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 Unit-1
1. a)Explain about sources of X and Gamma Rays and their interaction with matter in detail? [10]
b)List out various safety aspects that are followed in industrial radiography? [6]

2. a) Explain about the guidelines for Acceptance, Rejection - Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Testing?
b) Write short notes on piezoelectric effect. [6]

3. a) Explain the method of X-ray generation with neat sketch [ 8 ]

b) Briefly discuss various radiographic inspection techniques [8]

4. a) Write a brief note on radiographic film and its processing. [8]

b) What are the sources for X and Gamma rays? Explain its interacting with matter and, interpret
the results.

5. a) State the principle of Radiographic test and what are the safety aspects of test? [8]
b) Explain importance of NDT over Destructive Testing methods.

6. a) With neat sketch explain any two magnetization techniques used in magnetic particle
inspection [8]
b) What is the principle of eddy current testing? [7]
 UNIT 2
1. a) Explain about the guidelines for Acceptance, Rejection - Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Testing?
b) Write short notes on piezoelectric effect.

2. a) What is ultrasonic testing (UT)? Explain pulse echo method of UT [8]

b) Explain the following terms:
(i) Mode conversion at oblique incidence
(ii) sound field.

3.a) Classify ultrasonic inspection methods. Explain through transmission technique with
advantages and disadvantages.
b) List applications, advantages and limitations of ultrasonic testing.

4.a) Draw the neat sketch of Ultrasonic test setup. Explain how the pulse echo technique
implemented in the U.T?
b) Discuss the advantages, limitations and variables of Ultrasonic testing.

5 a) Explain construction and structure of Industrial X –Ray Film with neat sketches? [7]
b) Write in detail about screen in radiography testing and explain about Metal Foil screens and
fluorescent intensifying (or Sat Screens)
 UNIT 3
1. Explain about the principle and testing procedure of liquid penetrant test with Neat diagrams?

2. a) Explain the principle and process in detecting flaws in a materials using Liquid Penetrant
method with the help of neat sketches.
b) Enumerate the limitations of liquid penetrant testing.

3. a) Explain the method of Die Penetrant Testing (DPT) with diagram. Can it be used for
subsurface defects? Yes / No – Justify.
b) Discuss the method of examination, interpretation and evaluation of liquid Penetrant test.

4. a) Write principle of Liquid Penetrant Testing. Also discuss on its application and Limitations.
b) Discuss the factors, which affect visual testing method. Explain its remedies.

5 a) What is mean by S/N ratio in radiographs? [5]

b) Describe the x-ray film processing techniques in radiographic inspection.

 Unit 4
1. a) Explain about effective Applications and Limitations of the Magnetic Particle test?
b) How magnetization and demagnetization takes place in magnetic materials?

2. a) Explain the principle of magnetic particle testing (MPT). What are its advantages and
b) What are the defects that are faced after magnetic particle testing?

3. a) What are the pre-requisites for a material to be tested through magnetic particle NDT?
b) Explain various methods of magnetization and demagnetization commonly
Practiced in Nondestructive testing procedure.

4. a) Distinguish ultrasonic and magnetic particle tests. [8]

b) How the magnetic particle test procedure is calibrated? What are the basic Properties
specimen to qualify for magnetic particle test?

5 a) Describe briefly the generation of ultrasonic waves. [7]

b) Explain near zone, far zone and transition zone in Ultrasonic Testing.

 Unit 5
1. a) Explain the working principle of eddy current test system with neat sketch? [8]
b) Discuss the applications of eddy current testing
2. a) With a neat sketch explain the principle and working of eddy current inspection. [ 8 ]
b) Discuss various applications of eddy current testing.

3. a) What is impedance diagram? How coupling, crack and magnetic permeability effects the
impedance diagram?
b) Enumerate the applications of NDE in offshore gas and petroleum projects.

4. a) What is the principle of Eddy current testing? List out its application. [8]
(b) What are different types of test coils used in E.C.T.? Explain their typical applications.

5. Compare and Contrast:

a) Normal and angle beam pulse echo testing
b) A-scan and C- scan displays.

6. a) Explain the mechanism of image formation in Holography [7]

b) Discuss the fundamental points to be made for Optical Holography.

 Unit6
1. Explain about the applications of NDE in pressure vessels, castings and welded onstruction.

2. a) Discuss about defects in casting, forging and welding. [10]

b) What is the importance of NDE in off shore gas and petroleum projects?

3. a) List the defects in parts manufactured by various processes. [8]

b) What is the importance of NDE in nuclear and non-nuclear applications?

4. a) What are the safety norms in industrial radiography? Write its method of application.
b) Explain the principle of Acoustic emission testing with line diagram. [8]

5. A cross-country crude oil pipeline is to be tested for leakage. What NDT technique is to be used
and why? Explain the principle of the technique and the procedure.

6 a) Describe eddy current instruments used in identification of defects in castings, forgings and
b) Which method do you think to be suitable for the quality inspection of welded Joints? Why

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