Abstract: Engineering which is the application of science and technology is a wide discipline that the professional
must be well informed and this discipline is very important to the development of human beings.This paper is written to
open the eyes of the profession Engineers and others in the families in the discipline of engineering and the functions of
each cadre in this family, the obligations of the Engineer to various people and his organization. It also talked about the
formation of Nigeria Society of Engineers (N.S.E.), the objectives of the society and basic requirement to be a member of
the organization. Similarly, it went further to talked about highest body controlling engineering activities in Nigeria
which is Council for the Regulation of Engineering Practices in Nigeria (COREN) and its duties. The paper also talked
about the progression in engineering. Lastly, it talked about the responsibilities of a registered Engineer to the profession
and relation among registered Engineers.
Engineering is application of science and technology. An engineer is a person qualified by aptitude, education
Engineering brings about the utilization of materials and laws and experience to perform engineering functions. Aptitude
of nature for good of humanity. Tregold describes Engineering refers to a capacity for work in a particular field. An engineer
as the art of directing the great sources of power in nature. must proffer solution to abstract problems which involves
Engineering activities are those which make the resources design, performance and efficiency and cost Engineers whose
of nature available in a form beneficial to man and also function is to apply science to the economics fulfillment of
involve the provision of systems which perform optimally and human needs and desires. He must be it unto technically terms
economically. Engineering is also involved in analysis and applies available technology to obtain a practical solution and
application of scientific developments, keeping the individual communicate these facts to his fellow men. These procedures
in mind as the measure of technological benefit. The most can be carried only by a highly-educated, thinking individual
adopted definition of Engineering is the art or science of working with a well coordinated and cooperating team of
utilizing, directing or instructing others in the utilization of the technicians who can covert the Engineer’s ideas and
principles, forces, properties and substances of natures in the discoveries into useful products and services. Such a team is
production, manufacture, construction, operation and use of made up of the average of one engineer and 7 Technicians
things or means, methods ,machines, devices and structures by (Onipede, 2004). He must have the ability to supervise the
Kiddle(1920). work of others and in due time, the maturity to assume
Engineering is based on the fundamental sciences. responsibility for the direction of important tasks, including
Science is accumulated, established and systemized profitable management of industrial and commercial
knowledge. Engineering required ingenuity, craftsmanship, enterprises.
and judgment in adopting knowledge to practical purposes.
The major engineering functions include: Research, A. OTHERS IN THE FAMILIES OF ENGINEERING ARE
development and design, construction, production, operation,
application and sales, and management. An engineer is usually a member of a versatile team
encompassing different fields that possess skills and
knowledge. The council for the Regulation of Engineering IV. FORMATION OF NIGERIAN SOCIETY OF
practice in Nigeria (Coren) allows registration under the ENGINEERS (N.S.E)
following cadres.
The formation started in London by a group of Nigerian
a. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTS young Engineers of this association called Nigeria Society of
Engineers presented Nigerian practicing Engineers with hard
They are trained at the Higher National Diploma level in choices because many of them were Civil Servants who were
Polytechnic. Fundamentally, the nature of posts occupied by seeking to become registered with British Institutions of
technologists demand a practical approach and a detailed Engineers (BIE).Their membership of BIE was already being
understanding of a particular technology. They require moderated by the West African Joint Group of
specific and detailed knowledge of the bases and practices of Engineers(WAJGE).Their professional status and career
current technology and are concerned with maintaining depended on their membership of BIE and WAJGE.They
existing technology efficiently. They must be competent by could only be promoted as Engineer Grade 1 after becoming a
education and training. He is to exercise technical judgment in corporate member of BIE and WAJGE. Although, some
and assume duties in the engineering field. refused and damned the consequences.
NSE started witnessing improvement with reconstitution
b. THE TECHNICIANS in 1959 and chief Adeniyi Williams becoming the president.
During the inaugural meeting, the formation aims of the
They acquire trainings through semi-formal education; society were stated simply as:
products of Technical Secondary Schools, Monotechnics and To promote, encourage and maintain a high standard of
polytechnics up to the ordinary National Diploma level are engineering study and practice
trained technicians. They are usually under the guidance of To enhance the professional organizations through the
Engineers and Engineering Technologists. They are qualified world.
by virtue of their education to apply proven techniques and Today, the Nigeria Society of Engineers has grown strong
procedures to the solutions of practical problems with an to become a professional Engineering body dedicated to the
element of personal responsibility. promotion of knowledge of engineering and practical
application of such knowledge by its member. It has the
c. CRAFTSMAN/ARTISAN responsibility to provide appropriate support and guidance for
new engineering graduates to attain such level of
A Craftsman /Artisan normally acquires training through professionalism in Engineering that will enable them to be
practical and informal or formal means, as an apprentice under admitted as full member of the NSE. The Society promotes
a trained craftsman in a specialized workshop or a specialized and enforces standard of professional conducts and ethics in
craft School/Vocation training Centre .Categories of the practice of engineering.
Craftsmen include Blacksmiths, automobile mechanics,
Masons etc. His primary role within the profession shall A. OBJECTIVES OF THE SOCIETY
include the responsibility for the execution of specific
projects, and also providing the essential support for These are some of the objectives of the Association and
engineering Technician where appropriate. not limited to the following:
To provide a central organization for the Engineers in
Nigeria and generally to do such things as many from
III. ENGINEER’S OBLIGATION time to time necessary to maintain a strict standard of
professional ethics amongst its member and to advance
If an Engineer discovers that there is likelihood of a the interests of the engineering profession in Nigeria.
possible risk to others from the failure of his client or To promote, protect, encourage and maintain a high
employer to follow the Engineer’s direction, he has a duty to standard of engineering study and practice and to
report such an issue to the appropriate authority. Failure to encourage great efficiency.
report such an issue could lead to revocation of the Engineer’s To present to the Government in Nigeria the views of the
practicing license. A way around the dilemma is for the society on any subject of concern or interest to Engineers
engineer to issue advice to the concerned client and/or in Nigeria.
employer and insist on compliance, failure to which he /she To watch over, promote and protect the mutual interest of
makes the situation public by reporting to the appropriate its member and to give advice to members.
authorities. COREN regulates the practice of Engineering in To study and resolve the professional problems
Nigeria and such matters should be referred to the body (Wara confronting its members.
S.T., 2011). To promote and enforce a high standard of performance
and professional ethics among its members e.t.c.
obtained. There are six grades any person aspiring to be a There is advancement from one section of the register to
member of Nigerian Society of Engineers can apply for .The the other for those who desire progressive career
grades are namely: Fellow, Honorary, Corporate, Graduate, opportunities. The council always encourages educational and
Associate and Student member. professional institutions and others to provide opportunities
Only corporate members and fellows are entitled to vote for studies and examination that enable individuals advance in
and be voted for at properly constituted meetings of the the profession as follows:
society. A person seeking to join the N.S.E shall fill the A Craftsman may apply to transfer to Technician if he has
application form. An application form must normally sponsor obtained the ordinary National Diploma Certificate or
by two financial members who must be corporate members or approved equivalent education al qualification and the
fellows. All candidates shall be tested orally and present also required working experience.
their post graduate –qualification/gradation experience report Technician may apply to register Technologist if he has
and other conditions stated by association. obtained the Higher National Diploma Certificate or he
has completed an equivalent approved course and the
required working experience.
V. COUNCIL FOR THE REGULATION OF A Technologist may apply to transfer his service to that of
ENGINEERING PRACTICES IN NIGERIA (COREN) a registered Engineer if he has passed the examination
conducted by the council, the academic content of which
The only Engineering body established by the Federal shall meet the requirement for registration as an Engineer
Government of Nigeria and representing the Government. or he has attended a post Higher National Diploma course
This body is the highest Engineering Council in Nigeria and it approved by COREN or passed a University degree
was established by decree no 55 0f 1970. program or any examination conducted by any other body
authorized and accredited by the council.
These are some of the duties and responsibilities of the VII. RESPONSIBILITIES OF A REGISTERED ENGINEER
Determining who are engineers for the purpose of this
decree The following are some of the responsibilities of an
Determining what standards of knowledge and skills are Engineer to the profession: Sources (COREN)
to be attained by persons seeking to become registered as An Engineer shall not knowingly take part in competition
engineers and raising standards from time to time involving the submission of proposal and designs for
circumstance may permit engineering work, unless an assessor who shall be an
Securing in accordance with the provision of this decree Engineer of acknowledge standing has been appointed, to
the establishment and maintenance of a register of persons whom all such proposals and designs are to be submitted
entitled to practice as registered engineers and the for adjudication.
publication form from time to time of lists of those A Registered Engineer shall not advertise engineering
persons services in any language or manner derogatory to the
Performing the other functions conferred on the council dignity of the profession.
by this decree. It shall be the duty of every Registered Engineer to bring
Regulating and controlling the practice of engineering to the attention of the Council any violation of the code
profession in all its aspects and ramifications. conduct and to endeavor to encourage other registered
Others are: Approval of courses, qualifications and engineer to adhere to its provisions.
accreditation of institution for Engineering programs, A Registered Engineer shall not engage in the practice of
supervision of institutions and examinations leading to making preliminary studies and estimates of cost
approval qualifications and maintain profession discipline. proposed for projects or render other professional service
This body identified four Cadres in Engineering. without adequate compensation.
The experiences required to join this body are stated in A Registered Engineer shall not either by himself or
their website and brochure and may be changed and modified through any person or firm, offer to make payment by
any time they wish. way of commission or otherwise, for the introduction for
COREN is aware of various educational means that are The following are some of how a registered Engineer can
opened to people in Nigeria and therefore makes allowance for relate with the following registered Engineer:
anybody that want to pass through various routes that are It is improper for a Registered to attempt to secure
provided by registration in addition to standard route through engagement by reducing his usual charge for professional
University degree program, council accepts the various route service after being informed of the charges named by a
OND, HND and a pass at the Nigerian Society of Engineers competitor.
Graduateship examinations.
It is the duty of the Registered Engineer to ensure that the objectives of the association and similar, the body that sees
credit for work and ideas are attributed only to the real to the regulation of engineering practice in Nigeria and the
authors. duties of the body and the conduct of a registered engineer
It shall be considered unprofessional and inconsistent was also discussed.
with honorable and dignified conduct and contrary to the The study of engineering must be encouraged by all stake
public interest for any Registered Engineer to use the holders in all our institutions of higher learning so as to fast
advantages of his salaried position to compete unfairly track development across the country by scholarship and
with other Registered Engineers. incentive to the students and provide all necessary facilities
A Registered Engineer shall not directly or indirectly and logistic for successful undertaken of the course in the
attempt to support another Registered Engineer; nor shall Institutions.
he intervene or attempt in or in connection with A special salary scale should be organized for the
engineering work of any kind, which to his knowledge professionals in the field of engineering by the Government
has entrusted to another Registered Engineer. and all the concerned so as to attract best brain to the field of
A Registered Engineer shall not act so as to injure or engineering in Nigeria.
attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the Engineers should also relate very well especially with
professional reputation prospects or business of another incoming people into the profession by encourage them and
Registered Engineer provided that this rule shall not be organize seminars and lectures for them and they also relate
taken as prohibiting him expressing technical opinion on with fellow engineers, clients, organizations and the larger
behalf of his clients before a tribunal or in a society very well and faithfully.
commissioned report, or from lodging a complaint of the
conduct of another registered Engineer to the competent