ODS Soter Webbrochure

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Soter RS

T HE u lt imate substi tute fo r s tr ip s e a r c h i n g


S a f e t y
begins with
A safe, more effective
daily procedure Head-to-toe
body scan

T i me - s a v i n g
Ensuring a safe environment for personnel, inmates and visitors is an essential daily routine. p r o ce d u r e
Managing the risk of contraband (be it drugs, weapons, cell phones or other items) is a constant
challenge. To date, strip searching, with it’s associated risks, has been the only method. There is Re v e a l s a l l t y p e s
of contraband
another safer, more effective solution.

r e s u lt

The u l t i m a t e s u b s t i t u t e U s e r - f r i e n d ly
ODSecurity offers the Soter RS Through Body Scanner high-quality head-to-toe body scan: a 100%
as the perfect adoption of proven technology screening of the person in question. The Soter P a s s w o r d p r o t ec t e d
to replace strip search procedures. Human RS not only reveals all sorts of metal and plastic, viewer software
behaviour during a search can be unpredictable, but also organic material. Our body scanner
but with the Soter RS Through Body Scanner, supplies full HD plus images by and for your staff.
contraband can be identified safely and The extensive possibilities for analysis easily detect
more effectively. The result is an instantaneous, a wide range of contraband.
The Soter RS will substantially save your security ODSecurity is familiar with the legislation
process time. We can also provide the machine and supports the application of licenses. The Soter
with an additional operating console, which speeds RS is delivered with clear test protocols and reports
up the throughput time. on how to use and install them.
A p p r o p r i a t e d i s t a n ce a n d e y e
c o n ta ct w i t h s c a n n e d p e r s o n The Soter RS is compact and extremely We support you in aiming for a maximum security
user-friendly: there is no need for an extensive for your personnel, your visitors and the inmates.
training. The high quality scan image is achieved
with a minimum amount of radiation and is not

D i s p l a y w i t h m u l t i t o u ch p a n e l
a n d u s e r f r i e n d l y i n t e r f a ce

C e r t i f i e d a n d s p ec i a l i z e d
The Soter RS is manufactured in the Netherlands. The manufacturing is set up according to the modern principles of high-tech production.
ODSecurity is ISO certified and has close partnerships with research institutes and specialized companies. The main objective for ODSecurity
is to constantly improve the technology and always look for better solutions through sophisticated use of high-tech features.
General Scanning device: Soter RS

Dimensions: L 2950 x H 2500 x W 1850


Weight: 918kg

Conveyor speed: 0,06 m/s

Operating temperature: 0-45º Celsius

Humidity: 10% to 90% non condensing

Sound presure level: < 60 dB

Power supply: 230V/110V, 50Hz/ 60 Hz

2950 1850
X-ray dose/Inspection: < 1.7 µS

ANSI N43.17 compliant

Ge n e r a l O p e r a t o r
Monitor: 23” multi touch screen

Image resolution: 2678 x 1200 pixels


Memory: 4GB Ram, 2x 250 GB SSD harddisk

Connectivity: ethernet and dicom compatible

S of t wa r e features: various filters
for analyzing the image
Zoom: > 25 times 2950 590 590

M u lt i - u s e r

ODSec u r i t y
ODSecurity has been leading the in large scale medical examinations. markets. As a Company, we are fully
application of X-ray technology To date more than 20,000 units committed to product excellence
for over 50 years. The Company has have been sold and installed. and client satisfaction. We care
achieved worldwide recognition by We have developed the Soter RS as about our business. Please visit us at
developing and producing the Odelca, our next generation scanner for the www.odsecurity.com
the first scanner used commercially Security and Correctional Facilities

Edisonsstraat 22, 8912 AW Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Phone +31-(0)58-29 88 888, Fax: +31-(0)58-29 88 768
[email protected], www.odsecurity.com

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