2nd Quarter Tos Elem

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

Table of Specification- Mathematics Grade 1

2nd Quarter

Content Competencies/Objectives Code No. of % No. R U A A E C

Days of
visualizes and adds two M1NS-IIa26.1 2 1 1
onedigit numbers with sums
up to 18 using the order and
zero properties of addition
19. adds two one-digit M1NS-IIa28.1a 2 2 2,3
numbers using appropriate
mental techniques e.g.
adding doubles and/or near-
20. visualizes and adds M1NS-IIb26.2 2 2 4,5
three one-digit numbers
using the grouping property
of addition
21. visualizes and adds two M1NS-IIb27.1 2 1 6
to three one-digit numbers
horizontally and vertically
22. uses expanded form to M1NS-IIc27.2 2 1 7
explain the meaning of
addition with regrouping
23. visualizes and adds M1NS-IIc27.3 2 2 8,9
numbers with sums through
99 without or with
24. adds mentally two to M1NS-IId28.1b 2 1 10
three one- digit numbers
with sums up to 18 using
appropriate strategies
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

25. adds mentally two-digit M1NS-IId28.2 3 2 11,12

numbers and one-digit
numbers with regrouping
using appropriate strategies
26. visualizes and solves M1NS-IIe29.1 3 2 13.14
one step routine and non-
routine problems involving
addition of whole numbers
including money with sums
up to 99 using appropriate
problem solving strategies
27. creates situations M1NS-IIe30.1 2 1 15
involving addition of whole
numbers including money
28. illustrates subtraction as M1NS-IIf24 2 1 16
“taking away” or
“comparing” elements of
29. illustrates that addition M1NS-IIf25 2 2 17,18
and subtraction are inverse
30. visualizes, represents, M1NS-IIg32.1 2 1 19
and subtracts one-digit
numbers with minuends
through 18 (basic facts)

31. visualizes, represents, M1NS-IIg32.2 2 2 20,21

and subtracts one- to two-
digit numbers with
minuends up to 99 without
32. uses the expanded form M1NS-IIh32.3 2 1 22
to explain subtraction with
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

33. visualizes, represents, M1NS-IIh32.4 2 2 23,24

and subtracts one- to two-
digit numbers with
minuends up to 99 with
34. subtracts mentally one- M1NS-IIi33.1 2 2 25,26
digit numbers from two-digit
minuends without
regrouping using
appropriate strategies
35. visualizes, represents, M1NS-IIi34.1 2 2 27,28
and solves routine and non-
routine problems involving
subtraction of whole
numbers including money
with minuends up to 99 with
and without regrouping
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
36. creates situations M1NS-IIj35.1 2 2 29,30
involving subtraction of
whole number including
Total 40 30

* R- Remembering U- understanding A- Application A - Analysis E- Evaluation C- Creating

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

Table of Specification- Mathematics Grade 2

2nd Quarter

Content Competencies/Objectives Code No. of % No. of R U A A E C

Days Item
24. visualizes, represents, and M2NS-IIa32.5 4 3 1,2,3
subtracts 2- to 3-digit numbers
with minuends up to 999
without and with regrouping
25. subtracts mentally 1-digit M2NS-IIb33.2 2 1 4
numbers from 1- to 3-digit
numbers without regrouping
using appropriate strategies.
26. subtracts mentally 3-digit M2NS-IIb33.3 2 2 5,6
numbers by tens and by
hundreds without regrouping
using appropriate strategies
27. solves routine and non- M2NS-IIc34.2 4 3 7,8,9
routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers
including money with
minuends up to 1000 using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
28. creates problems involving M2NS-IId35.2 2 1 10
subtraction of whole numbers
including money
29. performs orders of M2NS-IId34.3 2 2 11,12
operations involving addition
and subtractions of small
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

30. solves multi-step routine M2NS-IIe34.4 2 2 13,14

and non-routine problems
involving addition and
subtraction of 2- to 3-digit
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
31. creates word problems M2NS-IIe35.3 2 1 15
involving addition and
subtraction of whole numbers
including money
32. illustrates multiplication as M2NS-IIf38 2 1 16
repeated addition using 32.1
groups of equal quantities
32.2 arrays 32.3 counting by
multiples 32.4 equal jumps on
the number line
33. writes a related equation M2NS-IIf39 2 2 17,18
for each type of multiplication:
repeated addition, array,
counting by multiples, and
equal jumps on the number
34. illustrates the property of M2NS-IIg40.1 2 1 19
multiplication that any number
multiplied by one (1) is the
same number
35. illustrates the property of M2NS-IIg40.2 2 2 20,21
multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is
36. illustrates the commutative M2NS-IIg40.3 1 1 22
property of multiplication
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

37. visualizes multiplication of M2NS-IIh41.1 4 3 23,24,

numbers 1 to 10 by 2,3,4,5 25
38. multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 M2NS-IIi42.1 2 1 26
and 10 using appropriate
39. solves routine and non- M2NS-IIi45.1 2 2 27,28
routine problems involving
multiplication of whole
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
40. solves routine and non- M2NS-IIj45.2 1 1 29
routine problems involving
multiplication and addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
41. creates problems involving M2NS-IIj46.1 1 1 30
multiplication only and
multiplication with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
including money with
reasonable answers
40 30

* R- Remembering U- understanding A- Application A - Analysis E- Evaluation C- Creating

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

Table of Specification- Mathematics Grade 3

2nd Quarter

Content Competencies/Objectives Code No. of % No. of R U A A E C

Days Item
23. visualizes multiplication of M3NS-IIa41.2 2 2 1,2
numbers 1 to 10 by 6,7,8 and 9
24. visualizes and states basic M3NS-IIa41.3 2 2 3,4
multiplication facts for numbers
up to 10
25. applies the commutative M3NS-IIb40.4 2 2 5,6
property of multiplication
26. multiplies 2-digit by 1-digit M3NS-IIb40.5 1 1 7
numbers using the distributive
property of multiplication
27. multiplies three 1-digit M3NS-IIb40.6 1 1 8
numbers using the associative
property of multiplication

28. multiplies 2- to 3-digit M3NS-IIc43.1 2 2 9,10

numbers by 1-digit numbers
without or with regrouping
29. multiplies 2-digit numbers M3NS-IIc43.2 1 1 11
by 2-digit numbers without
30. multiplies 2-digit number by M3NS-IIc43.3 1 1 12
2-digit numbers with regrouping
31. multiplies 2- to 3-digit M3NS-IId43.4 2 2 12,14
numbers by multiples of 10 and
32. multiplies 1- to 2-digit M3NS-IId43.5 1 1 15
numbers by 1 000
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

33. estimates the product of 2- M3NS-IId44.1 1 1 16

to 3-digit numbers and 1- to 2-
digit numbers with reasonable
34. multiplies mentally 2-digit by M3NS-IIe42.2 2 2 17,18
1-digit numbers without
regrouping with products of up
to 100
35. solves routine and non- M3NS-IIe45.3 2 2 19,20
routine problems involving
multiplication without or with
addition and subtraction of
whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
36. creates problems involving M3NS-IIf46.2 2 2 21,22
multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
including money
37. visualizes and states the M3NS-IIf47 2 2 23,24
multiples of 1- to 2-digit
38. visualizes division of M3NS-IIg51.2 2 2 25,26
numbers up to 100 by 6,7,8,and
9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8,
and 9)
39. visualizes and states basic M3NS-IIg51.3 2 2 27,28
division facts of numbers up to
40. divides 2- to 3-digit numbers M3NS-IIh54.1 2 2 29,30
by 1- to 2- digit numbers without
and with remainder
41. divides 2-3 digit numbers by M3NS-IIh54.2 2 2 31,32
10 and 100 without or with
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

42. estimates the quotient of 2- M3NS-IIi55.1 2 2 33,34

to 3- digit numbers by 1- to 2-
digit numbers
43. divides mentally 2-digit M3NS-IIi52.2 2 2 35,36
numbers by 1-digit numbers
without remainder using
appropriate strategies
44. solves routine and non- M3NS-IIj56.2 2 2 37,38
routine problems involving
division of 2- to 4-digit numbers
by 1- to 2-digit numbers without
or with any of the other
operations of whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
45. creates problems involving M3NS-IIj57.2 2 2 39,40
division or with any of the other
operations of whole numbers
including money

Total 40 40

* R- Remembering U- understanding A- Application A - Analysis E- Evaluation C- Creating

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

Table of Specification- Mathematics Grade 4

2nd Quarter

Content Competencies/Objectives Code No. of % No. of R U A A E C

Days Item
22. identifies factors of a M4NS-IIa64 2 2 1,2
given number up to 10
23. identifies the multiples M4NS-IIa65 2 2 3,4
of a given number up to
24. differentiates prime M4NS-IIb66 2 2 5,6
from composite numbers
25. writes a given number M4NS-IIb67 2 2 7,8
as a product of its prime
26. finds the common M4NS-IIc68.1 2 2 9,10
factors and the greatest
common factor (GCF) of
two numbers using the
following methods: listing,
prime factorization, and
continuous division
27. finds the common M4NS-IIc69.1 2 2 11,12
multiples and least
common multiple (LCM) of
two numbers using the
following methods: listing,
prime factorization, and
continuous division
28. solves real-life M4NS-IId70.1 2 2 13,14
problems involving GCF
and LCM of 2 given number
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

29. creates problems with M4NS-IId71.1 2 2 15,16

reasonable answers
involving GCF and LCM of
2 given numbers
30. identifies proper M4NS-IIe79.2 2 2 17,18
fractions, improper
fractions, and mixed
31. changes improper M4NS-IIe80 1 1 19
fraction to mixed numbers
and vice versa
32. changes fractions to M4NS-IIe81 1 1 20
lowest forms
33. visualizes addition and M4NS-IIf82.1 2 2 21,22
subtraction of similar
34. visualizes subtraction of M4NS-IIf82.2 2 2 23,24
a fraction from a whole
35. visualizes addition and M4NS-IIg82.3 2 2 25,26
subtraction of dissimilar
36. performs addition and M4NS-IIg83 2 2 27,28
subtraction of similar and
dissimilar fractions
37. solves routine and non- M4NS-IIh87.1 2 2 29,30
routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction
of fractions using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
38. creates problems (with M4NS-IIh88.1 2 2 31,32
reasonable answers)
involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

39. visualizes decimal M4NS-IIi99 2 2 3,34

numbers using models like
blocks, grids, number lines
and money to show the
relationship to fractions
40. renames decimal M4NS-IIi100 1 1 35
numbers to fractions, and
fractions whose
denominators are factors of
10 and 100 to decimals
41. gives the place value M4NS- 1 1 36
and the value of a digit of a IIi101.1
given decimal number
through hundredths
42. reads and writes M4NS- 2 2 37,38
decimal numbers through IIj102.1
43. rounds decimal M4NS- 1 1 39
numbers to the nearest IIj103.1
whole number and tenth
44. compares and arranges M4NS- 1 1 40
decimal numbers IIj104.1
Total 40 40

* R- Remembering U- understanding A- Application A - Analysis E- Evaluation C- Creating

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

Table of Specification- Mathematics Grade 5

2nd Quarter

Content Competencies/Objectives Code No. % No. of R U A A E C

of Item
29. gives the place value and M5NS-IIa101.2 2 2 1,2
the value of a digit of a given
decimal number through ten
30. reads and writes decimal M5NS-IIa102.2 1 1 3
numbers through ten
31. rounds decimal numbers to M5NS-IIa103.2 1 1 4
the nearest hundredth and
32. compares and arranges M5NS-IIb104.2 2 2 5,6
decimal numbers
33. visualizes addition and M5NS-IIb105 1 1 7
subtraction of decimals
34. adds and subtracts decimal M5NS-IIb106.1 1 1 8
numbers through thousandths
without and with regrouping
35. estimates the sum or M5NS-IIc107 2 2 9,10
difference of decimal numbers
with reasonable results
36. solves routine or non-routine M5NS-IIc108.1 1 1 11
problems involving addition and
subtraction of decimal numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
37. creates problems (with M5NS-IIc109.1 1 1 12
reasonable answers) involving
addition and/or subtraction of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

decimal numbers including

38. visualizes multiplication of M5NS-IId110 1 1 13
decimal numbers using pictorial
39. multiplies decimals up to 2 M5NS-IId111.1 1 1 14
decimal places by 1- to 2-digit
whole numbers
40. multiplies decimals with M5NS-IId111.2 1 1 15 16,17
factors up to 2 decimal places
41. estimates the products of M5NS-IIe112 2 2 18,19
decimal numbers with
reasonable results
42. solves routine and non- M5NS-IIe113.1 2 2 20
routine problems involving
multiplication without or with
addition or subtraction of
decimals and whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
43. visualizes division of decimal M5NS-IIf115 2 2 21
numbers using pictorial models
44. divides decimals with up to 2 M5NS-IIf116.1 1 1 21
decimal places
45. divides whole numbers with M5NS-IIf116.2 1 1 22
quotients in decimal form
46. estimates the quotients of M5NS-IIg117 1 1 23,24
decimal numbers with
reasonable results
47. solves routine and non- M5NS-IIg120.1 2 2 25,26
routine problems involving
division without or with any of
the other operations of decimals
and whole numbers including
money using appropriate
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

2problem solving strategies and


48. creates problems (with M5NS-IIg121.1 2 2 27,28

reasonable answers) involving
multiplication and/or division or
with any of the other operations
of decimals and whole numbers
including money
49. visualizes the ratio of 2 M5NS-IIh122 2 2 29,30
given numbers
50. expresses ratio using either M5NS-IIh123 2 2 31,32
the colon (:) or fraction

51. identifies and writes M5NS-IIi124 2 2 33,34

equivalent ratios
52. expresses ratios in their M5NS-IIi125 1 1 35
simplest forms
53. finds the missing term in a M5NS-IIi126 1 1 36
pair of equivalent ratios
54. defines and describes a M5NS-IIj127 2 2 37,38
55. recognizes when two M5NS-IIj128 2 2 39,40
quantities are in direct
Total 40 40

* R- Remembering U- understanding A- Application A - Analysis E- Evaluation C- Creating

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

Table of Specification- Mathematics Grade 6

2nd Quarter

Content Competencies/Objectives Code No. of % No. of R U A A E C

Days Item
26. expresses one value as M6NS-IIa130 2 2 1,2
a fraction of another given
their ratio and vice versa
27. finds how many times M6NS-IIa130 2 2 3,4
one value is as large as
another given their ratio and
vice versa
28. defines and illustrates M6NS-IIb131 2 2 5,6
the meaning of ratio and
proportion using concrete or
pictorial models
29. sets up proportions for M6NS-IIb132 1 1 7
groups of objects or
numbers and for given
30. finds a missing term in a M6NS-IIb133 1 1 8
proportion (direct, inverse,
and partitive)
31. solves problems M6NS-IIc134 2 2 9-10
involving direct proportion,
partitive proportion, and
inverse proportion in
different contexts such as
distance, rate, and time
using appropriate strategies
and tools
32. creates problems M6NS-IIc135 2 2 11,12
involving ratio and
proportion, with reasonable
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

33. finds the percentage or M6NS-IId142 2 2 13,14

rate or percent in a given
34. solves routine and non- M6NS-IId143 2 2 15,16
routine problems involving
finding the percentage, rate
and base using appropriate
strategies and tools
35. solves percent problems M6NS-IIe144 2 2 17,18
such as percent of
(discounts, original price,
rate of discount, sale price,
marked up price),
commission, sales tax, and
simple interest
36. creates problems M6NS-IIe145 2 2 19,20
involving percent, with
reasonable answers
37. describes the exponent M6NS-IIf146 2 2 21,22
and the base in a number
expressed in exponential
38. gives the value of M6NS-IIf147 1 1 23
numbers expressed in
exponential notation
39. interprets and explains M6NS-IIf148 1 1 24
the Grouping, Exponent,
Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction
(GEMDAS) rule
40. performs two or more M6NS-IIf149 1 1 25
different operations on whole
numbers with or without
exponents and grouping
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Escalante City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Tel. No. +63-34-724-8192 Telefax No.:+63-34-454-0746Email: [email protected]

41. identifies real-life M6NS-IIg150 2 2 26,27

situations that make use of
42. describes the set of M6NS-IIg151 1 1 28
43. compares integers with M6NS-IIg152 1 1 29
other numbers such as
whole numbers, fractions,
and decimals
44. represents integers on M6NS-IIh153 2 2 30,31
the number line
45. compares and arranges M6NS-IIh154 1 1 32
46. describes and interprets M6NS-IIh155 2 2 33,34
the basic operations on
integers using materials
such as algebra tiles,
counters, chips, and cards
47. performs the basic M6NS-IIi156 3 3 35,37
operations on integers
48. solves routine and non- M6NS-IIj157 3 3 38,39
routine problems involving 40
basic operations of integers
using appropriate strategies
and tools
Total 40 40

* R- Remembering U- understanding A- Application A - Analysis E- Evaluation C- Creating


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