Christmas Eve Tradition 2010

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Page 6 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor December 16, 2010

Christmas Eve traditions always include family
By Heidi Kerr-Schlaefer on Christmas Eve. My husband’s fami- open their presents in the wee hours of
The Surveyor ly, who is of German, English and Christmas Day.
French descent, always has oyster My Facebook friends seemed to have
“Twas the night before Christmas stew, although grilled cheese was a variety of unusual traditions, like
and all through the house, not a crea- added to the traditional meal because eating tamales, egg rolls or fondue as
ture was stirring not even a mouse.” his little sister didn’t care for oyster their customary Christmas Eve meal.
This line from the poem “Twas the stew. Some went caroling after dinner and
Night Before Christmas,” is embla- Like Christmas itself, the eve before others recall being read “The Night
zoned in our memories. The night be- the big day is steeped in both Christ- Before Christmas” every year. No mat-
fore Christmas is Christmas Eve, ian and pre-Christian rituals. For ter the continent or culture, Christmas
and the truth is, this evening is instance, in the Balkans, after a Eve seems to involve a family activity.
usually anything but quiet. meal of fish, baked beans, sauer- Whether it’s a meal, Mass, trimming
It seems every family has a kraut, walnuts, red wine and a the tree, or driving around the city
Christmas Eve tradition, as do dessert of dried fruits, the table is looking at Christmas lights, families do
individual countries and cul- not cleared until the next morn- it together on Christmas Eve.
tures. Midnight Mass is cele- ing, thus leaving some leftover
brated by millions of people food for the holy spirits, a
in many different countries.
Although it doesn’t always
start at midnight ? in
custom that most likely
originated in pagan beatcalendar
times. Candlelight Dinner Playhouse:
fact, over the years it’s My family always The Will Rogers Follies
been moved up to as opens presents on “A Life in Revue”
early as 7 p.m. in Christmas Eve. Through Jan. 16
order to accommo- When we were chil- 970-744-3747
date a modern dren one large pre- 4747 Marketplace Dr., Johnstown
lifestyle. In an unsci- sent was left for Rialto Theatre:
entific online poll I con- Christmas morning. It Third Annual Interstate Cowboy
ducted on Facebook, several re- turns out our tradition of Christmas Christmas Ball
spondents stated it was their family Eve gift giving was in keeping with Friday, Dec. 17, 7:30 p.m.
tradition to attend “midnight” Mass those in parts of Germany, Switzerland Bells of the Rockies presents
and then drive around looking at and Austria, as well as many other Eu- Christmas Bells-Ringing in the Season
Christmas lights. ropean countries or countries with Saturday, Dec. 18, 7 p.m.
For many families and in many soci- strong European ties, such as Argenti- Rocky Mountain Chamber Singers
eties, the Christmas Eve meal is an im- presents A Christmas Carol
na and Uruguay. Even the British Roy- Sunday, Dec. 19, 2 p.m.
portant and strictly observed ritual. In al Family opens their presents on Dec.
Poland the meal includes some type of 970-962-2120
24, in keeping with their German her- 228 E. Fourth St., Loveland
fish, and this seems to be true in many itage. In Latin countries, families often
European cultures. Italian Catholics Boulder Dinner Theatre:
stay awake until after midnight to
eat seven different varieties of seafood Hello Dolly!
Through Feb. 26
5501 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder

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