Module 7 Communication in The Workplace
Module 7 Communication in The Workplace
Module 7 Communication in The Workplace
P R E PA R E D B Y C R E S E N C E S H I N E S . T R A J A N O
R E F E R E N C E M o s u r a , C a r m e l T. e t a l . , H u m a n B e h a v i o r i n
Organizations Chapter 11 Pages 206-22
Discuss what communication is, its functions and
1. Interpersonal communication- managers 3. Public speaking- when you present an oral report, make office
must understand not only general announcements, or give a talk at a religious service.
interpersonal communication but also SIX REASONS WHY COMMUNICATION IS COMPLEX
characteristics of interpersonal
communications within organizations. 1. Communication is really more than speaking and listening
Organizational communication directly 2. Communication is transactional. Means that both communicators are often
relates to the goals, functions, and structure anticipating the message of the other person and adjusting the process.
of human behavior.
3. Communication involves sharing of meaning
2. Group or team communication- its
interaction among people who share an 4. Communications depends on feedback
interest in the same thing or share common 5. Communication is blocked by interference
6. Communications occurs in a context
Functions of
• Acts to control a member’s behavior
• Fosters motivation by clarifying to
employees what is to be done, how
well they are doing, and what can be
done to improve performance
• It provides the information that
individuals and groups need to make
decisions making.
• Good communications prevent s
many problems in organization
• Essential for socialization of
newcomers at all levels in an
• Helps organization members
understand each other, and when
people understand each other
• Verbal Communication Electronically Transmitted- this is over a
telephone lines
• Personally Addressed Written Communication- Such as letters and
memos that are addressed personally to the receiver are next in
Types of Formal information richness. (Ex. E-mail, g-mail, etc.)
• Impersonal Written Communication- this is used when a sender needs
Organizational to communicate with a large numbers of receiver simultaneously ,
such as when a company president wants to let all members of an
Communication organization know the rumors of an impending lay-off are unfounded.
• Computer Networks- efficient to communicate information to their
members as well as to provide members with easy access to
1. Downward communication- occurs when
superiors send messages to subordinates. information that they need to perform their jobs when they need it.
Comes from the higher levels to lower level • Teleconferencing- is a form of electronic communication that can
in the organization. overcome some of the disadvantages of electronic group meetings
2. Upward communication- refers to while still allowing group to communicate with each other when they
messages moving from subordinates to are hundreds or thousands of miles apart
3. Lateral- when the communication takes • Intranets- are internal corporate communications networks that use
place among members of the same group, the structure and standards of internet to allow employees of a single
among members of work groups at the firm to communicate and share information with each other
same level, … electronically.
The Communication Encoding is converting a communication messages to
When the big moment arrives, it’s time for all the
preparation to pay off. 2. Greeting and Behavior. Your greeting is extremely
1. Arrival important in making a good first impression
Go to the Interview alone Greet the Interviewer
Arrive a few minutes early Listen Carefully and Follow the Direction
Bring your resume with you Watch your Body Posture. Sit up Straight in the chair
Conduct yourself in a professional manner
Present Positive Attitude
1. Wheel Network. Most information travels through one
center member of the group. The central member receivers
all messages from other group members and is sole sender
Group of messages to them.