Nalbuphine hydrochloride is a synthetic narcotic analgesic with agonist and weak antagonist properties. It has analgesic potency 3-4 times greater than pentazocine and equal to morphine. It is indicated for relief of moderate to severe pain and can be used for preoperative, postoperative, and obstetric analgesia. Common side effects include sedation, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression. Nurses monitor respiratory rate and watch for signs of overdose or allergic reaction. Ketorolac is a peripherally acting NSAID and analgesic that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. It is indicated for short term management of pain and ocular itching due to allergies. Common side
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Nalbuphine hydrochloride is a synthetic narcotic analgesic with agonist and weak antagonist properties. It has analgesic potency 3-4 times greater than pentazocine and equal to morphine. It is indicated for relief of moderate to severe pain and can be used for preoperative, postoperative, and obstetric analgesia. Common side effects include sedation, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression. Nurses monitor respiratory rate and watch for signs of overdose or allergic reaction. Ketorolac is a peripherally acting NSAID and analgesic that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. It is indicated for short term management of pain and ocular itching due to allergies. Common side
Nalbuphine hydrochloride is a synthetic narcotic analgesic with agonist and weak antagonist properties. It has analgesic potency 3-4 times greater than pentazocine and equal to morphine. It is indicated for relief of moderate to severe pain and can be used for preoperative, postoperative, and obstetric analgesia. Common side effects include sedation, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression. Nurses monitor respiratory rate and watch for signs of overdose or allergic reaction. Ketorolac is a peripherally acting NSAID and analgesic that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. It is indicated for short term management of pain and ocular itching due to allergies. Common side
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Nalbuphine hydrochloride is a synthetic narcotic analgesic with agonist and weak antagonist properties. It has analgesic potency 3-4 times greater than pentazocine and equal to morphine. It is indicated for relief of moderate to severe pain and can be used for preoperative, postoperative, and obstetric analgesia. Common side effects include sedation, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression. Nurses monitor respiratory rate and watch for signs of overdose or allergic reaction. Ketorolac is a peripherally acting NSAID and analgesic that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. It is indicated for short term management of pain and ocular itching due to allergies. Common side
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NS Generic Name: Analgesic; Synthetic narcotic INDICATIONS Common - Assess respiratory Nalbuphine CNS agent; analgesic with -sedation rate before drug Hydrochloride Narcotic Opiate agonist and weak - indicated for the -sweaty/clammy administration. Agonist-antagogist antagonist properties. relief of moderate to -nausea/vomiting Withhold drug and Brand Name: Analgesic potency is severe pain. -dizziness/vertigo notify physician if Nubain about 3 to 4 times -dry mouth respiratory rate falls greater than that of - Nalbuphine -headache below 12. Dosage: pentazocine and hydrochloride can - Watch for allergic IV 5mg q 4 hours for approximately equal also be used as a reaction in persons 6 doses to that produced by supplement to with sulfite equivalent doses of balanced anesthesia, sensitivity morphine. for preoperative and - Administer with Nalbuphine postoperative caution to patients hydrochloride may analgesia, and for with hepatic and produce the same obstetrical analgesia renal impairment degree of respiratory during labor and - Monitor ambulatory depression as delivery. patients, nalbuphine equianalgesic doses can cause of morphine. drowsiness However, nalbuphine CONTRAINDICATIO - Avoid abrupt hydrochloride NS termination of exhibits a ceiling nalbuphine effect such that - known following prolonged increases in dose hypersensitivity to use which may greater than 30 mg nalbuphine produce similar do not produce hydrochloride, or to symptoms similar to further respiratory any of the other narcotic withdrawal depression in the ingredients in such as nausea, absence of other CNS nalbuphine vomiting, abdominal active medications hydrochloride cramps, lacrimation, affecting respiration. injection. nasal congestion, - History of emotional fever, restlessness instability or drug and anxiety abuse - Advise patient not - increased ICP to engage in - Impaired potentially respirations hazardous activities - impaired liver and until response to kidney functions drug is known - MI - Avoid alcohol and - Biliary tract other CNS infection depressant NAME CLASSIFICATION MECHANISM OF INDICATIONS & SIDE EFFECTS NURSING ACTION CONTRAINDICATIO RESPONSIBILITIES NS Generic Name: • CNS agent • It inhibit synthesis • Light- • Watch for Ketorolac • NSAID of prostaglandins INDICATIONS headedness signs and • Analgesic and is a peripherally • Dizziness symptoms of GI Brand Name: • Antipyretic acting analgesic. • Short term • drowsiness ulceration and Toradol Ketorolac does not management of • GI ulceration bleeding (eg. have any known PAIN • bleeding and Hematomesis, Dosage: effects on opiate • Ocular itvhing due black tarry stool) perforation IV 15mg q 6 hours for receptors to seasonal • postoperative 6 doses allergic bleeding • Note for conjunctivitis • acute renal possible adverse failure effects such as • anaphylactic light-headedness, CONTRAINDICATIO and anaphylactoid dizziness, NS reactions drowsiness • liver failure • advise patient • Hypersensitivity to not to engage with ketorolac hazardous activities or • patients with the driving complete or partial • do not give syndrome of nasal NSAIDs while polyps taking this drug • angioedema, • Monitor for I • bronchospastic and O. reactivity • Advised • other allergic patient to increase manifestations to OFI if not aspirin or other contraindicated non-steroidal anti- inflammatory • Monitor for drugs (due to fluid retention or possibility of edema specially severe with patient with anaphylaxis). Hx of CHF • should be avoided in patients with renal (kidney) dysfunction. • Patients with compromised renal function (e.g., heart failure, diuretic use, cirrhosis, dehydration, and renal insufficiency).