This document is an exam for a course on Non-Destructive Testing. It contains 5 questions asking students to summarize various non-destructive testing techniques. Question 1 asks about destructive and non-destructive tests for different materials and to explain one destructive test. It also asks about recommending a technique to test ceramics and explaining the principle. Question 2 covers visual inspection aids and using a borescope, as well as defining leak and leak rate and explaining testing of heat exchanger tubes. Question 3 covers methods of magnetization and demagnetization in NDT as well as the principle of magnetic particle testing. It also asks about C-scan displays and ultrasonic concepts. Question 4 asks about pulse-echo ultrason
This document is an exam for a course on Non-Destructive Testing. It contains 5 questions asking students to summarize various non-destructive testing techniques. Question 1 asks about destructive and non-destructive tests for different materials and to explain one destructive test. It also asks about recommending a technique to test ceramics and explaining the principle. Question 2 covers visual inspection aids and using a borescope, as well as defining leak and leak rate and explaining testing of heat exchanger tubes. Question 3 covers methods of magnetization and demagnetization in NDT as well as the principle of magnetic particle testing. It also asks about C-scan displays and ultrasonic concepts. Question 4 asks about pulse-echo ultrason
This document is an exam for a course on Non-Destructive Testing. It contains 5 questions asking students to summarize various non-destructive testing techniques. Question 1 asks about destructive and non-destructive tests for different materials and to explain one destructive test. It also asks about recommending a technique to test ceramics and explaining the principle. Question 2 covers visual inspection aids and using a borescope, as well as defining leak and leak rate and explaining testing of heat exchanger tubes. Question 3 covers methods of magnetization and demagnetization in NDT as well as the principle of magnetic particle testing. It also asks about C-scan displays and ultrasonic concepts. Question 4 asks about pulse-echo ultrason
This document is an exam for a course on Non-Destructive Testing. It contains 5 questions asking students to summarize various non-destructive testing techniques. Question 1 asks about destructive and non-destructive tests for different materials and to explain one destructive test. It also asks about recommending a technique to test ceramics and explaining the principle. Question 2 covers visual inspection aids and using a borescope, as well as defining leak and leak rate and explaining testing of heat exchanger tubes. Question 3 covers methods of magnetization and demagnetization in NDT as well as the principle of magnetic particle testing. It also asks about C-scan displays and ultrasonic concepts. Question 4 asks about pulse-echo ultrason
Subject Code:2172102 Date:18/11/2016
Subject Name:Non Destructive Testing Time:10.30 AM to 1.00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Give the names of all Destructive & Non-destructive testing commonly carried 07 out for components made up of different materials & explain in brief one of the tests under “Destructive ” category. (b) Which NDT technique would you recommend for testing ceramic 07 components for open- to- surface discontinuities? Explain in brief the principle & working of the test you have recommended. Q.2 (a) What is Visual inspection? What are the visual inspection aids? Highlight the 07 use of Borescope in visual testing. (b) Define/Explain leak & leak rate. Explain in brief the leak testing of heat 07 exchanger tubes in a boiler. OR (b) Explain in brief the testing of underground oil pipe line for finding leak. 07 Q.3 (a) Explain various methods of magnetisation & demagnetisation commonly 07 practiced in Non-destructive testing procedure. (b) Explain the principle of MPT & its limitations. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Discuss A, B & C scan display on CRT with reference to Ultrasonic pulse echo 07 technique. (b) Explain the following: 07 i. Near zone & Far zone (2) ii. Acoustic impedance (1) iii. HWDC (1) iv. Mode conversion (1) v. Normal probe & angle probe (2) Q.4 (a) With the help of a diagram explain the Pulse echo technique of U.T. 07 (b) Discuss the advantages, limitations & variables of Ultrasonic testing. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Explain the principle of Eddy current testing & its applications. 07 (b) What are different types of test coils used in E.C.T. Explain their typical 07 applications. Q.5 (a) Explain the following. 07 i. Geometrical Unsharpness(2) ii. Penetrameters (2) iii. X Ray film processing (3) (b) Explain the basic principles of Thermography. 07 OR Q.5 (a) Give salient features of Acoustic Emission Technique. 07 (b) What is Through transmission testing with reference to U.T. Explain its 07 principle & working. *************