CSTP 1 Brown 4
CSTP 1 Brown 4
CSTP 1 Brown 4
Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and
student understanding. observation of student individual student needs provide assistance to
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or students in mastering the
9/26/18 checks for understanding. challenge. concepts flexibly and
Monitoring student 5/6/2019 12/10/19 effectively.
learning and 4/10/2020
adjusting instruction Some students receive Students receive Students successfully Students are able to
while teaching. individual assistance assistance individually or participate and stay articulate their level of Students monitor their
during instruction. in small groups during engaged in learning understanding and use progress in learning and
instruction. activities. teacher guidance to meet provide information to
9/26/18 5/6/2019 their needs during teacher that informs
instructi4on. adjustments in
12/10/19 instruction.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Evidence This is my first full year I work to provide I am constantly changing I continuously monitor When teaching I always
teaching. I have tried to individual instructions to my lessons. This happens student progress and check for understanding
create a pacing guide that all students whenever on a daily and weekly growth and adjust my often to make sure I am
will allow me to follow possible. I often have basis. I plan lessons for lessons and assignments providing students with
not only state and students work in small the week but will adjust accordingly. I take into enough support as well as
common core standards groups so that I can and add time to certain account student needs challenging those that
for history, but the state provide individual activities, redo some and accommodations need to be challenged. If I
framework as well. I attention to each group. I activities with students, when creating activities need to speed a lesson up
reference these also have groups of or have them move and change the types of or slow it down I will.
documents when creating students I check in with through the content at a lessons I teach as I watch Fortunately, I teach
my lesson plans. individually based on faster pace then expected. students progress. I mostly 12th grade and
9/26/18 need(EL status, IEP, 504 I incorporate warm-ups, adjust the types of these students are very
plan, etc.) hand signals, questioning, activities/assignments as vocal and participate
9/26/18 assignments, exit tickets, I examine student results. often. This participation
etc. to check for student If students do well with a helps me to know if
understanding. This certain style of lesson I students understand the
allows me to adjust will incorporate elements topics and assignments. If
pacing and know which of that lesson more often, I need to reteach a lesson
content needs to be when students struggle I will. I also make sure to
covered more extensively. with a certain lesson I assign tutoring to those
Participation in my class will reteach it and try to that need it so that I can
has increased deliver the content in a provide one on one
dramatically over the new way that is easier for instruction with them.
year. Students are eager students to understand. 4/10/2020
to share answers in the My teaching methods and
classroom. They lessons are constantly My students are very
participate in all different changing as I assess good at advocating for
types of assignments and students both formally their own needs. They
work with their peers and informally. will raise their hand and
regularly. I feel as though 12/10/19 tell me when they do not
engagement has understand something.
increased a lot in the past I am teaching all high They also show up to
year. school this year. My tutoring on their own for
5/6/2019 students know what they extra help when needed. I
need by the time they are make it a point to build
in 11th and 12th grade. strong relationships with
Students show up to my students so that they
tutoring for extra help feel comfortable coming
and are comfortable to me when they need
asking questions when help. My students also do
they do not understand a great job of supporting
an assignment or concept. one another. I assign a lot
Students ask their peers of group work which
and myself I make allows them to support
adjustments to one another.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
assignments as needed 4/10/2020
for students. Students are
independent at this age
and have demonstrated
the ability to advocate for
themselves and ask for
additional support when
they need it.