I. Objectives
I. Objectives
I. Objectives
D. Discussing new concepts and Differentiate Population and Sample Define what is Statistics
practicing new skills #1 Define what is a sampling Discuss the two types of statistics
E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the 2 types of sampling and Define the different basic terms in
practicing new skills #2 their corresponding types. Parameter and Statistic.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Identify the sampling technique used in Identify whether it is Parameter or Statistic.
Formative Assessment 3) each item. 1. 10% of Ph Senators voted for a particular
1. Popular magazine collects data on amendment. There are only 24 Ph
its readers by asking them to fill Senators, you can count what every
out and send in a survey from the single one of them voted.
February issue. 2. 5% of 950 students at a particular
2. A researcher grouped his elementary school got below 15 on a
respondents per grade level and standardized test. You know this
randomly selects three grade because you have each and every
levels and samples all the students’ test score
students within the selected grade 3. 75% of the Filipino agree with the latest
levels. health care proposal. It‘s not possible to
actually ask hundreds of millions of
3. Mrs. Reyes puts all her student’s
people whether they agree. Researchers
name in a hat then picks names
without looking who will represent the have to take sample.
class in dance contest.
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and What is a sampling?
abstractions about the lesson What are the two types of sampling. What is parameter and statistic?
Differentiate the differences of All is for parameter
Random Samplings and Non-Random Percentage and Sample is for statistics
I. Evaluating learning Let the Learners answer the 30 item Identify the sampling technique used in Let the Learners answer the 20 item Identify the Parameter and Statistic of the
summative test. each item. numeracy test. following.
1.Supreme Student Government 1. 1. A researcher wants to estimate
Checking of papers surveys students per year level Checking of papers the average amount of water
depending on the total grade level consumed by male teachers of
proportion MIS in a day. From a simple
2.Survey was given to first customers random sample of 10 male
to enter the coffee shop. teachers, the researcher obtains
Interviewing every 15th name in the list an average of 1.5 liters of water.
of beneficiaries 2. 2. You want to know the mean
height of dogs in barangay
Mabilbila Norte. From SRS of 70
dogs, it was found out that the
mean height is 21 inches.