Me8097 Ndte Important Part B For Au Exam
Me8097 Ndte Important Part B For Au Exam
Me8097 Ndte Important Part B For Au Exam
3 Classify Infrared sensors and explain any two sensors with neat sketch about
working principle of IR sensors.
4 Describe the principle and mode of operation of the following
i. Pulsed Thermography.
ii. Modulated Thermography.
iii. Vibro Thermography.
5 (i) Explain the Eddy current principle of eddy current testing with neat sketch. (8)
(ii) List the advantage and limitation of eddy current test (5)
6 Classify and Explain the eddy current probes with neat sketches on the basis of mode
of application and mode of operation.
1 Describe the principle of ultrasonic testing with suitable block diagram.
2 Discuss the following Ultrasonic inspection technique with neat sketch.
i. Straight beam ultrasonic inspection method.
ii. Angle beam ultrasonic inspection method.
iii. Time of flight diffraction inspection method.
iv. Phased array ultrasonic inspection method.
v. Immersion ultrasonic inspection method.
3 (i) Enumerate the different ways of representing the data in ultrasonic inspection.
Explain them in detail.
(ii) Briefly explain the modes of wave propagations of ultrasonic sound
4 Briefly explain how the ultrasonic testing procedure is followed in inspection of
following areas. (i) Inspection of casting (ii) weld inspection (iii) corrosion
5 Explain about different types of ultrasonic transducers with construction and
working details.
6 Illustrate the principle of transmission method and pulse echo method with neat
sketch in ultrasonic testing method.
7 Explain the principle of Acoustic Emission technique. Discuss about various
parameters involved in AET.
8 Explain the principle of four channel data acquisition in Acoustic Emission testing
with neat sketch.
1 Explain the Classification of X-ray films used in industrial radiography and discuss
briefly about Construction of x-ray film with simple line diagram.
2 (i) Explain the principles of radiography testing with neat diagram. And illustrate
techniques used in radiography. (8)
3 Brief write about the following phenomena during interaction of X-ray with matter:
(i) Photo electric effect
(ii) Compton scattering
(iii) Pair production
(iv) Thomson scattering