Ultimate Guide To Inbox Zero Mastery
Ultimate Guide To Inbox Zero Mastery
Ultimate Guide To Inbox Zero Mastery
by Laura Spencer
Introduction 1
Conclusion 20
That’s where Inbox Zero comes in. Many people think Inbox Zero is just about
Inbox Zero is a productivity concept reducing the number of inbox emails to
nothing. In reality, that’s only part of the
that helps reduces the amount of
concept—although it’s an important part.
time you spend in your inbox and The main concept is to spend less time
maximizes your efficiency. on email so that you can spend more time
doing other things. The actual number of
The Inbox Zero concept was introduced messages in your inbox doesn’t always
in 2006 by Merlin Mann on the 43 Folders have to be literally zero.
website. Mann was looking for an easy
system for managing a high volume of Inbox Zero is about using your email
email effectively. Inbox Zero has a lot in platform more effectively. As such, it’s an
common with David Allen’s Getting Things action-based email management system.
Done® (GTD®) productivity system. As someone using Inbox Zero, you won’t
allow email messages to accumulate in
The information in this ebook is inspired your inbox. Instead, you’ll deal with them
by Mann’s original Inbox Zero concept. The quickly because you have a plan.
techniques described here may vary from
Mann’s original suggestions.
According to figures from Reuters, the Most of us interrupt our daily work to deal
average worker spends a lot of time on with email without even thinking about it.
email, and many workers spend up to 6.3 That’s why it’s so easy to lose track of how
hours a day on email. That’s a lot of time. much time you actually spend on email.
If you use email like the workers in the Interruptions affect your productivity. They
study, that means you spend more than cause you to lose track of what you’re
75% of your time each day on email. This doing. They can lower the quality of your
leaves you less than two hours to get work. And they can make your work more
everything else done if you work an eight- stressful.
hour day. Unless answering email is your
main job, you either have to work overtime
to get everything done or you wind up not
processing your email.
The entry form for nearly every offer Another tactic to keep your email inbox
requires you to provide an email address. uncluttered is to use your email’s filtering
That’s because those offers aren’t really tools to send promotional messages to
about giving something away. They’re a folder. Read them later when you have
about building a mailing list for the time. To learn how labels work in Gmail,
sponsoring company. If you read the fine study the tutorials How to Organize Your
print, most forms include an email opt-in Gmail Inbox to Be More Effective and How
statement. By submitting the form, you’re to Filter & Block Unwanted Emails (Spam)
agreeing to receive email. in Gmail.
So, think before you complete that form. As part of your regular periodic review,
Ask yourself: re-evaluate the promotional emails you
receive. If you haven’t read an email from a
• Am I okay with getting email from this vendor in a month, unsubscribe.
• Do I really want this prize or offer?
Automatic Alerts and Notifications
• How often am I likely to receive an email? Many apps and tools send regular email
alerts and notifications. These notifications
Remember, a bargain isn’t a bargain if it can add a lot of email clutter to your inbox.
means your inbox is cluttered with email
you don’t want or need. Here’s what happens. You use your email
address to sign up for an app or tool. The
Deal with promotional emails by creating default (which most people don’t change)
a separate email address for these and is that you are notified by email when
other less important messages. You could certain events occur. Do you really need all
also use a disposable email address. To those notifications? Probably not.
learn more, review Beginner’s Guide to
Disposable Email Addresses. Manage your Here are some examples of tools that
separate email address as you have time. If automatically send email updates:
According to Mann’s original Inbox Zero This checklist reviews the main points
concept, you don’t need lots and lots of made in this section. Use it to make sure
folders. In fact, using lots of folders can you’ve followed the recommended steps.
mean that you spend more time figuring
out which email goes in which folder. When √√ Combine multiple inboxes into one
it comes to folders, less really is more. to simplify your email management
How many email folders do you need? √√ Set time aside to deal with your current
Probably not as many as you have. inbox clutter.
Consider simplifying the number of folders √√ Don’t set up lots and lots of folders.
you use to fewer than six if you can. Here is
a simple four-folder structure:
If an email requires you to perform a task While it’s normal to worry that your
and you can’t get to the task right away, response seems too curt, most people
add the task to a task tracking tool. Archive won’t be upset by a short reply. Mention
or delete the email when you complete the that you are being concise in your email.
task. Something like the sample response below
could work:
There are many good task tracking tools
available. The best ones integrate with your “Thanks for bringing that to my attention. The
calendar and send reminders close to the quick answer is, we won’t be implementing
time when the task is due. that process any time soon due to the cost.
If you have further questions, feel free to call
Some email platforms include task list me at xxx-xxx-xxxx.”
capabilities. For example, many people
don’t realize that Gmail includes a task Notice that the response was only three
utility that integrates with Google Calendar. short sentences. Sending an answer like
You can open the task list from within the response above is quick and effective.
Gmail and even cause it to pop out onto It probably took less than a minute to type
your desktop. To learn how to use the and send. The sender notes that they are
Gmail task list tool, study the helpful being concise by using the phrase “The
tutorial: How to Work With Tasks in Gmail quick answer is.”
to Be More Productive.
Use Response Templates
Write Short Responses Do you find yourself answering the same
One part of processing emails that often email questions repeatedly? If so, you’re
takes a lot of time is crafting a response. In not the only one.
many instances, you may be overthinking
your email replies. Instead of crafting a new response each
Gmail Labs has a feature called Canned Or you can work with a dedicated app
Responses that is perfect for this. Enable like TextExpander. As you can see, the
the feature from the Settings menu. Learn process isn’t hard. Having prewritten email
more about how to work with this feature in responses for certain questions can save
the tutorial: How to Create Email Templates you quite a bit of time.
in Gmail: With Canned Responses.
Section Checklist
MS Outlook also has the Quick Parts This checklist reviews the main points
feature that allows you to store and reuse made in this section. Use it to make sure
email text blocks. you’ve followed the recommended steps.
You don’t need an email platform with √√ Don’t spend more than two minutes
special features to store common email deciding what to do with an email.
answers, though. All you need is a simple √√ Set aside specific times of the day to
word processor. Notepad could even work. process your email.
Here’s what to do: √√ Don’t overuse email folders or labels.
Use the email search utility instead.
1. Create an email answer folder on your √√ Convert emails requiring actions into
computer for common email answers. tasks and use a task manager.
2. Each time you find yourself answering √√ Write short email responses whenever
a common email question, copy and possible.
paste the text into a word processor file. √√ When a short response won’t do, use an
3. Give the file a descriptive name and email response template for common
save the file to your email answer folder. email questions.
4. To use an email response template,
open your email answer folder.
5. Find the appropriate response.
Let’s review each of these concepts There are some definite disadvantages to
separately. creating a “junk” email address, though.
Here are some things to be aware of:
Should You Use a Junk Email Address?
Many email users create what is called a • Clutter. Since most people who create
“junk” email address. They give this email a “junk” email address rarely check
address out when they need to provide an that email, the inbox fills up quickly. It
email address, but don’t intend to read any may only take a few weeks before you
emails they receive from the entity they are have hundreds of messages in your
providing the email address to. inbox. Not only can this be irritating if
you decide to read a message, but your
The purpose of a “junk” address is to keep email storage can start to fill up quickly.
email messages out of the email address • Missing out. Inevitably, something
you use on a regular basis. important will be sent to your junk
email address. It may be a product
Some examples of when someone might recall. It may be a special offer. It may
use a junk email address:
We’ve explored some strategies to help you If you’d like to learn more about using email
get your email inbox ready for Inbox Zero. effectively and about productivity, Envato
We’ve also discussed some basic Inbox Tuts+ offers some tutorials on the subject:
Zero strategies that you should adopt, as
well as some that you should not. • How to Master Proper Business Email
Format - and Avoid Professional Disaster
Inbox Zero is also a flexible strategy. Adapt
it to meet your own needs. Your Inbox Zero • How to Prioritize the Emails You
methods may differ from someone else’s. Respond To
If you adopt the email management • How to Do One Thing at a Time and Stop
principles in this ebook consistently, you’ll Multi-tasking
save time and get more done.