C H A P T E R 1 3 Hematopathology of White Blood Cells 1 8 5
C H A P T E R 1 3 Hematopathology of White Blood Cells 1 8 5
C H A P T E R 1 3 Hematopathology of White Blood Cells 1 8 5
11 A 39-year-old woman felt a lump in her breast 1 week Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosing type
ago. On physical examination, she has a firm, fixed, irregular Lymphoblastic lymphoma
3-cm mass in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast and Mantle cell lymphoma
a firm, nontender lymph node in the right axilla. A lumpec- Small lymphocytic lymphoma
tomy and axillary node dissection are performed, and micro-
scopic examination shows an infiltrating ductal carcinoma 15 A 70-year-old man has experienced increasing fatigue
in the breast. Flow cytometric analysis of the node shows a for the past 6 months. On physical examination, he has non-
polyclonal population of CD3+, CD19+, CD20+, and CD68+ tender axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy, but there is no
cells with no aneuploidy. Microscopic examination of the axil- hepatosplenomegaly. The CBC shows hemoglobin, 9.5 g/dL;
lary lymph node is most likely to reveal changes characteristic hematocrit, 28%; MCV, 90 μm3; platelet count, 120,000/mm3;
of which of the following conditions? and WBC count, 42,000/mm3. His peripheral blood smear
Acute lymphadenitis
A shows a monotonous population of small, round, mature-
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
B looking lymphocytes. Flow cytometry shows these cells to
Metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma
C be CD19+, CD5+, and deoxynucleotidyl transferase negative
Necrotizing granulomas
D (TdT−). Cytogenetic and molecular analysis of the abnormal
E cells in his blood are most likely to reveal which of the following
Sinus histiocytosis
F alterations?
Sézary syndrome
G A Clonal rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes
B Clonal rearrangement of T-cell receptor genes
12 A 9-year-old, otherwise healthy girl has complained of C t(8;14) leading to c-MYC overexpression
pain in the right armpit for the past week. Examination shows D t(9;22) leading to BCR-ABL rearrangement
tender, enlarged lymph nodes in the right axillary region. E t(14;18) leading to BCL2 overexpression
There are four linear and nearly healed abrasions over a 3 ×
2 cm area of the distal ventral aspect of the right forearm and
a single, 0.5-cm, slightly raised erythematous nodule over one
of the abrasions. No other abnormalities are noted. Histologic
examination of one of the lymph nodes shows stellate, necro-
tizing granulomas. The lymphadenopathy regresses over the
next 2 months. Infection with which of the following is most
likely to have produced these findings?
Bartonella henselae
Epstein-Barr virus
Staphylococcus aureus
Yersinia pestis
22 A 12-year-old boy has had increasing abdominal disten- his face. There is no lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly, and
tion and pain for the past 3 days. Physical examination of his he is afebrile. A biopsy of the mass is performed and micro-
abdomen shows lower abdominal tenderness with tympany scopic examination shows intermediate-sized lymphocytes
and reduced bowel sounds. An abdominal CT scan shows a with a high mitotic rate. A chromosome analysis shows a
7-cm mass involving the region of the ileocecal valve. Surgery 46,XY,t(8;14) karyotype in these cells. The hemoglobin concen-
is performed and the resected mass microscopically shows tration is 13.2 g/dL, platelet count is 272,000/mm3, and WBC
sheets of intermediate-sized lymphoid cells, with nuclei hav- count is 5820/mm3. Infection with which of the following vi-
ing coarse chromatin, several nucleoli, and many mitotic figures. ruses is most likely to be causally related to the development
A bone marrow biopsy sample is negative for this cell popu- of these findings?
lation. Cytogenetic analysis of the cells from the mass shows A Cytomegalovirus
a t(8;14) karyotype. Flow cytometric analysis reveals 40% of B Epstein-Barr virus
the cells are in S phase. The tumor shrinks dramatically after C Hepatitis B virus
a course of chemotherapy. Which of the following is the most D HIV
likely diagnosis? E Human papillomavirus
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
A F Respiratory syncytial virus
Burkitt lymphoma
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma
additional laboratory findings is most likely to be reported for 3
this patient?
A Bence Jones proteinuria
B Hypercalcemia 2
C Karyotype with t(14;18) translocation
D Monoclonal IgM spike in serum
E WBC count of 255,000/mm3 1
AIb α1 α2 β γ
31 A 54-year-old woman has experienced nausea with venules and infiltrate sinuses. The patient goes into remission
vomiting and early satiety for the past 7 months. On physical after chemotherapy. Which of the following markers is most
examination, she is afebrile and has no lymphadenopathy or likely to be positive in the tumor cells?
hepatosplenomegaly. CBC shows hemoglobin, 12.9 g/dL; he- ALK protein
matocrit, 41.9%; platelet count, 263,000/mm3; and WBC count, CD10 antigen
8430/mm3. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy shows loss c-KIT proto-oncogene
of the rugal folds of the stomach over a 4 × 8 cm area of the IL-2 receptor
fundus. Gastric biopsy specimens reveal the presence of p24 antigen
Helicobacter pylori organisms in the mucus overlying superfi-
cial epithelial cells. There are extensive mucosal and submu- 34 A 51-year-old man has skin on his face, neck, and trunk
cosal monomorphous infiltrates of small lymphocytes, which that has become scaly red, with intense itching, and a 3-kg
are CD19+ and CD20+, but CD3−. After treatment of the H. py- weight loss over the past 2 months. On physical examination,
lori infection, her condition improves. What is the most likely his temperature is 37.6° C, and he has a generalized exfoliative
diagnosis? erythroderma. Generalized nontender lymphadenopathy is
A Acute lymphoblastic leukemia present. Laboratory studies show hemoglobin, 12.9 g/dL; he-
B Chronic lymphocytic leukemia matocrit, 42%; platelet count, 231,000/mm3; and WBC count,
C Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 7940/mm3 with 57% segmented neutrophils, 3% bands, 26%
D Follicular lymphoma lymphocytes, 5% monocytes, and 9% eosinophils. A skin biopsy
E Hodgkin lymphoma, mixed cellularity type specimen microscopically shows the presence of lymphoid
F MALT (marginal zone) lymphoma cells in the upper dermis and epidermis. These cells have cere-
briform nuclei with marked infolding of nuclear membranes.
Similar cells are seen on the peripheral blood smear. Which
combination of the following phenotypic markers is most likely
to be expressed on his abnormal lymphocytes?
CD3+, CD4+
CD5+, CD56+
CD10+, CD19+
CD13+, CD33+
CD19+, sIg+