Adiabatic Mixing

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Adiabatic Mixing of

And using the
psychrometric chart
Why mix?
Air needs to be mixed to keep it

Fresh air is mixed with recycled

cooled or heated air

More efficient than heating or

cooling all new air
Large buildings

Production and process plants

Conditioned air is mixed with
outside air.
Properties of air mixing

No work done

No change in PE

No change in KE
Symbols to know

= Specific humidity

= kg water vapor
kg dry air

is the specific or
absolute humidity

= mv/ma
(kg water vapor/kg dry air)

= 0.622*Pv/(P-Pv)

= Relative humidity

=kg water vapor

max amount it can hold
Mass and energy balance
ma1/ma2 = (23)/(31)

ma1/ma2 =(h2-h3)/(h3-h1)
The psychrometric chart
Using the psychrometric
Interesting case
When states are close to
saturation line
The line crosses the
saturation line
The third state is to the left
of the saturation line.
What will happen?
When air gets mixed its
properties change

Thesechanges can be seen

on the psychrometric chart

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