PT - Class-1
PT - Class-1
PT - Class-1
Defect Type:
➢ Crack
➢Porosity (open to surface)
➢Lack of Penetration
➢Lack of Fusion
➢Forging Laps
➢Pin Holes
Principle :- Capillary Action.
Interaction of adhesive & Cohesive force.
Adhesive :- penetration with metal (job)
Cohesive Force – Penetration with developer.
➢ Application of penetrant
➢ Application of developer
➢ Inspection
2. Penetrant
➢ Type-1:- Fluorescent Dye (Visible Only Ultra Violet light)
➢ Type-2 :- Color Contrast (Visible in ordinary light)
➢ Type-3 :- Color Sensitivity (Combination of Fluorescent “Dye and color Contrast dye.
Examined under Ultraviolet as well as ordinary light.”
3. Developer
3) Non- Aqueous
Solvent Suspension developers (Insoluble particle)
➢ Dwell Time: How much time the penetrant takes to enter the
➢ Physical properties.
a) Contact Angle Φ
b) Surface Tension/Surface energy
c) Viscosity
Contact Angle: It is the Angle that the liquid (Penetrant makes with the surface
on which it is smeared).
Surface Tension :- This Tend to minimize the surface area of the liquid.
When discontinuities dimension (width) is very small capillary forces will come into
play. The capillary effects helps in the penetarnt the Penetrant discontinuing.
High Viscous penetrant,penetrant slower if the penetrant is highly viscous and
the rate of penetration is slower than one may have to increase the dwell or
penetrant time.
Types of Surface
1. Oil & Grease
2. Rust or Scales(Oxidation Products)
3. Paints & Conversion Coating
4. Carbon, Varnish etc.
Surface Cleaning
2. Visible Penetrant contain a red dye that provides high contrast against
the white developer background.
1. When entire surface is to be inspected many small parts. Complex shaped parts.
2. While testing large parts, If only selected area needs to be inspected.
3. Selected area to be inspected
1. Immersion/ Dipping
2. Spraying
3. Brushing
“Water- washable”. This has emulsifiers built into the penetrant liquid that makes it
possible to remove the excess penetrant with a simple water wash.
Method B
Post Emulsifiable, lipophillic these penetrates that are based on oil , are insoluble in
water . In such situations we use an emulsifier that is soluble both in water and
penetrant. The emulsifier diffuses and reacts with the penetrant & makes it water –
➢Application of Penetrant
➢Application of Emulsifier
➢Application of water wash
Method C
Solvent removable : Dissolve the penetrant and remove the same (SR) (oil base)
This method release on a solvent cleaner to remove the excess penetrant form
the part being inspected.
In this method the excess surface penetarnt is removed by solvent action by using
organic solvents that have solvent action on the oil base penetrates.
Method D
Developing Action :- After Cleaning the surface, and after the removal of the
excess surface penetrant the next step is called developing step.
Properties of Developers
The Developer should assist in the seepage of the penetrant out of the
discontinuities and suck out or extract or blot out the penetrant so as to form visual
Types of Developers
i. Dry (Form a)
ii. Wet (Water, soluble (Form-b),water suspended (Form-c))
iii. Non-Aqueous developers (non-aqueous suspended ) (form D)
iv. Special type of developers (Plastic Film developers)(Form E)
❖ Dry Developers
Dry Developers use finer absorbing material in the size range 2-4 , material like
talc, Chalk etc that are white in color are preferred.
❖ Dry Powder
Dry powders are white, soft powders. The developer can be applied in a
number of ways like by dipping parts in a container of developer or by using a
puffer to dust parts with the developer.
❖ Water Soluble
Plastic or lacquer developers are special developers that are primarily used
when a permanent record of the discontinuities is required.
Application of Developer
Type Application
1. Dry Developer 1. Air Suspension
2. Electrostatic Spraying
3. Immersion
1. Wet Developers 1. Dipping
2. Aqueous wet 2. Spraying
3. Water soluble 3. Pouring
Non-aqueous 1.Spraying (no dipping)
1. Solvent Suspended
2. Plastic Film Developers
Reference Block
Fine Crack
Fine Notch size(10x20) micron
Notch by- EDM processor
(For Penetrant Quality)
(For test sensitivity )
Relevant (True)
Non Relevant (False)
➢ Round or dot indications are caused by porosity, Pin holes a porous surface
or a coarse grain structure(o o o o o o). Rounded indication also can be caused
by Crater cracks because they tend to trap large amounts of penetrant.
v. Cold Shut
vi. Seams
Inspection should be more than 3 mm distance from welding
Defect in Metal Forming
3. Rupture or flake