The document outlines the 4 quadrants of the brain labelled by Ned Hermann. Each quadrant is associated with different key words, preferred activities, how they respond best, potential vulnerabilities, and typical occupations. Quadrant A is analytical thinking, B is sequential thinking, C is interpersonal thinking, and D is imaginative thinking.
The document outlines the 4 quadrants of the brain labelled by Ned Hermann. Each quadrant is associated with different key words, preferred activities, how they respond best, potential vulnerabilities, and typical occupations. Quadrant A is analytical thinking, B is sequential thinking, C is interpersonal thinking, and D is imaginative thinking.
The document outlines the 4 quadrants of the brain labelled by Ned Hermann. Each quadrant is associated with different key words, preferred activities, how they respond best, potential vulnerabilities, and typical occupations. Quadrant A is analytical thinking, B is sequential thinking, C is interpersonal thinking, and D is imaginative thinking.
The document outlines the 4 quadrants of the brain labelled by Ned Hermann. Each quadrant is associated with different key words, preferred activities, how they respond best, potential vulnerabilities, and typical occupations. Quadrant A is analytical thinking, B is sequential thinking, C is interpersonal thinking, and D is imaginative thinking.
Quadrant Key Words Preferred Responds well to Vulnerabilities Typical
Activities Occupations A Logical, factual, Collecting data, Technical or Too focused, may CEO of technical Analytical critical, listening to financial missed organization, thinking technical, informational information, synergistic stock market quantitative, lectures, reading theories, charts and opportunities, broker, chemist, abstract, textbooks, graphs, formal favors individual computer impersonal judging ideas approach, data vs. Group work, programmer, based on facts, heavy content tends to place finance manager criteria and facts over logical reasoning people, problems with delegating
B Conservative, Following Agendas, goals and Reluctant to Technical
Sequential structured, directions objectives, simple changes, tends to manager, thinking organized, repetitive graphs and miss the big operations detailed, detailed presentations, picture, does not manager, planned homework stickler for time, appreciate bookkeeper, drill problems, time step by step innovative ideas, sergeant, management and procedures before avoids dynamic supervisory schedules, concluding situations nurse, planning and construction organizing engineer C Emotional, Listening to and Creative and free Dislike for Marketing, sales, Interpersonal spiritual, feeling, sharing ideas, flowing activities, routine and real estate, thinking sensory, looking for experiential structured elementary kinaesthetic personal activities like music activities, school teacher, meaning, sensory and art, people- tendency to be social worker, input, teamwork, centered activities impulsive and counsellor, win-win discussions emotional, often secretary situations misses out on details D Visual, holistic, Looking at the big Fun activities, Can be Artist, Imaginative intuitive, picture, talking humor, future impractical, tend entertainer, thinking innovative, initiative, oriented activities, to overlook musician, conceptual simulations experimentation, details, may tend entrepreneur, (“what if” thought provoking to procrastinate strategic planner, questions), visual and challenging especially if they creative writer, aids, appreciate situations, visuals do not like what film director beauty of a they are doing problem, like repetitive brainstorming, tasks, difficulty in visionary prioritizing