VIBHA - FN323 - For Presenting
VIBHA - FN323 - For Presenting
VIBHA - FN323 - For Presenting
A- A- Stable
VIBHA is is a Thailand-based In 2018
company engaged in the provision
Over 91,000 inpatients
of healthcare services.
and 657,000 outpatients
2,000 outpatients/day 250 registered beds
Establishment of
1992 Registered with SET
Started Trading March, 1992
2009 Princeton Park Suites
Source : Annual report / opp day
Invest in non-core business
Revenue contribution
Medical Fee IPD 47% OPD 53%
*from medical fee only for the company
Medical Fee - 95.67% Dividend -1.22% 16% of total revenue are from social security
Rental Service - 1,60% Others - 1.51%
Source : SET
● High-standard medical reputation
● Expertise in specialized treatment
● Demographically diversified ● High cost of hospital operations
● Government policy and support
● Growth in medical tourism,
wellness tourism from China ● Competitiveness among top
and CLMV countries healthcare service providers
● Insufficient medical personal
Low Moderate
Threat of Rivalry among
New entrants Competitors
➢ High initial cost ➢ High competition among
➢ Solid reputation & extensive private hospital group to
network by original players gain larger market share
A+ AA- A-
Expansion by private sector hospitals will Demand for specialist services with High
tend to increase competition for staff and tech increases
this will then lead to higher business costs.
5.8% CAGR
Net profit at
876 MB in
772 941 866 decrease
1065 876 from 2017
by 10.2%
Growth Factors
Anticipate stable
operating margin at 19%
Investment CAPEX
- Vibharam Rayong
- Vibharam Nawamin 300M-400M
- Vibhavadi new shopping complex building
- including commercial space, parking lots, labs, and
clinics 400M-500M
- Vibharam Lanna expected to open in 2021
- Vibharam Hariphunchai
- Vibharam Ramkamhaeng
- Investment overseas in ASEAN countries including
Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos
Source : Annual report and Opp Day
● Cash and current investment is projected to be ● VIBHA’s working capital is quite stable
at the current level despite continuous ● In 2018, VIBHA has higher A/R days due to
expansion increasing customers of CMR
Non-current Bt14,021 mn
Non-interest-bearing Bt2,461 mn
Equity Bt9,375 mn
● VIBHA has a stable D/E ratio in the past five years Peer VIBHA BDMS BCH
● The ratio is expected to gradually decrease in the Comparison:
future due to higher policy rate in 2018 D/E in 2018 0.39 0.54 0.73
● Total debt to capitalization ratio in 2018 is 27.83%
13% ● In 2018, Vibha has total assets of
Bt15,547 mn, Bt 1,526 of which is
current assets
Key ratios
Profitability Leverage Efficiency ratio
VIBHA has a stable EBITDA EBITDA interest coverage ratio is VIBHA can maintain CCC days at
margin during the past five years, decreasing from 2015 to 2018 around 20 days
despite a decrease in 2018 due to due to higher leverage; however, it
higher cost, and the ratio is is expected to be higher
expected to be at this rate for the
next three years
Key ratios
Profitability Leverage Efficiency ratio
Assets Covenant
A- Rating AA- A+ A-
Stable outlook
➢ Labour shortage
A- A- Stable
A- A- Stable
Rating sensitivities
● Upside case may occur if the company has better control over its costs of treatment and the financial profile can
be maintain at this level with an improve in liquidity
● Rating can be downgraded if cash flow protection decreases dramatically or VIBHA is unable to control costs
● What is your strategy on future expansion in both Thailand and other countries, especially in
Asian countries?
● Why was the cost of treatment in 2018 higher than the previous year and will it be at this level
in the future?
● Do you think that increasing policy rate will change your capital structure and if yes, how
would it be?
Balance sheet (Unit: THB) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019F 2020F 2021F
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 248,870,276 323,201,746 235,136,086 432,588,012 307,120,538 266,455,518 316,067,956 440,522,640
Current investments 1,288,703 1,311,790 7,245,005 756,928 766,088 766,088 766,088 766,088
Trade receivables 495,155,450 460,045,428 503,583,290 519,679,094 677,690,317 642,657,063 686,824,933 749,268,722
Short-term loans to related parties 343,000,000 313,000,000 123,000,000 294,000,000 336,300,000 336,300,000 336,300,000 336,300,000
Inventories 136,227,804 127,913,600 140,385,379 154,603,116 165,281,199 175,723,434 187,981,439 205,183,890
Other current assets 63,906,134 35,218,813 38,371,048 31,770,294 39,191,012 39,191,012 39,191,012 39,191,012
Total current assets 1,288,448,367 1,260,691,377 1,047,720,808 1,433,397,444 1,526,349,154 1,461,093,115 1,567,131,428 1,771,232,352
Non-current assets
Investments in associates 1,020,965,033 1,284,193,755 2,179,978,211 2,357,601,653 2,260,253,320 2,260,253,320 2,260,253,320 2,260,253,320
Long-term loans to related parties 5,625,000 5,625,000 29,625,000 29,625,000 29,625,000 29,625,000 29,625,000 29,625,000
Long-term loans to other persons 3,985,000 3,985,000 3,985,000 3,985,000
Investment property 173,636,859 171,843,665 236,425,470 233,246,605 248,232,481 266,367,371 284,259,621 301,912,476
Property, plant and equipment 3,969,255,248 4,405,255,215 5,376,779,656 6,042,589,361 6,125,498,640 6,659,744,768 7,153,369,353 7,609,461,065
Goodwill 723,215,731 723,215,731 723,215,731 723,215,731 723,215,731 723,215,731 723,215,731 723,215,731
Intangible assets 13,025,622 15,295,673 12,062,564 10,341,646 11,746,660 11,812,898 11,847,917 11,866,430
Other non-current assets 3,365,515,601 3,518,548,679 4,881,521,580 4,616,282,199 4,618,475,204 4,618,475,204 4,618,475,204 4,618,475,204
Total non-current assets 9,271,239,094 10,123,977,718 13,439,608,212 14,012,902,195 14,021,032,036 14,573,479,292 15,085,031,145 15,558,794,227
Total assets 10,559,687,461 11,384,669,095 14,487,329,020 15,446,299,639 15,547,381,190 16,034,572,407 16,652,162,574 17,330,026,579
Balance sheet (Unit: THB) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019F 2020F 2021F
Current liabilities
Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from
financial institutions 1,123,011,929 1,022,480,980 1,228,270,593 1,031,532,860 1,585,794,960 1,595,938,319 1,633,611,603 1,673,815,306
Trade payables 257,928,448 269,908,853 287,070,655 308,783,254 311,116,646 348,475,516 372,784,252 406,898,273
Current portion of long-term liabilities
Long-term loans from financial institutions 372,360,000 517,868,672 504,049,792 721,797,619 743,114,286 738,241,749 755,668,482 774,265,725
Liabilities under finance lease agreements 3,358,279 3,790,172 7,232,683 9,597,914 9,427,241 8,320,231 8,516,636 8,726,233
Other current liabilities 1,091,285,048 1,049,450,402 1,264,098,497 1,462,037,736 1,353,509,721 1,298,903,588 1,298,903,588 1,298,903,588
Total current liabilities 2,847,943,704 2,863,499,079 3,290,722,220 3,533,749,383 4,002,962,854 3,989,879,404 4,069,484,561 4,162,609,126
Non-current liabilities
Long-term loans from financial institutions 612,291,215 791,259,792 1,017,330,000 1,685,369,048 1,362,239,812 1,381,665,690 1,414,280,912 1,449,086,817
Liabilities under finance lease agreements 14,421,003 12,649,863 14,761,036 14,161,741 10,399,315 18,255,879 18,686,822 19,146,711
Other non-current liabilities 672,362,279 701,525,726 935,144,448 845,565,996 796,292,833 796,292,833 796,292,833 796,292,833
Total non-current liabilities 1,299,074,497 1,505,435,381 1,967,235,484 2,545,096,785 2,168,931,960 2,196,214,402 2,229,260,567 2,264,526,361
Total liabilities 4,147,018,201 4,368,934,460 5,257,957,704 6,078,846,168 6,171,894,814 6,186,093,806 6,298,745,128 6,427,135,487
Balance sheet (Unit: THB) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019F 2020F 2021F
Shareholders' equity
Issued and paid-up share capital 1,257,716,543 1,260,847,542 1,316,363,602 1,319,693,385 1,319,936,825 1,319,936,825 1,319,936,825 1,319,936,825
Share premium accounts 1,817,769,953 1,845,948,940 2,345,593,482 2,377,168,913 2,379,358,913 2,379,358,913 2,379,358,913 2,379,358,913
Retained earnings
Appropriated 107,700,000 131,000,000 131,636,360 131,969,339 146,449,093 146,449,093 146,449,093 146,449,093
Unappropriated 917,060,506 1,256,001,579 1,542,384,970 1,952,926,137 2,195,567,576 2,668,559,801 3,173,498,646 3,722,972,291
Other components of shareholders' equity 756,169,728 798,156,074 1,463,726,008 1,231,636,430 1,066,013,176 1,066,013,176 1,066,013,176 1,066,013,176
Total equity attributable to owners of the
parent 4,856,416,730 5,291,954,135 6,799,704,422 7,013,394,204 7,107,325,583 7,580,317,808 8,085,256,653 8,634,730,298
Non-controlling interests 1,556,252,530 1,723,780,500 2,429,666,894 2,354,059,267 2,268,160,793 2,268,160,793 2,268,160,793 2,268,160,793
Total shareholders' equity 6,412,669,260 7,015,734,635 9,229,371,316 9,367,453,471 9,375,486,376 9,848,478,601 10,353,417,446 10,902,891,091
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 10,559,687,461 11,384,669,095 14,487,329,020 15,446,299,639 15,547,381,190 16,034,572,407 16,652,162,574 17,330,026,579
Income statement (Unit: THB) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019F 2020F 2021F
Gross profit 1,532,362,246 1,817,288,977 1,895,357,861 1,953,032,264 1,944,554,762 2,214,812,304 2,362,179,434 2,573,945,516
Other income 76,963,454 72,423,961 82,144,489 100,295,046 96,363,078 96,363,078 96,363,078 96,363,078
Operating profit 930,239,260 1,138,442,070 1,118,189,568 1,182,995,804 1,127,195,295 1,325,843,375 1,405,491,625 1,521,517,899
Other recurring income 54,499,173 58,080,020 77,342,486 69,012,754 84,828,804 93,311,684 102,642,853 112,907,138
Share of profit of associates 58,597,179 58,618,837 17,765,174 160,952,801 15,623,584 62,311,515 62,311,515 62,311,515
Depreciation and amortization 319,417,527 338,317,411 369,475,583 397,574,700 412,539,848 474,611,652 515,507,055 553,295,827
Interest expense 100,206,962 102,901,168 122,515,943 152,115,423 161,823,458 187,600,077 189,189,772 193,655,734
Net income 772,729,658 941,071,792 865,803,139 1,064,525,233 876,408,404 1,060,034,046 1,131,630,367 1,231,438,362
Change in other current assets and current liabilities 5,888,673 (16,798,497) 54,238,120 (73,227,189) 81,857,663 (54,606,133) 0 0
Cash flow from operations 949,577,731 1,303,940,132 1,249,564,478 1,375,756,885 1,197,659,493 1,541,989,454 1,615,020,283 1,739,201,971
CAPEX (553,861,382) (690,917,997) (1,360,512,861) (1,076,558,438) (480,271,583) (1,027,058,908) (1,027,058,908) (1,027,058,908)
Long term loans to related party (3,985,000)
Other items (493,607,808) (183,251,819) (547,360,248) (330,202,285) (178,549,564)
Cash flow from investments (1,047,469,190) (874,169,816) (1,907,873,109) (1,406,760,723) (662,806,147) (1,027,058,908) (1,027,058,908) (1,027,058,908)
Debt financing 568,920,756 167,446,223 565,572,761 889,049,297 72,529,872 31,446,255 88,342,586 94,276,338
Cash received from paid-up for share capital 31,309,986 555,160,602 34,905,214 2,433,440
Dividend paid (377,315,007) (452,543,887) (429,224,449) (543,383,324) (574,210,674) (587,041,820) (626,691,523) (681,964,717)
Cash received from share payment 1,250,000 1,250,000 750,000
Other items (100,206,962) (102,901,168) (122,515,943) (152,115,423) (161,823,458)
Cash flow from financing 91,398,787 (355,438,846) 570,242,971 228,455,764 (660,320,820) (555,595,566) (538,348,937) (587,688,379)
Beginning cash balance 255,362,948 248,870,276 323,201,746 235,136,086 432,588,012 307,120,538 266,455,518 316,067,956
Net change in cash (6,492,672) 74,331,470 (88,065,660) 197,451,926 (125,467,474) -40,665,020 49,612,438 124,454,684
Ending cash balance 248,870,276 323,201,746 235,136,086 432,588,012 307,120,538 266,455,518 316,067,956 440,522,640
Total depreciation and amortization 319,417,527 338,317,411 369,475,583 397,574,700 412,539,848 474,611,652 515,507,055 553,295,827
Relevant Training
Diploma, National Defence College, The Joint State - Private Sector Course, Batch 4414
Capital Market Academy (ACMA), Batch 15
Director Accreditation Program (DAP) 20/2004
"Organization Risk Management for Director" Program
"Increasing Your Corporate Value Through Effective Communication" Program
Work Experience
2016 - the present Director, Sikarin Public Company Limited
2013 - the present Director, Synphaet Company Limited
2013 - the present Director, Tippayabadin Company Limited
2012 - the present Director, Legacy Golf (Thailand) Company Limited
2009 - the present Director, Princeton Park Suites Company Limited
2008 - the present Vice Chairman of Executive Director, Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited
2004 - the present Director, Dynasty Ceramic Public Company Limited
2004 - the present Director, Serirak Hospital Company Limited
Mr. Chaisith Viriyamettakul 2003 - the present Managing Director Vibhavadi Medical Center Public Company Limited
Chairman of the board / 2002 - the present Director, Lanna Hospital Chiang Mai Public Company Limited
1998 - the present Director/Executive Director Vibharam Hospital Company Limited
Managing Director
1983 - the present Chairman, Taparak Development Company Limited
Maj. Gen. Suriya Phalakornkul, M.D. has been Chairman of Vibhavadi Medical Center
Public Co. Ltd., since January 16, 2018. Maj. Gen. Phalakornkul serve as the Vice
Chairman of the board and Chairman of the Executive Board of Vibhavadi Medical
Center Public Co. Ltd., until January 16, 2018.