Absorption Chiller

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16JL/JLR Steam/Hot Water

Product Single Effect, Hermetic Absorption

Data Liquid Chiller
16JL: 150 to 1000 Nominal Tons (528 to 3516kW)
16JLR: 110 to 750 Nominal Tons (387 to 2637kW)

Carrier’s 16JL/JLR steam/hot single-

effect, hermetic absorption liquid
chiller is an efficient and functional
alternative to traditional electric
driven chillers. By utilizing low-
16JL/JLR SERIES pressure steam or low-temperature
hot water, 16JL/JLR chillers avoid
high-cost electricity and qualify for
utility rebates and incentives as a
gas cooling product. The 16JL/JLR
absorption chiller offers functional
flexibility in a variety of installations:
• no CFCs; environmentally friendly
• single stage design for simple,
dependable operation
• nominal full-load steam rate of
16.65 lb/hr-ton for 16JL; nominal
coefficient of performance (COP)
of 0.73 for 16JLR
• quiet, vibration-free operation
• high reliability with few moving

Single-effect absorption cycle
provides efficient, economical
water chilling and/or process
cooling with minimal use of
Cost-effective cooling
Alternative-energy chiller - The
16JL/JLR offers an alternative to
chillers driven by increasingly
expensive electrical energy. The use
of steam/hot water powered
absorption chiller not only eliminates
demand charges and high cost
electrical usage, but also allows the
owner to take advantage of gas
cooling rebates and incentive
programs offered by many local
utility companies.
Copyright 2009.08 Carrier Operations
Features/Benefits (cont)
Simple, reliable operation - The steam/low temperature hot water, Combined use of absorption and
16JL/JLR chiller’s single generator the 16JL/JLR chiller can be applied electric-driven chillers - Utilizing
provides one stage of solution to a variety of cooling needs. Waste both absorption and electric chillers
reconcentration, which makes the heat from industrial processes and/or in a central plant offers the flexibility
16JL/JLR chiller one of the most cogeneration systems can be used to base load one chiller, while using
basic cycles currently available. The to provide chilled water for process the other to handle peak load
16JL/JLR chiller’s simple design, in cooling, as well as comfort cooling, requirements. Hybrid chiller systems
addition to its other quality features, thus reducing the need for additional have proven to be an economical
equates to inherently high reliability. energy and contributing to greater solution for many comfort cooling
Few moving parts and simple, overall energy savings. installations. In many geographical
dependable operation reduce Ideal for new or retrofit areas, operating the electric chiller as
downtime, as well as service and applications - From comfort the base loaded machine, while
maintenance costs. cooling to providing chilled water for using the absorption chiller during
Exceptional efficiency - The process applications, the 16JL/JLR peak load conditions, reduces or
16JL chiller offers full-load steam single-effect absorption chiller offers avoids electric demand charges.
rates of 16.65 lb/hr-ton and 16JLR versatility for almost any job where Depending on utility rate structures,
chiller offers full-load COPs of 0.73 low pressure steam/low temperature the 16JL/JLR absorption chiller used
at standard ARI condition (Air hot water is available as the heat in conjunction with an electric-driven
Conditioning and Refrigeration source. The 14 model sizes, with a chiller may be the most efficient and
Institute) and leads the single-effect capacity range of 150 to 1000 tons cost-effective combination available.
chiller market in efficiency. for 16JL and 14 model sizes, with a
Incorporated into the standard capacity range of 110 to 750 tons for Location and installation
machine design is a solution heat 16JLR, make the 16JL/JLR single-
Ease of installation - All
exchanger, intended to preheat the effect, absorption chiller the ideal
choice for comfort cooling and /or 16JL/JLR units are completely
weak lithium bromide solution being fabricated, assembled, and wired in
pumped to the generator by light industrial applications.
Computerized performance ratings the factory. Standard shipping
precooling the strong solution from configuration is one piece for
the generator. allow the appropriately sized
machine to be selected in order to 16JL/JLR011~100. Refer to the
Superior part-load performance - 16JL/JLR Standard Shipping
The 16JL/JLR’s standard meet exact job requirements. All
machine selections are rated in Configuration table below.
concentration control system allows
stable, part-load operation at cooling accordance with ARI Standard 560-
water temperatures as low as 59F 2000.
(15C) without the need for a cooling
tower bypass. For maximum Table of contents
efficiency, a variable frequency drive Page
pump automatically maintains Features/Benefits ……………………………………………………………..…1-7
optimum solution flow to the
generator at all operating conditions. Model Number Nomenclature …………………………………………………….2
This will result in improved part-load Options and Accessories…………………………………………………………..8
efficiency and eliminate the need for Machine Components ……………………………………………………………..9
manual setup adjustments of the Physical Data…………………….…………………………………………… 10-13
solution flow. A control valve integral Dimensions …………………………………………………………………….14-16
to the machine guarantees stable,
Performance Data……………………………………………………………..17-18
continuous refrigerant pump
operation at part-load conditions. Application Data………………………………...…………………….……….19-24
The 16JL/JLR chiller has a Typical Piping …………………………………………………………………25-26
continuous operating range from Typical Controls Sequence ………………………………………………..…27-30
100% to 10% of rated machine Guide Specifications …………………………………………………………..31-36

Application versatility Model number nomenclature

Designed for a variety of 16 JL/JLR 018
applications - Specifically Absorption Chiller
Unit Size
designed for use with low pressure 16JL: Steam chiller
2 16JLR: Hot water chiller
Features/Benefits (cont)

16JL/JLR STANDARD SHIPPING indications in English or metric units. valve position is inhibited to prevent
All control center components and freeze-up and ensure continuous
the assembly will meet local code of chiller operation.
SIZE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY GB and include a main board, a Extensive service menu -
16JL/JLR NRCP2 board, tow Aux. boards, Unauthorized access to the service
011-100 molded case circuit breaker, pump menu can be password-protected.
contactors, ambient compensated 3- Built-in, enhanced, diagnostic
The 16JL/JLR machines are phase pump overload protection, capabilities assist in troubleshooting
shipped completely and assembled multi-tap control power transformer, and recommend proper corrective
as a standard feature. Job-site and all other necessary safeties and action for pre-set alarms, resulting in
reassembly and alignment of controls. As part of the start-up more up time.
machines shipped in multiple sequence, the chiller PD5 control Alarm history - The last 25
sections is simplified by center initiate a self-diagnostic alarms and/or alerts are retained in
preassemble the machine in the system check to verify that all memory with date and time stamps.
factory and by incorporating weld- sensors are in range. Other Alarm histories reduce trouble-
type assembly flanges on all standard features include a remote shooting time and cost.
interconnecting piping. start/stop switch and a key-locked Power Sequence Protector - In
Small footprint - Compared to control center door that protects order to prevent the incorrect power
other chillers, the 16JL/JLR chiller is against unauthorized access. wiring in the site to make the pump
significantly smaller in overall Chilled water reset - Reset can and burner fan reversal, the Power
physical size and weight, saving be accomplished manually or Phase Sequence Protector is added
valuable space in the equipment automatically from the building in the control panel. Only when the
room as well as reducing the rigging management system. Chilled water connection of the power phase
and installation cost of the machine. reset saves energy when warmer sequence protector is correct, the
Flanged waterbox nozzles - To chilled water can be used. chiller can start up.
simplify chiller installation and field Ramp loading – Ramp loading
piping, all water box nozzles on the ensures a smooth pull down of Low maintenance
evaporator, absorber, generator and water loop temperature and
Standard features allow simple
condenser are factory-supplied GB prevents a rapid increase in
maintenance procedures -
raised face (RF) flanges and steam/hot water consumption.
Every 16JL/JLR machine has
ANSI (American National Standards Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
numerous standard design features
Institute) raised face (RF) flanges - PD5 provides VFD for solution
that are provided for convenient and
are available. pump control.
simple maintenance. Hinged
Advanced crystallization
PD5 control waterbox cover on the absorber and
protection - Protects against
condenser facilitate tube and
crystallization by automatically waterbox inspection. In addition,
Reliable operation - 16JL/JLR
sensing impending abnormalities in epoxy coating of the waterboxes
PD5 control system features the absorption operating cycle and
automatic microprocessor control and covers and standard coating on
taking a series of actions to either all machines, protect against
center continuously monitors self-correct and/or limit the chiller
machine operation, ensuring precise corrosion and extends machine life.
from approaching the cycle
control. Each Carrier 16JL/JLR All moving parts are easily
crystallization line. accessible for inspection or
absorption chiller includes a factory Absorption cycle state points -
mounted and wired microprocessor replacement, as required. Also,
Absorption cycle status points every machine is furnished with a
control center that is functionally
provide the operator with precise rupture disk to protect against an
tested prior to shipment. Continuous
and dynamic cycle operating overpressure condition on the
monitoring and control of machine
conditions at any time during chiller shellside. These standard design
operation are performed
operation. They save time by and construction features mean that
automatically. A multi-language
eliminating the cumbersome task of every 16JL/JLR single-effect chiller
display on the front of the control
taking solution samples and is built to withstand the most
center identifies operational status
calculating state points and assist in rigorous duty, whether applied for
and fault indication. Chiller
both chiller operation and comfort cooling service or light
monitoring and control is automatic
diagnostics. process applications.
and continuous, and the screen on
Refrigerant low temperature
the front panel displays chiller Factory-trained service
override - The capacity control organization - Carrier’s extensive
operational status and fault
Features/Benefits (cont)
service organization offers trained and refrigerant pumps motors are contamination since the fluid being
and experienced service technicians leak-proof, completely self- pumped lubricates and cools the
in every major city. In addition to contained, and hermetically sealed. pump and motor assemblies. In
routine maintenance and repair The hermetic design eliminates the addition, both the rotor and the
services, Carrier also offers a wide need for a separate, complicated, stator are separated by a stainless
array of preventative maintenance, and possibly leak-prone seal water steel liner that protects the windings
full maintenance, and/or extended system while providing leak from the fluid being pumped. As an
service contracts that can be custom tightness and longer machine life. additional safety feature, thermal
tailored to any level of service. Specially designed bearings absorb over-load switches are embedded in
Leak-proof hermetic both radial and axial thrusts to the stator to protect against high
pumps/motors cut maintenance ensure correct fit at all times. There winding temperatures.
costs - Carrier’s proven solution is no possibility of external



Superior corrosion protection - 90-10 copper-nickel). This results in temperature changes.

Absorption chillers must be long machine life and dependable The above standard features are
protected from the possibility of operation. evidence of Carrier’s commitment to
internal corrosion that is always Rugged machine construction - building a single effect chiller able to
present when lithium bromide Every Carrier 16JL/JLR chiller offers withstand the most rigorous comfort
solution is in contact with internal numerous standard features cooling or light industrial
machine surfaces. The Carrier designed to provide reliable, trouble- applications.
16JL/JLR absorption chiller free operation. The machine is Single-point box electrical
incorporates a highly effective fabricated to meet stringent connection - Installation costs
corrosion inhibitor to provide an manufacturing and design are further reduced by eliminating
extra margin of protection against requirements and is Carrier-listed to field wiring between machine
internal corrosion. Other inhibitors ensure product safety and machine components. On units shipped as a
may require the use of exotic tube integrity. Non-clogging, corrosion single assembly, all unit-mounted
materials in certain heat exchangers proof spray nozzles protect the electrical items are factory-wired to
since they are less effective and 16JL/JLR from corrosion and the chiller microprocessor control
require frequent maintenance and blockage for continuous, reliable center. Only a single-point electrical
analysis. The superior corrosion operation. Horizontally-positioned connection to the machine from the
protection of the Carrier inhibitor tubes in the generator with building’s electrical service is
allows for the use of standard steam/hot water on the inside and required. A multi-tap transformer,
copper tubes throughout the lithium bromide on the outside to mounted in the chiller control center,
machine (except for the 16JL allow the tube bundle to expand and provides secondary, single-phase
generator tubes that are made of adjust freely when subjected to rapid power for the 16JL/JLR controls.
Features/Benefits (cont)
Low noise and vibration allows present in sufficient volume to condensables flow to a storage tank,
location flexibility - Low sound interfere with proper machine while the solution returns to the
and vibration levels are operation, they must be removed to absorber sump. Typically, most of
characteristic of absorption chillers, protect the unit from internal the non-condensable gas is
primarily due to the fact that the only corrosion, lithium bromide solution composed of hydrogen, which is
rotating parts are the refrigerant and crystallization, and/or a reduction in automatically dissipated to the
solution pumps. The overall sound chiller capacity. Carrier’s motorless atmosphere through a heated
level of a Carrier 16JL/JLR is purge system protects 16JL/JLR palladium cell. As non-condensables
typically 80dbA. This allows the machines from these potential accumulate in the external storage
machines to be installed near hazards by working continuously tank, they are isolated from the
occupied spaces or in areas with during machine operation. chiller and cannot reenter the
strict sound requirements. Low Motorless purge system machine (even during shutdown).
vibration levels also make it possible operation - During operation, These gases must periodically be
to install the chiller on upper floors non-condensables tend to exhausted (as required) from the
without special consideration for accumulate in the absorber section, storage tank by a simple procedure
vibration dampening systems. which operates at the lowest internal performed while the machine is
Automatic, motorless purge pressure. A slipstream of lithium running. Evacuation is performed by
system extends machine life and bromide solution from the solution a unit-mounted vacuum pump that is
ensures optimum efficiency and pump discharge flows through an connected to the purge evacuation
performance - eductor, creating suction that draws valve. Therefore, pressurizing the
The purge system of an absorption non-condensables from the purge tank above atmospheric
chiller is essential to ensuring absorber. The non-condensables pressure with lithium bromide
efficient operation and long machine are then entrained by the solution solution is not permitted. The unit-
life. Even when machines are flowing through the eductor. The mounted vacuum pump can also be
vacuum tight or properly inhibited, eductor discharges the solution and used during chiller maintenance or
all absorption chillers generate non-condensables into a separator service to remove noncondensables
hydrogen and other non- in the purge chamber, where the directly from the machine.
condensable gases in small non-condensables are separated
quantities. Since these gases are from the solution. The non-











Features/Benefits (cont)
Anti-crystallization controls concentration varies with the the chiller, if necessary, to prevent
maintain proper solution amount of water in the lithium an overconcentration condition from
concentration – The 16JL/JLR bromide solution, a rising evaporator occurring. Overdilution (and possible
automatically limits solution level indicates less water in the refrigerant pump cavitation) shall be
concentration in several ways to solution and thus a higher solution controlled by transferring an
avoid both crystallization and concentration. When the refrigerant additional amount of refrigerant from
overdilution to provide dependable, in the evaporator rises to a weir the condenser to the evaporator.
trouble-free operation. level, water is transferred from the In addition, the 16JL automatic
Crystallization of the lithium bromide evaporator to the absorber thus dilution cycle ensures proper
solution depends on the preventing overconcentration to concentration after unit shutdown so
combination of temperature and ensure continuous, reliable that the unit will not crystallize when
concentration. The Carrier’s operation even at cooling water the machine cools to ambient or
concentration control system temperature as low as 59F (15C). machine room temperature. The
automatically monitors the From the strong solution dilution cycle controls operation of
refrigerant water level in the temperature, the microprocessor the pumps for a set period of time
evaporator in conjunction with the controls are able to determine the after shutdown to dilute the solution
strong solution temperature solution concentration and to prevent an overconcentration
returning to the absorber. Because automatically limit the heat input to condition.


Steam/Hot water Steam/Hot water
Inlet Outlet

Cooling Water


Chilled Water


Chilled Water
Absorber Inlet

Cooling Water

Diaphragm Valve
(Blow Down
Valve) Check
Check Butterfly
Valve Valve


Solution Refringerant
Sampling Valve Pump Pump
Valve Sampling Valve

refrigerant in vessels maintained heat transfer. To make the cooling

16JL/JLR single effect under low absolute pressure process continuous, the refrigerant
(vacuum). In the cooling mode, the vapor must be removed as it is
absorption cooling cycle chiller operates on the principle that produced. To accomplish this, a
under vacuum, water boils at a low lithium bromide solution (which has
The 16JL/JLR single effect temperature. In this case water boils a high affinity for water) is used to
absorption chiller consists of an at approximately 40F (4.4C), absorb the water vapor. As this
evaporator, absorber, condenser, thereby cooling the chilled water process continues, the lithium
steam/hot water generator, solution circulating through the evaporator bromide becomes diluted, reducing
heat exchanger, refrigerant/solution tubes. A refrigerant pump is used to its absorption capacity. A solution
pumps, purge, controls and circulate the refrigerant water over pump then transfers this weak
auxiliaries. Water is used as the the evaporator tubes to improve (diluted) solution to the generator,
Features/Benefits (cont)
where it is reconcentrated by the enters the condenser to be cooled condenser. The strong
introduction of low pressure steam and returned to a liquid state. At this (reconcentrated) solution from the
or low temperature hot water in the point, the refrigerant water returns to generator flows back to the absorber
tubes of the generator to boil off the the evaporator to begin a new cycle. to begin a new cycle. For efficiency
previously absorbed water. A To remove heat from the machine, reasons, the strong solution from the
variable frequency drive pump relatively cool water from a cooling generator is passed through a
automatically maintains optimum tower or other source is first solution heat exchanger to preheat
solution flow to the generator at all circulated through the tubes of the the weak solution, while precooling
operating conditions for maximum absorber to remove the heat of the strong solution before returning
efficiency. The water vapor released vaporization. The water is then to the absorber.
on the shellside of the generator circulated through the tubes of the

Options and accessories


Cooling Water Flow Switch X
High-pressure Vaterboxes, 300psig (2068kPa) X
Isolation Package X
Special Tubing X
Unit Voltage (400, 460-3-60/50) X
Condenser Water Flow Switch X

For more information, contact Carrier or your local representative with your specific application requirements.

Machine components

Physical data

Unit 16JL – Steam 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 150 180 210 240 280 330 360
RIGGING WEIGHT (lb) 10,766 11,091 13,647 14,556 17,971 18,563 19,848
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 13,478 14,001 16,733 17,642 21,388 21,980 25,166
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (lb) 1,499 1,609 1,830 1,984 2,491 2,778 3,373
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 4 4 5 5 6 6 6
No. Passes 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 5 5 6 6 8 8 8
No. Passes
Absorber 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pipe Connection Size (in.)
Steam Inlet 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
Drain Outlet 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2

Unit 16JL – Steam 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 400 450 500 600 660 800 1,000
RIGGING WEIGHT (lb) 20,433 22,566 23,255 35,704 37,895 39,683 45,635
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 25,750 28,907 29,595 43,707 46,339 57,761 66,358
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (lb) 3,616 4,167 4,056 5,489 5,952 5,974 7,143
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 6 8 8 8 8 10 10
No. Passes 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 8 10 10 12 12 14 14
No. Passes
Absorber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pipe Connection Size (in.)
Steam Inlet 6 8 8 8 8 10 10
Drain Outlet 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3

Physical data (cont)

Unit 16JLR – Hot water 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 110 135 155 180 210 245 270
RIGGING WEIGHT (lb) 10,766 11,091 13,647 14,556 17,971 18,563 19,848
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 13,478 14,001 16,733 17,642 21,388 21,980 25,166
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (lb) 1,389 1,499 1,720 1,852 2,337 2,601 3,131
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 4 4 5 5 6 6 6
No. Passes 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 5 5 6 6 8 8 8
No. Passes
Absorber 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 4 4 5 5 6 6 6
No. Passes 4 4 4 4 3 3 3

Unit 16JLR – Hot water 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 300 335 375 450 500 600 750
RIGGING WEIGHT (lb) 20,433 22,566 23,255 35,704 37,895 39,683 45,635
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 25,750 28,907 29,595 43,707 46,339 57,761 66,358
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (lb) 3,373 3,880 3,792 5,115 5,556 5,578 6,680
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 6 8 8 8 8 10 10
No. Passes 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 8 10 10 12 12 14 14
No. Passes
Absorber 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 6 8 8 8 8 8 8
No. Passes 3 3 3 3 3 2 2

Physical data (cont)
Unit 16JL – Steam 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 528 633 738 844 984 1,160 1,266
RIGGING WEIGHT (kg) 4,884 5,031 6,190 6,602 8,152 8,420 9,003
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 6,114 6,351 7,590 8,002 9,702 9,970 11,415
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 680 730 830 900 1,130 1,260 1,530
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 100 100 125 125 150 150 150
No. Passes 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 125 125 150 150 200 200 200
No. Passes
Absorber 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pipe Connection Size (mm)
Inlet 125 125 125 125 150 150 150
Outlet 40 40 40 40 50 50 50

Unit 16JL – Steam 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 1,406 1,582 1,758 2,110 2,321 2,813 3,516
RIGGING WEIGHT (kg) 9,268 10,236 10,548 16,195 17,189 18,000 20,700
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 11,680 13,112 13,424 19,825 21,019 26,200 30,100
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 1,640 1,890 1,840 2,490 2,700 2,710 3,240
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 150 200 200 200 200 250 250
No. Passes 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 200 250 250 300 300 350 350
No. Passes
Absorber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pipe Connection Size (mm)
Steam Inlet 150 200 200 200 200 250 250
Drain Outlet 50 65 65 65 65 80 80

Physical data (cont)

Unit 16JLR – Hot water 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 387 475 545 633 739 862 950
RIGGING WEIGHT (kg) 4,884 5,031 6,190 6,602 8,152 8,420 9,003
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 6,114 6,351 7,590 8,002 9,702 9,970 11,415
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 630 680 780 840 1,060 1,180 1,420
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 100 100 125 125 150 150 150
No. Passes 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 125 125 150 150 200 200 200
No. Passes
Absorber 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 100 100 125 125 150 150 150
No. Passes 4 4 4 4 3 3 3

Unit 16JLR – Hot water 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 1,055 1,178 1,319 1,583 1,759 2,110 2,637
RIGGING WEIGHT (kg) 9,268 10,236 10,548 16,195 17,189 18,000 20,700
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 11,680 13,112 13,424 19,825 21,019 26,200 30,100
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 1,530 1,760 1,720 2,320 2,520 2,530 3,030
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 150 200 200 200 200 250 250
No. Passes 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 200 250 250 300 300 350 350
No. Passes
Absorber 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Pipe Connection Size (mm) 150 200 200 200 200 200 200
No. Passes 3 3 3 3 3 2 2




Dimensions (cont)

UNIT 16JL 011 013 015 018 021 024 027 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
Overall Length A 12-2 12-2 12-5 12-5 15-8 15-8 15-11 15-11 16-2 16-2 18-6 20-2 20-6 23-10
Overall Width B 4-5 4-5 4-9 4-9 5-1 5-1 5-4 5-4 5-9 5-9 6-5 6-7 7-2 7-2
Overall Height C 7-9 7-9 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-8 9-9 9-9 10-5 10-5 11-6 11-6 12-6 12-6

UNIT 16JL 011 013 015 018 021 024 027 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
Overall Length A 3,713 3,713 3,779 3,779 4,774 4,774 4,854 4,854 4,928 4,928 5,643 6,142 6,244 7,259
Overall Width B 1,356 1,356 1,456 1,456 1,542 1,542 1,629 1,629 1,762 1,762 1,962 2,004 2,183 2,183
Overall Height C 2,374 2,374 2,634 2,634 2,639 2,639 2,983 2,983 3,178 3,178 3,494 3,494 3,815 3,815

UNIT 16JLR 011 013 015 018 021 024 027 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
Overall Length A 12-2 12-2 12-5 12-5 15-8 15-8 15-11 15-11 16-2 16-2 18-6 20-2 20-6 23-10
Overall Width B 4-5 4-5 4-9 4-9 5-1 5-1 5-4 5-4 5-9 5-9 6-5 6-7 7-2 7-2
Overall Height C 7-9 7-9 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-8 9-9 9-9 10-5 10-5 11-6 11-6 12-6 12-6

UNIT 16JLR 011 013 015 018 021 024 027 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
Overall Length A 3,713 3,713 3,734 3,734 4,772 4,772 4,854 4,854 4,958 4,958 5,669 6,142 6,244 7,259
Overall Width B 1,356 1,356 1,456 1,456 1,487 1,487 1,606 1,606 1,762 1,762 1,962 2,004 2,183 2,183
Overall Height C 2,374 2,374 2,634 2,634 2,651 2,651 2,983 2,983 3,178 3,178 3,494 3,494 3,815 3,815

*Standard shipping configuration is 1-piece for sizes 16JL/JLR011-100.

1 All dimensions in mm are accurate and take into account absorber-condenser crossover piping.
2 For routine maintenance, allow 3 ft (1 m) clearance on all sides and 6 in. (150 mm) above chiller.
3 For service access, allow clearance as follows:
a For tube removal, allow space equal to “A” dimension (length) at either end of the chiller.
b To open waterbox cover, allow clearance space equal to half of “B” dimension (width) on the waterbox end of the chiller.

Dimensions (cont)


100 300 (A) 300 100


Tube service space C

H 300
4-M24 Bolts Customer prepare
4-200 Hole depth 315


Power wire hole

Draining ditch

F (G) F
Make a draining ditch around the chiller
100 300

16JL/JLR011/013 131 114 3/8 137 3/4 5 7/8 36 7/8 13 3/4 103 1/2 20 1/2 16 5/8 14 5/8 14 5/8 20 1/8
16JL/JLR015/018 131 1/2 114 7/8 137 3/4 5 7/8 39 7/8 13 3/4 103 7/8 23 5/8 19 5/8 17 3/4 17 3/4 23 3/4
16JL/JLR021/024 169 1/2 149 3/4 177 1/8 11 3/4 58 1/2 19 5/8 130 1/8 27 3/8 23 3/8 19 1/2 19 1/2 23 1/4
16JL/JLR027/030 169 1/4 149 1/2 177 1/8 11 3/4 70 1/8 19 5/8 129 7/8 35 3/8 31 1/2 25 5/8 25 5/8 24 7/8
16JL/JLR034/038 169 1/4 149 1/2 177 1/8 11 3/4 59 3/4 19 5/8 129 7/8 35 3/8 31 1/2 17 6/8 25 5/8 27
16JL/JLR047 190 7/8 171 1/8 204 3/4 11 3/4 77 7/8 19 5/8 151 1/2 39 3/8 35 3/8 31 1/2 31 1/2 31 5/8
16JL/JLR052 210 1/2 190 3/4 224 3/8 11 3/4 83 1/8 19 5/8 171 1/8 39 3/8 35 3/8 31 1/2 31 1/2 29 2/8
16JL/JLR080 210 1/2 188 3/8 203 1/8 14 1/8 70 7/8 22 166 3/8 39 3/8 35 3/8 31 1/2 31 1/2 39 3/8
16JL/JLR100 250 3/8 228 3/8 242 7/8 14 1/8 86 5/8 22 206 3/8 39 3/8 35 3/8 31 1/2 31 1/2 39 3/8

16JL/JLR011/013 3328 2905 3500 150 936 350 2628 521.5 421.5 371.5 371.5 510
16JL/JLR015/018 3340 2918 3500 150 1012 350 2640 600 500 450 450 602.5
16JL/JLR021/024 4304 3804 4500 300 1485 500 3304 695 595 495 495 590
16JL/JLR027/030 4298 3798 4500 300 1782 500 3298 900 800 650 650 633
16JL/JLR034/038 4298 3798 4500 300 1518 500 3298 900 800 450 650 687
16JL/JLR047 4848 4348 5200 300 1977 500 3848 1000 900 800 800 803
16JL/JLR052 5346 4846 5700 300 2110 500 4346 1000 900 800 800 743
16JL/JLR080 5346 4786 5160 360 1800 560 4226 1000 900 800 800 1000
16JL/JLR100 6361 5801 6170 360 2200 560 5241 1000 900 800 800 1000

1. The foundation load should be designed according to the operating weight of chiller.
2. The base must be smooth and horizontal (the level should be below 1mm for 1000mm).
3. The function of hole based on the foundation is to fix the chiller by bolts, and cement could be fit from the slant cut of the holes.
4. Tube space could be saved at either side.
5. Anchor bolts, washers and nuts are supplied by customer.

Performance data
UNIT 16JL – Steam 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 150 180 210 240 280 330 360
Flow Rate (gpm) 360 432 504 576 672 792 864
Pressure Drop (ft) 24.5 26.8 24.6 25.1 16.6 17.4 17.4
Flow Rate (gpm) 540 648 756 864 1,008 1,188 1,296
Pressure Drop (ft) 33.2 36.4 28.0 29.9 21.8 23.1 25.5
STEAM (lb/hr-ton) 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65
(lb/hr) 2,497 2,997 3,496 3,996 4,662 5,494 5,994

UNIT 16JL – Steam 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 400 450 500 600 660 800 1,000
Flow Rate (gpm) 960 1,080 1,200 1,440 1,584 1,920 2,400
Pressure Drop (ft) 17.7 17.1 17.3 19.7 25.4 20.3 35.4
Flow Rate (gpm) 1,440 1,620 1,800 2,160 2,376 2,880 3,600
Pressure Drop (ft) 26.8 23.4 24.2 19.6 25.2 19.2 33.2
STEAM (lb/hr-ton) 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65 16.65
(lb/hr) 6,660 7,492 8,325 9,990 10,989 13,319 16,649
ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
Note: Ratings are based on ARI 560, latest edition;
2 o
54/44 F (2.4gpm/ton) chilled water, fouling factor 0.0001 ft -hr- F/Btu for evaporator;
2 o
85 F (3.6gpm/ton) cooling water, fouling factor 0.00025 ft -hr- F/Btu for absorber and condenser;
15 psig steam supply pressure

UNIT 16JL – Steam 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 528 633 738 844 984 1,160 1,266
Flow Rate (L/s) 22.7 27.3 31.8 36.3 42.4 50.0 54.5
Pressure Drop (kPa) 73.3 80.0 73.4 75.0 49.6 51.9 52.1
Flow Rate (L/s) 34.1 40.9 47.7 54.5 63.6 75.0 81.8
Pressure Drop (kPa) 99.1 108.8 83.8 89.3 65.0 69.0 76.2
STEAM (kg/hr-kW) 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15
(kg/hr) 1,134 1,359 1,585 1,812 2,113 2,491 2,718

UNIT 16JL – Steam 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 1,406 1,582 1,758 2,110 2,321 2,813 3,516
Flow Rate (L/s) 60.6 68.1 75.7 90.9 99.9 121.1 151.4
Pressure Drop (kPa) 52.9 51.2 51.6 58.9 75.9 60.7 105.8
Flow Rate (L/s) 90.9 102.2 113.6 136.3 149.9 181.7 227.1
Pressure Drop (kPa) 80.1 69.8 72.3 58.6 75.3 57.4 99.2
STEAM (kg/hr-kW) 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15
(kg/hr) 3,019 3,397 3,775 4,531 4,984 6,040 7,550
ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
Note: Ratings are based on ARI 560, latest edition;
2 o
12.2/6.7 C (.043 L/s-kW) chilled water, fouling factor 0.0000176 m -hr- C/W for evaporator;
2 o
29.4 C (.065 L/s-kW) cooling water; fouling factor 0.000044 m -hr- C/W for absorber and condenser;
0.098MPa steam supply pressure.

Performance data (cont)
UNIT 16JLR – Hot water 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 110 135 155 180 210 245 270
Flow Rate (gpm) 264 324 372 432 504 588 648
Pressure Drop (ft) 29.5 32.9 30.6 31.8 29.1 29.3 29.5
Flow Rate (gpm) 396 486 558 648 756 882 972
Pressure Drop (ft) 33.9 37.3 29.9 31.9 28.6 29.0 32.8
Flow Rate (gpm) 200 246 282 328 383 446 492
Pressure Drop (ft) 23.1 26.0 27.0 20.3 21.8 24.6 26.8

UNIT 16JLR – Hot water 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 300 335 375 450 500 600 750
Flow Rate (gpm) 720 804 900 1,080 1,200 1,440 1,800
Pressure Drop (ft) 29.5 30.1 30.4 34.2 45.1 36.0 21.2
Flow Rate (gpm) 1,080 1,206 1,350 1,620 1,800 2,160 2,700
Pressure Drop (ft) 33.6 31.1 32.0 30.5 40.2 39.0 19.8
Flow Rate (gpm) 546 610 683 820 911 1,093 1,366
Pressure Drop (ft) 28.2 23.4 24.0 21.2 27.9 8.0 13.6
ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
Note: Ratings are based on ARI 560, latest edition;
2 o
54/44F (2.4gpm/ton) chilled water, fouling factor 0.0001 ft -hr- F/Btu for evaporator;
2 o
85F (3.6gpm/ton) cooling water, fouling factor 0.00025 ft -hr- F/Btu for absorber and condenser;
2 o
203/185F hot water, fouling factor 0.0001 ft -hr- F/Btu for generator.

UNIT 16JLR – Hot water 011 013 015 018 021 024 027
COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 387 475 545 633 739 862 950
Flow Rate (L/s) 16.7 20.4 23.5 27.3 31.8 37.1 40.9
Pressure Drop (kPa) 88.2 98.3 91.6 95.2 86.9 87.7 88.3
Flow Rate (L/s) 25.0 30.7 35.2 40.9 47.7 55.6 61.3
Pressure Drop (kPa) 101.2 111.4 89.5 95.3 85.6 86.5 98.1
Flow Rate (L/s) 12.6 15.5 17.8 20.7 24.1 28.2 31.0
Pressure Drop (kPa) 69.3 77.7 80.6 60.5 65.2 73.7 80.2

UNIT 16JLR – Hot water 030 034 038 047 052 080 100
COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 1,055 1,178 1,319 1,583 1,759 2,110 2,637
Flow Rate (L/s) 45.4 50.7 56.8 68.1 75.7 90.8 113.6
Pressure Drop (kPa) 88.0 89.9 90.9 102.3 134.9 107.7 63.3
Flow Rate (L/s) 68.1 76.1 85.2 102.2 113.6 136.3 170.3
Pressure Drop (kPa) 100.5 92.9 95.8 91.3 120.1 116.5 59.2
Flow Rate (L/s) 34.5 38.5 43.1 51.7 57.5 68.9 86.2
Pressure Drop (kPa) 84.2 69.8 71.7 63.3 83.4 23.8 40.6
ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
Note: Ratings are based on ARI 560, latest edition;
2 o
12.2/6.7C (.043L/s-kW) chilled water, fouling factor 0.0176 m -hr- C/W for evaporator;
2 o
29.4C (.065L/s-kW) cooling water; fouling factor 0.044 m -hr- C/W for absorber and condenser;
2 o
95/85C hot water, fouling factor 0.0176 m -hr- C/W for generator.

Application data
Vent and drain connections RUPTURE DISK
All vents and drain connections are found on the CONNECTION SIZE
waterbox covers. Connection size is 3/4-in. PT. All 2 in. RF flange
Provide high points of the machine piping system with LEGEND
vents and the low points with drains. If shut off valves are RF – Raised Face
provided in the main water pipes near the unit, a
minimum amount of the system water is lost when the MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS
heat exchangers are drained.
It is recommended that pressure gages be provided at ITEM MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS
points of entering and leaving water to measure pressure SHELL:
drop through the heat exchanger. Gages may be Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
installed as shown in the table below. Pressure gages
Absorber Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
installed at the vent and drain connections do not include
Condenser Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
nozzle pressure losses.
Generator Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
Use a reliable manometer to measure pressure
differential when determining water flow. Regular gages TUBESHEET:
Evaporator Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
are insensitive and do not provide accurate
measurement of flow conditions. Absorber Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
Condenser Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
Generator Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
1, 3 One gage in each waterbox WATERBOX:
Evaporator Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
2, 4 Two gages in waterbox with nozzles
Absorber Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
Condenser Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
Range of application
Generator Steel Equivalent to ASTM A283
The 16JL absorption chiller is designed for standard
water chilling applications of 150 to 1000 tons (528 to TUBES:
Equivalent to ASME
3516kW) and 16JLR is 110 to 750 tons (387 to 2637kW) Evaporator Copper
at standard ARI rating conditions. In most applications, Equivalent to ASME
Absorber Copper
the minimum leaving chilled water temperature is limited SB359
to 41F (5C). The minimum continuous inlet water Equivalent to ASME
Condenser Copper
temperature to the absorber-condenser circuit is 59F 90-10 Cu-Ni(16JL) C7060T-OL
(15C), although lower temperatures are permitted during Generator Copper (16JLR) Equivalent to ASME SB75
machine start-up. Use of a cooling tower bypass is or 359
required if water temperatures are anticipated to be less PIPING Steel Equivalent to ASTM A53
than this value. Steam supply of 16JL chiller to the
generator should be dry and saturated and at a Service access
maximum pressure of 15psig. To perform routine service of maintenance, allow 3ft (1m)
clearance on all sides of the machine and 6in. (150mm)
Rupture disk piping above the chiller. Tube removal space equal to the
The 16JL/JLR is equipped with a rupture disk on the overall length of the unit should be provided on at least
generator. It is recommended that piping from these one end of the 16JL/JLR chiller. The absorber and
devices be routed to appropriate areas away from the condenser waterbox covers are hinged to permit easy
machine in accordance with Carrier’s written installation openinig and access for routine tube cleaning.
instructions, and any local jurisdictional requirements
that may apply. One side of Rupture disk’s connective Thermal insulation
tube is connected with protected recipient and another Application of cold/hot surface thermal insulation should
side is leaded to safe place such as atmosphere or be done after final installation at jobsite and machine
where there is no person. Piping should be adequately leak integrity has been verified. Take care that cold
supported and the proper fittings should be provided to surface insulation does not interfere with removal or
allow periodic inspection of the disk. reinstallation of flange and waterbox. Refer to Carrier
certified drawings for material specifications and
recommended chiller insulation requirements.

Application data (cont)
UNIT SIZE 011/013 015/018 021/024 027/030 034/038 047 052 080 100
HOT SURFACE 76.4 88.3 96.9 107.6 119.5 134.5 143.2 99.0 107.6
COLD SURFACE 61.4 67.8 86.1 91.5 107.6 156.1 172.2 203.4 236.8


UNIT SIZE 011/013 015/018 021/024 027/030 034/038 047 052 080 100
HOT SURFACE 7.1 8.2 9.0 10.0 11.1 12.5 13.3 9.2 10.0
COLD SURFACE 5.7 6.3 8.0 8.5 10.0 14.5 16.0 18.9 22.0

50mm: Generator waterbox and cover

25mm: Drain water piping

50mm: Evaporator shell and tubesheet

25mm: Evaporator waterbox and refrigerant pump piping

Cold surface: Non-flammable material, polyethylene rubber or equivalent. Thermal conductivity of material is 0.03 Kcal/m.h.℃ below.
Hot surface: Glass wool/Rock wool or equivalent.


Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
16JL/JLR011- 100 N N M M M M Included
M -- Marine Waterbox
N -- Nozzle In Head
Pass Inlet Pass Inlet Pass Inlet
16JL011-018 3 R 3 L 1 R
16JL021-100 2 R 2 L 1 L
16JLR011-018 4 R 4 L 1 L
16JLR021-052 3 R 3 L 1 R
16JLR080 3 R 3 L 2 R
16JLR100 2 R 2 L 1 L
L -- Left End Inlet (when facing control panel)
R -- Right End Inlet (when facing control panel)

Application data (cont)

SIZE 1-Pass 2-Pass 3-Pass 4-Pass SIZE 2-Pass/1-Pass 3-Pass/1-Pass
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
011 – – 253 1012 169 675 127 506 011 290 1454 – –
013 – – 295 1181 197 787 148 590 013 350 1734 – –
015 – – 346 1382 230 921 173 691 015 518 2144 – –
018 – – 395 1579 263 1053 197 789 018 593 2448 – –
021 703 2811 351 1406 234 937 – – 021 500 2212 – –
024 820 3280 410 1640 273 1093 – – 024 593 2598 – –
027 904 3617 452 1809 301 1206 – – 027 657 2661 – –
030 1012 4048 506 2024 337 1349 – – 030 732 2950 – –
034 1096 4385 548 2193 365 1462 – – 034 821 3337 – –
038 1223 4891 611 2446 408 1630 – – 038 914 3699 – –
047 1466 5866 733 2933 489 1955 – – 047 1138 4554 – –
052 1466 5866 733 2933 489 1955 – – 052 1138 4554 – –
080 1970 7881 985 3940 657 2627 – – 080 1560 7688 – –
100 1970 7881 985 3940 657 2627 – – 100 1560 7688 – –

*Flow rates based on standard tubes. Minimum flow based on tube velocity of 3 ft/sec; maximum flow based on 12 ft/sec.


SIZE 1-Pass 2-Pass 3-Pass 4-Pass SIZE 2-Pass/1-Pass 3-Pass/1-Pass
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
011 – – 16 64 11 43 8 32 011 18 92 – –
013 – – 19 74 12 50 9 37 013 22 109 – –
015 – – 22 87 15 58 11 44 015 33 135 – –
018 – – 25 100 17 66 12 50 018 37 154 – –
021 44 177 22 89 15 59 – – 021 32 140 – –
024 52 207 26 103 17 69 – – 024 37 164 – –
027 57 228 29 114 19 76 – – 027 41 168 – –
030 64 255 32 128 21 85 – – 030 46 186 – –
034 69 277 35 138 23 92 – – 034 52 211 – –
038 77 309 39 154 26 103 – – 038 58 233 – –
047 93 370 46 185 31 123 – – 047 72 362 – –
052 93 370 46 185 31 123 – – 052 72 362 – –
080 124 497 62 249 41 166 – – 080 98 485 – –
100 124 497 62 249 41 166 – – 100 98 485 – –

*Flow rates based on standard tubes. Minimum flow based on tube velocity of 0.9 m/sec; maximum flow based on 3.6 m/sec.

Application data (cont)
Control Panel

Left Front Right

Installation Hole
Axial Flow Fan

Touch Screen

1200 1200 A 1200


Vacuum Pump Switch Ref. Pump Indicator Sol. Pump Indicator

Detail A

300 600 300

Power Line Hole


PD5 control Panel outline

Control Panel Interior


NRCP2 A1 A11A31



Note:1. Power Line inlet and outlet are both at the bottom of the control panel.
TB1-M10/10X8 TB2-M4/6 D2X30

2. The signal line and power line are in the separate hole.
3. At least 20mm clearance should be allowed above and under the VFD.
KM1 KM2 4. AUX1 and AUX2 are installed parallelly above A1.
QF1 QF2 F1 F2 NF1
FR1 FR2 5. Electrical components installation should meet the requirements of GB 4706.1-1992.


Control Panel Interior components

Application data (cont)
Typical electrical field connection

609 610 611 612 615 616 630 631 913 914 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110

Remote Spare Cooling Temp. Remote Chiller Cooling Cooling Chiller Chiller
Switch Protective Water Reset Reset Water Water Tower Alarm Running
Contact Limit Flow Signal Temp. Pump Pump Fan Signal Siganl
(Pptional) (Optional) Switch Control Control Control

: Fielding wiring

: Factory wiring

: Optional wiring



Application data (cont)
Water management

Cooling water
Direct Chilled water tendency
Circulation flow
Direct Circulate
Circulate Supply Supply
flow water corrosion scale
water water water
water ≤20C
PH (25C) 6.5~8.2 6.0~8.0 6.8~8.0 6.0~8.0 6.8~8.0 √ √
Electrical conductivity
≤80 ≤30 ≤40 ≤40 ≤30
(mS/m) (25C) √ √
[≤800] [≤300] [≤400] [≤400] [≤300]
[µS/cm] (25C)
Chroride ion (mg Cl-/l) ≤200 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 √
Sulfate ion (mg SO42-/l) ≤200 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 √
Basic Acid consumption (PH4.8)
≤100 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 √
(mg CaCO3/l)
Total hardness
≤200 ≤70 ≤70 ≤70 ≤70 √
(mg CaCO3/l)
Calcium hardness
≤150 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 √
(mg CaCO3/l)
Ionic silica (mg SiO2/l) ≤50 ≤30 ≤30 ≤30 ≤30 √
Iron (mg Fe/l) ≤1.0 ≤0.3 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤0.3 √ √
Copper (mg Cu/l) ≤0.3 ≤0.1 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤0.1 √
Sulfide ion (mg S2-/l) Not include √
Ammonium ion
≤1.0 ≤0.1 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤0.1 √
Reference (mg NH4+/l)
Residual chlorine (mg Cl/l) ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 √
Free carbone dioxide
≤4.0 ≤4.0 ≤4.0 ≤4.0 ≤4.0 √
(mg CO2/l)
Ryzner stability index 6.0~7.0 - - - - √ √

1 6 J L Ty p i c a l p i p i n g










NOTE: 1. All items external to the dotted line in the above diagram are to be field-supplied.
2. Piping and components shown are typical to indicate general point-of-connection only and are not intended to show details for a
specific installation. Installation and piping should be done in accordance with 16JL Installation Instructions.
3. Install thermometers and pressure gages at locations convenient for serving in the inlet and outlet water lines to the chiller.
4. Location of the chilled water and cooling water pumps as well as the expansion tank must take into account the hydrostatic head
to ensure that the waterbox design pressure is not exceeded.(0.8MPa)
5. Provide vent and drain valves in each waterbox.
6. Provide a tower bypass valve if the temperature of the cooling water returning from the tower can fall below 59 F.
7. Standard steam supply pressure is 15 psig. If the supply pressure is significantly greater than 15 psig, a pressure reducing valve
and safety relief valve should be located in the piping as indicated. The safety relief valve should be set at 15 psig. Pipe the
discharge of the relief valve in accordance with local code requirements.
8. A strainer, pressure gage (0~0.2MPa), drip leg and drain trap should be provided near the steam inlet. A bypass around the
steam control valve is recommended for inspection and maintenance purposes.
9. The flowrate of chilled water and cooling water should be in accordance with the value as specified. A flowmeter can be installed
on chilled water piping for convenient operation.
10. The flanges of chilled water, cooling water and steam inlet piping of chiller are supplied by Carrier and the other flanges of water
piping are supplied by customers.
11. Measure should be taken to reduce the temperature if the steam temperature exceeds 130 ℃.

1 6 J L R Ty p i c a l p i p i n g













NOTE: 1. All items external to the dotted line in the above diagram are to be field-supplied.
2. Piping and components shown are typical to indicate general point-of-connection only and are not intended to show details for a
specific installation. Installation and piping should be done in accordance with 16JLR Installation Instructions.
3. Install thermometers and pressure gages at locations convenient for serving in the inlet and outlet water lines to the chiller.
4. Location of the chilled water and cooling water pumps as well as the expansion tank must take into account the hydrostatic head
to ensure that the waterbox design pressure is not exceeded.(0.8MPa)
5. Provide vent and drain valves in each waterbox.
6. Provide a tower bypass valve if the temperature of the cooling water returning from the tower can fall below 59 F.
7. Measure should be taken to reduce the temperature if hot water temperature exceeds 130 ℃.
8. A pressure gage (0~0.8MPa) should be provided near the hot water control valve inlet and outlet respectively. A bypass around
the hot water control valve is recommended for inspection and maintenance purposes.
9. The flowrate of chilled water and cooling water should be in accordance with the value as specified. A flowmeter can be installed
on chilled water piping for convenient operation.
10. The flanges of chilled water, cooling water and steam inlet piping of chiller are supplied by Carrier and the other flanges of water
piping are supplied by customers.

Typical control sequence


Verify No Sensor Fault/

All sensors In range Startup Routine Flowchart
Prestart Alerts
Inc Prestart satisfies


Start Chilled
Water Pump


Start Water
Verify Timer


Verify Chilled No Water Timer (configured Yes Chilled Water Fault

Water Flow In service) elapsed (State 82)


Yes Monitor for

Recycle Condition
Recycle Start


Start Cooling
Water Pump


Start Water
Verify Timer


Verify Cooling No Water Timer (configured Yes Cooling Water Fault

Water Flow In service) elapsed (State 83)


Start Tower Recycle start and Yes

Start Sol Pump arcycl
Control not the first startup



A arcycl
Startup Routine Flowchart

Start 5 min Aux Start 20s Aux

Sol Pump Timer Sol Pump Timer

Start 2 min
Ref Pump Timer Aux Sol Pump No
Timer elapsed?

Ref Pump No
Timer elapsed Start Aux Sol


Start 2 min
Start Ref Pump Ref Pump Timer

Ref Pump No
Yes Power loss
Timer elapsed
Power loss restart Concentration
Start Ref Pump
Machine Running
Start Ramp Loading

Yes Power loss

Power loss restart Concentration
Aux Sol Pump No protect
Timer elapsed?
Machine Running
Start Ramp Loading
Start Aux Sol


Note: When the chilled water pump, the cooling water pump, the cooling tower fan and the chiller are not interlocked,
start up the auxiliary equipment first and press Start/Stop button of the chiller.



Drive Capacity
Valve to 0
Shutdown Routine Flowchart

Start Ref Pump

Dilution Timer

Start Sol Pump

Dilution Timer 15 min

Chilled Water Yes Low Chilled Water No No No

Sol. Pump Overload Ref Pump Overload
Flowcheck Temp Check

No Yes Yes Yes

G1_Sol Temp<158F
Yes No Ref Pump Timer No
Stop Ref Pump and dilution elapsed
Time<10 min


Start 5 Min Sol Stop Ref

Pump Dilution Timer Pump

No Sol Pump
Timer elapsed


Stop Solution Pump

and Aux Sol. Pump

Stop Cooling Water

A Pump and Tower
Fan Control

Shutdown Routine Flowchart

Yes Monitor for

Recycle Shutdown
Recycle Start
Stop Ref Pump


Cooling Water Pump Stop Chilled Water
and Tower Fan Control Pump

Stop Sol. Pump

Shutdown Complete
Ready to Start

Start Chilled water

Timer (10 min)

Low Chilled Water Yes



No Water Pump Timer



Stop Chilled Water


Safty shutdown Fault
(State? )

1. When the chilled water pump, the cooling water pump, the cooling tower fan and the chiller are not interlocked,
wait till the dilution process stops and switch off these auxiliary equipments.
2. When the chilled water and cooling water system are in abnormal condition or the shield pump alarms, the chiller
stops immediately. When the generator alarms, the chiller stops after the dilution process runs for 10 minutes

Guide Specifications

Hermetic Absorption Liquid Chiller pumps, purge components, and all other machine
Size Range: components have been properly installed on the
16JL: 150 to 1000 tons (528 to 3516 kW) machine.
16JLR: 110 to 750 tons (387 to 2637 kW) 6. Each unit shall then be checked for overall
Carrier Model Number: 16JL/16JLR appearance and dimensional accuracy.
Part 1 — General 7. Final inspection shall be performed on each unit
1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION to check that painting of the unit is as specified,
Electronic controlled single-effect (one-stage) nameplate data is correct, and that all
absorption liquid chiller utilizing hermetic refrigerant accessories are furnished as required.
and solution pumps, lithium bromide solution as the 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING
absorbent, and water as the refrigerant. Low A. Unit shall be stored and handled in accordance with
pressure steam/low temperature hot water shall be the manufacturer’s recommendations.
supplied to the generator as the heat source. B. Unit shall not be factory-charged with lithium bromide
1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE solution to prevent possible internal corrosion
A. Chiller performance shall be rated in accordance damage from occurring should the inside of the
with ARI Standard 560 (latest edition). machine be accidentally exposed to air during
B. Chiller shall be manufactured in accordance with shipment and/or installation and performance tested
ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (latest edition), Safety Code for before shipping.
Mechanical Refrigeration. C. 1-piece shipped machines shall be pressurized to
C. Chiller shall be designed and constructed to meet 4.35psig (0.03MPa) with dry nitrogen gas on the
applicable GB requirements. shell side.
D. Each chiller shall undergo a series of standard D. Chiller shall be shipped with nameplates indicating
factory tests to ensure that the unit is leak tight, that name of manufacturer, model size, serial number,
all electrical components operate as intended, and and all other pertinent machine data.
that every aspect of the unit fabrication meets 1.04 WARRANTY
stringent quality standards in accordance with good Manufacturer shall guarantee the chiller against
practice and the manufacturer’s quality assurance defects in materials or workmanship for a period of
requirements. one year from date of initial operation or 18 months
1. The shell side of each chiller shall be leak tested from date of shipment, whichever occurs first.
by pressurizing to 11.0psig (76kPa) with nitrogen Manufacturer shall provide the labor to repair or
and then checked by spraying a soap/water replace any part found to be defective in material or
mixture on all welds, tube joints, and/or gasketed workmanship within the warranty period.
joints to identify any major leaks. Afterward, a Part 2 —Products
mass spectrometer test shall be performed by 2.01 EQUIPMENT
evacuating the unit to 0.5mmHg absolute, A. General:
covering the machine with a vinyl tent, and Absorption liquid chiller shall include evaporator,
introducing helium gas under the tent. Any absorber, condenser, generator, solution heat
remaining leaks will allow the helium to be drawn exchanger, refrigerant/solution pumps, purge system,
into the shell side of the machine. The acceptable piping, wiring, controls and auxiliaries. Shipment of
leak rate as measured by the mass spectrometer the machine shall be in 1-piece for 16JL/JLR011-
test shall not exceed 1*10-6cc/sec standard air. 100. Initial charge of lithium bromide shall be
2. The tube side of the evaporator, absorber, and included with the chiller for charging at the jobsite.
condenser shall be hydrostatically tested at 1.5 Generator shall be designed for operation on low
times rated design pressure and held for 30 pressure steam/low temperature hot water as
minutes. specified on the equipment schedule.
3. The refrigerant and solution pump/motors shall B. Operating Characteristics:
undergo standard factory tests to ensure proper 1. Chiller operation shall be characteristic of a single
head flow, and motor output characteristics. effect absorption cycle. The weak solution
4. All machine wiring shall undergo an insulation pumped from the absorber to the generator shall
resistance test. The chiller control center and all initially pass through a solution heat exchanger to
electrical components shall also be functionally improve operating efficiency by pre-heating the
tested to verify continuity and proper electrical weak solution on the tube side with the strong
operation. solution returning from the generator on the
5. Final assembly inspection shall consist of shellside.
verifying that all valves, controls, instrumentation,
Guide Specifications (cont)
2. Unit shall be capable of continuous operation Generator 16JL…......................... CuNi, bare tube
from 100% to 10% capacity, with entering 16JLR........ copper, externally turbo-chill tube
condenser water temperatures as low as 59F D. Pump/Motors:
(15C), without the need for a cooling tower Refrigerant and solution pump/motors shall be
bypass valve. Thermostat on/off control of the self-contained, leakproof, hermetic type, without
cooling tower fan is recommended when cooling pump seals, isolation valves or external seal water
water temperature falls below 59F (15C). system to minimize air leakage into the machine.
C. Heat Exchangers: Each pump casing shall be welded into suction
1. All heat exchangers shall be of shell and tube and discharge lines and factory installed and shall
construction with shells, tubesheets, tube support include spring-loaded, wear-compensating
sheets and waterboxes fabricated of carbon steel. tapered carbon bearings. Lubrication and cooling
All heat exchangers shall incorporate straight shall be accomplished by the fluid being pumped;
tubes. All tubes shall be rolled into tubesheets auxiliary water piping for cooling and lubrication
and expanded into tube support sheets, and shall shall not be acceptable. Pump/motor assemblies
be individually replaceable. shall be designed for a minimum 20,000 hours of
2. The evaporator, absorber, and condenser normal operation between inspections. If
waterboxes shall be designed for 150psig pump/motor assemblies are furnished with less
(1034kPa) working pressure. Evaporator than a design of 20,000 hours between
waterboxes shall be nozzle-in-head type and inspections, they must be provided with isolation
absorber-condenser waterboxes shall be marine valves and a bearing monitoring system to aid in
type. All waterboxes shall be provided with vent diagnosing and performing on-going maintenance.
and drain connections. Epoxy painting of the E. Purge System:
waterboxes and tube sheets shall be provided for An automatic, motorless purge system shall be
corrosion protection. All waterboxes shall be furnished to provide a continuous purging action
provided with vent and drain connections. GB whenever the chiller is in operation to assure long
raised face flanges shall be furnished on all machine life and efficient performance.
waterbox nozzle connections. Noncondensables shall be removed from the
3. The tube side of the 16JL generator shall be absorber by a liquid eductor, which shall use flow
designed for 15psig (103kPa) working pressure from the solution pump to create a suction.
for steam applications. For steam applications, a Noncondensables shall be stored external to the
rupture disk shall be factory supplied on the unit and shall be prevented from diffusing back
machine. The tube side of the 16JLR generator into the machine when the unit is not operating.
shall be designed for 150psig (1034kPa) working Evacuation of the external storage tank shall be
pressure for standard; or 300psig (2068kPa) for accomplished by the use of a unit-mounted
option working pressure for low temperature hot vacuum pump. The vacuum pump shall be factory
water applications. All hot water generators shall mounted on the chiller and wired to the control
be designed, constructed and stamped in center by the chiller manufacturer.
accordance with GB requirements on the tube F. Controls, Safeties and Diagnostics:
side. 1. Controls:
4. A solution heat exchanger shall be an integral part a The 16JL/JLR series chiller shall be provided
of the machine to increase efficiency by with a factory installed and wired PD5 control
preheating weak solution on the tube side with system with individually replaceable modular
strong solution on the shell side. Tube material for component construction. The system shall
this heat exchanger shall be copper. include a PD5-BASE board, two PD-AUX
5. Spray heads for the evaporator, absorber shall be boards and an NRCP-BASE board, power
of a non-clogging design, specifically designed for supply, temperature (thermistor) and pressure
the intended duty. Spray heads shall be fabricated (transducer) sensors, and all necessary
of a corrosion-proof material to ensure continuous, auxiliary devices required for proper operation.
high efficiency operation. The chiller operation system shall have the
6. Heat exchanger tube material and minimum wall ability to interface and communicate directly to
thickness shall be contingent on the type of the building control system without the use of
corrosion inhibitor used in the machine. The additional field-installed hardware or software.
following tube specifications shall apply to ensure Additional hardware will be necessary if the
long machine life and continuous operation: building control system is not a Carrier Comfort
Evaporator…………..….copper, externally fin tube Network (CCN). The user interface is a touch
Absorber…………………..copper, corrugated tube screen. It is connected to the main basic board
Condenser……..…………copper, corrugated tube and gives access to a full array of control
Guide Specifications (cont)
parameters. The PD5 shall be configurable to
display either English or SI metric units. Removes the data in the value
b The default standard display screen shall modification dialog box
simultaneously indicate the following minimum
information: Adds a point to one of the “Group
• date and time of day Display” screens
• primary system status message
• secondary system status message
• entering chilled water temperature Removes a point from one of the
• leaving chilled water temperature “Group Display” screens
• evaporator refrigerant temperature
• entering absorber water temperature
• leaving absorber water temperature Reduces/increases the value
• leaving condenser water temperature
• strong solution temperature leaving generator
• weak solution temperature leaving absorber
• steam condensate water temperature Displays the previous/following item
• output signal to steam/hot water control valve
• The default screen shall be displayed if there
is no manual activity at the control console for Displays the previous/following page
15 minutes.
c PD5 Operation Button.



Returns to the previous screen Cancels the forcing of a point

Displays the default screen (“Group Displays the value modification dialog
Display” screen) box for a point

Displays the main screen Alarm indication light

Displays the next screen Start/stop control button

d Network Window Function:

Each Chiller LID (Local Interface Device) shall
Displays the previous screen be capable of viewing multiple point values
and statuses from other connected on a
common network, including controller
Accepts the current action maintenance data. The operator shall be able
to alter the remote controller’s set points or
time schedule and to force point values or
statuses that are operator forcible. The LID
Rejects the current action shall also have access to the alarm history file
of all like controllers connected on the network.
e Capacity control shall be by means of
electronically modulating the steam/hot water
Cancels the current action
control valve actuator to maintain the
temperature of the leaving chilled water. Load
modulation shall be from 100% to 10% of
machine full load under normal ARI conditions.
Guide Specifications (cont)
The steam/hot water control valve shall be whenever the leaving chilled water temperature
precisely positioned by a PID (Proportional is 3F (1.7C) below the desired chilled water set
Integral Derivative) control algorithm to ensure point. The chilled water pump shall remain on,
precise control (± .5F [±.3C]) of desired chilled and when the leaving chilled water temperature
water temperature without hunting or rises above the set point by a user-configured
overshooting the set point. amount, the chiller shall automatically restart.
f The PD5 control system shall include a During the shutdown period, a message shall
programmed sequence to ensure machine be displayed informing the operator a recycle
readiness prior to machine start-up. The PD5 restart is pending.
shall automatically activate and interlock the k The control center shall allow reset of the
chilled water pump, cooling water pump, chilled water temperature set point based on
cooling tower fans upon chiller activation. any one of the following criteria:
g Upon request to start the chiller, the control • Chilled water reset based on a remote
system shall start the chilled water pump and temperature (such as outdoor air).
verify chilled water flow. The controller shall • Chilled water reset based on water
then compare the entering or leaving chilled temperature rise across the evaporator.
water temperature with the chilled water set When reset is active, a message shall be
point. If the chilled water temperature is less displayed indicating the type of reset in effect.
than the chilled water set point, the control l The control center shall limit the opening of the
system shall enter the recycle mode until a steam/hot water control valve to 50% (user-
cooling load has been established. Once a configurable) open at start-up until the warm-up
cooling load has been established the control period has been completed and ramp loading is
system shall start the cooling water pump and enabled.
verify flow, before starting tower fan(s), solution m When the stop button is pressed, or remote
pump(s) and refrigerant pump. Once the contacts open the control center shall
refrigerant pump is started the control system immediately drive the steam/hot water control
shall initiate the ramp loading routine. valve to the closed position and initiate the
h The control system shall automatically sense normal shut-down sequence including dilution
impending abnormalities in the absorption cycle. The display shall indicate ‘‘dilution cycle
operating cycle and take one or all of the shutdown’’
following actions to either self-correct and/or 2. Safeties:
limit the machine from approaching cycle a Unit shall automatically shut down when any of
crystallization line: the following conditions occur: (Each of these
• inhibit steam/hot water control valve position protective limits shall require manual reset and
until concentration drops below preset cause an alarm message to be displayed on
threshold* the screen, informing the operator of the
• drive steam/hot water valve to closed position shutdown cause.)
until concentration drops below preset • solution pump motor overload/high
threshold. Message will be displayed: ‘‘run temperature
capacity limited, high concentration.’’ • refrigerant pump motor overload/high
• initiate non-recycle shutdown of the chiller if temperature
safety shutdown threshold exceeded. • low chilled water temperature
Message will be displayed: ‘‘shutdown in • low evaporator refrigerant temperature
progress, dilution cycle.’’ • generator high solution temperature
i A user-configurable ramp loading rate, effective • loss of evaporator water flow
during the chilled water temperature pulldown • loss of cooling water flow (option)
period, shall control the rate of steam/hot water b The control system shall detect conditions
control valve opening to limit start-up steam/hot which approach protective limits and take self-
water demand. The controls shall allow corrective action prior to an alarm occurring.
configuration of the ramp loading rate in The system shall automatically reduce chiller
degrees per minute of chilled water capacity when any of the following parameters
temperature pulldown. During the ramp loading are outside their normal operating range:
period, a message shall be displayed informing • low evaporator refrigerant temperature.
the operator that the chiller is operating in ramp • generator high saturation temperature
loading mode. • generator high solution temperature
j The control system shall automatically cycle • high solution concentration
the machine to minimize energy usage During the capacity override period, a pre-
Guide Specifications (cont)
alarm (alert) message shall be displayed 1. Power supply to the unit shall be 3-ph, 60/50Hz
informing the operator which condition is with voltages of 380v, 400v, 460v as specified on
causing the capacity override. Once the the equipment schedule. A multitap transformer
condition is again within acceptable limits, the shall provide 110 v single-phase secondary power
override condition shall terminate and the for the control panel.
chiller shall revert to normal chilled water 2. Contractor shall supply and install the electrical
control. If during condition the protective limit is power line and all auxiliary electrical protection
reached, the chiller shall shut down, an alarm devices per local code requirements and as
shall be generated, and a text message shall indicated necessary by the chiller manufacturer.
be displayed informing the operator which 3. Contractor shall supply and install electrical wiring
condition caused the shut down and alarm. and devices required to interface the chiller
3. Diagnostics and Service: controls with the building controls system if
a The control system shall execute a series of applicable.
pre-start checks whenever a start command is H. Piping Requirements:
received to determine if pressures, 1. Piping and instrumentation for the chilled water,
temperatures, and timers are within pre-start cooling water, steam/hot water supply and return
limits, thereby allowing start-up to proceed. If piping shall be supplied and installed by the
any of the limits are exceeded a text alert contractor/owner.
message will be displayed informing the 2. Absorber-condenser crossover piping shall be
operator of the cause of the pre-start alert. furnished by chiller manufacturer as specified on
b The control system shall provide a manual test the equipment schedule.
which permits selection and test of individual 3. Chilled water flow switch shall be factory supplied
control components and inputs. The screen will and factory installed in the evaporator water
show the actual reading of each transducer and nozzle. Cooling water flow switch shall be field
each thermistor installed on the chiller. installed or factory installed if customer requires
A test shall automatically energize the and supplied by either the chiller manufacturer or
refrigerant pump, solution pump, tower fan the contractor/owner.
relay, alarm relay, chilled water and cooling 4. Piping from the rupture disk shall be provided and
water pumps and chiller run relay, and the installed by the contractor/owner and piped in
control system shall confirm water flows have accordance with the chiller manufacturer’s written
been established and require operator instructions and any local jurisdictional
confirmation prior to proceeding to the next requirements.
test. I. Thermal Insulation:
A steam control valve test shall allow the Insulation of evaporator, refrigerant pump, sump,
operator to test the control valve travel range piping, and chilled water headers, in addition to
by manually increasing or decreasing valve any hot surfaces shall be field supplied and
travel limit. Upon completion of the steam/hot installed on the machine. Chiller manufacturer
water control valve test the control valve shall shall recommend the material and specify surface
revert to the closed position. area to be insulated.
c All sensors shall have quick disconnects to J. Sound Level:
allow replacement of the sensor without The overall sound pressure level of the chiller
replacement of the entire sensor wire. shall not exceed 80dbA when measured per ARI
4. Building Control System Interface: Standard 575 (latest edition).
The chiller control system shall have the ability K. Start-up:
to interface and communicate directly to the 1. Unit manufacturer shall provide a factory-trained
building control system with the use of service representative, employed by carrier, to
additional field installed hardware and software. perform and/or supervise chiller pressure test
The building control system and the absorption (when required), charge chiller with refrigerant
chiller must be supplied by the same (water) and lithium bromide solution, place unit
manufacturer. If different building control and into operation, and calibrate all controls in
chiller suppliers are chosen the chiller shall be accordance with the manufacturer’s written start-
supplied with a dataport module which shall up, operating, and maintenance instructions.
translate the information in the chiller 2. After unit start-up has been performed, the same
microprocessor to an ASCII stream of data factory representative shall be available for a
which can be read by any manufacturer’s period of instruction not to exceed 4 hours to
building management control system. instruct the owner’s personnel in the proper start-
G. Electrical Requirements:
Guide Specifications (cont)
up, operating and maintenance procedures. schedule.
Manufacturer shall provide the following literature: 6. Thermometer Set:
a Installation Operation and Maintenance A package of 5 adjustable angle thermometers
Instructions shall be factory supplied for field installation when
b Field Wiring Diagrams specified on the equipment schedule. Each shall
L. Options and Accessories: have a 9-in. scale with a working range of 0 to
1. High-Pressure Waterboxes: 120F (-18 to 49C) and shall be equipped with a
Waterboxes rated for 300psig (2068kPa) working 3/4 -in. NPT brass well.
pressure with removable covers shall be furnished 7. Cooling Water Flow Switches:
when specified on the equipment schedule. Cooling water flow switches, rated for either for
2. Hot Water Generator: 150psig (1034kPa) or 300psig (2068kPa), shall be
A generator designed, built and stamped in contractor/owner supplied for field installation
accordance with GB requirements with a design when specified on the equipment schedule.
working pressure of 150psig (1034kPa) for 8. Steam (electric or pneumatic):
standard and 300psi (2068kPa) for option shall be A steam valve shall be provided for 16JL chiller
furnished for hot water applications when when specified on the equipment schedule.
specified on the equipment schedule. 9. Hot Water Valve (electric or pneumatic):
3. Special Tubing: A hot water valve shall be provided for 16JLR
Tubing of non-standard materials shall be chiller when specified on the equipment schedule.
provided when specified on the equipment 10. Unit Voltage:
schedule. Unit shall be capable of operating on 3 phases,
4. Shipping Configuration: 50/60Hz, 380/400/460v, when specified on
Chiller shall ship in one piece as specified on the equipment schedule.
equipment schedule. 11. Isolation Package:
5. Flanged Nozzle Connections: A vibration isolation package consisting of
ANSI 150psig (1034kPa) R.F. (raised face) soleplates and neoprene isolation pads shall be
flanges shall be furnished on all waterbox nozzle furnished when specified on the equipment
connections when specified on the equipment schedule.


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