Weekly Update 12.23

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This Issue:
- This Sunday
- Boxing Day
- Membership
Directory Pictures
Weekly Update
- New Year’s Eve
- 8 Day Schedule
- Christmas Eve Service
- Christmas Day Dinner
- Choir News
- RE Survey
- UUA News
Intergen Friends
-A Look Ahead

✱ The UUCM Office will be

closed on December 24 & 31, 2010. This Sunday
“Everyday a Child is Born: Celebrating the Wonder of Christmas”

On 12/26 we will be lead by the Worship Committee and Choir.

Membership Just as Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus; let us celebrate
the wondrous miracle that marks the birth of every child. The
Directory choir and musicians will lead us in making a joyful noise singing
many traditional and contemporary songs of the season. This
Pictures intergenerational service will be followed by a congregational
holiday cookie, candy, and baked goods potluck. Bring your
We’ll be adding pictures to our favorites to share while sipping a cup of hot chocolate, cider, or
Online Membership Director. eggnog.
If you’d like to be included you
can either send us a picture to
[email protected] or “Boxing Day at UUCM”
come into the Main office on
Sunday anytime from Also on Sunday 12/26 congregational holiday cookie, candy,
10:30am-11am or 12pm-12:20pm and baked goods potluck. Celebrate Boxing Day by "boxing
to have it taken there. Be up" your favorite sweet leftovers to share after this Sunday's
prepared to fill out an info service. Hospitality is providing hot chocolate, cider, and
sheet to update your contact eggnog. Questions or need more info? Contact Jesse Walters
data. at 305-333-8701 or [email protected]


New Happy 2011 Miami


Mark Kassis and Terry Lowman would like to RSVP WITH YOUR CHOICE OF ENTREE:
host a dinner for New Year's Eve at the
UUCM: “We know it's last minute, so if we ♨Prime Rib of Beef
don't get around 20 guests, we won't do it.” ♨Salmon poached in Dill Cream

A donation of $25 with $5 going to cover the ♨Butternut Squash Lasagna

cost of food is requested.
8pm- 11pm. The rest of the Menu will include:
-Herbed Mashed Potatoes
Please bring your own wine, but we'll supply a -Green Beans Almondine
champagne toast. -Chocolate Pate with assorted fruits for dessert
-Champagne toast
[email protected]

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

23 24 25
7:30pm- Choir 5:30pm- 4pm- Christmas
Practice, ER Christmas Dinner, S
Eve Service, S

26 27 28 29 30
9:30am- Spiritual Reality, 6:30pm- 12pm- Lunch NE
ER No Events Buddhist Bunch, ER
Reflections, ER Legend:
11am- Service, S
ER = Emerson Room
S = Sanctuary
RE= RE Office


CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE and ideas about the Monster flowers for those who would
Join us Friday, December Bash.    like to donate flowers to the
24th at 5:30pm for our Candle http://www.surveymonkey.com/ weekend services yet do not
Light Christmas Service s/YY6FHT2 have the time to. Please
complete with songs and stories contact her for more info:
in the Sanctuary. UUA NEWS 305-661-8482
The Unitarian Universalist
You and your family & Member Directory. It has up- If you haven't noticed, there is
friends are invited to come and to-date information and can be a huge yellow board with sign
share the best of home cooked accessed at your leisure at up information for InterGen
Traditional Holiday Fare with www.myuua.org . Make sure to Friends (IGF).  This is the
UU Friends, Family & SWIM create your personal account to new name for what we used to
early arrivals on Saturday, access all of the wonderful call "Secret Friends."  This is
December 25th in the Sanctuary. features available to UUA an event that Religious
Open house begins at 4pm, members such as: Updating Education has each year to
Dinner is served at 6pm. If you your info, opting in or out of encourage members of all ages
haven’t already signed up to UUWorld (Boston’s UU to write to an anonymous pen
attend please find a registration quarterly magazine). pal and get to know someone
form at the back table in the Also available from the new.  A coordinator pairs you
Sanctuary. UUA is the Congregational and collects letters each week
Bulletin. See the December beginning on January 9.  The
CHOIR NEWS Issue at: http://tinyurl.com/ program runs for six weeks and
Rehearsal has been UUADecember then you find out who your
cancelled for December 30th, friend was and enjoy a cookout
2010 and January 6th 2011. sponsored by RE.  If you are
interested, please sign up on
We still do not have a the board.  If you have any
RE volunteer to provide flowers for questions, please don't hesitate
The Religious Education this Sunday’s service. Iris to ask--email Monica at
department has created a Massey has offered to arrange [email protected]
survey to gather your thoughts

-El Nuevo Año: Sunday 1/2/2011, 11am, Join us to explore some of the traditions that make our life in
Miami filled with rich cultural backgrounds.  We will delve into the background of some cultures that
have enriched us.  After the service we will taste wonderful food and rituals related to these holidays
which continue into early January and even February in some countries.

-Congregational Meeting- Sudnay 1/23/11, 1pm-2:30pm in the Sanctuary. Be sure to mark your calendar to
join our appreciative interview leaders and Reverend Drew after service. Results from our every-member
interviews will be presented and we will discuss how the values and information shared will inform our
updated mission and lay the groundwork for a congregational covenant. Nursery and child care will be


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