BA401 - Analyzing The Internal Organization

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Analyzing the internal organization

1. Importance of understanding internal organization

a. Context of internal analysis
i. Global mind-set
1. Study internal environment with global culture context instead of
dependence on assumption of single country
ii. Analyze firm portfolio or resources and capability
1. Understand how to leverage these bundles
iii. Core competencies create and sustain its competitive advantage
b. Value
i. Measure by product performance by willingness to pay of customer
ii. Develop core competencies  competitive advantage
c. Challenge of analyzing IO
i. Strategic decision is non-routine
1. Have ethical implication
2. Influence organization’s above average return
3. Process
a. Identify  develop  deploy  protect firm’s resources,
capability and core competencies
ii. Manager face uncertainty on many fronts
1. Proprietary technology
2. Changes in economic and political trends, societal value and shift
in customer demand
iii. Intraorganizational conflicts
1. Due to decision about core competencies and how to nurture them

i. Competitive advantage [CA] foundation
1. Resources: tangible and intangibles bundling to create capabilities
2. Capabilities
a. Source of firm core competencies
i. Integrated to achieve specific tasks
3. Core competencies
a. Capability serve as source to CA to compete over its rivals
b. Distinctive differentiated from its competitors
2. Tangible Vs. Intangible
a. Tangible resources
i. Seen, touched and quantified
1. Equipment, facilities
b. Intangible resources
i. Rooted deeply in firm’s history = accumulated over time
1. Knowledge, brand name, internally generated asset = innovation
3. Building core competencies
a. Criteria
i. 4 specific criteria of sustainable CA
1. Valuable
2. Rare
3. Costly-to-imitate
4. Non-substitutable capabilities
ii. Value chain analysis
1. Primary activities [customer facing activities]
a. Involve physical creation, sale and distribution to buyer
b. Activities
i. Service
ii. Marketing
iii. Outbound/inbound
iv. Logistic
v. Operation
2. Support activities [non-customer facing activities]
a. Provide assistance necessary for primary activities to take
b. Activities
i. Infrastructure, HRM, technologies development
4. Creating value through value chain activities
a. Supply chain management: receive raw material and covert into final
i. Sourcing  procurement  conversion  logistic
ii. Primary activities
1. Operation: change raw material into finished product
a. Developing employee’s work schedule
b. Designing production processes and physical layout of
operation’s facilities
c. Determine production capacity needs
d. Selecting and maintaining production equipment
e. Training and supporting a sale force
2. Outsourcing: purchase of value creating activity from external
a. Increase flexibility, risk mitigation and capital investment
b. Firm must outsource when they cannot create value or at
substantial disadvantage compared to competitor
c. However, it can cause concern like
i. Lack of innovation abilities
ii. Loss of jobs
iii. Distribution: getting final product to customer
1. Handling customer order
2. Choosing optimal delivery channel
3. Working with finance support function for customer payment
iv. Follow-up service: activities taken to increase a product value for
1. Survey to receive feedback about customer’s satisfaction
2. Offering technical support after the sale
3. Fully complying with product’s warranty
b. Supporting activities
i. Finance: effectively acquiring and managing financial resources
1. Securing adequate financial capital
2. Investing in other function to support firm effort to produce and
distribute its product in short and long run
ii. Human resources: manage firm human capital [employee] to create a
capability and core competencies
1. Selecting  training  retaining  compensating
iii. Management information system: action to obtain information and
knowledge throughout firm
1. Identify and utilize sophisticated technologies
2. Determining optimal ways to collect and distribute knowledge
3. Linking relevant information and knowledge to organizational
5. Internal organizational assessment and strategic decision
a. Identify SW
b. Then identify appropriate level of resources and capabilities needed to develop
strategy and create value for customer
i. By using tools that help firm focusing on core competencies
1. Outsourcing
c. Core competencies can become core rigidities
i. When it is no longer competitiveness  become weakness

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