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Capturing Atmospheric Electricity by means of Copper Plates

II. Problem and Its Background

Atmospheric electricity is the regular diurnal variations of the earth’s atmospheric

electromagnetic network (or, more broadly any planets electrical system in its layer of gases).

( Experiments shown that there is always free electricity in the air and the

clouds, and Earth’s atmosphere is in itself an infinite storeroom of energy

( There are some phenomenon that as of today are considered a waste, a

hazard or just natural occurrence that balances the nature, however by intuition there must be a

vast energy that triggers it, that when utilized maybe made as another source of electrical power.

Scientist said that the cloud and the surface of the earth can be considered as the two

plates of the huge condenser, because of atmospheric electricity this condenser is slowly charge

up to a certain potential above ground. If the potential of the cloud above ground becomes high

enough a lightning flash will occur. A lightning flash therefore is the short circuit upon the

condenser formed by the cloud and the earth. It has been estimated that lightning strikes power

lines an average of 10 strokes per square mile of the United States every year (Tarboux,

1979).This property of the lightning that strikes conductors suspended above the ground have

been established in 18th century by Benjamin Franklin. It has been proved that charges are

induced in the conductors due to the charges present in the cloud through the principles of

electrostatics. When charges are induced in the conductors, and conductors assumes potential

therefore conductors maybe use to acquire energy from the atmosphere.

Researchers will attempt to investigate and observe if this energy can be capture upon

using assembly of copper plates subjected to exposure in the atmosphere. Knowing that

atmosphere is infinite storeroom of energy and supported by the knowledge of electrostatics, due

to these, this study will be conducted

2.1 Statement of the problem

This study aimed to answer the following questions:

1.) Is there any generated voltage between the parallel plates?

2.) Is there any significance on the voltage output (if there is any) in different time

settings of the day?

2.2 Theoretical Framework


Time settings of the

Voltage generated

Figure1. Relation of Dependent and Independent Variable

2.3 Hypotheses

1.) The plate’s assembly will not generate voltage.

2.) A different time measure has no significance on the voltage output.

2.4 Significance of the Study

The study of measuring voltage output from the conductor plates arranged as capacitor

exposed in Earth’s atmosphere and ground is a simple presentation on how to capture

atmospheric energy in Earth. Even if this project play in small scale voltage and power, in future

consideration this is a helpful idea in harnessing Earth’s atmospheric energy and use it as an

alternative source of power for larger scale purposes. The output of this study will prove that

laws and principles about electric field and capacitance are useful in capturing this form of


2.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the way of capturing the atmospheric electricity using copper

plates, the factors that affects, and the laws and principles it obeys. Thus, it will limited on the

output that factors and arrangement will result such as voltage in response to the time setting

upon measuring. For the simplicity of the study, researchers consider only two assembly of

plates with different areas for data accumulation. In relation to the time of measure, outputs will

measured in 6 different time settings. Outputs are measured using digital multimeter and analyze

through statistical methods. This study will only show the possibility of generating voltage

across plates or not. The conduct of the study will be at Purok Upper London, Brgy. Bawing,

General Santos City and a time span of two months.

2.7 Definition of Key Terms

Here are the important terms used in this study.

Atmospheric electricity – is the regular diurnal variations of the earth’s atmospheric

electromagnetic network (or, more broadly any planets electrical system in its layer of gases).

Capacitor- is a passive electronic component consisting of a pair of conductors separated

by a dielectric (insulator). When there is a potential difference (voltage) across the conductors, a

static electric field develops in the dielectric that stores energy and produces a mechanical force

between the conductors

Electric charge -is a physical quantity of matter which causes it to experience a force

when near other electrically charged matter. Classically, electric charge comes in two types,

called positive and negative.

Electric field - surrounds electrically charged particles and time-varying magnetic fields.

This electric field exerts a force on other electrically charged objects.

Electrical insulation - the use of material is to resist the flow of electric current and


Electrostatics - is the branch of science that deals with the phenomena arising from

stationary and/or slow-moving electric charges.

Ionization - is the physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by

adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions

Induced voltage -voltage generated in a conductor when subjected to an electric field

Grounding- may be the reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages

are measured, or a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the


Lightning- is an atmospheric discharge of electricity accompanied by thunder. This

occur when the electric field formed by the cloud and the ground become strong enough that

exceeds the breakdown voltage of the air.

Parallel plate capacitor- the simplest capacitor consists of two parallel conductive plates

separated by a dielectric with permittivity ε (such as air).

Potential difference- in the case of static electric fields, the voltage between two points

is equal to the electrical potential difference between those points


Review of Related Literature

3.1 Related Readings

3.1.a Electrostatic induction

The electrification of a conductor under the presence of a charged body is called

electrostatic induction. The charges developed on the conductor are called induced charges and

the charges present on the inducing body are called inducing charges.

Charges cannot be induced on insulators. But when an insulator is placed in an electric field, it

gets strained. A glass sheet may break, when it is placed in a suitable electric field.

Figure 2 First Way On How Charges are Induced In a Conductor

The conductor contains free electrons. The charge on the body A repels the free electrons

in the conductor B. The free electrons drift slightly to the end C. These electrons cannot escape

from the conductor B. Thus an excess negative charge accumulates at the end C. At the end D,

there is a deficiency of negative charge or an excess of positive charge. These excess charges are

called induced charges.

The induced charges will remain on the surface of the conductor, as long as the rod is nearby. If

the rod is removed, the electrons move to the left and the initial neutral condition is attained.

Charges can be separated by induction. In Fig. 1.5 (a), A and B are two uncharged metal spheres

in contact, both kept on insulating stands. Bring a positively charged rod near one of the spheres

but without touching the spheres as in Fig. 1.5 (b).

Figure 3. Second Way On How Charges are Induced In a Conductor

By electrostatic induction, the sphere B gets positively charged and A negatiyely charged.

In the presence of the charged rod, the spheres are separated. The induced charges attract each

other, as shown in Fig, 1.5 (d). If the spheres are separated by a great distance, the charges on A

and B get distributed uniformly over the surface, as shown in Fig. 1.5 (e).

3.1.b Benjamin Franklin’s Work

The person behind the conservation of charge and identified them as positive and

negative is no other than, Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin’s experiment (June 1952) on

the kite with sharp pointed wire attract the electric charges easily. He attached a key to the end of

the kite string, near his holding hand, but held the kite with a silk ribbon also tied to the key for

insulation security reasons. A thin metal wire, connected also to the key, was inserted into a

Leyden jar, a container for storing electrical charges. Then, on a thunderstorm he let the kite fly.

The kite was struck by lightning and cloud sparks (electrical charges / static electricity) flew

through the wet kite and string to the key and inside the Leyden jar. After he noticed that loose

fibers of the string were bristling outward because the string was charged with static electricity,

he intentionally reached out his knuckle to touch the key and he felt an electrical shock.

Franklin's electrical experiments led to his invention of the lightning rod. He noted that

conductors with a sharp rather than a smooth point were capable of discharging silently, and at a

far greater distance. He surmised that this knowledge could be of use in protecting buildings

from lightning, by attaching upright rods of iron, made sharp and gilt to prevent rusting, and

from the foot of those rods a wire down to the outside of the Building into the Ground.

Following a series of experiments on Franklin's own house, lightning rods were installed on the

Academy of Philadelphia (later the University of Pennsylvania) and the Pennsylvania State

House in 1752.

The work of Benjamin Franklin is an evidence that atmosphere is a storeroom of energy.

This work is supported by laws and principle of electrostatics, especially all about charging. In

relation to this study, it obeys what stated and the actual happening in charging conductors

3.2 Related Literature:

From Electric Power 1979 by J.J. Tarboux, the conductor of a transmission line located

directly under the cloud can be considered as a secondary plate of the condenser formed by the

cloud and the earth. If the potential of the cloud is slowly raised, it follows that the conductor on

the transmission line must also be charged to certain potential. The principle behind this charging

process is illustrated in figure 2 and 3, these charging by induction does not only happen in

transmission lines but on all conductors between the cloud and ground.

3.3 Related Studies

3.3.a Fair- weather atmospheric electricity

From, the mobility of electrically charged

particles depends strongly on their size and on the density of the medium. The mobility of small

ions in the lower atmosphere corresponds to a (terminal) speed of about 1 cm/s in an electric

field of 100 V/m. Dust particles are slower by a few orders of magnitude, so that the electric

conductivity of air is practically that due to the small ions. In the stratosphere and mesosphere

(10 - 90 km) air becomes thinner and cosmic radiation intensifies so that the conductivity

increases exponentially with height: while the electric conductivity of air near the ground is of

the order of 20 fS/m (femtosiemens/metre), in the ionosphere it is already as high as that of the

ground. (In the ionosphere, the electric conductivity becomes also anisotropic: the geomagnetic

field has an increasing influence on the ion motion.) The thundercloud charge centres,

accumulating tens of coulombs of electricity, are discharged mainly by lightning: cloud flashes

(most abundant) cause mutual neutralization of the centres; the lower centre is also discharged to

the ground - by negative ground flashes - and charges up the earth (the positive centre is

discharged similarly, but by a smaller amount). An excess charge will be left in the upper

positive centre, and it leaks by conduction to the surrounding air, about one ampere per

thunderstrom cell. Because of the exponentially increasing conductivity, most of this leak current

is guided to the ionosphere, where it is distributed over the globe and charges the upper

atmosphere to a potential of about 250-300 kV with respect to the ground. This "ionospheric

potential" maintains the so-called fair-weather current, whose density is about 2 pA/m 2

(picoamperes per square metre). According to Ohm's law, the fair-weather current density and

the electric conductivity are associated with a downward electric field, about 100 V/m near the

ground. The number of simultaneously active thunder cells ("thunderstorms") over the globe is

about 1000-2000, so the whole circuit carries a current of about 1000 amperes. Fair-weather

atmospheric electricity has been measured in Finland in the 1970's and 1980's.

3.3.b Electric field mill

One of the method in the electric field detection is by using field mill. According to, this field mill is designed to determine the relative strength of the

electric field by comparing the level of the electric field on a known, stable, uncharged reference

object. The object used in a field mill is known as the sensor plate. When an uncharged sensor

plate is exposed to an electric field it becomes charged. The rate and level of this activity is what

the mill is designed to determine.




This research was conducted in order to determine if a voltage can be generated in

parallel plate assembly, and whether the time condition it will be test will have a significant role

in the increase or decrease of the voltage generated. In order to achieve these research goals, the

researchers opted to measure and observe the conductors behaviour under the influence of the

electric field formed by the clouds and the ground. Specifically, there are two (2) prototypes will

be constructed, the first is for voltage measured in plate A and B, second is for voltage measure

in plate B and C this is made in order to differentiate the output in relation to the area subjected.

4.1 Research Design

The Complete randomized experimental design of research will be used for this study.

This is best for this study because researchers are controlling variables and interpreting outputs.

The aim of this kind design is to verify formulated hypotheses that refer to the present situation

to elucidate it. The complete randomized design is scientific and exact. It will best illustrate the

nature and the degree of significance of an independent variable to a dependent variable by

means of a value. This method will clearly describe the effect of the factor to the dependent

variable (voltage).

4.2 Materials

Here are the materials that will be used in constructing the prototype.

1.) copper plates

2.) rubber/glass insulator

3.) wire(s) for ground

4.) plastic rack

5.) connecting rods and clamps

6.) plastic cellophane

4.3 The Instruments, Apparatus, and Equipment

Digital Multimeter

4.4 The Procedure

The device will be exposed in the atmosphere for several hours. Two ways to measure the

potential, first is across the smaller plate and the ground (for the first prototype) and the second is

by activating the disconnecting rod then measure the voltage across the upper and smaller plate

(second prototype). Researchers take note not to disturb the air between the small plates and

avoid disturbance in the upper plate.

Ready the
apparatus for

High insulation
NO Reisolate


Exposed the apparatus

in the atmosphere for 1
1/2 Hour

Measure the voltage

across plate A and B or NO
B and C

Is there any
deflection in the


Record data

Figure 4. Flow Chart in The Procedure Of The Study

4.5 Data Gathering Technique

Data will be measure during 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM, 3:00PM and 5PM

every weekend for 8 weeks from January 1, 2011 to February 26, 2011. Data from different

prototypes will be gathered separately, since voltage every prototype will be measured in

different plates.

4.6 Data Processing Technique

The Complete Randomized Design of experimental Technique will be used in this study.

The data gathered will be tabulated in the table below.

Time it was Measured

7:00A 9:00AM 11:00A 1:00PM 3:00P 5:00PM


4.7 Statistical Treatment

Data from the prototype will undergo statistical treatment, the relationship of the

voltage output (dependent variable) and the time it will be measured (dependent variable) will be

observed. Data in every time (e.g. 7:00 AM) will have a mean and standard deviation test. These

values will then be compared and analyze to support or to reject our null hypotheses that the

voltage output is related to the time it will be measure in a day.


Activities Time Frame
1. Planning Stage

1.1 Topic research 1

1.2 Brainstorming 1

1.3 Consider the variables and adequacy of resources 1

1.4 Finalization of topic 1

Total: 4

2. Preparing Stage

2.1 Construction of prototype 1

2.2 Setting up the location 1/2

Total: 4

3. Conduct of the Study

3.1 Data gathering/measuring 8

Total: 8

4. Data Processing Stage

4.1 Tabulation of data 1/2

4.2 Computation of results 1/2

4.3 Analysis of data 1/2

Total: 1 1/2

5. Writing Stage

5.1 Chapter 1 (The Problem and Its Background) 1/2

5.2 Chapter 2 (Review of Related Literature) 1/2

5.3 Chapter 3 (Methodology) 1/2

5.4 Chapter 4 (Results and Discussion) 1/2

5.5 Chapter 5 (Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations) 1/2

5.6 Bibliography and Appendix 1/4

5.7 Typing the Manuscript 1

Total: 3 3/4

6. Oral Examination Stage

6.1 Preparation of the Oral Examination 1/4

6.2 Oral Examination and Revision of the Thesis 1

6.3 Submission and Retrieval of Thesis 1/2

6.4 Final Typing of Revised Thesis 1/2

6.5 Binding the Thesis 1/2

6.6 Submission of Bound Thesis to the Panel of Examiners 1/2

Total: 3 1/4

Grand Total: 20 1/2

` Months

Jun Jul Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

1. Planning Stage

1.1 Topic research

1.2 Brainstorming

1.3 Consider the variables and adequacy of


1.3 Finalization of topic

2. Preparing Stage

2.1 Construction of prototype

2.2 Setting up the location

3. Data Gathering Stage

3.1 Data gathering /measuring

4. Data Processing Stage

4.1 Tabulation of data

4.2 Computation of results

4.3 Analysis of data

5. Writing Stage

5.1 Chapter 1 (The Problem and Its Background)

5.2 Chapter 2 (Review of Related Literature)

5.3 Chapter 3 (Methodology)

5.4 Chapter 4 (Results and Discussion)

5.5 Chapter 5 (Summary, Conclusions and


5.6 Bibliography and Appendix

5.7 Typing the Manuscript

6. Oral examination Stage

6.1 Preparation of the Oral Examination

6.2 Oral Examination and Revision of the Thesis

6.3 Submission and Retrieval of Thesis

6.4 Final Typing of Revised Thesis

6.5 Binding the Thesis

6.6 Submission of Bound Thesis to the Panel of




Maton Hopkins, “Exploring Physical Science” 3rd edition, chapter 19 pp. 484 – 491, Prentice

Paul A. Tripler and Gene Mosca,“ Physics for Scientist and Engineers” 5th edition, chapter 23 pp.
736 – 737.

Giambattista, Richardson, and Richardson “College Physics” standard edition, chapter 17 pp.
610- 611, Mc Graw Hill.

Wilson and Buffa, “College Physics” 4th edition, chapter 15 pp. 482 – 489, Prentice Hall.

J.G. Tarboux, “Electric Power Equipment” 3rd edition, chapter 18 pp. 400 – 402, McGraw- Hill
Book Company

Internet Sources: ,November 2010, November 2010, November 2010, December 2010

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: William F. Floro

Birth date: April 12, 1990

Birth place: San Jose, Norala, South Cotabato

Civil Status: Single

Spouse: None

Children: None

Parents: Wilfredo D. Floro

Honorata F. Floro

Educational Qualification

Course: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

School: Mindanao State University General Santos Campus (MSU-GSC)

Year Completed: 2011

Civil Service Eligibility: SK Chairman

Honors/Awards Received

Local/Regional Awards: Regional Math Wizard Champion (2007)

Regional Math Wizard Champion (2008)

Regional Math Wizard 1st Runner-Up (2010)

Regional Quiz Show Champion (2009)

Regional Quiz Show Champion (2009)

Scholarship Grant Received

2006-2011: Entrance Scholar

2008-2009: Dole Scholar

Membership in Professional and Scientific Organizations

Local: Organization of Electrical, Electronic Engineers Students (OEECES)

National: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Student Chapter (IIEE)

Seminars/ Training/ Workshops Attended

2009: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (MSU-GSC)

Seminar on Renewable Energy

Seminar on Electrical Fire and Safety

Seminar on Leadership

2010: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (KCC Convention hall)

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (ADDU)

Seminar on Motor Protection

Seminar on Load Flow

Leadership Seminar (Sangguniang Kabataan Seminars)

OJT in Dole Phil ( 2010 )

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Edmar T. Bataque

Birth date: December 2, 1988

Birth place: Tupi, South Cotabato

Civil Status: Single

Spouse: None

Children: None

Parents: Eduardo B. Bataque

Mary Ann T. Bataque

Educational Qualification

Course: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

School: Mindanao State University General Santos Campus (MSU-GSC)

Year Completed: 2011

Civil Service Eligibility: None


Position: trainee (OJT)

Agency: Top Circuit Resources

Year employed: 2010(April- May)

Honors/Awards Received

Local/Regional Awards: Regional Math Wizard 1st Runner-Up (2010)

Regional Quiz Show Champion (2009)

Regional Quiz Show Champion (2010)

Scholarship Grant Received

2005-2008: Entrance Scholar

2006-2008: Dole Scholar

Membership in Professional and Scientific Organizations

Local: Organization of Electrical, Electronic Engineers Students (OEECES)

(Auditor) S.Y. 2010 - 2011

National: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Student Chapter (IIEE)

(Business Manager) S.Y. 2010 - 2011

Seminars/ Training/ Workshops Attended

2008: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (USEP)

Seminar on Photovoltaic Technology

Seminar on Philippine Electrical Code (PEC)

2009: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (MSU-GSC)

Seminar on Renewable Energy

Seminar on Electrical Fire and Safety

Seminar on Leadership

2010: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (KCC Convention hall)

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (ADDU)

Seminar on Motor Protection

Seminar on Load Flow Analysis

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Gerald Pragoso Pableo

Birth date: August 4, 1988

Birth place: Sapu Padidu, Malapatan, Sarangani Province

Civil Status: Single

Spouse: None

Children: None

Parents: Dionisio Z. Pableo

Rosalina A. Pableo

Educational Qualification

Course: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

School: Mindanao State University General Santos Campus (MSU-GSC)

Year Completed: 2011

Civil Service Eligibility: None


Position: trainee (OJT)

Agency: Top Circuit Resources

Year employed: 2010(April- May)

Honors/Awards Received

Honors: None

Local/Regional Awards: None

Scholarship Grant Received

2005-2007: Tuition Privilege

2007-2010: Paying

Membership in Professional and Scientific Organizations

Local: Organization of Electrical, Electronic Engineers Students (OEECES)

(President) S.Y. 2010 - 2011

National: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Student Chapter (IIEE)


Seminars/ Training/ Workshops Attended

2009: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (MSU-GSC)

Seminar on Renewable Energy

Seminar on Electrical Fire and Safety

Seminar on Leadership

2010: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (KCC Convention hall)

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (ADDU)

Seminar on Motor Protection

Seminar on Load Flow Analysis

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Michael Dave Calub

Birth date: March 13, 1985

Birth place: Tupi, South Cotabato

Civil Status: Single

Spouse: None

Children: None

Parents: Jose P. Calub

Amelita P. Mojica

Educational Qualification

Course: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

School: Mindanao State University General Santos Campus (MSU-GSC)

Year Completed: 2011

Civil Service Eligibility: None


Position: trainee (OJT)


Year employed: 2006(April- May)

Honors/Awards Received

Honors: None

Local/Regional Awards: None

Scholarship Grant Received

2003 - 2006: Tuition Privilege

2007-2010: Paying

Membership in Professional and Scientific Organizations

Local: Organization of Electrical, Electronic Engineers Students (OEECES)


National: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Student Chapter (IIEE)


Seminars/ Training/ Workshops Attended

2009: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (MSU-GSC)

Seminar on Renewable Energy

Seminar on Electrical Fire and Safety

Seminar on Leadership

2010: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (KCC Convention hall)

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Convention (ADDU)

Seminar on Motor Protection

Seminar on Load Flow Analysis


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