Assignment Ii: Rhythm, Meter, Phonological Repetition
Assignment Ii: Rhythm, Meter, Phonological Repetition
Assignment Ii: Rhythm, Meter, Phonological Repetition
Analysis of a Poem
Title: The title of the poem describes about the content in the poem itself. The
word “CATCH” produces an image to the title. Though catch has different
meanings like capturing, describing, laying hold of etc., In the poem we can find
even though a ball is not present, the game of catch playing by the two boys refers
it using the word choices. It is not a game with the ball it’s a game playing with the
poetry. Two boys neither instructed nor trained are making a poem together an
arrangement of words rhythmically in a style more imaginative than the normal
speech. Reinforcement of the image of two boys catching words involving hands,
the word choices made by the poet here can also be related to left handwriting
skill. The words used in the poem by gives an image to the reader. In the poem
boys use a ball which symbolically shows that they are writing. The title
symbolizes the game of catch playing by two boys, here the poet is comparing
poem writing to the game of catch.
Mode of Address or Narration: The poem contains a clear message to convey to
its readers so we can say, it is a didactic poem. The poem is narrated in third-
persons point of view or narration. As we can observe the characters in the poem
referred to by the narrator as “him” and not as “I”/ “we” or “you”.
Phonology (rhythm, meter, phonological repetition): In the poem we can find an
upbeat rhythm in the second and third lines “overhand, underhand, backhand,
sleight of hand, every hand.” Which refers to the game playing with hands.
“Teasing with attitudes, altitudes, interludes, latitudes”. Which shows the
geometric directions here.
There are 11 lines and each line consists of 9 words approximately.
Two boys uncoached are tossing a poem together. It shows a “Trochaic
pentameter” where in the word ‘together’ the stress is on first ‘e’ and the last ‘e’ is
marked as unstressed, it is a trisyllable word.
“Overhand, underhand, backhand, sleight of hand, every hand”. It is an example of
“Altitudes, latitudes, interludes, attitudes” repetition of consonant ‘S’ sound can be
Lexical features – him, it, are repeated lexical sets in the poem.
Foregrounding devices
Metaphor – The whole poem is an extended metaphor
Syntactic deviation – In the fifth line “Make him as almost as possible miss it”
which is grammatically incorrect.
Lexical deviation – collocations words in the poem like ‘long sweat cadence
down’, fly off.
Repetition – The word ‘hand’ is repeated in the line “overhand, backhand, sleight
of hand, every hand.
Parallelism – The words ‘fast’, ‘slow’ are similar in structure but there is a
significant difference in the sets of antonyms.
Overall structure and organization: The form and content strengthens each other
in a manner so the poem flows with a cheery tone and rhythm with certain pauses.
The length of the line is not too long or short in each line, they are pretty equal in
length which keeps the poem balanced and appears not so strange.
Interpretation of Poem:
The poem is about 2 boys playing a game of catch where the ball is symbolized
here. The Poet uses words effectively and appropriately. The poet is comparing the
poem that is in the boy’s hand being as pretty as posy. The word poem is used
figuratively since they are not actually throwing a poem high, low, fast and slow
etc.., The throwing and catching of the poem could represent a poet writing
(throwing). The poem and a reader reading it(catching) The words fast and slow
are opposites and juxtapose each other. The words tricky, risky (which are
associated with being anxious & worried) Juxtapose with nonchalant (which means
calm and relaxed). The Theme is to name fun and with the poetry. The tone is
whimsical & playful since the poem is lively and has repetition, we think the
author is say that you should play with poetry and that there are so many things
that poetry can do & what you can do with poetry as suggested by the different
ways the boys could throw and catch the poem. One can do different things with
the ball similarly with the poetry. No need to be coached to play with the ball the
same with the poetry. They are the common activities which come naturally to the