DLL G10 MAPEH March 2-5, 2020
DLL G10 MAPEH March 2-5, 2020
DLL G10 MAPEH March 2-5, 2020
The learner performs selections from musical plays, ballet, opera in a satisfactory level of performance.
B. Performance Standard
The learner describes how an idea or story in musical play is presented in a live performance or video.
C. Learning Competencies/
Explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical play are combined with music and
media to achieve certain effects. (MU10MM-IIIa-h-2)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
pp. 146-159 & 278- 284 of pp.160-166 pp. 167-170 pp. 171-185
Grade 9 Music & Arts
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Learner’s Manual
Copiaco, H.P;Lugue, V.R, Copiaco, H.P;Lugue, V.R, Copiaco, H.P;Lugue, V.R, Copiaco, H.P;Lugue, V.R,
Ramirez, V.P; et. al,(2009). Ramirez, V.P; et. al,(2014). Ramirez, V.P; et. al,(2014). Ramirez, V.P; et. al,(2014).
Enjoy Life with Music and Our world of MAPEH, Vibal Our world of MAPEH, Vibal Our world of MAPEH, Vibal
Arts I, SD Publication, Inc. Publishing Inc. Gregorio Publishing Inc. Gregorio Publishing Inc. Gregorio
3. Textbook pages
Gregorio Araneta Ave. Araneta Ave. Quezon City Araneta Ave. Quezon City Araneta Ave. Quezon City
Quezon City (pages 201- (pages 76-78). (pages 76-78). (pages 76-78).
203 ).
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Hangaroo Game: The The teacher will play a Loop-A-Word: The student will The teacher will show different
student will guess the contemporary song used answer a puzzle containing pictures of music media.
different hidden terms in dancing ballet. different Philippine Musical
about 20th and 21th Plays. The student will write it Do you own some of those
music media in the
century media forms down. picture?
using a hangaroo Have you heard this Are you familiar of some
patterned game. kind of music? What multi media equipment
kind of dance do you Which among the words being presented?
The teacher will ask the Which do you prefer, a live
A. Reviewing Previous following: think this song is found on the puzzle are performance or a recorded
Lesson or Presenting The commonly use? ( 10 familiar to you?
New Lesson Are you familiar with mins. )
some words revealed ( 10mins )
during the game? ( 10 mins )
Can you give some
of your incites about
( 5 mins. )
The teacher will flash The teacher show picture Picture Parade:
again selected terms from of Liza Macuja.
the game which will be The teacher will show different
the focus of the lesson for pictures of Musical Play and let
the student answer the
the day which is Opera. Do you know who is following :
B. Establishing A Purpose For Do you have any idea this dancer in the
The Lesson about Opera? picture? Can you tell What is common about the
something about pictures?
Have you ever her?
watched an example What kind of art is being
of an Opera play? ( 5 mins. ) presented in the picture?
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
( 5 mins. ) ( 5 mins. )
The teacher will present a The teacher will show a The teacher will choose picture
short video clip of opera video clip of Sana'y Wala of Andres Bonifacio, Atang and
such as La Loba Negra, ng Wakas performed by Darangan Magayon from the
Noli Metanger & el Lisa Macuja. picture parade. He will ask the
Filibusterismo. following questions:
(5 mins.)
The teacher will introduce The student will continue The student will continue their The teacher will facilitate the
the lesson using Power their practices, rehearsal, practices, rehearsal, costume media presentation of each
Point Presentation costume making, props making, props making and group using a set-up wide
screen, projector and sound
showing the making and media media samples for the
system. Each group will
D. Discussing New Concepts characteristics features of samples for the upcoming musical play. They present their recorded musical
And Practicing New Skills 20th & 21th century upcoming musical play. can also start filming parts of play and discuss how it was
#1 Opera and define some their presentation. made.
related terms. ( 45 mins. )
( 45 mins.)
(10 mins. ) ( 40 mins. )
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
The teacher will present
other elements of opera
which will be of great help
E. Discussing New Concepts in the upcoming
And Practicing New Skills presentation &
application of the lesson.
(5 mins.)
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads To Formative
Assessment 3)
Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity:
The group will be given The student will perform Each group will be given 3 Each group will be given one
assign opera work from few step of ballet as a minutes to briefly perform a picture of music media and
the teacher's discussion, group. Then, they will musical play assigned by the multimedia equipment, they will
describe its function and
either Noli Metangere or make a comparison teacher. There will be a rubric
importance as discussed by the
El Filibusterismo, and describing their live to evaluate their performance. teacher.
they will describe how an performance and the
How do you feel about your
G. Finding Practical idea or story in musical video recorded (10 mins.)
musical play performance?
Applications Of Concepts play is presented in a live performance.
And Skills In Daily Living performance or video. Do you enjoy it?
How do you feel
( 5 mins. ) doing the ballet ( 15mins ).
(10 mins. )
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will ask the The teacher will remind The teacher will share a phrase Emphasis on the right and
And Abstractions About student about their the student the value of " Talent's are God's gift, what disciplines use of Multi media.
The Lesson feelings if they will be patient & discipline as we do with it is our gift back to Recall some wrong ways on
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
part of Noli Metangere: what ballerina practiced God' as what the actors of using recorded media such as
The Opera. /El that will be of great help musical plays adopts. controversial video and
Filibusterismo. to them as a student. scandals of celebrities wherein
( 5mins ). multi-media is not used
What will be their ( 5 mins. ) mannerly. Emphasis on a bill
role and why? This about Cyber Crime.
will be in a recitation
form. ( 5 mins.)
( 5 mins. )
( 5 mins. )
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016