IEI News January 2020
IEI News January 2020
IEI News January 2020
Reports of 34th Indian Synthesis, Characterization and Re-engineering of Reports of Energy Conservation IEI Diary
Engineering Congress Application of Nanomaterials Buildings Day 2019
01-13 14 15 17 28
Volume 26 Number 10
Societal Engineering –
Imperatives for Nation Building
of different disciplines of engineering towards achieving
common goals. Er Narendra Singh, the then President Elect,
IEI during his address focused on forthcoming challenges
before the engineering fraternity including enhancing
agricultural productivity, water preservation, disaster
management, enhancement of skills and employability.
On this occasion, the Technical Volume and the Souvenir of
the Congress were released by the Chief Guest along with
other dignitaries on the dais.
During the inaugural session, the prestigious NDRF Design
Awards, Safety and Quality Awards and Water Management
Forum Awards were presented. The inaugural ceremony
was well attended by the illustrious Past Presidents, Vice
Presidents, distinguished Council Members, and delegates
from foreign countries and learned Corporate Members
of the Institution. Large number of practicing engineers,
The 34th Indian Engineering Congress of The Institution of Engineers (India) was organized by technocrats, research scholars from industry and academia,
the Telangana State Centre of the Institution on the theme ‘Societal Engineering – Imperatives students from reputed engineering institutions all over the
for Nation Building’ during December 27-29, 2019 at Hyderabad International Convention country has attended the Congress. Earlier, Dr G Rameshwar
Centre, Hyderabad. Hon’ble Governor of Telangana, Dr (Smt) Tamilisai Soundararajan, Rao, Chairman, Telangana State Centre in his welcome
graced the occasion as Chief Guest during the inaugural session. During her address, Hon’ble address mentioned that Indian Engineering Congress is the
Governor emphasized on the wide application domain of Artificial Intelligence with human right platform for dissemination of knowledge and ideas. Maj
machine interface and greener lifestyle with smart utilization of natural resources. Mr Vemula Gen (Dr) S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director
Prashanth Reddy, Hon’ble Minister for Roads & Buildings, Legislative Affairs and Housing, General of the Institution proposed the vote of thanks.
Government of Telangana was present during The Inaugural Session was followed by the Visionary Talk
the occasion as Guest of Honour. During his delivered by Prof GONG Ke, President, World Federation of
address, Mr Reddy stressed on the duties and Engineering Organizations, (WFEO) on the theme ‘Transform
responsibilities of engineering fraternity to solve Engineering for Sustainable Development’. During his
complex social problems. Dr T M Gunaraja, address, Prof GONG Ke lucidly explained the objectives of
the then President, IEI, during his address
focused on the continuous learning process
of the young engineers through training and
development and interface with the industry to
bridge the employability gap in a constructive
manner. Dr Gunaraja further recommended that
the engineers should initiate in defining its own
future, by transforming engineering education
to help achieve the vision, accommodating
innovative developments from non-engineering
fields; and find ways to focus the synergies
Contd. on page 7
Address by
Er Narendra Singh
President, IEI
Text of the Presidential Address delivered by Er Narendra Singh, President, IEI
during the 100th Annual General Meeting of the Institution held at Hyderabad on December 29, 2019
Respected Past Presidents, My Dear This Institution was established with the twin objectives of 'Indianization'
Fellow Council Members and Corporate and 'Industrialization' at a time when the development of the country was
Members of The Institution of Engineers being thought of in strategic terms. These objectives have largely been met
(India); and engineering has been widely acknowledged as the backbone of the
I feel honoured and privileged to have multi-functional development in the country. To augment these, there is a
been installed as President of The need for signing of more MoUs with the Government Departments such as
Institution of Engineers (India) for the MSME, CPWD, MNRE, MHRD and Ministry of Skill Development, industry
session 2019-2020 in the historic organizations, and academic institutions. During the centenary year, many
city of Hyderabad. I accept this great more events will be organised by this Institution to enhance the image of IEI.
honour bestowed upon me with a sense
of humility and a commitment to work Under IEI Centenary activities, Curtain Raiser Events have been organised
towards meeting the objectives and jointly with Indian Railways at various Centres of IEI in the country. It is
goals of this great institution. I thank now time to formulate new goals for the next Century to set meaningful and
all council members, well-wishers and pragmatic objectives.
friends especially in the engineering
I would like to accelerate such events at many more Centres during my
community and also those who are present here, whose encouragement
and support have provided me an opportunity to serve the institution to the tenure also. I, therefore, humbly request all the concerned to extend their
best of my abilities. I like to extend my sincere gratitude and thanks to the wholehearted support to mobilise such events in the Centenary Year to
National Council of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the confidence enhance the image and visibility of IEI.
reposed in me and electing me unanimously as the President of this largest
and premier professional body of the country. My sincere thanks to Dr T M
IEI's Role as Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Gunaraja, who has rendered able leadership to this Institution prior to me.
I shall seek guidance and wholehearted cooperation from the esteemed
I am happy to mention here that The Institution of Engineers (India) is
Past Presidents and Council Members of this Institution to discharge my
recognised as Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) by
responsibilities for achieving the objectives and goals of this great Institution.
Govt. of India. IEI is promoting the R&D Grant-in-Aid programme which
On this occasion, I would like to pay my due regards to the doyens of is recognised by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
engineering profession such as Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya, Sir R N Organisation (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
Mookerjee, Dr A N Khosla, Dr Triguna Sen, Dr K L Rao, Dr Satish Dhawan, This R&D Grant-in-Aid is provided by IEI to encourage researches by IEI
Dr U Ramachandra Rao and many more whose excellent contributions members who are faculty and students of engineering institutes.
formed the foundation of development of our country.
National Level Challenges & Engineering Congress
Genesis of The Institution of Engineers (India)
The Institution of Engineers (India) was established in the year 1920 based I would like to echo in word and spirit the sentiments expressed by the first
on the recommendations of Er Thomas Holland, Industrial Commissioner of Indian President of the Institution of Engineers that “Industrial progress of
India to provide scientific and technical inputs to an ever-growing industrial India is only possible through engineers, supported by adequate financial
economy of our country. power. The newly formed institution will prove a powerful and effective
organization to promote the efficiency and training of Indian engineers,
The Institution was registered on 13 September 1920 in Madras and
without which the unrivaled resources of India cannot be developed”.
subsequently moved to Calcutta with Sir Thomas Ward as its first President.
He was succeeded by Sir R N Mookerjee, an eminent engineer cum The prestigious Indian Engineering Congress was first held in 1987 with the
entrepreneur who took over as President of the Institution in the Inaugural intention to bring together the engineering fraternity of the country as well
Ceremony at the first Annual General Meeting held in the hall of “Asiatic as from the different parts of the globe to discuss contemporary issues.
Society of Bengal” in Calcutta. The issues of green environment, depletion of fossil fuels, infrastructure
The Emerging Scenario creation, employment generation and imparting the overall quality of human
lives; etc will be the prime focus during my tenure. These issues will be
This Institution has already entered into the 100th year of its establishment addressed to fulfill the demand of the country for nation-building.
on 13 September 2019. The centenary celebration was inaugurated by the
Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu. He advocated that engineers are the real We are hosting this 34th Indian Engineering Congress on the theme “Societal
architect to make the country prosperous. Engineering – Imperatives for Nation Building”.
IEI's Section A and Section B Examination profession. The basic purpose of this Bill will be to register engineers through
an assessment process in the national register. Many a time Govt. of India
The Institution of Engineers (India) is a pioneer in the field of specially- took initiatives to enforce the Professional Engineers Bill but, somehow,
designed engineering education in the country. During 1928, when it has not yet been materialised. I am happy to mention here that The
the infrastructure of Indian Education was inadequate, the Institution Institution of Engineers (India) is the only largest professional body in the
in its wisdom, coupled with a visionary view and in conformity with the country which has been granted Royal Charter Status. I shall highlight the
provisions of the Royal Charter, commenced conducting Sections A and achievements of this prestigious Institution to take lead in the responsibility
B Examinations (popularly known as AMIE examination) in engineering of Professional Engineers Bill. We shall try our best to project IEI's vast
disciplines. It creates an opportunity to many who due to their economic network and infrastructure to take the major responsibility of Professional
conditions and otherwise would not be able to avail admission to an Engineers Bill. This important issue will be addressed with the cooperation
engineering college and pursue a formal engineering degree course. of all engineering fraternity.
It is also a known fact that IEI was the first accreditation body in India since Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad
1935 and regulated the engineering programme in India. There have been There is also a state-of-the-art Institution known as Engineering Staff
some recent developments in Engineering education and some emerging College of India (ESCI) located at Hyderabad. ESCI conducts continuing
courses have been included in the curricula to meet the requirements of education programmes, technical training courses across the country to
industry and employability. enhance the skills and knowledge of practicing engineers/technologists. It
IEI is also implementing to upgrade its syllabi of AMIE Courses to make it at also provides knowledge and training to our budding engineers.
par with the courses of premier engineering institutes. Recently, there have As the constituent autonomous of The Institution of the Engineers (India), the
been many advancements in the technologies and many more new topics Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) is at the forefront in the professional
such as biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, internet of things, development of engineers in both core engineering disciplines and also
global warming and climate change; etc have been added in the respective interdisciplinary domains such as climate change, quality management,
discipline of the undergraduate courses. To keep the IEI's AMIE Courses at intelligent transportation, renewable energy.
par, the syllabi need to be revised which will be taken up on a priority basis
during my tenure. IEI's Overseas Chapters
IEI Professional Certifications IEI has six overseas chapters; namely; Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait,
Nepal, and Qatar. IEI will also try to set up its Centres in Bangladesh and
The Institution of Engineers (India) provides some important certificates to Bhutan in 2020. Efforts are to be made to open more centres at the locations
the competent engineering professionals in recognition of their experiences, of neighbouring countries.
contributions, and achievements in the field of engineering and technology.
These include: International Linkages and Bilateral Relationships
l International Professional Engineers (IntPE) Certificate IEI has bilateral relationships with 33 sister professional bodies. IEI is a
member of several International engineering professional organisations.
l Professional Engineers (PE) Certificate
They include; WFEO, FEISCA, FEIAP; etc. IEI is also a permanent member
l Chartered Engineer Certificate of the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA) since 2009.
The certificates to the competent professional engineers will be given due IEI certifies International Professional Engineers in India as per the systems
importance in my tenure. and procedures laid down in the IPEA requirements.
l World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO)
IEI Professional Publications
The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) was
This Institution brings out some engineering journals of international repute, established in 1968 by a group of regional engineering organisations
publishes monthly Newsletters containing technical events of international, under the auspices of UNESCO in Paris. WFEO is an international non-
national and regional levels. More quality papers will be added to the governmental organization representing the engineering profession
technical journals. worldwide. WFEO brings together national engineering institutions
IEI Membership Growth from over 90 nations and represents more than 20 million engineers
from around the world. India is represented by IEI in WFEO. There are
There are 124 State and Local Centres with a Corporate membership strength various functional committees through which the objectives of WFEO
of more than 2.30 Lacs Corporate and about 5.50 Institutional Members. are fulfilled. I am happy to inform, to this august gathering that one of
There is a need to increase the corporate membership of IEI. I make appeal our present member of the council and Past President has been elected
to the office bearers of all the State/Local Centres to put their best efforts with majority of votes as National Member of the Executive Council
to enhance the membership in their respective Centres. IEI should continue of WFEO for a period of four years (2019-2023) during meeting of
its efforts to attract competent engineering professionals for national PE the General Assembly of WFEO on 23 November 2019 in Melbourne,
and International PE Membership. The Heads of the institutions/industries Australia.
should also be approached by us to request them to come forward to get
their organisations enrolled as Institutional Member. l Federation International du Béton (fib)
The fib, Federation International du Béton is a non-profitable association
Professional Engineers Bill
formed by 42 national member groups and approximately 1000
There are several Acts for different professions in the country; such as corporate and individual members. The fib's mission is to develop at an
the Architects Act, Indian Medical Council Act, Pharmacy Act; etc but so international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable
far, there is no such act for the engineering profession. The Institution of advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental
of Engineers (India) has been putting its best efforts since long to bring performance of concrete construction. The knowledge developed and
Professional Engineers Bill in the country to safeguard the engineering shared by the fib (fib Bulletins, fib events, fib workshops, fib courses,
etc.) is entirely the result of the volunteer work provided by the fib l Sustainable Development Forum (SDF), Patna
members. The fib was formed in 1998 by the merger of the Euro-
International Committee for Concrete (the CEB) and the International To evolve and make policy recommendations in the field of sustainable
Federation for Pre-stressing (the FIP). These predecessor organizations development based on experience gained out of the programmes
existed independently from 1953 and 1952, respectively. IEI is the and exchange of knowledge. The Forum has to undertake specific
national member of fib and taking part in its activities to update programmes pertaining to sustainable development in collaboration
knowledge in the field of concrete technology. with central and state government.
l Federation of Engineering Institution of Asia and Pacific (FEIAP) l Safety & Quality Forum (SQF), New Delhi
The Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and Pacific (FEIAP) is To do network with various national, regional and local government
an international non-profit professional organization founded on 6 July bodies; international and national organizations and inculcate the
1978. Being an independent umbrella organization for the engineering concepts of safety and quality in application and operations.
institutions in Southeast Asia and Pacific region, the objectives of
To promote and propagate the concept of Safety and Quality
FEIAP are:
through networking mechanism, assist industrial/government unit in
To encourage the application of technical progress to economic and undertaking quality and/or safety audits and develop courses, syllabi
social advancement throughout the world, to advance engineering as a and course materials for 'Safety Engineering', 'Quality Management'
profession in the interest of all people, and to foster peace throughout and 'Reliability Engineering' for different levels of engineering education
the world. and recommend the same to educational authorities/institutions.
IEI is also a National Member of FEIAP. l Water Management Forum (WMF), Ahmedabad
l Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia To promote and advance the engineering and practice of economic
(FEISCA) and cost-effective management of water resources in its totality.
This international professional organization is a federation of The activities and services have attracted the attention of the Central
professional bodies of some neighbouring countries e.g. India, Government and a number of State Governments.
Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. The objective is to
extend the cooperation and exchange of information amongst national World Engineers' Day
Members and promote regional cooperation in utilizing science and Further, I wish to inform you that the WFEO President Dr (Ms) Marlin
technology. Kanga during the WFEO meeting held on 21 November 2019 at Melbourne,
Australia announced that the long pending demand of observing “World
Role of IEI Foras
Engineers' Day” was approved by UNESCO. The “World Engineers' Day”
IEI has created six National Fora in different parts of the country to meet its would be observed on 4th March every year as Statutory Day. I have
social obligations. These fora's aims and objectives have been well defined pleasure in announcing that IEI would organise first World Engineers' Day
as per their Statutes and Fora are supposed to function pragmatically to on 4 March 2020 (Wednesday) in India under the aegis of WFEO and it will
create awareness programmes and to meet the requirements of industry, be continued in the years to come.
skills, and employability.
I am aware that IEI has been carrying out a large number of activities of
Each forum is headed by an able Chairman, who is a Special Invitee to the international and national repute. However, it is high time to focus on several
IEI Council. I would humbly request them to accelerate the progress of the initiatives to be taken by this prestigious Institution like Skill India Mission,
activities of the respective Forum. More and more activities are required to Digital India Mission, Solar Mission; etc. These areas can be covered by the
be carried out on International as well as national levels. respective Forum of IEI. IEI needs to have close linkages with the Central
I shall expect adequate contributions from the execution of Fora. Govt., State Govt., Local Civic Bodies. This may be possible when we take
up their responsibilities for nation-building.
l National Skill Development Forum (NSDF), Shimla
Before I conclude, I also wish to touch upon some important aspects such as
The National Skill Development Forum was established at the premises the strengthening of IEI Alumni and the empowerment of Women Engineers.
of Himachal Pradesh State Centre, Shimla. The objectives of NSDF are: This is our prime responsibility and duty to pay due attention to promote and
“To promote skill enhancement, capacity building, quality training strengthen IEI Alumni and Empowerment of Women Engineers.
in emerging, evolving, cutting edge technologies for professional I am very much aware that we have a number of challenges but these can
engineers, managers, scientists, and young graduates”. be achieved with the concerted efforts of all of us. We shall put our best
l National Design and Research Forum (NDRF), Bengaluru efforts with full dedication and conviction to achieve our objectives to make
better and prosperous IEI.
To provide a national platform for promotion of design, research
and development in a multi-dimensional framework and for useful In conclusion, I extend my best wishes to all the dignitaries present in this
interaction between designs, research, and development and august gathering of the 34th Indian Engineering Congress.
construction. To recognise creative design talents by the presentation
of National Design Awards every year to the deserving professionals. “If you want to go fast, walk alone,
l Rural Development Forum (RDF), Kolkata If you want to go far, walk together"
To encourage the development of energy and information pertaining to Wishing you All a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year.
multifaceted development of rural India and to disseminate information
Thank you
on all matters pertaining to application of engineering for rural
development. Jai hind....
Best Centre Award
The Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) had instituted two Awards, The Coal India Ltd (CIL) had instituted an Award to perpetuate
namely, SAIL AWARD and DR M VISVESVARAYA AWARD to be given the memory of Late J G Kumaramangalam, its first Chairman, to
away every year during the Indian Engineering Congress to author/s of be awarded every year during the Indian Engineering Congress to
the articles adjudged best on selected topics.
author/s of the articles adjudged best on a selected topic.
Recipients of One of the important events of the Congress was the presentation of prizes
and awards to the authors whose papers were published in the Journals of The
The Railway Board’s (First) Prize Subhadeep Bhattacharjee and Subhojit Mohanta
for their paper titled 'An Inclusive Investigation of
S K Mandal, A K Ghosh and S Oraon for their paper titled Conceivable Performance of Rice Straw Incinerated
'Controlled Blasting for Deconstruction of a Railway Electricity Generation', Journal of The Institution of
Bridge Near Sahibganj', Journal of The Institution Engineers (India): Series B, Issue 3, Volume 99,
of Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 2, Volume 99, 2018.
Sir Thomas Ward Memorial Prize
The Railway Board’s (Second) Prize
Krishnendu Mondal and Santanu Das for their paper Parimala P and J R Raol for their paper titled ‘Image-
titled 'An Investigation on Machinability during Turning Centroid Tracking with Fuzzy Nonlinear Function of
Hardened Steel in Dry Condition', Journal of The Residuals Based Observer', Journal of The Institution
Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Issue 6, of Engineers (India): Series B, Issue 5, Volume 99,
Volume 99, 2018. 2018.
B G Gupta, K M Agrawal and Jayanta Kumar Biswas Abey E Thomas for his paper titled ‘Effects of Irregular
for their paper titled 'Conservation of Ground Water Bridge Columns and Feasibility of Seismic Regularity’,
at Maheshtala Bleaching and Dyeing Cluster, a Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series
Populated Area in West Bengal, India by Implementing A, Issue 3, Volume 99, 2018.
Ultra filtration and Reverse Osmosis Based Effluent
Treatment Plant – A Case Study', Journal of The Agricultural Engineering Division Prize
Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 4, Rudragouda Chilur and Sushilendra Kumar for their
Volume 99, 2018. paper titled ‘Design and Development of Maize
Nawab Zain Yar Jung Bahadur Memorial Prize Dehusker cum Sheller : A Technology for Northern
Transition Zone of Karnataka, India’, Journal of The
Alok Kumar Gupta and Bharat A Modi for their paper Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 2,
titled ‘Selection of Sustainable Technology for VOC Volume 99, 2018.
Abatement in an Industry: An Integrated AHP-QFD
Approach’, Journal of The Institution of Engineers Marine Engineering Division Prize
(India): Series A, Issue 3, Volume 99, 2018. K Venkatasubbaiah, K Narayana Rao, M Malleswara Rao
Hindustan Zinc Limited Prize and Suresh Challa for their paper titled ‘Performance
Evaluation and Modeling of Container Terminals’,
Bhanu Chander Balusa and Jayanthu Singam for their Journal of Institution of Engineers (India): Series C,
paper 'Underground Mining Method Selection Using Issue 1, Volume 99, 2018.
WPM and PROMETHEE', Journal of The Institution
of Engineers (India): Series D, Issue 1, Volume 99, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division
2018. Prize
N K Iyengar Memorial Prize N Gayathri and Paramita Mukherjee for their paper titled
‘Study of Initial Stages of Ball-Milling of Cu Powder
Pandaba Patro, Ani Rout and Ashok Barik for their paper Using X-ray Diffraction’, Journal of The Institution
titled 'Numerical Heat Transfer Prediction for Laminar of Engineers (India): Series D, Issue 1, Volume 99,
Flow in a Circular Pipe with a 90O Bend', Journal of 2018.
The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Issue
3, Volume 99, 2018. Production Engineering Division Prize
Brij Mohal Lal Memorial Prize Snehashis Sarkar, Santanu Das, Soumya Sarkar and
Probal Kumar Das for their paper titled 'Performance
Hassan Irtaza and Ashish Agarwal for their paper titled Evaluation and Modeling of Container Terminals',
'CFD Simulation of Turbulent Wind Effect on an Array Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series
of Ground-Mounted Solar PV Panels', Journal of The C, Issue 6, Volume 99, 2018.
Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 2, Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Prize
Volume 99, 2018.
Vimal Kumar Pathak, Amit Kumar Singh, M Sivadasan and N K Singh for
Prof R C Singh Prize their paper titled 'Framework for Automated GD&T Inspection Using 3D
Scanner', Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Issue
Upendra D Patel, Jayesh Ruparelia and Margi Patel 2, Volume 99, 2018.
for their paper titled ‘Biodegradation of a Real Dye
Dr Jai Krishna Prize
Wastewater Containing High Concentration of Total
Dissolved Inorganic Salts (TDIS) in a Lab-Scale Vivek Hirave and Mahesh Kalyanshetti for their paper titled 'Seismic
Activated Sludge Unit’, Journal of The Institution of Response of Steel Braced Building Frame Considering Soil Structure
Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 1, Volume 99, Interaction (SSI): An Experimental Study', Journal of The Institution of
2018. Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 1, Volume 99, 2018.
Dr Rajendra Prasad Memorial Prize
Tata Rao Prize
Ravi Varma Rambha and T X Ren for their paper titled 'Investigation into the
K P S Rana, Veneet Kumar and Tapan Prasad for their Propensity of Coal for Spontaneous Heating in Stockpiles', Journal of The
paper titled 'Enhancing Linearity of Voltage Controlled Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, Issue 2, Volume 99, 2018.
Oscillator Thermistor Signal Conditioning Circuit using Dr Triguna Charan Sen Prize
Linear Search', Journal of Institution of Engineers
(India): Series B, Issue 3, Volume 99, 2018. Mostafa Youssefi and Banafsheh Safaie for their paper titled 'The Study on
the Mechanical Properties of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Polypropylene
Rekha Nandi and Bhupesh Nandi Prize Fibers', Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, Issue 1,
Volume 99, 2018.
P Rai, N Gautam and H Chandra for their paper
Aerospace Engineering Division Prize
titled 'Investigating Electrostatic Precipitator Design
Parameters for Efficient Control of Particulate Matter Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian and Karupannasamy Anandhanarayanan
in Thermal Power Plant: A Case Study', Journal of The for their paper titled 'Development of an Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics
Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Issue 2, Flowsolver for High Speed Flow Control', Journal of The Institution of
Volume 99, 2018. Engineers (India): Series C, Issue 5, Volume 99, 2018.
Release of
Release of
Technical Volume Abhiyanta Bandhu
of the Congress
Dr V Narayanan
Director, Liquid Propulsion System Centre
Indian Space Research Organisation, Trivandrum
Architectural Engineer-
Environmental Engineering
Dr C Anandharamakrishnan
Director, Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology,
Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India, Dr Ashok Kumar
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu Chief Scientist & Head, Architecture & Planning
CSIR - Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee
Mechanical Engineering
Mr S P Garg
Mr A Ayodhya Rami Reddy
Chairman, Ramky Group
Dr H Sarvothaman
Former Deputy Director General,
Geological Survey of India,
Contd. on page 26
Kerala State Centre of the Institution organized All India Seminar on the 25 Lakh ha of land in Kerala, out of which irrigation facility is available only
topic ‘Kerala’s Water Woes - Challenges and Mitigation’ under the aegis of for 4 lakh ha. ‘Similarly, piped water connection is available only for one
Environmental Engineering Division Board of IEI during September 19-20, fourth of the population and these situations have to change for which new
2019 at Thiruvananthapuram. Mr K Krishnankutty, Hon’ble Minister for Water ideas are to be brought forward by the engineers’, Hon’ble Minister added.
Resources, Government of Kerala, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. In Dignitaries present during the occasion include Prof (Dr) K P Sudheer,
his address, Hon’ble Minister expressed that agriculture is being done in Executive Vice President, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and
Environment, Thiruvananthapuram, Mr R Srinivasan, Chief General Manager
– NABARD Kerala Region, Dr D Padmalal, Group Head, National Centre for
Earth Science Studies (NCESS), Dr K R Sooryanarayana, Regional Director
– Central Ground Water Board- Kerala & Lakshadweep Region and Mr P K
Baburajan, Chief Environmental Engineer – Kerala State Pollution Control
Board. Earlier, Mr K K Gopalakrishnan Nair, Chairman, Kerala State Centre
and Council Member, IEI welcomed the guests and dignitaries. Mr Ashok
Kumar K, Honorary Secretary, Kerala State Centre proposed the vote of
thanks. A large number of papers embracing the theme were presented and
discussed during the technical sessions of the two-day Seminar. A Souvenir
containing all the technical papers presented in the Seminar was released
during the Seminar by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries present on the
dais. During the technical sessions, different aspects of water sustainability,
water conservation, water quality and different awareness measures for
ground water reservations were discussed at a length.
Gujarat Nagpur
Organized 60th Annual Session of the Centre on December 1, 2019. Er A B Kottewar Memorial Oration on the topic ‘Fundamentals of Generator
Design in Power Stations’ delivered by Mr K K Bhatia, General Manager
Karnataka (Retd), Power Projects Division, BHEL on November 18, 2019.
The Tenth Prof Satish Dhawan Commemoration Lecture delivered by Prof Seminar on ‘Energy Conservation Case Study Competition and Poster
P Balaram, Former Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangaluru on Competition’ on December 20, 2019.
December 2, 2019.
Lecture on the occasion of Energy Conservation Day 2019 delivered by
Lecture on ‘Spread Sheet Technique Revolutionise Design of Electrical Mr P Chandrasekaran, Executive Engineer / P & C -2, TNEB, Tirunelveli on
Systems of High Rise Residential Building’ delivered by Mr A G Hareendralal December 27, 2019.
December 4, 2019.
A Technical Talk on Energy Conservation and Reusable Energy’ on the
occasion Energy Conservation Day 2019 delivered by Dr R Harikumar, Organized ‘Knowledge Network Workshop (KNEW-2019)’ during October
Joint Director – Energy Management Centre (EMC), Kerala on December 28-19, 2019.
18, 2019. Udaipur
Tamilnadu Lecture on ‘Investigative Engineering- Ensuring Durable and High Performing
Lecture on ‘D G Shipping Rules for Conducting Examination for Shipping Concrete’ delivered by Mr Rahul Mathur, Director, Guruveshwar Consultant
Crew’ delivered Mr S Kannan, Committee Member of the Centre on Pvt. Ltd., Udaipur on December6, 2019.
November 25, 2019. Upper Assam
Celebrated Energy Conservation Day 2019 on December 20, 2019. Organized a programme on ‘Awareness to Avoid Single Use of Plastic’ on
Telangana December 23, 2019.
Celebrated World Habitat Day 2019 on November 19, 2019. renewable energy to reduce global warming, power system restoration and
inter connected systems, Utilising hydro energy for supplying static and
LOCAL CENTRES dynamic loads in remote areas, Different topologies of transformer less
Berhampur inverter for application of PV to grid tie system etc.
Celebrated 24th Foundation Day on November 3, 2019. Recommendations of the International Conference include:
Palghat Local Centre of the Institution in association with Bureau of Indian earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings, for which series
Standards (BIS), New Delhi organized All India Workshop on ‘National of Standards are available for design and construction engineers, including
Building Code of India 2016’ under the aegis of Civil Engineering Division for strengthening and retrofitting of buildings’, he added. Mr Shami
Board of IEI during September 26-27, 2019 at Palghat. Mr Pratap Singh enumerated that notwithstanding the above, the repeated onslaught of
natural calamities such as earthquakes, cyclones, landslides, etc faced
by the country, has brought home the ever increasing need for the
common guiding document to enable monitoring and implementation
of sound technical provisions and practices through techno-
administrative mechanism and comprehensive built-in features. ‘The
NBC fulfills this need apart from collating comprehensive provisions
relating to fire safety, selection of building materials, various building
and plumbing services, management of assets and facilities, etc, all
ensured following an approach to sustainability’, opined Mr Shami. Ms
Meenakshi Ganesan, Scientist F and Head, Bureau of Indian Standards,
Coimbatore Branch, Mr S Arun Kumar, Scientist D, BIS New Delhi,
Mr Sreejith NK, Mechanical Engineering Department, NSS College of
Engineering, Palakkad, Mr Sreenidh, Manager Technical, The Ramco
Shami, Divisional Railway Manager, Southern Railway, Palakkad Division Cements Limited graced the occasion with their august presence. Earlier,
inaugurated the Workshop. In his address, Mr Shami mentioned that Mr K Unni Krishnan, Chairman, Palghat Local Centre delivered the welcome
considering the national importance for housing and infrastructural address. Mr A Ramesh, Honorary Secretary, Palghat Local Centre proposed
development, large number of Indian Standards has been introduced in the the vote of thanks. During two days, eminent resource persons presented
important fields of planning, designing and construction of buildings, as also lectures on diversified topics, that include; Overview of National Building
on the methodologies for enabling speedier construction and requirements for Code of India, 2016, Structural Design: Prefabrication & Systems Buildings,
low income housing and for ensuring sound practices during construction, Structural Design: Loads, Forces and Effects, Building Services - Electrical
durability and safety of structures. ‘The focus has been, of late, on the Installations etc.
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Non availability of the mobile numbers and email ids precludes us not only from providing our full range of services but also from
participation in the Online Election Process.
The Corporate Members whose mobile number/email id is not registered with IEI are therefore requested to kindly communicate their
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Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Er Narendra Singh
Printer : Maj Gen (Dr) S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen (Dr) S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen (Dr) S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Associate Editor: Mr Kingshuk Sen
Printed from : M/s Sailee Press Pvt. Ltd.
4A Manicktala Main Road, Kolkata 700054 Special Contributors: Dr N Sengupta, Dr S Ghosh,
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen (Dr) S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Mr T Chakraborty, Ms A Dutta, Mr P Mukhopadhyay,
Ms H Roy, Mr S Bagchi
The Institution of Engineers (India) as a body accepts no responsibility for the statements made by individuals. Reprints of any portion of the
publication may be made provided reference thereto is quoted.
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32 January 2020