IGS News October December 2021
IGS News October December 2021
IGS News October December 2021
Volume 53
Message from President Dear distinguished colleagues, the deliberations held during the conference and workshops.
I wish that all of you and your families are safe and healthy. I am quite hopeful that the members of the TCs will plan
Please follow the corona guidelines as the devil is still activities so as to promote exchange of knowledge at
Geological and Geotechnical international level and showcase Indian talent.
around in the form of Omicron. During the quarter October
aspects and challenges to December 2021, several IGS local chapters have been Four new IGS Awards related to professionals namely IGS-
during construction of the very active and conducted many activities. On behalf of Award for Outstanding contribution to Geotechnical Engineering
IGS, I wish to thank IGS chapters in Agartala, Aurangabad, Practice (Biennial), IGS-leadership award forcontribution in
Tehri Hydropower Project Geotechnical Engineering Practice (Biennial), IGS-Gold Medal
Guntur, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Kochi, Pune, Roorkee,
Shimla, Thiruvananthapuram, Vellore and Visakhapatnam for for the Best geotechnical engineering practices on a project
IGS Awards Presented during conducting webinars on varied topics which have relevance to (Biennial) and IGS-Young Professional award for Geotechnical
the academics and practice. The participation of representatives engineering practice (Biennial) were approved in the 63rd
IGC-2021 Annual General Meeting held on 16th December 2021.
of 32 chapters in the joint meeting of EC with Chairmen and
Secretaries of Chapters Indian Geotechnical Society was very Based on the recommendations received from reviewers, the
Members’ News encouraging. IGS local chapters have taken definite steps to names of the recipients of various IGS-Awards and IGS-YGE
engage students in geotechnical activity promotion. Student Best Paper Awards were given during IGC 2021. IGS place on
Competitions like Research conclave organized by Roorkee record the appreciation to all the selection committee members
Rocks in Greek Mythology chapter and Geo-vishleshana by Dr. G. Sridevi, Member of and reviewers in helping the IGS. Honorary Fellowship was
SC-7 committee of IGS, are few examples. The Eighth Indian conferred on Prof. T.G. Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati.
Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference 2021 (8IYGEC Congratulations to all the awardees.
Summary of Ph.D Theses
2021) at Chennai was organised during October 21-23, 2021. I congratulate Prof Boominathan to have been selected to
The response of the young professionals to the conference deliver the prestigious 44th IGS Annual Lecture during the
Conference Reports and was very encouraging. IGC-2022 scheduled to be held at Hotel Le Meridien, Kochi
Chapter News The mega event of the IGS, the Indian Geotechnical during December 2022.
Conference GEO-INDIA “Geotechnics for Infrastructure Several PhDs have been awarded during this quarter. I would
Developments and Innovative Applications” was held at NIT like to congratulate all the PhD recipients and wish them success
IGC-2021 Highlights Trichy by IGS Trichy chapter during December 16-18, 2021. in their future endeavors. It is heartening to see that there has
Many experts from India and abroad, delegates, professionals been growth in the number of student chapters of IGS.
and students participated and made the conference a grand It gives me immense pleasure to inform that the Indian
Brief Report on the Eighth success. A pre-conference workshop entitled, “Geotechnical Geotechnical Journal has entered its 60th year in 2022, after
Indian Young Geotechnical Engineering Practices–Academia & Industry Perspective” successfully completing 51 issues by 2021. The journal has done
Engineers Conference 2021 to showcase the activities of IGS and the relevance in field very well, moving from Q3 to Q2. The number of submissions
practice was also organized by Team IGC 2021. On behalf increased considerably, with more than 350 papers submitted in
of IGS, I thank Prof. K. Muthukkumaran and his team for 2021. The Volume 51 of the year 2021 had a total of six issues,
Guidelines for the Formation excellent organization of the event. out of which 3 were special issues. For the first time, keynote
of Student Chapters of IGS I would like to request the academia to not become too and theme lectures of IGC were published as journal papers in
‘academic’ for industry but try to understand the requirements this volume. The rejection rate of the journal stands at 65%. The
of the industry. If there is no significant and immediate journal’s impact score and h5 index continue to grow, giving
Guidelines for Professional benefit, industry will tend to stick with the usual practice. great hope for obtaining an impact factor for the journal soon.
Forum Similarly, I would like to advise the practitioners to follow Allof this is due to the efforts of Prof. G. Madhavi Latha, the
not only the transferable technologies, and the established Editor in Chief and all the members of IGS who contributed to
developments but also to keep pace with the new theories the Journal as Editors, Editorial Board Members, reviewers and
Geotechnical Events Calendar and algorithms to see how they apply in their work. A strong contributors of papers. Salutations to all of these members.
linkage between research and practice is imperative for the I thank all colleagues of IGS Executive Committee and
further advancement of Geotechnical engineering profession. members of different Sub Committees (SCs), IGS office
Welcome to New Members and many other experts for the contributions, cooperation
I would also like to congratulate and thank Prof. S. Rajesh,
Prof. S. Sreedeep and Prof. Sai Vanipalli for organizing another and guidance in the mission of IGS for their whole-hearted
pre-conference workshop entitled, “Relevance of Unsaturated co-operation and support for all the activities.
Soil Mechanics in Practice” as part of ISSMGE TC 106 Wishing you all a safe, healthy and Prosperous New Year
activity. I am sure all the delegates were highly benefitted by 2022.
Prof. N.K. Samadhiya
Geological and Geotechnical aspects and challenges during
construction of the Tehri Hydropower Project
H. L. Arora, Former Director Technical
THDC India Ltd.
R.K. Bhandari Pijush Samui
(HF-0007) (LM-3028)
Summary: This study evaluates the seismic performance of hybrid fibers in the exterior beam-column joint specimens subjected to
reverse cyclic loading. Experiments were carried out on mono fibers such as steel fiber, sisal fiber and hybrid fiber (steel fiber+ sisal fiber)
added specimens. The experimental results show that the hybrid fiber added specimens perform better than the control specimen and mono
fiber added specimens. The ductility, energy dissipation capacity, energy absorption capacity of the joints can be significantly enhanced
by adding hybrid fibers instead of adding single type of fiber. This phenomenon takes advantages in the design of seismic resistant
Title of Thesis: Static and Seismic Behaviour of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls
under Surcharge Load
Title of Thesis: Stabilisation of Selected Clayey Soils with Addition of Scrap Tire Chips for
Use as Highway Embankment Fill Material and Improved Foundation Bed
for Vibrating Bases
IGS Jabalpur Chapter reinforcement arrangement of the pile. the pile load test (PLT). The project
The site engineer explained the use of engineer explained the importance of
IGS Jabalpur Chapter and Jabalpur bentonite powder in the granular soil PLT. About 30 students visited these
Student Chapter jointly conducted strata. The second visit was done on construction works and got benefited.
three site visits for civil engineering 17th November at Garha road location Jabalpur Student Chapter’s president
students in October, November, and where the slab construction work of Er. Sagar Shrivastava coordinated the
December 2021. The students visited the elevated corridor was in progress. visit. Er. Sanjeev Verma, Chairman, and
under construction works of the longest At this location, students checked the Dr. Sanjay Verma, Honorary Secretary
elevated corridor in Madhya Pradesh in reinforcement of slabs and beams. The of IGS Jabalpur Chapter motivated
Jabalpur. The elevated corridor is about site engineer explained the importance and appreciated the student chapter
6.9 km long between Damoh Naka to of expansion and construction joints. activities.
Madan Mahal is designed by AECOM He also explained the construction
and the construction work is being IGS Jabalpur Chapter and Students’
of reinforced earth walls. The third
carried out by Nagarjun Construction Chapter jointly organized a National
visit was carried out on 6th December
Company Ltd. On 30th October students Webinar on 26th December. A lecture
at Madan mahal location where the
visited the construction of piling work was delivered by Dr. R.N. Khare,
construction of foundation work for a
at Ranital location. Students learned Principal VEC Lakhanpur C.G. on the
cable-stayed bridge is under progress.
the method of pile digging and the topic “Characterization of Contaminated
At this location, the students learned
Soil”. Dr. Khare explained the effect
of contaminated water on the bearing
capacity of the soil. He also described
arsenic and chloride contamination and
its impact on soil. Dr. N.K. Samadhiya,
IGS Jodhpur Chapter December 5, 2021, through online mode. on “Site investigation- Today’s scenario
The lecture was delivered by Dr. D.L. and case studies”. Dr. D.L. Shah is the
IGS Jodhpur Chapter organized the Shah, Ex. Head of Applied Mechanics Chairman of the IGS Vadodara Chapter.
2nd Alam Singh memorial lecture on Department, M.S. University of Baroda Honourable IGS president Dr. N.K.
Samadhiya was the Chief Guest of the
event, whereas Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma,
Honourable Vice-Chancellor of MBM
University was the presiding guest and Dr.
Sunil Sharma, Dean, MBM Engineering
College was the Guest of Honour. About
100 participants, including faculties of
various colleges, students, and several
practicing engineers, attended the
lecture. The lecture consisted of various
design and practical issues which are
related to site investigation. Dr. D.L.
Shah used various case studies to explain
the prevalent issues in site investigation
and presented the possible remedies.
IGS Kochi Chapter life history of Dr. Terzaghi, touching of late Sri Praphulla Kumar, founder vice-
upon both his professional and personal chairman of the IGS Kochi Chapter. The
The fourth in the series, Rendezvous-4 life journey which took him to fame as program was conducted virtually. This
Webinar 2021-22 was conducted on ‘Father of Soil Mechanics’. In the second year’s memorial lecture was delivered
the 4th October 2021 at 7.00 pm on session, Dr. Balu George presented by Eminent Professor (Dr) Mahendra
the zoom platform. After the welcome his doctoral work on Helical Piles, a Singh, Professor of Civil Engineering,
address by Shri. M. D. Nair, Chairman popular foundation choice in many Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
IGS Kochi Chapter, Dr. Jimmy Thomas, countries. The application of helical The Chief Guest of the function was Prof.
EC member, IGS introduced the speaker piles in cohesionless soils includes Light N.K. Samadhiya, President IGS. The
of the evening Prof. (Dr) B.R.Srinivasa Houses, Solar Panels, and many such function was presided over by Sri M.D.
Murthy, of IISc Bangalore. Dr. structures subjected to uplift loads. Dr. Nair, Chairman of IGS-Kochi Chapter.
Srinivasa Murthy is a renowned expert Balu narrated the foundation technique After his welcome speech, Sri. Leeson
in soil stabilization using soil nailing using the helical piles. This was followed Paulose, Hon. Secretary of APS-Kochi
techniques and by using geotextiles. by a very lively discussion. Dr. Jimmy Centre gave a brief background of the
The webinar series 2021-22 - Thomas, an IGS-EC member proposed annual Praphulla Kumar lecture. Mrs.
Rendezvous-5 was conducted on the 8th the vote of thanks. Sadhana Verma, wife of Sri. Praphulla
November 2021 at 7.00 pm on the zoom Kumar then addressed the gathering.
On 30th November 2021, the IGS-
platform. In the first session, Dr. Divya Kochi Chapter in association with the After a brief introduction of the President
gave a very interesting and illuminative Association of Piling Specialists-Kochi IGS by Dr. Jimmy Thomas, IGS-EC
life of Dr. Karl Terzaghi, the father of Centre organized the Tenth Praphulla member, the Program was inaugurated
soil mechanics. She gave an interesting Kumar Memorial lecture in the memory by Prof. Samadhiya, President IGS.
IGS News u October-December 2021 15
The Honorable Speaker of the day Er. Reji Zacharia, the IGC-2022 website was concluded with Dr. Anil Joseph,
Prof. Mahendra Singh was introduced was launched by President IGS, Prof. Hon. Secretary, IGS-Kochi chapter
to the audience by Dr. Beny Mathews Samadhiya. He then released the first proposing the vote of thanks. IGS-Kochi
Abraham, Vice-Chairman of the IGS- bulletin of the IGC-2022. Chapter AGM for the year 2021 was then
Kochi Chapter. Prof. Mahendra Singh conducted at 2 p.m.
then delivered a very interesting and Dr. Babu T Jose, Patron of the IGS-Kochi
informative talk on “Strength Behaviour chapter, then announced the IGS-AISAT The Sixth in the series of Webinar
of Jointed Rocks: Applications in Slopes, award for the best M.Tech. Thesis in 2021-22, Rendezvous-6 was conducted
Foundations, and Tunnels”. Dr. Singh Geotechnical Engineering in Kerala for on the 6th December 2021 at 7.00
discussed recently developed approaches the year 2021. The award consisted of pm on zoom platform. Dr. Akhila,
that take into account the effect of various a cash price, memento, and certificate. Assistant Professor at SCMS School of
aspects of discontinuities in assessing Mr. Abhilash Joy, President, GRACE Engineering & Technology, Karukutty
the strength response of the rock mass. announced the results of the best B.Tech. in her presentation of “Liquefaction of
The applicability of these approaches Project competition for B.Tech. Civil Silts and Low Plastic Clays” explained
to problems of slopes, foundations, Engineering. The AISAT-GRACE price the reason why liquefaction is a very
and tunnels was also demonstrated in for the winners was a rolling trophy, important cause for extreme property
the talk. The talk was appreciated by cash price, and certificates. Felicitations damage and loss of life. Dr. Anil Joseph,
both the academicians and practicing were given by Rev.Fr. Denny Mathew Hon Secretary, IGS Kochi chapter.,
engineers. After a brief introduction by Peringatt, Manager, AISAT. The meeting proposed the vote of thanks.
IGS Shimla Chapter Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh in STRUCTURES, MATERIALS and
collaboration with the Indian Geotechnical CONSTRUCTION (ICSMC) 2021
Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee Society (IGS) Shimla chapter organized on 12th and 13th November 2021 in
University of Information Technology, the first international conference on online mode. ICSMC 2021 featured
keynote lectures by 10 world-renowned
speakers and 100 oral papers by various
delegates. Selected proceedings of the
conference are published by Springer
in its Scopus indexed book series called
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering in
the book entitled “Recent Advances in
Structural Engineering and Construction
Management” which will become
available in early 2022.
The conference saw various deliberations
upon a vast range of topics related to the
Engineering & Construction sector for
improving productivity and efficiency
IGS News u October-December 2021 17
of the industry as well as research augmented reality, drones, 3D scanning Singapore, Prof. Sandeep Singh from
& innovation. Latest research upon and printing, Building Information Department of Earth Sciences, IIT
structural engineering, structural health Modelling (BIM), advanced building Roorkee, India, to name a few who
monitoring, new age digitalization, materials were some of the topics which enlightened the participants upon various
innovative material technologies, were covered in the conference. burning aspects in the field of structural
advancement in the geotechnical Keynote speakers included renowned engineering, geotechnical engineering,
regime, new construction techniques & personalities like Dr. Kong Kian construction management, and smart
autonomous equipment, utilization of Hau from the National University of materials.
IGS Thiruvananthapuram • Dr. R. Shivashankar, Professor, NITK 3. Dr. Purnanand Savoikar, Member,
Chapter Surathkal TC 107, Professor, Goa Engineering
• Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Associate College
IGS Thiruvananthapuram Chapter Professor, NITK Surathkal 4. Dr. Jayamohan J, Member, TC
organizes an annual Commemorative 107, Professor, LBS Institute of
• Dr. Sheila Evangeline, Professor
lecture in fond memory of late Prof T Technology for Women
(Retd), College of Engineering
S Ramanatha Ayyer. The 5th Annual
Trivandrum 5. Mrs. Bindhu Rajagopal, Principal
Lecture was organized on November
• Dr. Purnanand Savoikar, Professor, Soil Chemist, Central Soil Analytical
20th, 2021, in association with the
Goa Engineering College Laboratory, Government of Kerala
Department of Civil Engineering of
LBS Institute of Technology for Women, • Dr. Chandresh Solanki, Professor, The Student Chapters of the Indian
Thiruvananthapuram. The speaker was SVNIT, Surat Geotechnical Society and Indian Concrete
Dr. Deepankar Choudhury, Prof. T.Kant • Dr. Jaya V, Professor, College of Institute of LBS Institute of Technology
Chair Professor and Head, Department Engineering Trivandrum for Women, Thiruvananthapuram jointly
of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay. • Dr. Neelima Sathyam, Professor, IIT organized an online National Conference
The lecture was inaugurated by Prof Indore on “Geotechnics and Concrete Structures
Narendra Samadhiya, President, Indian • Dr. Arumairaj, Professor (Retd), GeoCon 2021”, on December 2nd and
Geotechnical Society. The topic of the Government College of Technology, 3rd, 2021. Thirty-Six Technical papers
lecture was “Foundation Systems for Coimbatore were presented at the conference.
Mega Structures – Recent Advances”. • Dr. Ashish Juneja, Professor, IIT Plenary lectures were delivered by the
IGS Thiruvananthapuram Chapter Bombay following speakers
organized an online Faculty Development • Dr. Divya, Associate Professor, IIT 1. Dr. K. Balan, Professor (Retd),
Programme on “Geotechniques for Palakkad College of Engineering Trivandrum
Infrastructure Projects”, in association 2. Dr. N. Unnikrishnan, Professor,
IGS Thiruvananthapuram Chapter
with the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum
organized an online Symposium on
LBS Institute of Technology for Women, 3. Dr. Jaya. V, Professor, College of
“Tropical Residual Soils”, in association
Thiruvananthapuram from November Engineering Trivandrum
with TC 107 and the Department of Civil
22nd to 26th 2021. The program was
Engineering, LBS Institute of Technology 4. Dr. Priyadarshini, Professor, College
inaugurated by Dr. Narendra Samadhiya,
for Women, Thiruvananthapuram on of Engineering Trivandrum
President, Indian Geotechnical Society.
December 1st, 2021. The program was 5. Dr. Lakshmi, Professor, College of
The speakers of the Faculty Development inaugurated by Dr. Anthony Leung, Engineering Trivandrum
Programme were Secretary, TC 107. The speakers of the 6. Dr. Jayasree PK, Professor, College
• Dr. Narendra Samadhiya, Professor, program were of Engineering Trivandrum
IIT Roorkee 1. Dr. Anthony Leung, Secretary, World Soil Day Celebrations were
• Dr. B. Umashankar, Professor, IIT TC 107, Professor, Hongkong organized by the IGS Student Chapter
Hyderabad University of Marian Engineering College,
• Dr. G.V. Rao, Professor, IIT 2. Dr. R. Shivashankar, Member, TC Thiruvananthapuram. They organized
Gandhinagar 107, Professor, NITK Surathkal technical events.
IGS Vellore Chapter Engineering, VIT Vellore on 02nd 60 participants from various NITs,
October 2021 in online mode. This IITs, reputed universities and academic
A one-day webinar on Geophysics for webinar aimed to guide participants institutions, and from Government/Non-
Site Characterization and Remediation on the successful implementation of Government organizations attended
Monitoring was organized by the Indian geophysical surveys for geological the program. A lecture on “Mapping
Geotechnical Society – Vellore Chapter mapping, groundwater exploration & of Karstic Features in Limestone using
in association with the School of Civil geotechnical investigations. More than Microgravity for Geotechnical/Site
IGS Agartala Chapter S. Jakka, Associate Professor, Dept. of for leading this chapter with several
Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee activities in this part of the country.
A webinar on the most relevant and & Former Secretary, Indian Society of Appraising the topic of the webinar on
important topic of ‘Importance of Earthquake Technology (ISET), and Dr. Earthquake Engineering, he suggested
Seismic Microzonation of Indian Cities’ Jay Kumar Shukla, Principal Engineer research in the direction of developing
was organized on 27th November 2021 & Senior consultant Geo Dynamics; Er. Seismic Resilient Affordable Houses
by the Indian Geotechnical Society, C. Debnath, Chairman, IEI Tripura state for all clusters of people especially
Agartala Chapter in association with center; Prof. S K Pal, Chairman, IGS for this seismically active NE region,
National Institute of Technology, Agartala Chapter & Professor Dept. of and stressed on the development of
Agartala (NIT Agartala) & The Institute Civil Eng, NIT Agartala; and Dr. Rajib Earthquake Early Warning System. He
of Engineers of India, Tripura State Center Saha, Secretary, IGS Agartala chapter & appealed to the present dignitaries for
in commemoration of the foundation day Associate Professor Civil Engineering. assisting the Seismic School of Science
of the chapter. The inauguration session and Engineering of NIT Agartala by
was graced by Prof. NK Samadhiya, Prof. Samadhiya congratulated the
taking up some collaborative research
President IGS & Professor, Dept. of Civil IGS Agartala chapter for hosting this
proposals. Both expert speakers, Prof.
Engineering, IIT Roorkee; Prof. Harish webinar. Prof. H K Sharma, Director,
Ravi Jakka and Dr. Jay Kumar Shukla
Kumar Sharma, Director NIT Agartala; NIT Agartala appreciated the Civil
have also stressed upon need to carry
two expert speakers namely, Prof. Ravi Engineering Department, NIT Agartala
out Seismic Microzonation work for the
urban areas of our country especially
in NE India and setting up satellite-
based earthquake recording stations. In
this context, the action taken by a state
like Uttarakhand and Gujarat may be
Finally, Prof. S. K. Pal (Organizing
Chairman) and Dr. Rajib Saha (Organizing
Secretary of this event) briefed the
activities and roles of the IGS Agartala
chapter and gave a vote of thanks to all
dignitaries, expert speakers, and attendees/
participants of the webinar.
IGS News u October-December 2021 19
IGS Visakhapatnam
A 3-day online training program on
“Earthquake and Cyclone Disaster Risk
Mitigation” was organized by Andhra
University College of Engineering,
Visakhapatnam, and Indian Geotechnical
Society Visakhapatnam Chapter in
collaboration with the National Institute
of Disaster Management (NIDM), New Prof. N.K. Samadhiya, President, IGS delivering the Inaugural Address
Delhi during October 26-28, 2021. Prof.
Ali Khan, NIDM appreciated the active and maintenance of existing drains
C.N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy, Department
collaboration of the Department of Civil was stressed to mitigate the urban
of Civil Engineering, Andhra University
Engineering, Andhra University College flooding problem. Prof. K. S. Rao, IIT
College of Engineering & Chairman, IGS
of Engineering, and IGS Visakhapatnam Delhi delivered a lecture on “Seismic
Visakhapatnam Chapter and Dr. Amir
Chapter with NIDM to organize the microzonation of mega cities- A case
Ali Khan, NIDM, New Delhi convened
technical events on disaster risk mitigation study of Delhi”. The need for performing
the program. The training program was
on regular basis. seismic microzonation in other cities
inaugurated by Prof. N.K. Samadhiya,
of India was highlighted as it helps in
IIT Roorkee and President, Indian During the first day (26.10.2021) of the
evaluating the vulnerability of sites that
Geotechnical Society, New Delhi. program, Dr. Shilpa Pal from Delhi
experience severe ground amplification
Technological University delivered a
During the inaugural address, Prof. N.K. during earthquakes. The methods for
lecture on “Basic conceptual design of
Samadhiya stressed the preparedness of evaluation of the liquefaction potential of
earthquake-safe structures”. Dr. Shilpa
engineers for the design of earthquake subsoil strata were presented.
deliberated on the influence of foundation
resistant structures as 50% of the area During the final (third) day (28.10.2021)
type on the stability of structures during
in India has a moderate risk against of the training program, Prof. K. Srinivasa
earthquakes. Effects of Irregularities in
earthquake occurrence. Further, he Rao, Andhra University delivered a
vertical and horizontal directions and
emphasized the need for the design lecture on the topic of “Repair and
soft storey in terms of structural stability
of structures along the long coast of retrofitting of distressed structures”.
during the earthquakes were explained.
the country for the anticipated lateral He explained the various techniques to
Prof. Ravi Sinha, IIT Bombay delivered
loads caused by high-speed winds of repair the affected structures after the
a lecture on “Modeling and analysis
cyclones. Prof. C.N.V. Satyanarayana disasters. Also, he stressed the need and
for earthquake resistant structures”. He
Reddy, Andhra University called for methods to retrofit the existing vulnerable
suggested adopting dynamic analysis
the attention of engineers in the safe structures to ensure safety against future
through model studies for precise
design of structures, particularly high- anticipated disasters. Dr. P. Hari Krishna,
estimation of loads under anticipated
rise structures, skyscrapers, and flyovers Chief Scientist, SERC, Chennai delivered
by proper consideration of appropriate a lecture on “Cyclone disaster mitigation
earthquakes and cyclone wind loads During the second day (27.10.2021) of
for structures”. Various issues related to
as the failure of the structures result in the training program, Prof. N.V. Uma
the design of structures for high-speed
loss of life and property. Prof. Chandan Mahesh, NIT Warangal delivered a lecture
cyclonic wind loads were explained. Also,
Ghosh, Head, Building Infrastructure on “Urban flooding” with case studies
he presented case studies on the failure of
Division, NIDM stressed on usage of IS on recent flooding of metropolitan cities
structures affected by recent cyclones.
codes for appropriate estimation of site- such as Bombay, Bangalore, Chennai,
specific loads on proposed structures and Hyderabad. The need for stormwater 242 delegates comprising academicians
from earthquakes and cyclones. Dr. Amir management at the community level from engineering colleges, engineers
from state and central government
organizations, practicing engineers from
consulting firms/organizations, research
scholars, and engineering students from
different parts of India participated in the
training program. The technical sessions
of the training program can be viewed on
YouTube through the following day-wise
Day 1 (26-10-2021):
Day 2 (27-10-2021):
Dr Amir Ali Khan, Prof. C.N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy, Dr P. Hari krishna and Day 3 (28-10-2021):
Prof. K. Srinivasa Rao during Technical Sessions of the training program https://youtu.be/vklqDzfrmUE
Vol 15, Issue 6, December 2021
Table of Contents
Message from member societies................................................................................................................................................................... 1
TC Corner...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Conference Reports...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
• XXXI Italian National Conference on Geo-synthetics Engineering, Bari, Italy
• International Geotechnical Forum, Saint Peterberg, Russia
Important News
ü Indian Geotechnical Journal is being published in 6 issues from 2019.
ü Cover page of the Indian Geotechnical Journal has changed.
IGC-2023 would be hosted by
IGS-Roorkee Chapter
The Venue, Theme, scheduled dates etc. are being worked out and shall be announced soon.
BRIEF OUTLINE/BACKGROUND of the Lamp. The welcome address was delivered by Prof. G.
The 43rd Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC-2021 was Swaminathan, Head, Department of civil engineering, NIT
planned to be organized jointly by the IGS Trichy Chapter Trichy, acknowledging the importance of infrastructure and
and National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during innovative applications in the geotechnics stream. The colossal
the month of December 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic activity and milestones of the Indian Geotechnical Society
situation, it was decided to organize the conference in a were precisely illustrated by Prof. J. T. Shahu, Hon.Secretary
virtual mode. Amidst the various online virtual conferences, of IGS, followed by the brief outline of the IGC2021 journey
a tremendous effort has been made to develop a 3D platform, since the beginning by Prof.K. Muthukkumaran, Chairperson,
showcasing the NIT Trichy campus features and facilities. The IGC-2021 and IGS Trichy chapter. With that note, Prof N.
accessibility and usage of the virtual platform were made easy K. Samadhiya sermonized the presidential address, during
and convenient by releasing a demonstration video featuring which he deliberately quoted the demand for infrastructural
the step-by-step guidelines of accessing the conference virtual improvement with sustainable development and the necessity
platform. Besides, the dry run session was successfully of bridging research efforts between academia and industry.
conducted on December 14 & 15, 2021, to the invited speakers The guest of honor address was facilitated by Prof. T.G.
and authors, which enhanced the lecture delivery to a more Sitharam, and he affirmed that the research and development
significant extent. Additional guidelines were communicated to are the backbone of a globally competent knowledge-driven
the chair/co-chair/session coordinators along with the dry run economy and investing in the same would fetch enormous
session, which disabled all the possible technical glitches in the market participation. Meanwhile, Director’s address was given
conference. by Prof. G. Kannabiran, Director Incharge, NIT Trichy.
The inaugural address was delivered by the chief guest, Shri
D.K. Sen, during which he meticulously highlighted his
Preconference workshop on “Unsaturated Soils” was challenging personal experiences in geotechnical investigations.
successfully organized by ISSMGE TC106 on December 15, While concluding his address, he also added the importance
2021, which had around 400+ geotechnical society members of geotechnical engineering when it comes to infrastructure
in the audience. It consisted of two technical sessions followed development, especially transport connectivity, including
by a panel discussion. Around 25+ speakers & panel members remote areas. Appreciation and excellence awards were
took part in the workshop session. On the same day, another communicated by the Indian Geotechnical Society. Towards
panel discussion on “Geotechnical Engineering Challenges: the end of the inaugural ceremony, the vote of thanks was given
Academia and Industry Perspective” was arranged to kindle and by Dr. U. Mashudha Sulthana, Organizing secretary, IGC2021.
share the perspectives between academia and industry, which The inaugural ceremony was followed by the 43rd IGS Annual
accommodated more than 20+ panel members. Both academia lecture on “A Tryst with Geosynthetics” which was deliveredby
and industry panel members sportively communicated their Shri. Shahrokh P. Bagli, Technical Advisor and Chief
benefits, demands, challenges, and practical implications in the Technology Officer, Strata Geosystems. The annual lecture
stream of geotechnical engineering. projectedthe diverse applications of geosynthetics, the need to
INAUGURAL CEREMONY & 43rd IGS ANNUAL consider any geotechnical aspect of a project holistically rather
LECTURE than in isolation, encourage out-of-the-box solutions, and, most
importantly, emphasize conservation of natural resources.
The inaugural ceremony was commenced on December 16,
2021, with the esteemed presence of the chief guest, Shri. RESOURCE CENTER
D. K. Sen, Whole-Time Director and Senior Executive Vice The resource center was made available in the virtual platform,
President (Development Projects), L&T, and guest of honor, which comprises the conference proceedings, program schedule,
Prof. T. G. Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati, with the lighting and a hand note on the 43rd IGS Annual lecture.In addition,
43rd IGS Annual Lecture by Shri. Shahrokh P. Bagli, Technical Advisor and Chief Technology Officer, Keynote lecture by Prof. Jean-Louis Briaud, Texas
Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt Ltd A&M University, USA
Keynote lecture by Prof A.P.S. Selvadurai, McGill Keynote lecture by Prof. BuddhimaIndraratna, Keynote lecture by Prof. Susan Gourvenec,
University, Canada University of Technology Sydney, Australia University of Southampton, UK
Keynote lecture by Prof. Sanjay Kumar Shukla, Keynote lectureby Prof. Madhavi Latha, IISc Keynote lecture by Dr. R. Chitra, CSMRS, New
Edith Cowan University, Australia Bangalore Delhi
Keynote lecture by Prof. Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois Chicago, USA Theme lecture by Prof. Subhadeep Banarjee, IIT
IGS News
14 News
July-September 2018
April-June 2018 IGSIGS
News u October-December
News 21
July-September 2021
Indian Geotechnical Society has been in the forefront of advancing Benefits
geotechnical engineering practice in the country. It is essential 1. Concessional rate in sponsorship in IGS activities (10
that many professional organizations such as soil investigation percent).
agencies, consultants and designers, contractors, manufacturers of 2. Free copy of the journal and Newsletter and access to IGS
various products such as testing equipment, geosynthetics, ground library and website
improvement contractors, geo-environmental companies involved
3. Mentioning of company name and address in IGS Newsletter.
in testing of soils for contaminants, dewatering contractors, etc join
the Indian Geotechnical Society as associates with the objectives 4. Support of the IGS professional forum.
of delivering quality geotechnical services in India and abroad. 5. Help in identification of potential well trained staff and
The following are the criteria for admission and the membership interns.
benefits. 6. Participation in Professional activities of the Forum and
1. Experience of at least 5 years in geotechnical services/ Society. Participation in Elections as an Associate member and
products. have a say in the decision making.
2. Willingness and commitment to participate in IGS activities. 7. Select papers will be given priority in publication and
Must participate in IGS activities at least once in three years presentation of technical papers in IGS conferences and events.
in the form of attendance at IGS seminars / conferences / stalls (Subject to review and scrutiny by experts).
and events. The details for payment are as follows.
3. Should have minimum 3 qualified personnel with a minimum Beneficiary Name : Indian Geotechnical Society,
of 5 years individual relevant experience. Employees or IFCS Code : IDIB000N044
owners must have written at least three technical papers in Account No: S.B. A/c 443208824,
conferences. Bank Name : Indian Bank, Nehru Place, New Delhi
4. Must not have been black listed by any major government Income tax Permanent Account Number is: AAATI0175L
body from projects in the past three years. If disqualified, then Contact Person:
company cannot become a corporate member for 2 years post Mr. Sanjay Arora,
disqualification or maybe cannot contest elections for 2 years. Executive Secretary, IGS
5. Can become member of the IGS by paying either Rs. 9,000/- 206, Manisha Building, 75-76, Nehru Place,
per year or Rs. 40,000/- for a block of 5 years (to be added) or New Delhi-19 (India)
Rs. 75,000/- for a block period of 10 years. Email:[email protected]
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Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls with Sustainable Backfills 1135-1144
S. Vibha and P.V. Divya
Inter-conversion of Modulus and Compliance for Viscoelastic Soil 1145-1150
Siddhant Swain, Abhijeet Swain and Sonalisa Sahoo
Delineating the Aptness of Improved Geomaterial Strength for Ground Improvement Through
Microstructure and Cluster Analysis 1151-1165
Donald Chimobi Nwonu and Cordelia Nnennaya Mama
Multi-additive Optimization for Expansive Soil Treatment Using Grey-Super-Efficiency Model
Integrated in Taguchi Method 1166-1181
Chijioke Christopher Ikeagwuani and Donald Chimobi Nwonu
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Undrained Behavior of Geogrid Reinforced Pond Ash 1182-1194
Swaraj Chowdhury and Nihar Ranjan Patra
Influence of Under Sleepers Rubber Mat on Propagation of Vibrations from a Railway Track Lying
on a Semi-Infinite Soft Ground 1195-1208
C. A. Moubeké, A. Nguessong-Nkenfack, G.E. Nitamack, T. Beda and S. Charif D’Ouazzane
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential of Coastal Sands Using Laminar Box System 1209-1224
K. S. Beena, Veena Jayakrishnan, A. Alex and C. S. Bindu
Relationships that Govern Changes in Permeability and Microstructure of Leachate Drainage
Layer Under Loading 1225-1233
Liwen Cao, Nian Cai, C. Lian and Xiaohua Huang
Analysis and Design of a Complex Underground Structure with Economic Comparison of
Top-Down and Diaphragm Wall Construction Methods 1234-1248
Meziab Moien Barkhori and Hadi Asgarzadeh
Influence of Water Retention Curves Model Fitting Parameters on Unsaturated Seepage Modeling
of Fly Ashes and Pond Ashes 1249-1262
Abhijit Deka and Sreedeep Sekharan
Seismic Active Earth Pressure on Narrow Backfill Retaining Walls Considering Strain Localization 1263-1282
Shaik Moin Ahmed and B. Munwar Basha
Drained Creep Test and Creep Model Evaluation of Coastal Soft Clay 1283-1298
Huiyuan Deng, Guoliang Dai, M.R. Azadi and Yuxia Hu
Water Resistance Properties of Lime Soil Ground under Long-Term Soaking Environment 1299-1309
Tian-shun Hou, Xin-hao Yuan, X. Zeng, X. Wang, Y. Ceng, Z. Zhang and Miao-lei Hou
Erosion Process of a Core Clay in Earth and Rockfill Dams: Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modelling 1310-1318
Mohammed Kadri and Ahmed Benamar
Seismic Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Placed on an Anisotropic and Nonhomogeneous Inclined Ground 1319-1337
Hamed Haghsheno and Mahyar Arabani
3D Numerical Analyses for Optimization of Deep-Mixing Columns Combined by Raft Foundations 1338-1348
Mohammad Oliaei, Heisam Heidarzadeh and Saman Mansouri
Surface Settlement Induced by Slurry Shield Tunnelling in Sandy Cobble Strata—A Case Study 1349-1363
Shaohui He, Chenghui Li, D. Wang and Xiabing Liu
A Numerical Study on Dynamic Response of Cantilever Retaining Wall Subjected to Pulse-like Ground Motion 1364-1373
P. N. Singh Partha Sarathi Nayek and Maheshreddy Gade
Analysis of Retaining Wall Built Near Rock Face for Different Wall Movements 1374-1383
Godas Srikar and Satyendra Mittal
Application of Distinct Element Method to Analyze the Fracture and In-situ Stress on Wellbore Stability
under Triaxial Compression 1384-1398
Reza Shirinabadi, Ehsan Moosavi and Mehran Gholinejad
Hydrographic & Geophysical NABL accredited soil & rock testing laboratory
Survey Geo-Hazard Surveys Tests on Geosynthetic Materials
Offshore Pipe-lay and Platform Geotechnical Investigation by rotary Advanced Tests
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Pile Monitoring Activities Soil & Rock using TMG multipurpose
Offshore Geotechnical Investigation drilling rig (imported from USA, fully
automated SPT with Energy SQUID & SHAPE
DEEP FOUNDATION TESTING Measurement, SCPT, in situ vane),
preparation of Engineering reports,
including Liquefaction Assessment for
both onland and offshore projects.
Static Cone Penetration Test
(PCPT with seismic cones- 20
Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt Ltd (SGES) was established in the year 2007. We provide Geotechnical
Consultancy and Engineering Services for the following sectors
Offshore—Oil, Gas & Wind | Renewable Energy– Solar & Wind | Marine Infrastructure—Port, Jetty and Harbors |
On land Infrastructure – water Resource Engineering, Ground Engineering, Dams, Buildings, Bridges, High Speed & Metro rails etc.
TIPS for Effective Performance of Local Chapters
Local chapters are the vital links between IGS main body and members. Effective functioning of the local chapters makes
Indian Geotechncal Society very vibrant and improve the quality of professional services and education in the country.
The local chapters are the media which connect professionals and students and energise the whole system. Towards these
objectives the following tasks need to be fulfilled by the local chapters.
1. Creation and maintenance of the homepage of the chapter.
2. Maintenance of local chapter directory updated with affiliations
3. Categorization of members (professionals, academia, students etc to help in understanding the interests of specific
4. Facilitate creation and handholding of student chapters in organising the activities
5. Give representation to students and young members (two members each) and seek their help in maintenance of homepage,
conference organization etc. Student members will not have voting members until they complete the graduation and
become members of IGS
6. Facilitate affiliate members of local chapters to life members of IGS within two years of their joining local chapter as
affiliate member.
7. Organization of general body meeting, technical programs such as workshops, seminars, expert lectures, field visits,
use of ISSMGE webinars and other related technical matters, giving certificates to student chapter members in different
colleges under their jurisdiction, newsletter etc.
8. Submission of activity report for newsletter, accounts information as well as activities information by November 15th
every year for discussion in chapters meeting during annual conference of IGS.
It is hoped that the local chapters adopt the above to serve geotechnical engineering profession better.
Joining IGS enables members enjoy the following benefits:
1. Receiving information on IGS programs and updates.
2. Life time free access of Indian Geotechnical Journal by Springer.
3. Reduced registration fee for attending national and international conferences. Just log on to:
4. Travel support to attend International conferences (limited number based on number
of applicants). www.igs.org.in
5. Travel support for attending conference for young Geotechnical engineers.
6. Membership to ISSMGE with nominal additional payment for a block period of four
7. Many other benefits such as professional connections, visibility etc.
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Editor : Prof. J.T. Shahu, Hon. Secretary, IGS & Professor, Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Assoc. Editor : Mr. Sanjay Arora, Exec. Secretary, Indian Geotechnical Society, 206, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Published by : Indian Geotechnical Society (Regn. No. S/18957), 206, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Email : [email protected], [email protected], Website: www.igs.org.in, Ph. : 26210361, 26211146
Printed by : Pushpak Press Pvt. Ltd., 203-204, DSIDC Complex, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi-110020