Stat and Prob Q1 W3
Stat and Prob Q1 W3
Stat and Prob Q1 W3
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter/Semester 2ND Sem, Quarter 3
1. Recall the concept on the reading of 1. The learner illustrates random sampling. 1. The learner distinguishes between parameter The learner identifies sampling
probabilities on the z- table. and statistic. distributions of statistics (sample mean)
2.. Find the z- scores when probabilities are
3. Computes the probabilities and percentiles
using the standard normal table.
The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of key concepts of understanding of key concepts of understanding of key concepts of understanding of key
A. Content Standards normal probability distribution. sampling ad sampling distributions sampling ad sampling distributions concepts of sampling ad
of the sample mean. of the sample mean. sampling distributions of the
sample mean.
The learner is able to accurately The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply
formulate and solve real-life suitable sampling and sampling suitable sampling and sampling suitable sampling and
problems in different disciplines distributions of the sample mean distributions of the sample mean sampling distributions of the
B. Performance Standards
involving normal distribution. to solve real-life problems in to solve real-life problems in sample mean to solve real-life
different disciplines.
in different disciplines.
C. Learning (M11/12SP-IIIc-d1) M11/12SP-IIId-2. M11/12SP-IIId-4.
Write the LC Code for each
G. Finding practical applications Ask them to give their own example of the
of concepts and skills in daily percentile rank (students can mention their rank
after taking the quiz or any test they had)
Is a normal curve useful in visualizing the Differentiate parameter to statistic.
positions of the scores or the rank? Why do you What is random sampling?
think so? Write your thoughts in a piece of -Parameters are numbers that summarize data
paper. Random sampling is a method by which every for an entire population. Statistics are numbers
H. Making generalizations and element of a population has a chance of being that summarize data from a sample, i.e. some
abstractions about the lesson included in a sample. That is, the elements that subset of the entire population
compose the sample are taken without purpose.
The more elements in the sample, the better the
chances of getting a true picture of the whole
Let the students perform attached sheet 1 Directions: Determine whether the following is a Problems (1) through (6) below each present a
random sample or not. Explain your answer. statistical study*. For each study, identify both
I. Evaluating learning the parameter and the statistic in the study.