2ND Tos Second Quarter Examination in PPG
2ND Tos Second Quarter Examination in PPG
2ND Tos Second Quarter Examination in PPG
Department of Education
Schools Division of Bulacan
Item Placement
NO. COMPETENCY/OBJECTIVE No. of No. of % Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Days Items
identify the different levels of the 5 6 12 1-6
1. Philippine Local Government
explain the roles and functions of Local 3 4 8 7 8-10
2. Government Unit
examine how decentralization affects 3 4 8 11-12 13-14
3. governance
conduct an interview with barangay 2 2 4 15-17
4. officials on community programs
evaluate the performance of a local 2 3 6 18-20
5. government unit
describe the nature of elections and 5 6 12 21-24 25-26
6. political parties in the Philippines
identify the types of electoral systems 2 2 4 27-28
8. analyze the nature of elections and 5 6 12 29-34
political parties in the Philippines
discuss the concepts of civil society and 3 4 8 35-36 37-38
9. social movements
TOTAL 39 50 100%