Voltage and Surface Charges: What Wilhelm Weber Already Knew 150 Years Ago
Voltage and Surface Charges: What Wilhelm Weber Already Knew 150 Years Ago
Voltage and Surface Charges: What Wilhelm Weber Already Knew 150 Years Ago
Fig. 2. Which charges cause the strong field inside the resistor?
A final example: The electric field inside a conductor connected to a battery is constant and ax-
ially oriented, independent of the conductor's length and curvature. Why is this? What makes
the electric field follow the curvature of the wire? Where are the charges responsible for creating
this electric field? Are all of them located at the battery?” According to Coulomb´s law (the
most basic relation between charge and field) the separated charges at the outlet of the battery
can only cause a distance-dependent field.
Gauss, the flux through a closed surface is proportional to the enclosed charges.
Fig. 5. Application of Gauss law at the interface between a conductor and a resistor.
Placing a cylindrical surface within a conductor and resistor such that the boundary surface is
enclosed (shown as a dashed line in Figure 5), results in a different flow through the two end
faces A and B. Therefore, a corresponding electric charge must exist at this interface between
regions of high and low conductivity.
Figure 3: Surface charges on a straight, infinitely long conductor will produce an axially orient-
ed constant electric field, if the gradient of the surface density is linear (Figure 6) to generate a
constant electric field inside a rectilinear conductor.
Fig. 8. A battery as voltage source with surface charges on its metallic outlets
The greater the density of the additional negative charges at the surface of the metallic contacts,
the greater the repulsion between them.
The same holds for the positive charge carriers at the opposite side which attract the displacing
electrons. A certain limit will be reached, which is characteristic for the specific power source,
where these repelling and attracting Coulomb forces respectively will prevent any further accu-
mulation of electrons. A state of equilibrium will then be established between the internal force
of the power source and the back-driving Coulomb forces.
3.3. Surface charges on conductors
Connecting the contacts of a power source with metallic conductors is in principle not different
requires that the drift velocity of the water must be small. To achieve significant energy transfer,
large pressure differences must be assumed. The distribution of pressure can be demonstrated
along series and parallel circuits with the help of pressure gauges or water columns; an analogy
can then be made with electric circuits.
This method was applied during the development of the IPN teaching unit on the electric circuit
and supported by the following figures and experiments:
Fig. 11. Figures and setups to demonstrate pressure differences along water circuits.
Experience during the development of the IPN-teaching unit has shown that the water model
supports communication between teachers and students while the latter try to develop their un-
derstanding of the electric circuit, a concept which is not directly accessible to our senses.
However, as shown in detail in an earlier article and confirmed by previous studies [11], we
should not expect to much from the analogy between pressure difference and potential differ-
ence in respect to learning and understanding. The difference in pressure in a liquid is caused
by its compressibility, the liquid at different locations is differently compressed. Students gen-
erally do not know this, and cannot fully appreciate the topic just by talking about compressi-
bility. A careful and sophisticated analysis is needed to determine the pressure gradient along
serial and parallel circuits and to explain the conditions for a steady state.
If such an analysis can be performed, it may be helpful consider a flow of water as movement
of a compression wave front. When such a wave front impacts on a resistor, a backflow is cre-
ated by short term congestion in front of the resistor. This backflow reduces the inflow rate until
a steady state is reached between in- and outflow. To maintain a constant flow through any re-
sistor, the inlet pressure must exceed the outlet pressure. This means that the compression of the
flowing water at the outlet is reduced, in other words the water expends itself while passing
through the resistor.
The same situation develops at every resistor which the wave front has to pass on its path around
the circuit. In the equilibrium state a pressure difference will exist across each resistor in pro-
portion to its resistance.
The same analysis can be applied to explain the origin and distribution of surface charges on a
current carrying conductor. Conduction electrons can be regarded as a kind of "electron gas"
which can be compressed or stretched a little bit by a voltage source. However, this causes only
a compaction or dilution of the "electron gas" on the surfaces of the conductors and not, as in
the case of a mechanical flow of water, over the entire cross-section. Water molecules can react
on the basis of short-range forces only with immediately adjacent neighbours and water can
therefore be condensed over the complete cross section. Electrons interact via long-range Cou-
lomb forces, they repel each other at long distances and can only be neutralized inside a metallic
conductor by exactly the same amount of positive charge carriers. But on the surface of a con-
ductor and only on the surface, additional charge carriers can exist.
3.6. Opportunities for experiments
3.6.1. Demonstration of surface charges
By 1962 Jefimenko had demonstrated quite simply the existence of surface charges on current
carrying resistors [12]. Strips of red ink painted on glass plates served as resistors to which a
relatively high voltage (> 10kV) was applied. The visualization of an electric field inside and
outside the resistor was performed by scattered grass seeds which align with the electric field.
Grass seeds are characterized by extremely fine tips at each end, which, in the presence of an
electric field, favour the formation of a relatively large dipole moment. In addition, grass seeds
have a small area of support, which reduces friction when they move; light tapping on the sup-
porting glass plate encourages the seeds to align with the field.
Fig. 12. Electric fields inside and outside differently formed resistors,
as visualized by scattered grass seeds [12].
3.6.2. Interaction of surface charges with external charges
Direct detection of the interaction of surface charges with an external charged object can be
achieved if relatively large resistances and large potential differences are used.
Under those experimental conditions a movable charged metallic foil shows a clearly visible de-
flection along a chain of current carrying resistors (Figure 13). In this experiment, a voltage of
10 kV is applied to a series circuit, consisting of 4 resistors, and the deflection of a charged metal
foil is studied when placed at different locations along the circuit [13].
Fig. 15. Pictures from an American course to represent the distribution of surface charges[15].
These pictures are used to explain the origin of the driving force on electrons in an arbitrarily
shaped conductor, why reducing the cross section of a wire implies an increased resistance,
which charges are related to the strong field inside a resistor etc.
Such pictures can - even when incomplete - stimulate class discussion or can be used as an ex-
ercise to develop a more accurate and detailed insight into the electric circuit as a system which
is simultaneously both simple and complex.
4. Conclusion
The introduction of potential difference or voltage as the working ability of a battery and in
quantitative form as energy per charge is one-sided in its mathematical orientation. From a
teaching perspective, this approach can be criticized as both too abstract and unintuitive. It hides
the relation between voltage and surface charges and thus takes from students the chance to de-
velop their physical intuition.
If students do not ask without prompting what voltage actually is, they should be encouraged to
raise such questions and to find answers by studying the examples given above. However stu-
dents react, the arguments given here should find a place in a qualified lesson plan, so that teach-
ers can at any time deal appropriately with students' questions, or can stimulate discussion by
raising such questions.
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[14] A video about this experiment is found under:
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