Shear Wall Design

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Structural layout (building plan)

Design steps
• Determination of shear centre
• Establish torsional rigidity
• Determine DF for shear, moment and torsion
• Determine Design factored design load (1.35Gk + 1.5Qk)
• Proportion lateral forces, moments and torsion
• Determine dimension of confined boundary element
• Design required re-bar
Determination of shear centre
Seismic mass

• Determine building mass by considering both dead and live loads in

each floor respectively
(Refer previous example)
Levelb Structural Calculation Load (kN) Total (kN)
Dead loadElement
Roof slab (41× 15) × 3.6 2,214
Superdead (41 x 15) × 0.75 461

Frames Beams
8 3,855 3,855
Grd 1-4: (31+41+41+31 ) × 5.04 726

Grd A-L: (5x2 +15x4+10x2 ) × 453

Floor slab (41× 15) × 3.6 2,214 7,263 50,841
Superdead (41 × 15) × 0.75 461
Frames Beams
Grd 1-4: 726
1-7 Grd A-L: 504
Floor 1-7:12 × 2.9 × 0.283x24 236
Walls: (assumed total length = 3,122
234m): 2.9x.23x20x234
Total Dead Load, G 54,696
Imposed load calculation
Imposed load calculations are set out in Table below, assuming design values of 2.0 kN/m2 .

Imposed load calculation

Level Structural Element Calculation Load (kN) Total (kN)

8 Roof (15 x 41) × 2.0 1,230 1,230

7 Floor (15 x 41) × 2.0 1,230 1,230

Level 6: 0.9×1,230 = 1,107

Floor (15 x 41) × 2.0 1,230 Level 5: 0.8×1,230 = 984

1-6 Level 4: 0.7×2,848 = 861 4,920

Level 3: 0.6×2,848 = 738

Level 2-1: 0.5×1,230 x 2 = 1,230

Total 7,380
Table 3.3 Seismic mass calculation
Level G (kN) Q (kN) G + ψE,iQ (kN) Mass (tonne)
8 3,855 1,230 4224 431
7 1,230 7632 778
6 1,107 7595 774
5 7,263 984 7558 770
4 861 7521 767
3 738 7484 763
1-2 1,230 7632 778
Total 5,061
The corresponding building weight is 5,061× 9.81 = 49,648kN.
Note: ψE,i is taken as 0.3.
From design data:
• Wall 12, Level 5
• Thickness of SW = 400mm
• Total story height = 3,500mm
• Concrete grade = C30, Re-bar grade = HY (fy =460MPa)
• Cover to main re-bar = 30mm

• Area borne by the wall:

Z= 5.00 + = 7.50𝑚
5.00 1.4
Y= + = 3.20𝑚
2 2
Area = 7.500 x 3.200 = 24.00m2
Load Analysis:
Dead Load:
Roof slab: 3.6kN/m2 x 24m2 = 86.4kN
Beams: 0.6 X 0.35 X 24 x 2.5 = 12.6kN
Floor slab at levels: 7-6: 86.4kN x2 = 172.8kN
Wall SW: 24kN/m3 x 0.4 x 5.00 x 3.5 x3 = 504kN
Superdead: 0.75kN/m2 x 24m2 x 3 = 54kN

Live Load:
At roof level: 2kN/m2 x 24m2 = 48kN
At level 7: 2kN/m2 x 24m2 = 48kN
At level 6: 0.9 x 48 = 43.2kN
TOTAL DL: 139.2kN

Design Load, Nd as per EC: Nd = (1.35 x 830) + (1.5 x139.2) = 1,329kN

• Total story shear: 7,102kN
• Total story moment: 61,700kNm

• Considering Shear wall No.12:

Design Shear = 0.147 x 7,102 = 1,044kN
Design Moment, My = 0.147 x 61,700 = 8,838kNm
Design Axial Load, Nd = 1,329kN
Determine dimension of confined boundary element

• Story height , hs = 3500mm

• Proposed shear wall size, bwo = 400mm
• Max. length of shear wall, lw = 5000mm
• Min. length of confined boundary element, lc

𝑙𝑐 ≥ 0.15𝑙𝑤 = 0.15𝑥5000 = 750𝑚𝑚

𝑙𝑐 ≥ 1.5𝑏𝑤 = 1.5𝑥400 = 600𝑚𝑚

Thus take lc = 750mm

Determine dimension of confined boundary element

• Min. width of confined boundary element, bw

Since 𝑙𝑐 = 750𝑚𝑚 < 2𝑏𝑤𝑜 = 2𝑥400 = 800𝑚𝑚

but less than 0.2𝑙𝑤 = 0.2𝑥5000 = 1000𝑚𝑚
ℎ𝑠 3500
𝑏𝑤 = ≥ = 233𝑚𝑚
15 15

As the proposed bwo(400mm) > bw(233mm)

Take bw = bwo = 400mm

Reinforcement design
• b = 400mm
• h = 5000mm
• Concrete class = C30
• c = 30mm
• Dia. of main bar = 16mm
• D = 5000 – 30 – 8 = 4962mm
𝑑 4962
• = = 0.99
ℎ 5000

Use design chart with d/h = 0.95

= 0.017 < 0.1 Design the wall as the beam
𝑓𝑐𝑢 𝑏ℎ

𝐾= = 0.03 < 0.156 … … … … . 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑓𝑐𝑢 𝑏𝑑 2

Again because, K (0.03) < 0.043;

take z = 0.95𝑑 = 0.95𝑥4962 = 4,714𝑚𝑚

Bending re-bar: = 4,290.3𝑚𝑚2
• Minimum reinforcement (EC2:1-2004 Cl. 9.6.2 )

• As min. = 0.002Ac = 0.002 x 400 x 5000 = 4,000mm2

Provide Y16 – 150 (As = 2,681mm2/m) in each face

[Cl.9.6.2 (2)]

[Note: check max. As not to exceed 0.04%Ac]

Horizontal bars (EC-2:1-2004 cl. 9.6.3)

25%As,v = 25% 5,362 = 1,341mm2
0.001Ac = 0.001 x 400 x 5000 = 2,000mm2

Provide Y12 – 200 (As = 1,131mm2/m) in each face

[Cl.9.6.2 (2)]

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