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Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal

Universal Research Publications. All rights reserved

ISSN 2277 – 7164

Original Article
The Effect of Silicon Dioxide Filler on the Wear Resistance of Glass Fabric
Reinforced Epoxy Composites
B.R. Raju1*, R.P.Swamy2 B.Suresha3, and K.N.Bharath4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PES Institute of Technology and Management, Shivamogga -577 204, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University B.D.T. College of Engineering, Davangere -577004, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore-570 008, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GM Institute of Technology, Davangere -577006, India.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]
* Corresponding author: Tel.: +91 8182257636/640733; fax: +91 8182 233797
Mobile: +91 9448373636; E-mail address: [email protected]
Received 10 September 2012; revised 17 October 2012; accepted 29 October 2012
Three body abrasive wear behaviour of glass fabric reinforced epoxy (G-E) and Silicon Dioxide filled G-E (SiO2-G-E)
composites have been studied using a rubber wheel abrasion tester. Samples of G-E with 0, 5, 7.5 and 10 wt% loads of
SiO2 were tested under different loads and abrading distances. Also, conventional weighing, determination of wear volume,
specific wear rate and examination of the worn surface morphological features by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
were performed. The results showed varied responses under different abrading distance because of the inclusion of
different loads of SiO2 particles. Silicon Dioxide as the filler in particulate form reduced the steady state wear rate of G-E,
the optimum reduction in wear was found to occur at 10 wt% of SiO2 filler loading. Selected mechanical properties such as
hardness, tensile strength, and elongation at break were analyzed for investigating wear property correlations. Wear of G-E
composite was found to be mainly due to a micro-cracking and fiber fracture mechanisms. It was found that the micro-
cracking mechanism had been caused by progressive surface damage.
© 2012 Universal Research Publications. All rights reserved
Keywords: Glass fabric reinforced epoxy composite, SiO2 filler, Abrasive wear, wear mechanisms.
coefficient of linear expansion, low thermal conductivity
I. INTRODUCTION and limited mechanical properties of epoxies limit their use
Glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites in mechanical and tribological applications. Recently many
have been extensively used in various fields such as attempts have been made to develop epoxy based
aerospace industries, automobiles, marine, and defense composites modified by fibers and fillers to improve the
industries [1]. Their main advantages are good corrosion mechanical and tribological performance [3-5]. Bahadur
resistance, lightweight, dielectric characteristics and better and Zheng [6], in their studies on short glass fiber (SGF)
damping characteristics than metals. A possibility that the reinforced polyester by varying SGF up to 60 wt%
incorporation of both particles and fibers in polymer could described the effect of glass fiber on mechanical properties
provide a synergism in terms of improved properties and of the composites. In order to enhance the wear resistance
performance has not been adequately explored so far. and thermal stability, many research studies have been
However, some recent reports suggest that by incorporating carried out. One of these is the fiber reinforcement into the
micro hard filler particles into the polymer matrix of fiber epoxy matrix. Different synthetic fibers and hard ceramic
reinforced composites, synergistic effects may be achieved or metal particles have been tried as fillers in the epoxy
in the form of higher modulus and reduced material cost, matrix [7-9]. Osmani [10] evaluated the mechanical
yet accompanied with decreased strength and impact properties of Silicon Dioxide filled glass-epoxy (G-E)
toughness [2]. composites and reported that tensile and shear strengths
Diglycidyl of bisphenol A (DGEBA) type epoxy decreased with increase in Silicon Dioxide content and
resin being the most widely used matrix for innumerable flexural strength and modulus were increased.
applications, owing to its well balanced chemical, adhesive, Among the wear types, the abrasive wear situation
thermal and processing characteristics. However, the high encountered in industries connected with power,

Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2012; 2(4): 51-57
automobile, pumps handling industrial fluids, and earth lay up technique was employed to fabricate the composites.
moving equipment has been received increasing attention. The stacking procedure consists of placing the fabric one
Glass/carbon fibers are the best known and most widely above the other with the resin mix well spread between the
used reinforcing fibers in advanced polymeric composites. fabrics. A porous Teflon film was again used to complete
Reports related to application of polymer matrix the stack. To ensure uniform thickness of the sample, a 3
composites on mechanical and tribological components mm spacer was used. The mould plates were coated with
such as gears, cams, wheels, and impellers are cited in release agent in order to aid the ease of separation on
literature. The importance of the tribological properties curing. The cast slab of each composite after 12 h of
convinced various researchers to study the wear behavior impregnation and dried for 2 h at 100 oC followed by
and to improve the wear resistance of polymers and fiber- compression moulding at a temperature of 390 oC and
reinforced polymeric composites. Chand et al. [11] reported pressure of 7.35 MPa. The slabs so prepared measured 250
the three-body abrasive wear behavior of short glass fiber mm ×250 mm ×3 mm by size. To prepare different wt. %
reinforced polyester composite. Chand and Gautam [12] of SiO2 filled G-E composites, besides the epoxy-hardener
reported the influence of load on the abrasion of fly ash, mixture required wt% of SiO2 filler were included to form
glass fiber- reinforced composites. Suresha et al. [13-15] the resin mix. The details of the composites (including wt%
investigated the abrasive wear behavior of epoxy/vinyl of the constituents) prepared are shown in Table II. The
ester filled with or without particulate filler and weight percent of the glass fiber in the final composite
glass/carbon fabrics. An investigation on the wear behavior slabs is 60 wt%. Mechanical and abrasion test samples
of the composite materials with epoxy matrix filled with were prepared according to ASTM standard from the cured
hard powders was reported by Visconti et al. [16]. Studies slabs using abrasive cut-off machine.
were also made on the effect of various fillers on the TABLE 1: PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE
abrasive wear behavior of polymeric materials [17] and CONSTITUENTS SELECTED FORTHE PRESENT WORK
polymer composites [18-20].
A survey of the literature indicates that the effect Glass SiO2
Property Epoxy
of fiber/filler on the abrasion of polymer/composites is a fibers filler
complex and unpredictable phenomenon [21]. This is Density(g/cm3) 1.15 2.54 2.19
because physical effects such as fiber fragmentation, Tensile strength (MPa) 110 3400 55
debonding, pullout, etc., affect the behavior of composite Tensile Modulus (GPa) 4.1 72.3 70
material subject to the abrasive wear process. It is also
difficult to predict their relative contribution because
various other mechanisms and influencing factors are Epoxy SiO2
Sample name (Designation)
involved (ploughing, cutting and cracking of the matrix). (wt.%) (wt.%)
Although, a good amount of work has been reported on Glass fabric reinforced epoxy (G-E) 40 ------
mechanical and three-body wear behavior of polymer Silicon dioxide filled G-E
matrix composites as discussed earlier in this section, no 35 5
literature could be cited on the mechanical and abrasive
wear aspect of G-E filled with SiO2 particles. Therefore an Silicon dioxide filled G-E
32.5 7.5
attempt has been made to study the three-body abrasive (7.5%SiO2-G-E)
wear behavior of G-E composite filled with different Silicon dioxide filled G-E
30 10
proportions of very fine SiO2 particles (particle size ≤5 µm) (10%SiO2-G-E)
under two different loads and for different abrading
distances (250-1000 m). The abrasive wear behavior has B. Characterisation
been quantified in terms of wear volume and specific wear Density of the composites was determined by
rate. The different wear mechanisms under different using a high precision electronic balance (Mettler Toledo,
abrasive wear conditions have also been reported. Model AX 205) using Archimedes principle. Hardness
(Shore-D) of the samples was measured as per ASTM
II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS D2240, by using a Hiroshima make hardness tester
A. Materials and preparation method (Durometer). Five readings at different locations were
Plain weave fabrics made of 360 g/m2, containing noted and average value is reported. Tensile properties
E-glass fibers of diameter of about 12 µm have been were measured using a Universal testing machine in
employed. The epoxy resin (LAPOX L-12) was mixed with accordance with the ASTM D-3039 procedure at a cross
the hardener (K-6, supplied by ATUL India Ltd., Gujarat, head speed of 5 mm/min and a gauge length of 50 mm. The
India) in the ratio 100:12 by weight. The filler chosen was tensile strength and modulus were determined from the
Silicon Dioxide modified using a silane coupling agent and stress-strain curves. Four samples were tested in each case
the average particle size is ≤ 5 µm. The details of the and the average value was reported. The tensile tests were
physical and mechanical properties of the constituents carried out on a fully automated Lloyd LR-20 kN Universal
(Epoxy,Glass fibre & SiO2 filler) selected for the present testing machine connected to a computer with DAPMAT
work are shown in the Table I. software.
As regards to the processing, on a Teflon sheet, E- The three-body abrasive wear tests were
glass woven fabric was placed over which the resin mix conducted using a dry sand/rubber wheel abrasion tester as
consisting of epoxy and hardener was smeared. Dry hand per ASTM G-65. The details of the samples preparation
Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2012; 2(4): 51-57
and wear testing procedure have been described elsewhere C. Tensile Properties
[13]. The typical load-deformation curves of unfilled
The experiments were carried out at two different and particulate filled G-E composites are shown in Fig. 1
loads (24 and 36 N) under different abrading distances (250 and the measured mechanical test results are listed in Table
m to 1000 m). Densities of the composites were determined III. It is clear from this table that the tensile strength is
using a high precision weighing balance by using increasing with the increase in SiO2 content. As the
Archimedes’s principle. The wear was measured by the investigation is mainly focused on filler content rather than
loss in weight, which was then converted into wear volume G-E composite, taking the 7.5 wt% SiO2 loading into G-E
using the measured density data. After the wear test, the there is about 25% increase in tensile strength. Because of
sample was again cleaned. The specific wear rate (Ks) was all added constituents are brittle in nature in comparison to
calculated from the equation: epoxy therefore this is reflected by the mechanical
properties of the composite as a hybrid one. Thus there is
m 3 / Nm an increase in tensile strength of SiO2 filled G-E composite
Where ∆V is the volume loss, L is the load and D is the with the increase in SiO2 content. This could be attributed
abrading distance. the uniform dispersion of silane treated SiO2 filler in G-E.
Addition of a coupling agent can provide covalent bonding
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION between epoxy/ SiO2 hybrid materials, thereby enhancing
A. Effect of filler loading on density the mechanical properties of the composites. The surface
The measured densities of the samples are listed in modified SiO2 can interact with the fiber surface and
Table III. Comparing the results it was observed that hydrogen bonding increases and leads to the better
inclusion of ceramic fillers into G-E showed higher density. interaction with glass fiber and epoxy. Addition of ceramic
The density of SiO2 filled G-E is 2.19 which is highest filler increases the effective mechanical interlocking, which
when compared to other composites. This is because of the in turn increases the frictional force between the fiber and
filler SiO2 has higher density. The densities of all matrix. It can also be seen from Table III that the tensile
microparticles filled G-E is higher than the density of modulus of SiO2 filled G-E composites increases with
unfilled G-E composites. increase in wt% of SiO2 content. It is clear from this table
B. Effect of filler loading on hardness that the elongation at break is decreasing with the increase
By using Duro-hardness tester, the hardness of the in SiO2 content. This table shows that for a 10 wt%
composites is measured; the values recorded are given in increase in SiO2 content there is 11% decrease in
Table III. The hardness of G-E composite increased with percentage elongation at break. The increase in SiO2
increase of SiO2 filler loading. From Table III, it can be content results in an increase in brittleness of the
seen that the SiO2 filler greatly increased the hardness of G- composite. Hence this results in a decrease of the
E, which can be attributed to the higher hardness and more percentage of elongation at break. As the wt. fraction of
uniform dispersion of SiO2 filler. The higher hardness is SiO2 filler increase, the tensile modulus of the G-E
exhibited by the 10 wt% SiO2 filled G-E compared to other composites increases, but at the same time the system
mirocomposites. The table shows that for a 10 wt% becomes more brittle. The increase in the tensile strength
increase in SiO2 content there is 11% increase in hardness. with wt. fraction of filler is attributed to the high modulus
The increase in SiO2 content results in an increase in of ceramic filler which is dispersed uniformly in the fabric
brittleness of the composite. Hence this results in an layers of G-E composites. Young’s modulus is mainly
increase in hardness value of the composite. Particulate dependent on the matrix deformation of the composite and
filled G-E composites with sufficient surface hardness are increases as the slope of load-deformation curve at the
resistant to in-service scratches that can compromise initial stage and is practically not much influenced by the
fatigue strength and lead to premature failure. Therefore, interfacial strength between fiber and the matrix. Generally,
under an indentation loading, microparticles would undergo the addition of ceramic fillers and glass fiber reduces the
elastic rather than plastic deformation, as compared to elongation at break because of the lower elongation at
unfilled G-E composites. The improvement in hardness break values of ceramic fillers and glass fiber compared to
with incorporation of filler can be explained as follows: that of epoxy matrix. The addition of SiO2 particles causes
under the action of a compressive force, the thermoset a dispersion of these particles in the matrix which impede
matrix phase and the solid fiber and filler phase will be to the propagation of failure along the loading direction.
pressed together, touch each other and offer resistance. Thus the failure would propagate easily in those directions
Thus the interface can transfer load more effectively where the dispersoid concentration is less leading to
although the interfacial bond may be poor. This results in increased tensile strength, tensile modulus, and lower
enhancement of hardness of SiO2 filled G-E composites. elongation.


Sample code G-E 5%SiO2-G-E 7.5%SiO2-G-E 10%SiO2-G-E
Density (g/cm3) 1.984 2.06 2.15 2.19
Hardness (Shore-D) 63 65 67 70
Tensile strength, σ (MPa) 254 300 316.6 326.7
Tensile modulus, E(GPa) 8.34 9.43 9.53 9.57
Elongation, e (mm) 7.1 6.7 6.5 6.4
Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2012; 2(4): 51-57
composite exhibited considerably lower wear volume loss
than that of G-E composite. This is attributed to the glass
fiber reinforcement in epoxy decrease the abrasive wear
resistance due to debonding and tearing at the glass/matrix
interface. Similar behaviour was observed at a higher load
of 36 N.
Figure 4(a and b) shown as histograms, the
comparative abrasive wear performance of G-E and SiO2 -
G-E composites at 24 N and 36 N loads respectively. The
specific wear rate data reveals that initially the specific wear
rate tends to decrease with increasing abrading distance and
further it strongly depends on the applied load for both
samples. Also observed is the earlier noted fact that G-E
composite exhibits the highest specific wear rate. It is
interesting to note that for SiO2 -G-E system, the specific
wear rate is on the lower side.
Figure 1: Typical load v/s displacement curves G-E and
SiO2 filled G-E samples The specific wear rate of unfilled and SiO2 filled
glass fabric reinforced epoxy (SiO2 -G-E) composites
D. Abrasive wear volume and specific wear rate versus the applied load (24 and 36 N) at 200 rpm rotational
The three-body abrasive wear results of the speed are shown in Fig.3(a and b). In general, increase in
unfilled G-E composite indicate that a poor wear the applied load decreases the specific wear rate [Fig. 4(a
performance as compared to SiO2 filled G-E composites. In and b)]. An increase in load causes a decrease in the wear of
unfilled G-E, the wear results are poor compared to those particulate filled G-E composites. Similar results of
obtained in particulate filled G-E. A G-E composite sample decreasing wear with increasing load of fiber reinforced
is fixed to a sample holder (as indicated in Fig. 2). polymers are reported. This behaviour is due to the
formation of ridges on the surface of the polymer during
sliding on an abrasive medium [22]. The material from the
grooves is not removed but rather displaced towards the
sides to form the ridges. Hence quantification of wear losses
either by dimension loss or mass loss does not give the right
picture of the actual loss. Hence there seems to be a
reduction in the wear loss with increasing load. Moreover, It
was observed that wear performance of G-E enhanced due
inclusion of SiO2 filler. However the higher loading of
fillers in G-E composite (10% SiO2) exhibit lower specific
wear rate at all the loads and abrading distances. The
maximum specific wear rates of unfilled G-E and SiO2
filled G-E are 2.2 x 10-11 and 1.69 x 10-11 m3/Nm
respectively. The reason for improvement in wear
characteristics may be attributed to the type, surface
Figure 2: Dry Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Test treatment and filler loading. In this work, the decrease in
Apparatus the specific wear rate with an increase in the applied load is
consistent with other published works [19–21]. However,
This way the mounted G–E sample is made to
other reported works [7, 10] showed no influence of the
come in contact with a rotating rubber wheel. In this case,
applied load on the wear rate of the composite. The
the abrasion started through contact with the softer phase
reduction in the wear rate with increase in applied load
(epoxy). It has been reported that the presence of glass
could be due to the fact that the apparent contact area was
fibers in the interface reduces the wear rate [5]. In the
greatly increased at higher applied loads compared to that at
present work, during abrasion, in the initial stage of
lower applied loads. Increase in the apparent contact area
abrasion, the particle penetrated the soft outer layer of the
allows a large number of sand particles to encounter the
composite (matrix) due to the lower hardness. Once the
interface and share the stress. This, in turn, leads to a steady
matrix layer was removed, the harder phase of the
state or reduction in the wear rate.
composite (fibers) was exposed to the rubbing area, which
acted as a protector, leading to a reduction in the removal of Lancaster [23] stated that the product of σ and e is
material. However, breakage, debonding and pull-out of a very important factor which controls the abrasive wear
fibers have been observed at longer abrading distances. behavior of composites. Generally fiber/filler reinforcement
increases the tensile strength (σ) of neat polymer, they
Figure 3(a and b) show the wear volume loss with
usually decrease the ultimate elongation (e) and hence the
abrading distance for different loads. It is evident from these
product (σe) may become smaller than that of neat polymer.
figures that irrespective of the type of samples used, there is
Hence, reinforcement usually leads to deterioration in the
a linear trend of wear volume loss. The SiO2 filled G- E

Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2012; 2(4): 51-57
Figure 4: Specific wear rate of unfilled and SiO2 filled G-E
composites at (a) 24 N & (b) 36N
abraded surface. The higher wear rate in G–E composite
may be attributed to lower matrix ductility and poorer fiber–
matrix adhesion. The abraded surface shows evidence of
Figure 3: Wear volume loss of unfilled & SiO2 filled G-E
debonding at each fiber–matrix is not sufficient to result in
composites at (a) 24 N & (b) 36 N
the removal of fiber. The fracture of fiber is due to abrasion
abrasive wear resistance. In the present work, for the and transverse bending by sharp abrasive particles, resulting
composites tested, the wear volume loss increased with in fragments of fibers torn from the matrix (Fig. 5(a)). Once
increase in σe factor (Table 3) and the results are again, the micrograph shows poor adhesion between fiber
contradicting the reported literature. and matrix.
E. Worn Surface analysis Figure 6 (a & b) shows the photomicrograph of
To ascertain the wear mechanisms of unfilled and abraded surface of SiO2 filled G-E composites tested at a
SiO2 filled G-E composites, the worn surface of the samples load of 36 N. At lower abrading distance (Fig. 6b), severe
during abrasion were observed using SEM, and the matrix and fiber destructions were the characteristic features
micrographs are given in Figures 5 and 6 respectively. in the micrographs. Also the evidence of fiber cutting, small
Figure 5(a) shows that some deeper furrows with voids left by debonded fibers and fatigue damage of matrix
various width presented at the worn surface of unfilled G-E can be seen on the surface. It is thought that the observed
composite. At higher magnification, a more damage to the damaged fibers are the result of surface fatigue due to
epoxy matrix can be observed [Fig. 5(a)]. However, repeated abrasion by silica sand particles. The crack
apparently different phenomenon for the composite is that, a propagation through the fiber and interfacial debonding
lot of GF embedded in the dark transfer film, which is were also observed at because of the brittle nature of glass
surrounded by the melted blend matrix, and the length is fibers, which fractures due to repeated abrasion by silica
less than 50 µm. This length is much shorter than that of sand particles. The interfacial debonding is less because of
unrubbed sample [Fig. 5(a)], indicating that the glass fiber fine SiO2 dispersed uniformly in G-E composite and hence,
was fractured during sliding under the frictional shear and the fibers are less exposed to the abrasive medium resulted
normal load. This result indicates poor adhesion of in the lower wear volume loss as compared to unfilled G-E
the matrix to the fibers as several clean fibers appear on the composites.

Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2012; 2(4): 51-57
Figure 5: SEM photomicrographs of unfilled G-E Figure 6`: SEM photomicrographs of SiO2 filled G-E
composite at 36 N load: composite at 36 N load:
(a) 1000 m abrading distance & (b) 250 m abrading (a) 1000 m abrading distance & (b) 250 m abrading
distance. distance.
It is evident from the SEM photographs 1. The present work shows that incorporation of SiO2
(comparing Fig. 5(b) with Fig. 6(b) that the 10 % SiO 2 filled filler into G-E composites modifies the tensile and
G-E is showing lesser degree of worn surface features tribological properties of the composites.
compared to unfilled G-E sample at 36 N load applications. 2. Compared with unfilled G-E composite, the tensile
In the case of samples subjected to 36 N load, one can see modulus of SiO2 filled G-E improves a little but the
less number of broken fibers with less debris formation in tensile strength improves obviously. However, glass
the SiO2 filled G-E sample (Fig. 6b), whereas in the unfilled fiber- SiO2 exhibits synergistic effects on wear
G-E sample (Fig. 5b), de-bonding of the fiber with cleavage resistance and reinforcing the epoxy simultaneously,
type of fracture is seen. Now, coming to the samples because of its special spherical-cylindrical rod structure
subjected to higher abrading distance (1000 m), masking of and the interaction between SiO2 and glass fiber. The
fibers are noticed in the SiO2 filled sample (Fig. 6a). On the higher percentage (10 wt%) of SiO2 content in G-E
other hand, the SEM features of unfilled G-E sample (Fig. composite results to higher tensile strength, hardness
5a) show large number of broken fibers with lot of and a less percentage of elongation at break.
distortion in the matrix and also higher degree of debris 3. The maximum wear volume and specific wear rate is
formation. observed for unfilled G-E composites. The specific
wear rate increased with applied load at lower abrading
IV. CONCLUSIONS distance and decreased with increasing abrading
In this study, an experimental investigation has been distance.
conducted to evaluate the mechanical properties and three- 4. The worn surface morphology for unfilled and SiO2
body abrasive wear behaviour of glass-fiber reinforced filled G-E composites show that the plowing action is
epoxy matrix filled with different proportions of very fine predominating, brittle behaviour and the cracking
SiO2 particles. The following main conclusions can be mechanism under three-body abrasive wear conditions.
drawn from this study. During wear process the important SEM features
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Source of support: Nil; Conflict of interest: None declared

Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2012; 2(4): 51-57

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