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Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church

9323 Highway 165 South, Woodworth, Louisiana

Rev. John Pardue, Pastor Church Mailing Address: P. O. Box 408
2120 Coulee Crossing, Woodworth, LA 71485 Church Office Hours: TWTh 8:00-noon (318) 487-9894
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 408 Secretary/Bookkeeper: Laura Callico, [email protected]
Telephone: (318) 445-7554 Cantor/Music Director: Priscilla Gadel, [email protected]
[email protected]

Third Sunday of Advent, December 12, 2010

CALENDAR Dear Parishioners,

Saturday, December 11 This year Christmas Day is a Saturday,
4:00 pm Mass - Laurie Ogaard + which provides for us a unique challenge.
Because of the usual anticipated Mass on
Sunday, December 12
Saturday evening, does that Mass count
8:00 am Mass - Valorie Clayton +
for my Christmas Day obligation or my Sunday obligation? Can
5:30 pm Mass - For the People
it count for both? (Can we get two for the price of one?) A Mass
Monday, December 13 celebrated on the evening of Christmas Day (the evening before
No Mass Sunday) would fulfill either obligation, but not both. More im-
12:00 noon - St. Joseph Guild lunch - Hall portantly, each of these days deserves special attention and our
attendance at Holy Mass.
Tuesday, December 14
7:00 am Mass - Bootsy Gauthier + At Mary Mother of Jesus Church, we will not have an evening
6:00 pm - Pastoral Council Meeting - Hall Mass Christmas Day evening.
Wednesday, December 15 The Masses for Christmas will be:
6:00 pm Mass - Marcelle P. Busch +
6:00 pm - CCD classes 4:00 pm Friday, Christmas Eve
Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 16 9:00 am on Saturday, Christmas Day
7:00 am Mass - Minon Wilkerson
5:30 pm - Adoration of the Blessed The Sunday Mass schedule will be as usual: 8:00 am and 5:30
Sacrament pm. And won’t we all look forward to 2011 when Christmas
will be on a Sunday!
Friday, December 17
7:00 am Mass - Mat Lohman + Sincerely yours,
Saturday, December 18 Father John
4:00 pm Mass - Murriel Jones +
Sunday, December 19 Help Decorate the Family Christmas Tree
8:00 am Mass - Ogaard and Clayton families
5:30 pm Mass - For the People Mary, Mother of Jesus will have a family
tree in the vestibule again this year, and
we invite everyone to help decorate it.

 Make your own ornament or decorate one

you already have.
Sanctuary Candle
 Names and/or photos may be put on orna-
burns in memory of
Laurie Ogaard
 Individual and family ornaments may be
 Ornaments may be decorated “In memory of…” or “In honor
of…” family members and friends.
PASTORAL COUNCIL  Place completed ornaments in the basket in the vesti-
MEETING bule by Sunday, December 19.
 If you’d like to string popcorn chains, put them in a ziploc
Tuesday, December 14 bag before placing the bag in the ornament basket.
6:00 pm in Cumella Hall  Have fun!!!!!
If you have any questions, call Betty Morris at 442-0270.
Average Weekly Expenses Last Qtr $2,846.00 If you are interested in riding the
Last Weekend’s Collection $2,641.00 bus (chartered by the Rapides
Christmas Flowers $151.00 Right to Life) to attend the first
Building Fund (gifts since 7/1/10) $20,734.20 Louisiana Life March on Saturday,
January 22 in Baton Rouge, you
Thank you for your generosity! must sign up by Wednesday, December 15. Call

Mary, Mother of Jesus ST. RITA NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE

Parish Penance Service
St. Rita will sponsor its annual New
Year’s Eve dance on Friday, Decem-
Monday, December 20th
ber 31 at St. Rita Church Holy
6:00 pm Family Center. Doors open at 8:00
pm; music starts at 9:00 pm. Tickets
are $25 per person or $40 per couple
FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MASS and may be purchased at the church office. Call Court-
ney at 880-8665 or Nicole at 542-8006.
Hispanic Ministry will celebrate the
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a
Mass Sunday, December 12 at 12:30
pm at St. Francis Xavier Cathe- Sacred Heart’s New Year’s Eve dance
dral. Bishop Ronald Herzog will be will be held on Friday, December 31
the main celebrant for the Mass, with in the Activities Building from 8:00
other priests in the diocese concelebrat- pm to midnight, sponsored by the John
ing. A reception will follow at the St. Paul II Knights of Columbus Council
Frances Cabrini Activities Building on 14657. There will be music, hors d’oeu-
Texas Avenue. vres, favors and fun! Call Ray Paul at 201-9022.


The beautiful 2011 Catholic Extension Calendars are
ACUTELY ILL: Beverly Aleshire, Lovie Bennett,
available in the vestibule. One per family, please.
Marie Busch, Frances deLaunay, Walter Deptula, Jr.,
Judy John, Robert Hall, Janice Lohman,
Donald Parker, Sean Redmond, Caroline READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND
Roy, Chuck Saucier, Coralie Tano, Connie Is 7: 10-14; Rom 1: 1-7; Mt 1: 18-24
Ray Teutsch, Gary Treme.
Andre Busch, Anna M. Busch, Barbara Busch, Joseph WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 4:00 pm. Sunday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm
T. A. Busch, Juanita Busch, Kevin Busch, Thomas WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 am Tuesday thru Friday.
HOLY DAY MASSES: as announced.
Busch, Linda Butler, Ed Carroll, George Coker, Betty FIRST SATURDAY MASS: 9 am in Honor of the Blessed Mother.
Daigle, Kenneth Desoto, Butch Doiron, Andre Dupre, BAPTISM PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule.
Patsy Fremin, Linder Holland, Brenda Holloway, MARRIAGE PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule first
Richard Kelly, Sean Lemoine, Audrey Lowe, Boo appointment at least six (6) months in advance.
FUNERAL SERVICES: only the funeral home may schedule. When
Maddox, Merlyn Maillian, Sr. Regis Maillian, making arrangements, have director call pastor personally.
Clementine Matherne, Michael McGuire, Michelle CONFESSION: 30 mins before weekend Masses; any time on request
McGuire, Yessica McGuire, Phillip Morris, LaVern ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Upon request.
Moser, Gayle Odum, James Odum, Dana Parker, Mary HOSPITALIZATION: e-mail or call pastor at any time, give pa-
tient’s name, hospital and room number.
Reed, Karen Rambo Roberts, Francis Snoddy, Timmy SERIOUS ILLNESS, DEATH, DYING: call pastor at any time.
HOMEBOUND: Susan Brouillette, Anita Guillot,
Jane and Michael Juneau, Janice Lohman.
Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Rodney Lamkin,
Bobbie Long, Grant Ogaard
(Use a pew envelope to add or remove names or call
Laura at 487-9894.) FINANCE COUNCIL: Ed Carroll; Chuck Reich, Trustee;
Pat Brister; Gary Delaney, Trustee

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