Portal Frame Design Of Portal Frame Loaded area on each Frd111e Weight of steel cover Portal Frame Pressure side Suction side o Inclined Surface" surface 2" C, = depends on inclination of surface For 0. tan a 0. - C, = we have 2 values suction side tan (a) 0.-c, = we can calculate approximate value of RM. Portal Frame wind etTect case of neglecting wind may be critical For sections 1,2&
Portal Frame Design Of Portal Frame Loaded area on each Frd111e Weight of steel cover Portal Frame Pressure side Suction side o Inclined Surface" surface 2" C, = depends on inclination of surface For 0. tan a 0. - C, = we have 2 values suction side tan (a) 0.-c, = we can calculate approximate value of RM. Portal Frame wind etTect case of neglecting wind may be critical For sections 1,2&
Portal Frame Design Of Portal Frame Loaded area on each Frd111e Weight of steel cover Portal Frame Pressure side Suction side o Inclined Surface" surface 2" C, = depends on inclination of surface For 0. tan a 0. - C, = we have 2 values suction side tan (a) 0.-c, = we can calculate approximate value of RM. Portal Frame wind etTect case of neglecting wind may be critical For sections 1,2&
Portal Frame Design Of Portal Frame Loaded area on each Frd111e Weight of steel cover Portal Frame Pressure side Suction side o Inclined Surface" surface 2" C, = depends on inclination of surface For 0. tan a 0. - C, = we have 2 values suction side tan (a) 0.-c, = we can calculate approximate value of RM. Portal Frame wind etTect case of neglecting wind may be critical For sections 1,2&
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Portal Frame
Design Of Portal Frame
Loaded area on each Frd111e
• O. W. of the steel structure which include ( purlins, ratters, bracings) Ws = (20 - 35) kg/m" "depend on span ~ L ".
• Weight of steel cover
We: = (5 - 8) kg/m ' for single layer.
= (12 - 18) kg/nr' for double layer.
Wd = ( (We / cos a) + W s ) x s
2) Live load:
• LL. = 60 - 66.67 tan a "for inaccessible roofs" = 200 - 300 tan a "for accessible roofs"
Wq_=LL xS
Portal Frame
W",md = ( C, x K x q ) x S
K == 1. 0 for h :s 10 m == 1. 1 for h :s 20 m
q == 70 kg/nr' in Cairo
Pressure side
o Vertical surface" surface I" Ce = +D.8
WI = 0.8 x l.0 x 70 x S
Pressure side
Suction side
o Inclined Surface" surface 2"
C, = depends on inclination of surface
For tan a < 0.4 - C, = -0.6
For tan a > 0.8 - C, = +D.8
For 0.8 < tan a < 0.4 - C, = we have 2 values
For slopes 5: 1 to 20: 1 tan a < 0.4 C, = -0.6 W2 = -0.6 x 1.0 x 70 x S
Suction side
o Vertical surface" surface 3 H C, = -0.5
W3 = -0.5 x 1.0 x 70 x S
tan (1
o Inclined Surface " surface 4" C, = -0.5
W4 = -0.5 x 1.0 x 70 x S
We solve the frame as work method.
" in case of using computer program take lcol = ( 1.5 - 2.5 ) Igirder"
>I< In case of neglecting Wind Loads we can calculate approximate value of RM.
M-ve=WrxL2/( 13-15)
. .
M -ve
M +ve = ( 0.55 - 0.60) x M-ve
Ncol = Wr x L 12
Case (A) D.L. + L.L.
Portal Frame
Wind etTect
Case of wind neglected
Case of wind may be critical
For all sections 1,2&3
Taking wind load will decrease the moment
So neglect the wind effect
For sections 1&2
Taking wind load will decrease the moment
So neglect the wind effect
For sections 3&4
Taking wind load will increase the moment
So we must study the effect of that mcrease
M8 = MD + ML + Mw
Case A CaseB
If (MB - MA ) I MA < 20% neglect wind
Design on MA case A
Portal Frame
Desi1!,D of rafter
'" We will divide the rafter in 3 sections, M2 max +ve M3 max+-ve
Mh at end of haunch
* The design of rafter is based on M: .we will use haunch
to safeguard section M3.
'" The rafter is subjected to both M N
but we can neglect N as it is very small.
1- Choice of Section:
= <
IS"' - bcx
Assume tb = 1.536 t/cm ' " compact section " and get the S, required = _Af 2 cm '
. 1.536
and from the tables we choose the appropriate IPE
Check for compact Section
1380 ArCb / ( t; d)
" Cb = 1.3 II
Sec 2-2: Max +ve
Luact == a "at positive moment zone.compression is on upper flange purlins are laterally supporting the upper flange"
Luact = a < Lumax so Fbcx == ( 1.4 ifnon compact 1.536 if compact sec ). > Lumax so F bcx == Fltb
Portal Frame
Sec 5-5: End of the haunch
To get the position of sec where Mh = M2
( position of the end of the haunch) , we have to calculate the M-ve at any point on the rafter.
From the figure by taking a section at distance X from column
I Mx == X (h + X tan a) + WI X2 / 2 - Y x X
x tan a
I to get Xh put M, == M2
2 to get the point of Zero Shear" beginning of the +ve moment zone" X,
put Mx zero Y
Luact == X, "at negative moment zone, compression is on lower flange "
X, < Lumax so sec 5-5 is safe as sec 2-2
> Lumax so use knee bracing to decrease
and so Fbcx == ( 14 if non compact 1.536 if compact sec ).
L 80X80X8
L 60X60X6
Sec 3-3: Max -ve
I, == tw X (2h)3 I 12 + 2 ( bf X tr)( h - tr / 2 )2 Sx == I, / Y = I, I h
Fbcx = ( 1.4 if non compact
1.536 if compact sec)
Portal Frame
Desi,n of column
Choose the critical section 1 " without wind" or 4 " with wind"
l-Choice of Section:
'j . AI 3
Assume fb = 1.2 t/crn" and get the Sx required =-~-:'.. cm
. 1.2
and from the tables we choose the appropriate IPE .
finalv get t~a Fe, tt)X , Fbcx and A, and check + /bX_ A) S; 1.00 as
_. •.. ~ ~cr
previously described in design of rolled columns.
Portal Frame
Side and End &rits
Both side and end girts are used to mount the side or end cladding, the difference between the two is that the side girts are supported on the main column and the end girts are supported on the end gables column.
I t S , t S , ( s , I' I
Design Procedure:
I - The acting loads:
• Dead Load:
OVvTI weight (15 - 20) kg/m.
Weight of the steel sheets We = (5-8) kg/m ' for single layer.
• Wind load:
In this case the wind load will be a main load so it will be a case A
W",ind = ( Ce x K x q ) x a
The straining actions.
• Wx = due to wind load only
Wx = W wind Vlnd load c(> ¥----fttlfl- +I-t---¥
Ce= 0.8
K= 1.0 for h S; 10 m
= 1. 1 for h S; 20 m q = 70 kg/m ' in Calf 0
W xS2 My =.~~~~-
• Wy = due to dead loads only Wy= wx a r o.w
;1.[ =WyxS2
s: Y 1:'"
Such that S is:
The span of side girtd = spacing between main frames columns. The span of end girts = spacing between end gables columns.
Side Dr End Girt
Dend Lond
Portal Frame
And a is:
The spacing between side or end girts.
3- Choice of Section:
As the channels are non compact sections so F hex = 1.4 tfcm2
Assume S, = 7 Sy for hot rolled sec. or S, = 6 S, for cold formed sec ..
. ~ . '. . _ lif x + (60r7)Af y 3
By solving the first equation we get the S, required --~~l.4~-·~~c- em
And from the tables we choose the appropriate channel.
4- Check
AI, Aiy , {' =-~~+--<} 16 S S - ba
r y
In case of not satisfied we increase the channel section or use tie rod to reduce My
Portal Frame
End Gable Column
The end gable column is the supporting element of the end girts, its statical system is hinged base and roller connection with the rafter as shown in figure, so there is no normal force transmitted from the rafter to the end gable.
£nO CJr-t ::==-_/ <c.> ~~
£nO QQbI.-
, I ( f " , Design Procedure:
3- 111e acting loads:
<:l. Dead Load:
1. O\\:TI weight (40 - 60) kg/m"
11. Weight of the steel sheets We = (5-8) kg/m ' for single layer. 111. Weight of the end girts Wg = (10 - 20) kg/m "".
b. Wind load:
L In this case the wind load will be a mam load so it will be a case A
11. W wind = (C, x K x q) x S I
Ce= 0.8
K = 1. 0 for h s 10 m = l.1 for h s 20 m q = 70 kg/rrr' in Cairo
4- The straining actions:
'.tinct Loo.ct ~ '.t
a. Wx = due to wind load only Wx= Wwind
Hz Brac:Jng
Portal Frame
b. N == due to dead loads only
N=WcX(SI x hj f o.w. x b +w, x r number of girts j x S.
Such that
SI = The span of end girts == spacing between end gables columns. h = The end gable height.
5- Choice of Section:
fb =S~x.- ::; r:
Assume fb = 1.2 t/crrr' and get the Sx required = ':/; cm3 and from the tables we choose the appropriate IPE .
6- Check
3- Ibm = Iby = Iuact::::: the bigger of ( distance between end girts or height of wall) .
4- 1 bout = lbx = h
5- Check for compact Section
6- LUact distance between end girts
Calculate Lumax ==
1380 x F xd
8- And finalv get t~a Fe, tbx ,Fbcx and AI and check L.a. + fbx X AI S 1.00
-' , F F
c hex
as previously described in design of rolled columns, Purlin!
Rafter _-
Example :
Portal Frame
It is required for the shown industrial building to :-
a. Draw with a suitable scale a complete layout for the main system "2 hinged steel frame" of clear height 8 m .
b. Calculate the loads on the frame for the diff cases of loading.
c. Design the Col, Rafter, Side girts & end gable column.
A ) The general layout.
I ! I II
I f'.------+-----"'i
k ~ ~
1 4.0 m T 4.0 m 7]
Vertical Bracing
f' .:~ V ~ t>< V t""" 1}P!:
i-. [X I I II
-. Ii'
V / l\.,,1 I l'-. Ii
.1 " i II
I 1
I I !
I .:~ V ~, V I~ txV r , VI;
- [X I/t><~, [X
,~ I I
N .;/ 1/ I~I;
"'T' ~ r~ V
I i
t- V r-. / r-, / ~ R:~
tx jl
I [X >< II
.:/ -, V r-. V r-, V II
-, L- l-
1 1
l 6.0m
1¥----- 24.0 m ---...,j/
10:1 H
1.0 m
p:.- ~ "-
, . I
I 8
~il I I~
r..,_ I
~; II I~
'/J ...::,. .-- 10'.1
.O m
L _ ___.,l
~ 1 1
r/ 6_.0_m ~l
24.0 m 1
End Gable Section
Portal Frame
B - loads on frame:
tan a = 0.1
a 5.71°
1) Dead load:
• W = 15 kg/nr'
s ~
• We = 5 kg/rrr'
Wd = «We / cos a) + Ws) x S = «5/ cos 5.71) + 25) x 6 = 180 kg/m
2) Live load:
• LL. = 60 - 66.67 tan a = 60 - 66.67 x 0.1 = 53.33 kg/rrr' WL = LL. x S = 53.33 x 6 = 320 kg/m
3) Wind load:
K= 1.0 for h S 10m = L 1 for h :s 20 m
q = 70 kg/m ' in Cairo
Pressure side
o Vertical surface" surface I" W
C, = +0.8
WI = 0.8 x La x 70 x 6 = 340 kg/m
o Inclined Surface " surface 2" tan a = 0.1 < 0.4 C, = -0.6
W2 = -0.6 x La x 70 x 6 = -250 kg/m
Suction side
o Vertical surface" surface 3" c, = -0.5
W3 = -0.5 x La x 70 x 6 = - 200 kg/m
o Inclined Surface" surface 4" Ce = -0.5
W4 -0.5 x La x 70 x 6 = -200 kg/m
WT = We! + W L = 0.3 2 + O. 18 = 0.5 tim
1 f)/)4
Original system
Case (A) D.L. L.L.
Modified system
6 ton
6 ton
Case (A) D.L. L.L.
9 mt 36 mt
:\;10 Total load
9.2 mt
Pressure Suction
side : side I
Case (8) W.L.
.....-4.32 ton
3.53 ton
Case (8) W.L.
1.84 ton
2.72 mt
3.2 mt
Mo Wind load
Mo Wind load
1.6 mt
Portal Frame
From case A .( Dead + Live Only)
b] 0 = 2 ( 36 x 12 / 2 x -( 8 + 2/3 x 1.2 ) + ( 2/3 x 9 x 12 ) x -( 8/2 + 9.2/2 » = -5040
bll = 2 ( 8 x 8 / 2 x 2/3 x 8 + 8 x 12 x ( 8/2 + 9.2/2 ) + 1. 2 x 12/2 x (8 + 2/3 x I 2 » = 21 19.25
bl0+Xj Xbll =0 X, = 2.378
From case B .( Wind Load)
blO = 2/3 x 2.72 x 8 x 4 - 23.2 x 8/2 x 2/3 x 8
+ 2/3 x 4.5 x12 x 8.6 - 22.56 x 12/2 x 8.4 - 0.64 x 12 x 2 x 8.6 + 2/3 x 3.6 x 12 x 8.6 - 5.75 x 1212 x 8.4
+ 2/3 x 8 x 1.6 x 4 - 6.4 x 8/2 x 2/3 x 8 = -1540.4
bll == 2 ( 8 x 8 j 2 x 2/3 x 8 + 8 x 12 x ( 8/2 + 9.2/2) + 1.2 x 1212 x (8 + 2/3 x 1.2 » = 211925