind pressure may be reduced to
360 Pa and 300 Pa respectively
AW = the projected lateral area of that portion of the
vessel above the lightest service waterline in
square metres
A1 h = the vertical distance from the centre of area AW to a
point one half the lightest service draft in metres
g = the acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
= the displacement of the vessel in tonnes
5.6.1 Application
The comprehensive criteria in this Clause may be applied to a vessel
operating in operational areas D and E as an alternative to the Chapter
5A criteria, subject to Clause 5.3.
NOTE: Vessels engaged in special operations are also required to apply the additional
criteria specified in Table 3.
5.6.2 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 12 over the range of
normal operating conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 5C
Limits to application Chapter 5C criterion description
The angle of heel h shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4) when
5C.1 All vessels any of the individual heeling moments due to person crowding, wind
or turning is applied.
The angle of heel h shall not exceed c degrees (see Table 4)
Vessels carrying 50 or when the combined effect of the two greatest heeling moments
more passengers resulting from person crowding, the effect of wind or the effect of
turn are applied simultaneously.
The righting lever GFZ at the intersection of the righting lever curve
and the heeling lever curve due to the effects of person crowding,
5C.3 All vessels
wind heel or turning, shall not exceed 60 per cent of the maximum
righting lever GFZmax. (See Figure 8)
The area under the curve of righting levers and above the largest
Vessels having either of single heeling lever curve up to 40o (or the angle of flooding f if
the following: this angle is less than 40o), shall not be less than
The angle of maximum ARS = 1.03 + 0.2 A40 / f
righting lever max < 25
degrees, or where
5C.4 ARS = minimum residual area under the curve of righting levers
The maximum allowable
angle s > 10 degrees above the single heeling lever curve up to 40o (or the
and the angle of heel h angle of flooding f if this angle is less than 40o), in metre-
from a single heeling degrees
moment > 10 degrees A40/ f = total area under the curve of righting levers up to 40 o (or
(see criterion 5C.1) the angle of flooding f if this angle is less than 40o, in
The area under the righting lever curve above the heeling lever
arising from the combined effects of the largest two of wind heel,
person crowding or turning lever curve (ARC), taken up to the angle
Vessels carrying 50 or
5C.5 of flooding (f) or the second intercept with the righting lever curve
more passengers
(whichever is less), shall be not less than 25 per cent of the total
area (AT) under the righting lever curve up to the angle of flooding f
or the second intercept whichever is less (See Figure 9).
5.7.1 Application
The comprehensive criteria in this Clause may be applied to a barge as an
alternative to the Chapter 5A criteria, subject to Clause 5.3 and the
a) The barge is not self-propelled.
b) The barge is not for Class 1 operations.
c) The barge does not have overnight accommodation spaces for
NOTE: barges engaged in special operations are also required to apply the additional
criteria specified in Table 3.
5.7.2 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 13 over the range of
normal operating conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 5D
Limits to application Chapter 5D criterion description
The area beneath the GFZ curve measured between 0 degrees
Seagoing barges and the angle of maximum righting arm GFZmax, the
Operational areas A, B, C downflooding angle θf, or 40 degrees, whichever angle is
smallest shall not be less than 4.58 metre-degrees.
The area beneath the GFZ curve measured between 0 degrees
Sheltered water barges and the angle of maximum righting arm GFZmax, the
Operational areas D, E downflooding angle θf, or 40 degrees, whichever angle is
smallest shall not be less than 3.05 metre-degrees.
This Chapter applies to the vessels specified in Table 14.
6.3.1 Application
Clause 6.3 applies to monohull vessels that set sail where the sail area has
not been included as part of the windage area used for determining
windage moment in applying general criteria.
NOTE: As an alternative to the criteria specified in this Clause, a vessel that sets
relatively small steadying sails may be assessed using the stability criteria of general
application if the area of sail is included in the windage calculation. Application
The criteria in this Clause apply to monohull vessels that set sail. They
are additional to the criteria of general application in Chapter 4 and
Chapter 5 and are subject to Clauses 6.3.2 and 6.3.3.
1. Alternative comprehensive criteria for vessels of length less than 24 m are
specified in Clause 6.3.5.
2. Alternative simplified criteria for sheltered water vessels of length less than 15 m
are specified in Clause 8.3. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 15 over the range of
loading conditions during which sail may be set shall be deemed to satisfy
the Chapter 6A criteria.
Criterion Limits to
Chapter 6A criterion description
No application
The positive range of stability from upright to the angle of negative GFZ
Operational areas
6A.1a (exclusive of the effect of downflooding points) shall not be less than
A, B
90 degrees.
The positive range of stability from upright to the angle of negative GFZ
Operational areas
6A.1b (exclusive of the effect of downflooding points) shall not be less than
C, D, E
70 degrees.
With all plain sail set and subject to a steady beam wind corresponding
All vessels within to a pressure of 105 Pa (equivalent to 26 knots average) the vessel
application shall not heel beyond the angle for deck edge immersion θde (see
Figure 10).
With all plain sail set and subject to a gusting beam wind
corresponding to a pressure of 182 Pa (equivalent to 34 knots
Operational areas
6A.3a gusting), the vessel shall maintain sufficient residual area under the
A, B
righting lever (GFZ) curve to achieve dynamic balance when heeled to
the angle of downflooding θf or 60 degrees, whichever is the lesser.
With all plain sail set and subject to a gusting beam wind
corresponding to a pressure of 115 Pa (equivalent to 27 knots
Operational areas
6A.3b gusting), the vessel shall maintain sufficient residual area under the
C, D, E
righting lever (GFZ) curve to achieve dynamic balance when heeled to
the angle of downflooding θf or 60 degrees, whichever is the lesser.
With all plain sail set and subject to a gusting beam wind
corresponding to a pressure of 204 Pa (equivalent to 38 knots
Operational areas
6A.4a gusting), the vessel shall maintain sufficient residual area under the
A, B
righting lever (GFZ) curve to achieve dynamic balance when heeled to
the limit of positive stability or 90 degrees, whichever is the greater.
With all plain sail set and subject to a gusting beam wind
corresponding to a pressure of 130 Pa (equivalent to 29 knots
Operational areas
6A.4b gusting), the vessel shall maintain sufficient residual area under the
C, D, E
righting lever (GFZ) curve to achieve dynamic balance when heeled to
the limit of positive stability or 90 degrees, whichever is the greater. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 16 for all
combinations of sail over the range of loading conditions during which sail
may be set shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6B criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 6B criterion description
The righting lever (GFZ) curve for each condition of loading shall
6B.1 All vessels demonstrate that the vessel has a minimum positive range of
stability of at least 110 degrees.
The angle of heel θh obtained from the intersection of the mean
6B.2 All vessels wind heeling lever curve, with the righting lever (GFZ) curves for
each condition shall be greater than 15 degrees.
No opening regardless of size which may lead to progressive
downflooding shall be immersed at an angle of heel of less than
40 degrees.
6B.3 All vessels
NOTE: Air pipes serving tanks that normally contain consumables or
that are full during a particular condition of loading need not be
considered as openings that may lead to progressive downflooding.
VW = 6.25 PW
VW = the corresponding wind speed, in knots
PW = the wind pressure, in Pascals Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 17 for all amidships
without reefing and over the range of loading conditions during which sail
may be set shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6C criteria.
NOTE: The criteria specified within this Subsection do not address the risks of pitch-
poling that can arise with some catamaran sailing vessels1. Longitudinal stability is
likely to become a factor if:
LH = the overall length of each hull, in metres
BH = The distance between the centre lines of the two hulls,
in metres
Limits to application Chapter 6C criterion description
With all plain sail set and subject to a steady beam wind
corresponding to a pressure of 100 Pa (equivalent to 25 knots
All vessels within
6C.1 average), the value of GFZ at the point of intersection of the
application clause
wind heeling lever curve shall not exceed 25 per cent of the
maximum value of GFZ.
The maximum permissible steady wind speed specified for
combinations of sail other than all plain sail shall be such that
All vessels within
6C.2 the value of GFZ at the point of intersection of the wind heeling
application clause
lever curve shall not exceed 25 per cent of the maximum value
of GFZ.
1 Blythe, A.G. Stability Criteria for Multi-hull Sailing Vessels, RINA conference on
Small Craft Regulations, 2004.
6.5.1 Application
Clause 6.5 applies to vessels engaged in lifting.
Lifting cargo, catch or stores using a crane, derrick or sheerlegs
Lifting of anchors or moorings over stern rollers of an offshore supply
Lifting masses from the sea bottom on salvage vessels
Operations using a winch to recover a snagged net on trawlers
Lifting the cod end on trawlers, purse seiners and other fishing vessels
that utilise large nets
6.5.2 Exclusions
Unless specifically identified as a potential capsizing hazard, these criteria
need not be applied to activities—
a) involving the lifting of the vessel’s own structures or equipment, or
Ship’s anchors
Survival craft
Accommodation ladders
Equipment for man overboard recovery
Vehicle ramps
b) where the maximum heeling moment due to the lift is less than the
ML 0.67 GF M 0
ML = the maximum heeling moment due to the lift, in tonne-
Δ = The mass displacement of the vessel including the lift
load, in tonnes
GFM0 = Initial metacentric height including the effect of the lift
load, in metres
F = Freeboard to the deck edge amidships, in metres
B = Breadth of vessel, in metres Application
Subject to Clause 6.5.2 the criterion in this Clause applies to vessels that
lift masses. It is additional to the general criteria in Chapter 4 and Chapter
5 and subject to Clause 6.5.3.
1. Alternative comprehensive criteria are specified in Clause 6.5.5.
2. Alternative simplified criteria for sheltered water crane barges are specified in
Clause 8.5. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criterion listed in Table 18 over the range of
loading conditions during which the vessel is engaged in lifting shall be
deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6D criterion.
Limits to application Chapter 6D criterion description
The residual area AR beneath the righting lever curve and above
the heeling lever curve up to 40 degrees angle of heel (or up to
All vessels specified in
the angle of downflooding, f degrees, if this angle is less than
6D.1 Clause 6.5.1, excluding
40 degrees) shall not be less than 40 per cent of the total area
those in Clause 6.5.2
under the modified righting lever curve from 0 degrees to 40
degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
All vessels specified in
The angle of heel h shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4)
6D.2 Clause 6.5.1, excluding
when the load heeling lever is applied.
those in Clause 6.5.2 Application
Subject to Clause 6.5.2 the criterion in this Clause applies to vessels that
lift masses. They are additional to the general criteria specified in Chapter 4
but replace the general criteria in Chapter 5 for the loading conditions
during which the vessel is engaged in lifting and are also subject to Clause
1. An alternative comprehensive criterion is specified in Clause 6.5.4.
2. Alternative simplified criteria for sheltered water crane barges are specified in
Clause 8.5. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 19 over the range of
loading conditions during which the vessel is engaged in lifting shall be
deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6E criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 6E criterion description
All vessels specified in
6E.1 Clause 6.5.1, excluding The angle of downflooding f shall not be less than 40 degrees
those in Clause 6.5.2
The vessel shall have residual area AR measured beneath the
Seagoing vessels righting lever curve and above the load heeling lever curve to
Operational areas A, B, C the maximum residual ordinate (see Figure 11), or 40 degrees,
whichever is less, not less than 4.58 metre-degrees.
The vessel shall have residual area AR measured beneath the
Sheltered water vessels righting lever curve and above the load heeling lever curve to
Operational areas D, E the maximum residual ordinate (see Figure 11), or 40 degrees,
not less than 3.05 metre-degrees.
All vessels specified in
The angle of heel h shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4)
6E.3 Clause 6.5.1, excluding
when the load heeling lever is applied.
those in Clause 6.5.2
NOTE: Where the heeling lever reduces with increasing angle of heel, the maximum residual ordinate occurs at an
angle slightly larger than the angle of maximum GFZ. Application
The criteria in this Clause apply to vessels that employ counter ballasting
or counterweights when lifting masses. They are additional to the Chapter
6D or 6E criteria for vessels lifting masses. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the applicable criterion listed in Table 20 over
the range of loading conditions during which the vessel is engaged in lifting
shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6F criterion.
Limits to application Chapter 6F criterion description
The area above the righting lever (GFZ) without load curve and
below the counter ballast (or counterweight) moment curve up
to the angle of downflooding or the point at which positive
Seagoing vessels
6F.1a stability is lost (Area 2) shall be greater than the area below the
Operational areas A, B, C
righting lever curve with load released up to the steady angle of
heel before the load was released (Area 1) plus 2.12 metre-
degrees, see Figure 12.
Sheltered water vessels The area above the righting lever (GFZ) without load curve and
Operational areas D, E below the counter ballast (or counterweight) moment curve up
Limits to application Chapter 6F criterion description
to the angle of downflooding or the point at which positive
stability is lost (Area 2) shall be greater than the area below the
righting lever curve with load released up to the steady angle of
heel before the load was released (Area 1), see Figure 12.
6.6.1 Application
Clause 6.6 applies to vessels engaged in towing by means of a tow-rope
a) the vessel being towed is likely to exceed twice the displacement of
the towing vessel; or
b) the drag of the tow at a speed of 3 knots exceeds the bollard pull of the
It excludes pushing operations and operations where a vessel tows by
being lashed alongside.
NOTE: Many vessels arranged for towing by pushing or being lashed alongside will
also, on occasion, tow by means of a tow-rope.
offshore supply vessels
Rescue and patrol vessels
Aquaculture vessels that tow large fish cages Application
The criterion in this Clause applies to vessels engaged in towing. It is
additional to the general criteria in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 and subject to
Clause 6.6.2. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the applicable criterion listed in Table 21 over
the range of loading conditions during which the vessel is likely to engage
in towing shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6G criterion.
Limits to application Chapter 6G criterion description
Vessels with propeller(s) on a conventional fixed propeller shaft
Assuming a tow-rope angle of 0 degrees to the horizontal, the
residual area (AR) beneath the righting lever curve and above
the tow-rope heeling lever curve up to 40 degrees angle of heel
Seagoing vessels
6G.1a (or up to the angle of downflooding, f degrees, if this angle is
Operational areas A, B, C
less than 40 degrees) shall not be less than 1.03 metre-degrees
plus 20 per cent of the total area under the righting lever curve
from 0 degrees to 40 degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
Assuming a tow-rope angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal, the
residual area (AR) beneath the righting lever curve and above
the tow-rope heeling lever curve up to 40 degrees angle of heel
Sheltered water vessels
6G.1b (or up to the angle of downflooding, f degrees, if this angle is
Operational areas D, E
less than 40 degrees) shall not be less than 1.03 metre-degrees
plus 20 per cent of the total area under the righting lever curve
from 0 degrees to 40 degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
Vessels with azimuthing or cycloidal propeller(s)
Assuming a tow-rope angle of 0 degrees to the horizontal, the
residual area (AR) beneath the righting lever curve and above
the tow-rope heeling lever curve up to 40 degrees angle of heel
Seagoing vessels
6G.1c (or up to the angle of downflooding, f degrees, if this angle is
Operational areas A, B, C
less than 40 degrees) shall not be less than 40 per cent of the
total area under the righting lever curve from 0 degrees to 40
degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
Assuming a tow-rope angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal, the
residual area (AR) beneath the righting lever curve and above
the tow-rope heeling lever curve up to 40 degrees angle of heel
Sheltered water vessels
6G.1d (or up to the angle of downflooding, f degrees, if this angle is
Operational areas D, E
less than 40 degrees) shall not be less than 40 per cent of the
total area under the righting lever curve from 0 degrees to 40
degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
6.7.1 Application
Clause 6.7 applies to vessels engaged in towing trawl nets.
Prawn trawlers and other boom trawlers
Stern trawlers
Side trawlers
Research vessels Application
The criteria in this Clause apply to loading conditions where the vessel is
engaged in trawling. They are additional to the general criteria in Chapter
4 and Chapter 5 and are subject to Clause 6.7.2. Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 22 over the range of
loading conditions during which the vessel is likely to engage in trawling
shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter 6H criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 6H criterion description
Snagged net: The residual area AR beneath the righting lever
curve and above the heeling lever curve from a snagged net up to
All vessels within 40 degrees angle of heel (or up to the angle of downflooding, f
application degrees, if this angle is less than 40 degrees) shall not be less than
40 per cent of the total area under the modified righting lever curve
from 0 degrees to 40 degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
Attempted retrieval of a snagged net (stalled winch condition):
The residual area AR beneath the righting lever curve and above the
heeling lever curve from attempting to retrieve a snagged net up to
All vessels within
6H.2 40 degrees angle of heel (or up to the angle of downflooding, f
degrees, if this angle is less than 40 degrees) shall not be less than
40 per cent of the total area under the modified righting lever curve
from 0 degrees to 40 degrees (or from 0 degrees to f degrees).
6.8.1 Application
The criteria in Clause 6.8 apply to sheltered water crane barges while
engaged in transfer voyages at sea. They are additional to the relevant
Limits to application Chapter 6J criterion description
The ratio between the minimum capsizing moment MC and the
wind heeling moment MW when applied to the lateral profile area
shall not be less than 1.75, i.e.
M C0
MW 0
All vessels within where
application clause
MC0 = the minimum straight line (i.e.; constant as at
the value at 0° heel) capsizing moment, in
MW0 = the wind heeling moment at 0° heel
determined in accordance with Annex B, in
When subjected to the wind moment MW, the craft shall not heel
All vessels within to an angle where a vertical line through the centre of gravity
application clause would lie beyond the deck edge or to an angle of 15 degrees
whichever is the lesser, see Figure 13 and Note.
NOTE: To meet this criterion, it may be necessary that the crane structure be partially dismantled and lowered
and/or additional ballast be provided.
a) Determine the dynamic stability curve being the integral of the righting
lever curve GFZ (i.e. GFZd).
b) On the dynamic stability curve, draw a line AC tangential to the
dynamic stability curve.
c) Draw a vertical line BC at 57.3 degrees (one radian) from the origin
point A.
d) Calculate the minimum capsizing moment MC0 from the following
M C0 = BC
MC0 = the minimum capsizing moment at 0 degrees of heel, in
tonne- metres
= vessel displacement, in tonnes
BC = the vertical dimension measured from Figure 14, in metres
6.9.1 Application
The criteria in Clause 6.9 apply to sheltered water bucket dredgers while
engaged in transfer voyages at sea. They are additional to the relevant
criteria in Chapter 4 to Chapter 8 that apply when the vessel is engaged in
sheltered waters operations.
1. These criteria do not replace the applicable criteria for a bucket dredger that is
intended for operation at sea.
2. As an alternative to these criteria, the bucket dredger may comply with the
relevant seagoing criteria of general application.
Limits to application Chapter 6K criterion description
The freeboard shall be sufficient to prevent the freeboard deck
All vessels within
6K.1 edge becoming immersed at an angle of heel of less than 12.5
application clause
All vessels within The range of stability to the downflooding angle θf shall be at
application clause least 45 degrees.
All vessels within
6K.3 The maximum GFZ value shall be at least 0.61 metres.
application clause
All vessels within
6K.4 The metacentric height GFM0 shall be at least 1.22 metres.
application clause
NOTE: To meet this criterion, it may be necessary that the ladder on the bucket dredger be partially dismantled
and lowered and/or additional ballast be provided.
This Chapter applies to the vessels specified in Table 25, subject to the
applicable limits of application specified for the particular suite of simplified
7.3.1 Scope
Clause 7.3 provides an alternate means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard by specifying criteria that allow
the application of a practical inclining experiment, without the need to
7.3.2 Application
Clause 7.3 may be applied as an alternative to comprehensive criteria of
general application specified in Chapter 5 provided the vessel—
a) operates within operational areas C, D or E;
b) has a measured length less than—
i) 20 m in operational area C, or
ii) 35 m in operational areas D or E;
c) carries not more than 49 passengers;
d) has not more than one deck above the freeboard deck, exclusive of a
wheelhouse; and
e) is not engaged in special operations which are required to meet the
additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for which
no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8.
NOTE: There is no benefit to applying simplified intact criteria on vessels that require
comprehensive analysis to verify compliance with the damaged stability standards
specified in Subsection 6C.
Measured length All vessels within application Alternative for vessels that
Lm (m) except for specified vessels carry passengers not more
that carry passengers that are than 5 nm to sea where the
all divers passengers are all divers
Less than 6 m 150 150
150 + (Lm – 6) x 100
6 m to 10 m 150
More than 10 m 250 150
7.3.4 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 27 shall be deemed
to satisfy the Chapter 7A criteria.
Criterion Limits to
Chapter 7A criterion description
No application
The vessel at the relevant displacement shall have an initial metacentric
height GFMo, not less than the largest of the values calculated from the
following formulae:
GF M o = FS
tan R
GF M o = FS
tan R
GF M o = FS
tan R
All vessels within
7A.1 GFMo = the required net initial metacentric height, in metres
application clause
Fs = factor of safety determined in accordance with Clause
MP = the persons crowding moment in the upright condition
( = 0), in tonne-metres
MW = the wind heeling moment in the upright condition
( = 0), in tonne-metres
MT = turning moment in the upright position ( = 0), in tonne-metres
= the vessel displacement, determined in accordance with
Clause, in tonnes
R = an angle representing the maximum reliable angle of heel,
calculated from the geometry of the vessel in accordance with
Clause, in degrees Displacement
The displacement shall represent the vessel in the worst of the following
two conditions of loading for intact stability—
a) a near light condition, but with all persons on board and tanks 25 per
cent full (to provide free surface); and
b) a near laden condition, but with all tanks 75 per cent full (to provide
free surface).
Where the worst condition of loading is not evident, then compliance shall
be determined in both conditions.
NOTE: Either two simplified inclining tests are carried out or the result of a single test
is used to determine by calculation compliance of the second condition by working
through a loading condition and applying hydrostatic data.
7.4.1 Scope
Clause 7.4 provides a simplified means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard by specifying criteria that allow
the application of a stability proof test without the need to determine
lightship particulars, loading conditions, KN data and hydrostatic data.
NOTE: The procedure for undertaking a stability proof test is specified in Subsection
7.4.2 Application
Clause 7.4 may be applied as an alternative to comprehensive criteria of
general application specified in Chapter 5 provided the vessel—
a) operates within operational areas C, D or E;
b) has a measured length less than—
i) 20 m in operational area C, or
ii) 35 m in operational areas D or E;
c) carries not more than 49 passengers;
d) has not more than one deck above the freeboard deck, exclusive of a
wheelhouse; and
e) is not engaged in special operations which are required to meet the
additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for which
no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8.
NOTE: There is no benefit to applying simplified intact criteria on vessels that require
comprehensive analysis to verify compliance with the damaged stability standards
specified in Subsection 6C.
Measured length All vessels within application Alternative for vessels that carry
Lm (m) except for specified vessels that passengers not more than 5 nm
carry passengers that are all to sea where the passengers are
divers all divers
7.4.4 Testing Displacement
The vessel shall be tested when in the worst of the following two conditions
of loading for intact stability—
a) a near light condition, but with all persons on board and tanks 25 per
cent full (to provide free surface); and
b) a near laden condition, but with all tanks 75 per cent full (to provide
free surface).
Where the worst condition of loading is not evident, then compliance shall
be determined in both conditions.
NOTE: Either two simplified inclining tests are carried out or the result of a single test
is used to determine by calculation compliance of the second condition by working
through a loading condition and applying hydrostatic data.
7.4.5 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 30 shall be deemed
to satisfy the Chapter 7B criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 7B criterion description
The angle of heel shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4)
All vessels within
7B.1 when the most severe of the individual heeling moments due to
Application Clause
person crowding, wind or turning is applied.
The inclined freeboard(A) when the most severe of the individual
heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is
7B.2a flush decked vessel applied shall not be less than 50 per cent of the minimum
upright freeboard FD measured from the waterline to the deck,
(see Figure 17a)).
The inclined freeboard(A) when the most severe of the individual
heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is
well deck vessel
7B.2b applied shall not be less than 50 per cent of the minimum
Operational area C
upright freeboard FD measured from the waterline to the well
deck (see Figure 17b)).
On vessels with scuppers, or with freeing ports fitted with non-
return closures, as an alternative to criterion 7B.2.b, the inclined
well deck vessel freeboard(A) when the most severe of the individual heeling
7B.2c Operational areas D and moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is applied
E shall not be less than 75 per cent of the minimum upright
freeboard FG measured from the waterline to the top of the
gunwale, (see Figure 17c)).
The inclined freeboard(A) when the most severe of the individual
heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is
cockpit vessel applied shall not be less than the minimum upright freeboard
Operational area C measured from the waterline to the top of the gunwale FG less
the maximum allowable loss of freeboard δf. The value of δf shall
be calculated by the following formula (see Figure 17d)):
Table 30 (Continued)
Limits to application Chapter 7B criterion description
δf < FG (2L – 1.5C)
δf = the maximum allowable loss of freeboard, in
cockpit vessel metres
Operational area C FG = the freeboard, in metres, measured from the
waterline to the top of the gunwale when vessel
is upright
L = the measured length of vessel in metres
C = the length of cockpit in metres
The inclined freeboard(A) when the most severe of the
individual heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or
turning is applied shall not be less than the minimum upright
freeboard measured from the waterline to the top of the
gunwale FG less the maximum allowable loss of freeboard δf.
The value of δf shall be calculated by the following formula (see
Figure 17d)):
δf < FG (2L–C)
cockpit vessel 4L
7B.2e Operational areas D and
δf = the maximum allowable loss of freeboard, in
FG = the freeboard, in metres, measured from the
waterline to the top of the gunwale when vessel is
L = the measured length of vessel in metres
C = the length of cockpit in metres
The inclined freeboard(A) when the most severe of the
individual heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or
7B.2f open vessel turning is applied shall not be less than 75 per cent of the
upright freeboard FG measured from the waterline to the top of
the gunwale (see Figure 17e)).
The inclined freeboard(A) when any of the individual heeling
moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is applied
7B.3 All vessels shall not be less than 75 per cent of the upright freeboard FF
measured from the waterline to the point of downflooding (see
Figure 18).
(A) Methods for determining freeboard are provided in Subsection 6C, including adjustments for decked vessels
having a discontinuous sheer.
Parameter Magnitude
MP Annex A
MW Annex B
MT Clause
Fbd = the freeboard to the well or cockpit deck, in metres
Lm = the measured length of the collared vessel, in metres
b) The portion of a well deck within the forward half length of the vessel
shall, at all points, have positive freeboard.
c) The immersion (if any) of the lowest point of the well deck or cockpit
deck, excluding a drainage sump, shall not exceed 0.01 Lm.
1. For the purposes of establishing compliance with this Clause, drainage socks, if
fitted, may be tied closed.
2. Negative or low freeboards to the cockpit or well deck may not be conducive to
passenger or crew comfort.
3. Negative freeboard will require mechanical means to achieve the criteria for
drainage of water, seen NSCV Part C Section 2.
7.5.4 Testing
The conduct of the stability proof test shall be as per Clause 7.4.4.
7.5.5 Criteria
A collared vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 32 shall be
deemed to satisfy the Chapter 7C criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 7C criterion description
The angle of heel shall not exceed s degrees (see Table 4)
All vessels within
7C.1 when the most severe of the individual heeling moments due to
Application Clause
person crowding, wind or turning is applied.
The loss of freeboard δf when the most severe of the individual
collared vessel, well deck
heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is
7C.2a or cockpit vessel vessel
applied shall not be more than 25 per cent of the freeboard to
Operational area C
the top of the collar or transom
collared vessel, well deck, The loss of freeboard δf when the most severe of the individual
cockpit vessel or open heeling moments due to person crowding, wind or turning is
vessel vessel applied shall not be more than 50 per cent of the freeboard to
Operational area D or E the top of the collar or transom
7.6.1 Scope
Clause 7.6 provides a simplified means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard by adopting criteria specified in
AS 1799.1 that allow the application of a stability proof test without the
need to determine lightship particulars, loading conditions, KN data and
hydrostatic data.
7.6.2 Application
Clause 7.6 may be applied as an alternative to comprehensive criteria of
general application specified in Chapter 5 provided the vessel—
a) has a measured length less than 7.5 m;
b) operates within operational areas D or E;
c) carries not more than 12 persons;
d) is fitted with enclosed buoyancy in accordance with Subsection 6B;
e) does not have a deck above the freeboard deck or gunwale that is
accessible to persons; and
f) is not engaged in special operations which are required to meet the
additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for which
no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8.
NOTE: There is no benefit to applying simplified intact criteria on vessels that require
comprehensive analysis to verify compliance with the damaged stability criteria
specified in Subsection 6B. Assumptions
The Chapter 7D criteria shall be applied to a vessel that meets the following
a) The stability characteristics of the vessel over the normal range of
loading conditions do not alter significantly.
b) The waterplane of the vessel does not alter significantly in area or
moment of inertia as the vessel heels. A vessel shall be deemed to
satisfy this requirement if the loss of freeboard to deck or gunwale
remains within the maximum values specified during a stability proof
c) Downflooding of buoyant spaces does not occur at relatively small
angles of heel. A vessel shall be deemed to satisfy this requirement if
the loss of freeboard to downflooding of buoyant spaces remains
within the maximum values specified during a stability proof test.
NOTE: The Chapter 7D criteria is based on the assumption that the vessel has a
reserve of stability beyond the angle attained during the stability proof test. Testing
The conduct of the stability proof test shall comply with the following:
a) The vessel shall be loaded to its maximum capacity based on a
standard person mass of 80 kg plus an allowance of 10 kg per person
for ancillary equipment.
NOTE: The masses specified above differ from the 75 kg per person and allowance for
15 kg per person specified in AS 1799.1.
b) The vessel shall be tested in a loading condition representative of
normal trim and most unfavourable vertical centre of gravity (VCG)
likely to occur in normal service.
NOTE: The loading condition may include dive bottles and racks, fishing equipment,
stores, and tanks nearly full or nearly empty.
c) Non-return closures on freeing ports or scuppers shall be held in the
open position to allow entry of water on the cockpit or well deck.
d) The stability proof test shall be undertaken with masses distributed to
give a realistic simulation of the VCG when persons are on board.
7.6.4 Criteria
The vessel shall comply with the stability criteria applicable to boats up to
7.5 m operating in protected waters specified in AS 1799.1.
7.7.1 Scope
Clause 7.7 provides an alternative means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard by specifying criteria that allow
the application of a stability proof test without the need to determine
lightship particulars, loading conditions, KN data and hydrostatic data.
7.7.2 Application
Clause 7.7 may be applied as an alternative to comprehensive criteria of
general application specified in Chapter 5 provided the vessel is a
catamaran and—
a) has a measured length less than 20 m;
b) operates within operational areas D or E;
c) carries not more than 12 persons;
d) is fitted with internal buoyancy or subdivision in accordance with
Subsection 6B;
e) does not have more than one deck above the freeboard deck or
gunwale that is accessible to persons; and
f) is not engaged in special operations which are required to meet the
additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for which
no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8. Assumptions
Chapter 7E criteria shall be applied to a vessel that meets the following
a) There is no point of downflooding to spaces within the hulls.
b) The waterplane of the vessel does not alter significantly in area or
moment of inertia as the vessel heels. A vessel shall be deemed to
satisfy this requirement if the loss of freeboard to the top of the
buoyant portion of hull remains within the maximum values specified
during a stability proof test. Testing
The conduct of the stability proof test shall comply with the following:
a) The vessel shall be loaded to its maximum capacity based on a
standard person mass of 80 kg plus an allowance of 10 kg per person
for ancillary equipment.
NOTE: The masses specified above differ from the 75 kg per person and allowance for
15 kg per person specified in AS 1799.1.
b) The vessel shall be tested in a loading condition representative of
normal trim and most unfavourable vertical centre of gravity (VCG)
likely to occur in normal service.
NOTE: The loading condition may include dive bottles and racks, fishing equipment,
stores, and tanks nearly full or nearly empty.
c) Non-return closures on freeing ports or scuppers shall be held in the
open position to allow entry of water on the cockpit or well deck.
d) The stability proof test shall be undertaken with masses distributed to
give a realistic simulation of the VCG when persons are on board.
7.7.4 Criteria
The vessel shall comply with the stability criteria for multihull boats
specified in AS 1799.1.
7.8.1 Scope
Clause 7.8 provides a simplified means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard by adopting criteria that are
7.8.2 Application
Clause 7.8 may be applied as an alternative to comprehensive criteria of
general application specified in Chapter 5 provided the vessel—
a) is a dumb barge of measured length not exceeding 50 m;
b) operates within operational areas D or E;
c) has a block coefficient of 0.9 or more;
d) has ratio of vessel beam to vessel depth between 3 and 6;
e) carries not more than 12 persons;
f) is fitted with a weather deck that is watertight; and
g) is not engaged in special operations which are required to meet the
additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for which
no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8.
7.8.3 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 33 shall be deemed
to satisfy the Chapter 7F criteria.
Limits to application Chapter 7F criterion description
The ratio beam to depth
The ratio of draft to depth shall be equal
7F.1a is between 3.00 to less
to or less than 0.70
than 3.75
The ratio beam to depth
The ratio of draft to depth shall be equal
7F.1b is between 3.75 to less
to or less than 0.72
than 4.00
The ratio beam to depth
The ratio of draft to depth shall be equal
7F.1c is between 4.00 to less
to or less than 0.76
than 4.50
The ratio beam to depth The ratio of draft to depth shall be equal
is between 4.50 to 6.00 to or less than 0.80
The maximum height of deck cargo
All barges within
7F.2 height shall not be greater than the
depth of the barge amidships.
This Chapter applies to the vessels specified in Table 34, subject to the
applicable limits of application specified for the particular suite of simplified
stability criteria.
Monohulls as per
Ch. 8A 8.3
Vessels that Clause 8.3.2
D, E Less than 15 m
set sail Catamarans as per
Ch. 8B 8.4
Clause 8.4.2
8.3.1 Scope
Clause 8.3 provides a simplified means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard by specifying criteria that allow
the use of a stability proof test, without the need to determine K N data and
hydrostatic data.
8.3.2 Application
Clause 8.3 may be applied as an alternative to the sailing criteria in
Chapter 6 provided the vessel—
a) is a monohull sailing vessel;
b) has a measured length less than 15 m;
c) is not intended for the carriage of cargoes;
d) operates within operational areas D or E; and
e) is not engaged in special operations which are required to meet the
additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for which
no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8.
Clause 8.3 may be applied as an alternative to the criteria of general
application in Chapter 5 as well as the sailing criteria in Chapter 6 provided
the vessel carries not more than 12 persons.
8.3.4 Criteria
A vessel under all plain sail without reefing that complies with the
applicable criterion listed in Table 35 shall be deemed to satisfy the
Chapter 8A criterion.
Limits to application Chapter 8A criterion description
Vessels of operational
The vessel shall not heel to an angle greater than 25 degrees
area D within the
8A.1a when a wind heeling moment (MW) is applied to the vessel
application of Clause
under full sail with the wind pressure of 60 Pa.
Vessels of operational
The vessel shall not heel to an angle greater than 25 degrees
area E within the
8A.1b when a wind heeling moment (MW) is applied to the vessel
application of Clause
under full sail with the wind pressure of 50 Pa.
1. A pressure of 60 Pa equates to a wind speed of approximately 20 knots.
2. A pressure of 50 Pa equates to a wind speed of approximately 18 knots. Displacement
The displacement shall represent the vessel in the worst case condition of
loading for intact stability. For the purposes of this Clause, the vessel shall
be tested in a fully laden condition, but with all tanks 75 per cent full (to
provide free surface).
8.4.1 Scope
Clause 8.4 provides an alternative means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard for catamaran vessels that
carry sail by specifying criteria that dispense with the need for physical
testing, KN data and hydrostatic data.
8.4.2 Application
Clause 8.4 may be applied as an alternative to the sailing criteria in
Chapter 6 provided the vessel—
a) is a catamaran sailing vessel;
b) has a measured length less than 15 m;
c) is not intended for the carriage of cargoes;
d) operates within operational areas D or E; and
e) is not engaged in other special operations which are required to meet
the additional comprehensive criteria specified in Chapter 6, and for
which no simplified alternative is provided in Chapter 8.
Clause 8.4 may be applied as an alternative to the criteria of general
application in Chapter 5 as well as the sailing criteria in Chapter 6 provided
the vessel carries not more than 12 persons.
NOTE: There is no benefit to applying simplified intact criteria on vessels that require
comprehensive analysis to verify compliance with the damaged stability criteria
specified in Subsection 6C.
8.4.3 Criteria
A catamaran sailing vessel under all plain sail without reefing that complies
with the criterion listed in Table 37 shall be deemed to satisfy the Chapter
8B criterion.
Criterion Limits to
Chapter 8B criterion description
No application
The vessel’s stability shall comply with the following equation:
2940 BH
> 47.8 Pa
8.5.1 Scope
Clause 8.5 provides an alternative means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard applicable to vessels engaged
8.5.2 Application
Clause 8.5 may be applied as an alternative to the additional
comprehensive lifting criteria in Chapter 6 provided the vessel—
a) operates within operational areas D or E; and
b) has a measured length less than 50 m.
8.5.4 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 38 shall be deemed
to satisfy the Chapter 8C criterion.
Limits to application Chapter 8C criterion description
The angle of heel h resulting from the worst case combination
of loading condition and heeling moment due to lifting shall not
exceed the lesser of—
Vessels within the a) 5 degrees;
application clause
b) the angle corresponding to a loss of half the freeboard to
the deck; or
c) the angle of bilge emersion. Displacement
The displacement shall represent the vessel in the worst of the following
two conditions of loading for intact stability—
a) a near light condition, but with all persons on board and tanks 25 per
cent full (to provide free surface); and
b) a fully laden condition, but with tanks 75 per cent full (to provide free
Where the worst condition of loading is not evident, then compliance shall
be determined in both conditions.
8.6.1 Scope
Clause 8.6 provides an alternative means of verifying compliance with the
intact stability requirements of this Standard applicable to vessels engaged
in lifting by specifying criteria that permit testing by a stability proof test
without the need for K N data and hydrostatic data.
8.6.2 Application
Clause 8.6 may be applied as an alternative to the additional
comprehensive lifting criteria in Chapter 6 provided the vessel—
a) is a dumb barge carrying no more than 12 persons;
b) has a measured length less than 50 m;
c) has a ratio of beam to depth from 3.40 to 4.75;
d) has a ratio of length to beam from 3.20 to 4.50; and
e) has a ratio of deepest fully laden draft to depth of 0.60 to 0.85.
8.6.4 Criteria
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table 39 shall be deemed
to satisfy the Chapter 8D criterion.
Limits to application Chapter 8D criterion description
The angle of heel h resulting from the worst case combination
of loading condition and heeling moment due to lifting shall not
exceed the lesser of—
Operational areas
8D.1a a) 5 degrees;
A, B or C
b) the angle corresponding to a loss of 50 per cent of the
freeboard to the deck; or
c) the angle of bilge emersion.
The angle of heel h resulting from the worst case combination
of loading condition and heeling moment due to lifting shall not
exceed the lesser of—
Operational areas
8D.1b a) 5 degrees;
D or E
b) the angle corresponding to a loss of 100 per cent of the
freeboard to the deck; or
c) the angle of bilge emersion. Displacement
The displacement shall represent the vessel in the worst of the following
two conditions of loading for intact stability—
a) a near light condition, but with all persons on board and tanks 25 per
cent full (to provide free surface); and
b) a fully laden condition, but with tanks 75 per cent full (to provide free
Where the worst condition of loading is not evident, then compliance shall
be determined in both conditions. Vertical centre of gravity (VCG)
The distribution of mass on the vessel shall be simulated to give the
maximum height of the centre of gravity at the particular condition of
loading including the effect of lifting. The effect on the VCG of lifting may be
superimposed directly during the course of the stability proof test.
This Annex specifies the calculations for determining the heeling moment
and other effects that arise from person crowding for the purposes of
verifying compliance under the relevant stability criteria.
This Annex is normative and applies to all vessels for which a person
crowding moment is required. It is referenced in Clauses 5.3.2, 5.5.3, and
1. The mass of 80 kg in Table 40 represents a mean value for the Australian adult
population as of 2005 including an allowance of 5 kg for clothing and personal
2. The additional 15 kg for overnight persons is for luggage.
3. The additional 53 kg for divers includes the mass diving suit, flippers, mask, wet
suit, regulator and 2 filled gas bottles. Of the total additional mass, 36 kg is
included in the minimum assumed mass of the diver and the other 17 kg is the
minimum allowance for the second gas bottle as additional diving equipment.
4. Nothing in this Standard precludes adopting a larger assumed mass of persons
and their effects where heavier persons, additional baggage or additional diving
equipment are anticipated, provided that this represents a more onerous condition
of loading.
HZP = the heeling lever due to person crowding in metres
= displacement including the mass of persons and their
effects, in tonnes
This Annex specifies the calculations for determining the heeling moment
that arises from a beam wind acting on the windage profile of the vessel for
the purposes of verifying compliance under the relevant stability criteria.
This Annex is normative and applies to all vessels for which a wind heeling
moment is required, other than for the purposes of compliance with sailing
criteria. It is referenced in Clauses 5.3.2, 6.3.2, 6.4.2, and
Gusting wind Gusting wind
Operational Area average wind
pressure (Pa) speed (knots)
speed (knots)
A&B 600 61 44
C 450 53 38
D 360 47 34
E 300 43 31
MW = cos
1000 g
MW = the wind heeling moment at an angle of heel θ in tonne-
PW = the applicable wind pressure for the vessel’s area of
operation, in Pascals from Table 41
AW = the windage area of the vessel above the design waterline,
in square metres, see Clause B3.2
h = the vertical distance from the centre of area A to the centre
of the lateral underwater area, in metres, see Clause B3.2
g = the acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
= the transverse angle of heel of the vessel in degrees
The corresponding wind heeling lever when the vessel is inclined at an
angle of heel shall be calculated from the following formula:
HZW = = cos
1000 g
HZW = the heeling lever due to wind, in metres
= displacement of the vessel, in tonnes
This Annex specifies the calculations for determining the heeling moment
that arises from turning of the vessel for the purposes of verifying
compliance under the relevant stability criteria.
This Annex is normative and applies to all vessels for which a turning
moment is required. It is referenced in Clauses 5.3.2, 5.5.3, and
0.0053 V 2 h
MT = cos
MT = the heeling moment of a turning vessel at angle , in tonne-
V = the lesser value, in knots, of—
a) the maximum speed of the vessel, and
b) 4 LW L .
HZT = the heeling lever due to turning, in metres
This Annex specifies the calculations for determining the wind heeling
moment on a vessel under sail for the purposes of verifying compliance
under the sail criteria.
This Annex is normative. It is referenced in Clauses,,, and 8.4.3.
MW = the wind heeling moment at an angle of heel θ in tonne-
PS = the applicable wind pressure determined from the relevant
sailing criteria, in Pascals
AS = the lateral profile area of the vessel above the design
waterline, in square metres
hS = the vertical distance from the centre of area AS to the centre
of the projected lateral underwater area, in metres
g = the acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
= the transverse angle of heel of the vessel, in degrees
NOTE: Annex D is inaccurate for sailing catamarans operating at large angles of heel
because it makes no allowance for the added windage area of the bridging deck as the
windward hull emerges.
This Annex is normative and applies to operations involving lifting. It is
referenced in Clauses,, and 8.5.
Lifting cargo, catch or other heavy masses using a crane, derrick or
Lifting the cod end on trawlers, purse seiners and other fishing vessels
that utilise large nets
Lifting anchors over the stern of an offshore supply vessel
Salvage operations
Attempting a recovery of a snagged net
Table 42 — Values of load, its lever and VCG for different types of
lifting operations
Lifting Magnitude of
Value of transverse distance Vertical height of load
operation vertical pull
(1) Significant risk of capsize will result if an attempt is made to retrieve snagged fishing gear
by using the trawl winch to haul the trawl warp via the block on a side boom (see Figure
G.1). The heeling moment will be significantly reduced by leading the trawl warp through a
quarter block close to the vessel’s side (see Figure E.3), or over the stern before applying
ML = the heeling moment due to lifting at an angle of heel θ in
PL = the vertical pull of the load; in tonnes
y = the transverse distance of the line of action of the load from
the vessel’s centre line in the upright condition; in metres
(see Table 42)
= the transverse angle of heel of the vessel, in degrees
The corresponding heeling lever when the vessel is inclined at an angle of
heel shall be calculated from the following formula:
HZL = = cos
+ PL + PL
HZL = the heeling lever due to lifting in metres
= displacement excluding the lifting load, in tonnes
This Annex specifies the calculations for determining the heeling moment
and other effects that can arise when a vessel is engaged in towing, for the
purposes of verifying compliance under the relevant stability criteria.
This Annex is referenced in Clause of this Subsection.
This Annex is normative for vessels that engage in towing operations where
the displacement of the towed vessel exceeds twice the displacement of
the towing vessel.
This Annex specifies the calculations for determining the heeling moment
and other effects that arise when a trawl net snags for the purposes of
verifying compliance under the relevant stability criteria.
This Annex is normative for vessels that engage in trawling operations. It is
referenced in Clause
Table 43 — Values of load, its lever and VCG for different types of
lifting operations
MSN = the heeling moment due to the snagged net at an angle of
heel θ, in tonne-metres
PB = the breaking load of the weakest link in the trawl wire or its
connection to the trawl net, in tonnes
y = the transverse distance of the line of action of the trawl wire
from the vessel’s centreline in the upright condition, in
metres (see Figure G.1)
= the transverse angle of heel of the vessel, in degrees
Φ = the greater value of—
Trawl depth
Arc sin or 14.5°
Trawl scope
HZSN = the heeling lever due to a snagged net in metres
= vessel displacement, in tonnes
This Annex specifies the calculations for the severe wind and rolling criteria
applicable to power vessels. It forms a normative part of this Subsection.
This Annex is referenced in Clause 5.4.2 of this Subsection.
θh = the equilibrium angle of heel when subject to steady wind in degrees
θ1 = the angle of roll to windward due to wave action in degrees
θ = the angle of downflooding (θf) or 50 degrees or θ3, whichever is less in
θ3 = the second intercept between the wind heeling lever (lw2) and righting
lever (GFZ) curve in degrees
A vessel that complies with the criteria listed in Table H.1 over the range of
normal loading conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the severe wind and
rolling criteria.
Limits to
Criterion No Annex H criterion description
The angle of heel h resulting from the application of a
steady wind heeling lever HZ1 shall not exceed the lesser of:
All vessels within
Annex H.1 a) the angle corresponding to 80 per cent of the angle of
deck edge immersion; or
b) 16 degrees.
All vessels within Referring to Figure H.1, Area b shall be equal to or greater
Annex H.2
application than Area a.
HZ1 = the wind heel lever due to steady wind in metres
HZ2 = the wind heel lever due to wind gusting in metres
PW = a wind pressure of 504 Pa
AW = The projected lateral area of the portion of the vessel and
deck cargo above the waterline in square metres
h = the vertical distance from the centre of AW to the centre of the
underwater lateral area or alternatively to a point at one half
the mean draft in metres
= the displacement in tonnes
g = the acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
X1 = a factor as specified in Table H.2
X2 = a factor as specified in Table H.3
k = a factor:
k = 1.0 for a round bilge vessel having no bilge or bar keels
k = 0.7 for a vessel having sharp bilges
k = as specified in Table H.4 for a vessel having bilge keels, a
bar keel or both.
r = 0.73 + 0.6
OG = the distance between the centre of gravity and the
waterline, in metres
NOTE: The value of OG shall be positive if the centre of gravity is
above the waterline, and negative if the centre of gravity is below the
Block Coefficient
B/d X1 X2
3.0 0.90
3.1 0.88
3.2 0.86
3.4 0.82
3.5 0.80
0 1.0 6 0.100
1.0 0.98 7 0.098
1.5 0.95 8 0.093
2.0 0.88 12 0.065
2.5 0.79 14 0.053
3.0 0.74 16 0.044
3.5 0.72 18 0.038
4.0 0.70 20 0.035
NOTE: Intermediate values in Table H.2 to Table H.5 shall be obtained by linear
L = the length of the vessel at the waterline in metres
B = the moulded breadth of the vessel in metres
d = the mean moulded draft of the vessel in metres
AK = the total overall area of bilge keels, or area of the lateral
projection of the bar keel, or the sum of these areas, in square
T = the rolling period in seconds
2C B
= GF M 0
C = 0.373 + 0.023 d − 0.043 100
GFM0 = The metacentric height corrected for free surface
effect in metres
This Annex specifies the method of verifying the adequacy of the vessel's
righting lever (GFZ) curve as related to the sail area. It forms a normative
part of this document.
This Annex is referenced in Clause of this Subsection.
HZ = the heeling lever at zero degrees angle of heel in metres
θ = the angle of heel in degrees
HZA = the heeling lever at zero degrees angle of heel in metres
HZD = the heeling lever at angle of deck edge immersion in metres
D = the angle of heel to deck edge immersion in degrees
Figure J.2— Heeling lever curve set to intersect the GFZ curve at deck
edge immersion
HZB = the heeling lever in metres
Af = the area under the righting lever (GFZ) curve to the angle θB
in metre-degrees
= Area B + Area C
B = the angle of downflooding f or 60 degrees, whichever is
HZC = the heeling lever in metres
AC = the area under the righting lever (GFZ) curve to the angle θV
in metre-degrees
= Area E + Area F
V = the angle of vanishing positive stability but not less than 90
degrees or greater than 120 degrees
Figure J.4 — Heeling lever curve set to balance areas to capsize for
vessels having an angle of vanishing stability 90 degrees or more
This Annex provides the method of calculation for the derivation of the
maximum steady heel angle h to prevent downflooding in gusts. It forms a
normative part of this document.
This Annex is referenced in Clause of this Subsection.
The maximum steady heel angle h to prevent downflooding in gusts shall
be calculated using the steps illustrated in Figure K.1. The heeling levers
due to an actual wind gust HZ1 and the mean wind HZ2 shall be calculated
using the following formulas:
GF Z f
HZ1 =
cos1.3 f
HZ1 = the actual wind heeling lever at 0 degrees which would cause the
vessel to heel to the downflooding angle f or 60 degrees
whichever is least.
GFZf = the righting lever derived from the vessel’s GFZ curve at the
downflooding angle f or 60 degrees whichever is least
f = the downflooding angle in degrees
HZ2 the corresponding average wind heeling lever at any angle in
= the heel angle in degrees
The downflooding angle f may be determined as the point at which
openings having an aggregate area calculated in accordance with the
following formula are immersed:
Af =
Af = the area of openings immersed; in square metres
Δ = the vessel displacement; in tonnes
The following shall be taken into account when establishing the
downflooding angle θf:
a) All openings regularly used for crew access and for ventilation shall be
b) The angle shall be determined at the point at which the lower edge of
the actual opening that results in critical flooding becomes immersed.