IGS News October December 2021

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Volume 53

04 A Bulletin of the Indian Geotechnical Society

October-December 2021


Editorial Board Members:

• Dr. Ravi Sankar Jakka
• Dr. A.P. Singh
• Dr. Jimmy Thomas

Contents Message from President

Message from President Dear distinguished colleagues, the deliberations held during the conference and workshops.
I wish that all of you and your families are safe and healthy. I am quite hopeful that the members of the TCs will plan
Please follow the corona guidelines as the devil is still activities so as to promote exchange of knowledge at
Geological and Geotechnical international level and showcase Indian talent.
around in the form of Omicron. During the quarter October
aspects and challenges to December 2021, several IGS local chapters have been Four new IGS Awards related to professionals namely IGS-
during construction of the very active and conducted many activities. On behalf of Award for Outstanding contribution to Geotechnical Engineering
IGS, I wish to thank IGS chapters in Agartala, Aurangabad, Practice (Biennial), IGS-leadership award forcontribution in
Tehri Hydropower Project Geotechnical Engineering Practice (Biennial), IGS-Gold Medal
Guntur, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Kochi, Pune, Roorkee,
Shimla, Thiruvananthapuram, Vellore and Visakhapatnam for for the Best geotechnical engineering practices on a project
IGS Awards Presented during conducting webinars on varied topics which have relevance to (Biennial) and IGS-Young Professional award for Geotechnical
the academics and practice. The participation of representatives engineering practice (Biennial) were approved in the 63rd
IGC-2021 Annual General Meeting held on 16th December 2021.
of 32 chapters in the joint meeting of EC with Chairmen and
Secretaries of Chapters Indian Geotechnical Society was very Based on the recommendations received from reviewers, the
Members’ News encouraging. IGS local chapters have taken definite steps to names of the recipients of various IGS-Awards and IGS-YGE
engage students in geotechnical activity promotion. Student Best Paper Awards were given during IGC 2021. IGS place on
Competitions like Research conclave organized by Roorkee record the appreciation to all the selection committee members
Rocks in Greek Mythology chapter and Geo-vishleshana by Dr. G. Sridevi, Member of and reviewers in helping the IGS. Honorary Fellowship was
SC-7 committee of IGS, are few examples. The Eighth Indian conferred on Prof. T.G. Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati.
Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference 2021 (8IYGEC Congratulations to all the awardees.
Summary of Ph.D Theses
2021) at Chennai was organised during October 21-23, 2021. I congratulate Prof Boominathan to have been selected to
The response of the young professionals to the conference deliver the prestigious 44th IGS Annual Lecture during the
Conference Reports and was very encouraging. IGC-2022 scheduled to be held at Hotel Le Meridien, Kochi
Chapter News The mega event of the IGS, the Indian Geotechnical during December 2022.
Conference GEO-INDIA “Geotechnics for Infrastructure Several PhDs have been awarded during this quarter. I would
Developments and Innovative Applications” was held at NIT like to congratulate all the PhD recipients and wish them success
IGC-2021 Highlights Trichy by IGS Trichy chapter during December 16-18, 2021. in their future endeavors. It is heartening to see that there has
Many experts from India and abroad, delegates, professionals been growth in the number of student chapters of IGS.
and students participated and made the conference a grand It gives me immense pleasure to inform that the Indian
Brief Report on the Eighth success. A pre-conference workshop entitled, “Geotechnical Geotechnical Journal has entered its 60th year in 2022, after
Indian Young Geotechnical Engineering Practices–Academia & Industry Perspective” successfully completing 51 issues by 2021. The journal has done
Engineers Conference 2021 to showcase the activities of IGS and the relevance in field very well, moving from Q3 to Q2. The number of submissions
practice was also organized by Team IGC 2021. On behalf increased considerably, with more than 350 papers submitted in
of IGS, I thank Prof. K. Muthukkumaran and his team for 2021. The Volume 51 of the year 2021 had a total of six issues,
Guidelines for the Formation excellent organization of the event. out of which 3 were special issues. For the first time, keynote
of Student Chapters of IGS I would like to request the academia to not become too and theme lectures of IGC were published as journal papers in
‘academic’ for industry but try to understand the requirements this volume. The rejection rate of the journal stands at 65%. The
of the industry. If there is no significant and immediate journal’s impact score and h5 index continue to grow, giving
Guidelines for Professional benefit, industry will tend to stick with the usual practice. great hope for obtaining an impact factor for the journal soon.
Forum Similarly, I would like to advise the practitioners to follow Allof this is due to the efforts of Prof. G. Madhavi Latha, the
not only the transferable technologies, and the established Editor in Chief and all the members of IGS who contributed to
developments but also to keep pace with the new theories the Journal as Editors, Editorial Board Members, reviewers and
Geotechnical Events Calendar and algorithms to see how they apply in their work. A strong contributors of papers. Salutations to all of these members.
linkage between research and practice is imperative for the I thank all colleagues of IGS Executive Committee and
further advancement of Geotechnical engineering profession. members of different Sub Committees (SCs), IGS office
Welcome to New Members and many other experts for the contributions, cooperation
I would also like to congratulate and thank Prof. S. Rajesh,
Prof. S. Sreedeep and Prof. Sai Vanipalli for organizing another and guidance in the mission of IGS for their whole-hearted
pre-conference workshop entitled, “Relevance of Unsaturated co-operation and support for all the activities.
Soil Mechanics in Practice” as part of ISSMGE TC 106 Wishing you all a safe, healthy and Prosperous New Year
activity. I am sure all the delegates were highly benefitted by 2022.
Prof. N.K. Samadhiya
Geological and Geotechnical aspects and challenges during
construction of the Tehri Hydropower Project
H. L. Arora, Former Director Technical
THDC India Ltd.

Abstract 1.0 Introduction

Tehri Dam is located in highly complex geo-tectonic environs Tehri Dam Project conceived in 1949 as a major storage
of Himalayan region prone to seismic activity. Safe design and scheme on River Bhagirathi, was investigated by State of UP
construction of Tehri Dam Project, posed immense technical and the project was cleared for implementation by the Planning
challenges. In such complex environment, a 260.5 m high Earth Commission in 1972. The project comprises the construction of
and Rock-fill dam with slightly inclined clay core has been a 260.5 m high earth & rockfill dam on river Bhagirathi at 1.5
designed by utilizing locally available fill materials, with little or km downstream of its confluence with river Bhilanganaand is
no processing. Design of the dam has been finalized by involving located in a narrow S-shaped valley with steep side slopes, with
internationally renowned expert Institutes in the field viz. HPI, the left abutment of valley providing toe support to the dam.
Moscow and DEQ, IIT, Roorkee. Extensive surface as well as
Spillway system comprising Chute Spillway on right bank, two
sub-surface treatment of the core seat foundation i.e. grouting
no. Right Bank Shaft Spillways and two no. Left Bank Shaft
has been done for improving its properties. For monitoring the
Spillways to bypass the surplus water during monsoon and high
health of the dam during construction and operation period,
floods has been designed to cater to the probable maximum
a large number of instruments have been installed within the
flood (PMF) discharge of 15540 Cumecs corresponding to
body of dam and its foundation. One of the unique features of
a flood frequency of 1 in 10,000 years. The routed Design
this dam is the provision of inspection galleries within the core
Discharge at PMF is 13043 Cumecs.
of the dam through which physical inspection and monitoring
of the dam behaviour is possible during the operation period In addition to above an Intermediate Level Outlet (ILO) with
of the project. The paper describes in brief, the geological and discharge capacity of about 1125 cumecs at Full Reservoir
geotechnical aspectsand challenges during construction of the Level (FRL) has been constructed on the right bank at an EI.
Tehri Hydropower Project. 700m to control the initial filling of the reservoir and to meet

IGS News u October-December 2021 3

the irrigation requirement when all the powerhouse machines (PQM), quartzitic phyllites (QP) and sheared phyllites (SP).
are closed. In addition, in the event of any eventuality, reservoir PQM and PQT are the most competent rocks and have been
can be lowered through ILO. geomechanically grouped into grade-I phyllites, while QP and
There arefour head race tunnels of 8.5 m dia. each with SP have been considered grade-II and grade-III in decreasing
intake and an underground power house on the left bank to order of strength and deformability respectively. These phyllites
accommodate four conventional power generating units of 250 have been found to be traversed by numerous major and minor
MW each (Total installed capacity 1000 MW). shear zones and joints. The major shears in the area have been
classified as D (diagonal) and L (longitudinal) shears on the
2.0 Geological and Geotechnical aspects of the basis of their geometric relationship with the bedding and
Tehri Dam foliation, The geometry, orientation, frequency and interplay
of D & L shears have considerably affected the geomechanical
The Tehri dam project area is seismically active and falls in
behaviour of rock mass and provided a scope of dividing the
zone IV of seismic zoning map of India. The Tehri region falls
area into different tectonic blocks. Tehri dam is seated on single
between two main regional tectonic features - Himalayas–Main
such tectonic block.
Boundary Fault (MBF) on the south-western side and Main
Central Thrust (MCT) on the north- eastern site. Besides these, 2.1 River Bed Shear Zone:
there are some other tectonic features in the vicinity of dam During the initial phases of investigation of foundation of dam
site, the most important among them being the Srinagar Thrust, by drill holes, a 3m to 20m thick major shear zone in the river
which has a strike continuation of over 100 km and lies at a bed slightly downstream of the core occupying a considerable
distance of 6 km towards north from the dam site. portion of the gorge was apprehended. The possibility of a
The rock formations at the dam site are phyllites of Chandpur tectonic dislocation in the riverbed area was expressed. In 1987,
series. Tehri phyllites have been classified as phyllitic for exploration under the river bed, a 63.9m long exploratory
quartzites, thinly bedded (PQT), phyllitic quartzites massive drift was driven 30m below the river bed (El. 574.0 m) from
the right bank to the left bank at a distance of about 50m d/s
of dam axis. Detailed examination of the geological features in
the drift revealed the absence of any major dislocation namely
fault or shear zone along the river. Further hydro-geological
conditions in the drift, also indicated the tightness of planes of
discontinuities in the rock.
2.2 Rock Mass Condition on the Abutments &
After stripping to the designed levels, foundation of the core
and shell areas was geologically mapped and geotechnically
assessed. All important shear zones were given dental treatment
and the areas occupied by sheared/deformed rock mass were
lowered and back filled with suitable strength concrete.Clay
core and transition zone (filter zones) was placed on fresh and
sound rock mass devoid of slumping, open joints and fissures.
This was ensured by stripping the seat of the structure which
Tectonic Block Model of Tehri Dam Project involves removal of overburden and weathered rock to improve
shear properties of the foundation rock. For ascertaining
the limit of stripping on the abutments and in the river bed
section in the case of Tehri dam seat, explorations were done
by geophysical method, drilling and drifting. Based on the
sub-surface explorations, acceptable stripping limits were
recommended. Excavations for laying the seat of the dam core
and filter were limited to the fresh and unweathered sound
rock (El 597.0m to 593.3m). The deepest foundation was
achieved at El 593.3m contrary to the earlier proposed limit at
El 579m, thus avoiding enormous excavation.
2.3 Sub-Surface Treatment of Dam Foundation
The scheme of grouting adopted at Tehri Dam is as follows:
i) 10 m deep consolidation grouting in the entire core-trench
area in a grid pattern of 3mx3m at low pressures of 2 to 4
Excavation of the main Dam core trench

4 IGS News u October-December 2021

(ii) Two row (spaced 1.5m apart) grout curtain with u/s row 3.0 Geotechnical Aspects of Spillway Structures
30m and d/s row 60m deep has been provided along the
3.1 Geotechnical Aspects of Chute Spillway
centerline of the core, which has been extended further
below the control structure of chute spillway on the right Along the chute spillway, different bands of phyllitic quartzite
bank. The curtain grouting was carried out at high pressures massive (PQM) and phyllitic quartzite thinly bedded (PQT)
restricted to 10-12 kg/cm2, in order to avoid provoked were encountered. Planar failure along the foliation joints and
grouting due to hydro fracturing at much higher pressure. longitudinal (L) shears, due to day-lighting, were noticed and
These pressure ranges were specified after carrying out to arrest these planar failures, deeper rock bolts were provided.
rock fracturing tests in the dam core area. The junction of the chute spillway with the stilling basin was
considered highly vulnerable because of the existence of sheared/
2.4 Design features of Tehri Dam- Fill Placement
deformed rockmass formed by the intersection of the major
The Tehri dam is a seismically designed structure with a sub- diagonal D1 shear (clay 12-14cm) and longitudinal L1 shear (clay
vertical thin core. The filters on either side of the blended clay 10-12cm).
core are the fine filter layer (on u/s side) consisting of fine to
Stilling basin, with a dead water pool of 140m x 50m x 22m,
medium sand and coarse filter layer (on d/s side) comprising
has been designed as a mode of energy dissipation for the high
well graded mixture of sand and gravels (upto 80mm size).
energy arising due to the high head of 225m through hydraulic
The upstream and downstream shells comprise a well graded
jump formation. The stilling basin, extending from ch d/s 578m
sand-gravel-boulder mixture (size upto 600mm) with varying
to ch d/s 795m and 25m on either side of the center-line of the
silt percentage. The designed upstream (2.5:1, H:V) and
chute, is 217m long and 50m wide (including the downstream weir
downstream (2:1, H:V) slopes covered with rip-rap layer (10m
and cut off trench). Based on different design requirements, the
thick) of blasted rocks (quartzite) were found to be seismically
stilling basin hasdbeen divided into three reachesi.eReach A
of 60m length, Reach B of 66m length and Reach C of 91m

Geological map of stilling Basin Foundation

Right Bank Shaft Spillways and ILO

IGS News u October-December 2021 5

Due to existence of major shear in the u/s part of the Stilling Basin clay phyllite layers 5-30 cm wide with several beddings of
near the junction, it was decided to provide u/s portion of Stilling quartzite phyllite. The rocks are schistic and crumpled into
Basin as thick slab monolithic with the walls involving placement highly compressed folds dissected by longitudinal and diagonal
of huge quantities of concrete of about 1.0 lacs cubic metres. faults and fractures. Near the daylight surface, the rocks
Accordingly, it was worked out to provide 12 m thick monolithic are additionally weakened by the processes of de-stressing
concrete floor in first 60 m length(Reach-A) to withstand the huge and weathering. The rock mass condition in the area U/S of
hydro dynamic forces occurring when the chute spillway operates at Maintenance Gate Shaft MGS-2 and D/S of MGS-4 (more
maximum discharge. Therefore, a shear key 7-15m wide, extending precisely on MGS 3 location), was found to be very poor ,
across the stilling basin and 4m below the general foundation level, influenced by numerous major/minor D & L shears at different
was providedat the junction. During the excavation the deformed levels.
rock mass was removed and the entire trench was backfilled with
The slopes were stabilized with construction of deep cast-in-
highly reinforced cement concrete. Reach-B of stilling basin was
place concrete piles extending to the roof of relatively intact
also considered critical because of the hydraulic jump and the
rock and integrated by massive pile caps. A system of concrete
uplift pressure due to static and dynamic pressures. To counter
beam was provided between MGS-2 and MGS-3 at EL 835.0-
these pressures, deep cable anchors of 110-120 tonne capacity @
840.0 m. These remedial measures stabilized the upper portion
3m c/c of varying depth of 15.5m to 22m were provided in addition
of the slide mass, which had a positive effect on the overall
to the consolidation grouting.
stability of the slope.
3.2 Geotechnical Aspects of Right Bank Shaft Spillways
Due to existence of D-3 shear and other longitudinal shears,
The right bank shaft spillway area was assessed to be critical MGS-4 collapsed below El.771m +/- and the muck from shear
because of the poor rock mass around D-3 shear (near T-4 shaft) zone flowed into the shaft. For stabilising the collapsed portion,
and multiple shear seams as projected along T-3 shaft. During the theshaft was filled with muck up to El. 746.5m for creating a
excavation of T-3 & T-4 shafts and their ducts, planar failures along platform for construction of drifts at the periphery of shaft.The
longitudinal shears, wedge failure and problem of wall convergence shaft was supported by construction of multi-drift 2 x 2m size
were noticed. The junction of the main shafts with the de-aeration ensuring that the drifts are excavated at least 2.0 m deep into the
ducts was critical because of the reverse curve geometry. Rock sound rock. The drifts were filled with reinforced concreting.
bolting and chain link shotcreting were provided as the main A total of 9 nos. drifts were constructed at EL-746.50 m. The
stabilisation measures, whereas spot bolting and steel rib support construction of these drifts (which functioned as shear keys)
were provided in critical reaches. At the swirling device area of had virtually stopped any movement in the shaft due to presence
T-3 & T-4 shafts, planar failure along foliation joints was recorded of D-3 shear and stabilized the shaft. The shaft was backfilled
due to day lighting of these joints and the area was stabilized by with reinforced concrete to a depth of 1.5 m, thus protecting the
providing 8m long 32mm dia rock bolts along with two layers of entire shaft.
shotcrete. 4.2 Butterfly Valve Chamber (BVC) and Penstock
3.3 Geotechnical Aspects of Intermediate Level Outlet Assembly Chamber (PAC)
The intermediate level outlet (ILO) was driven through different In this area, the axes of the caverns are sub-parallel to the strike
bands of PQM & PQT. The excavation of the inclined glacis of of bedding which inthis rock mass are steeply dipping at 52°.
ILO at the junction with T-3 shaft was very critical, and it was done Zone of sheared & crushed quartzitic phyllite were exposed in
by taking up smaller segments. Deeper rock bolts were provided the upstream wall of PAC (RD63 M. to 100 M) and extending
on both the walls, and vertical steel channels were extended down to the d/s wall & roof of BVC.
to the increased wall sections, to prevent failure from the arch or Poor to very poor rockmass and unfavourable geological
wall sections, during the excavation at the junction. structure posed significant problems in the BVC & PAC
3.4 Geotechnical Aspects of Left Bank Shaft Spillways excavations. Significant stability problems encountered in their
roofs and the right walls. The BVC & PAC were of unfavourable
No major geotechnical problem was encountered in the excavation orientation to the main geological structures and located sub
of T-1 & T-2 shafts, and they were stabilized by providing rock parallel to the longitudinal fractures led to development of the
bolts and shotcreting. technogeneous distressing zones. Inadequate Rock Pillar width
4.0 Geotechnical Aspects of Powerhouse and poor geotechnical properties of rock mass in and around
BVC and PAC was serious concern for long term stability of
structures these Chambers.
4.1 Intake Structures & Maintenance Gate Shafts
Both the chambers have been excavated by heading and
The Intake area of Tehri HPP and PSP comprises the hill benching method. The roof and walls were initially supported
slopes from El 705 m to El 910 m. Important structures include by rock bolts and shotcreting with welded wire mesh. During
Intakes and platform at El 840 m developed for placing hoisting excavation of the roof of both PAC & BVC, heavy rock falls were
arrangements of maintenance gates and electrical control rooms. experienced due to wedge formations and were subsequently
The slopes of the left bank in the area of water intakes towards supported by steel ribs of ISMB 300. In May 2001, in the
gate shafts at EL 710.00-840.00 m are formed of phyllite and downstream wall of the BVC at RD 100-122, between El 708

6 IGS News u October-December 2021

m to El 716 m,a rock collapse of about 200 cum took place as a mm on u/s wall of Machine Hall cavity particularly around
result of which the size of pillar between chambers was further the periphery of the bus duct tunnels.
reduced by 2-2.5 m.
(ii) Through Hole Cable Anchors
Based on geophysical studies, visual observation and numerical
33 numbers of 21.7m long through prestressed cable
analysis it was recommended to install pre-stressed cable
anchors of 110 tons load capacity (Locking force 77 tons)
anchors in rock pillars between PAC and BVC. The rock pillar
were installed between bus ducts 1 and 2, 2 and 3, & 3 and
between the chambers has been strengthened with 80 through
4 in the through holes of diameter 105-120 mm.
pre-stressed cable anchors of design working load of 80 T. In
addition, the opposite wall in the BVC was also strengthened After installation of these cable anchors, the convergence
with 94 blind pre-stressed anchors of design load of 80 T. reduced noticeably and stabilised thereafter.
The instrumentation monitoring and the visual observations 5.0 Conclusions
revealed that even the support systemwith prestressed
cable anchors was not found to be adequate for the stability Successful completion of India’s highest dam across Bhagirathi
of these chambers due to poor rock mass condition, is a landmark development in the history of high dam building
unfavourable orientation of these chambers with respect to in India. Geological and Geotechnical challenges have been
disposition of the rock defects/joints, inadequate rock pillar adequately overcome by THDC and Project is functioning well
e.g.Bifurcationchamber, penstock tunnel and adits etc between since commissioning in 2006-2007. Tehri Hydropower complex
these chambers and excavation of multiple openings in around not only met thedrinking and irrigation water requirements of
this area.In view of the above, the construction of four concrete the command area and much needed peaking Power in the Grid
buttresses in the BVC (from wall to wall) and four concrete but also mitigated floods during heavy rains in the year 2010,
buttresses (from wall to wall) in the PAC was taken up. After 2011 & 2013.
concreting the buttresses in PAC and BVC, the wall convergence Acknowledgements
reduced noticeably and stabilised thereafter.
Author is grateful to THDC India Ltd and Geological Survey
4.3 Underground Power House of India (GSI) for providing information about design &
The Underground Power House consists of the three main drawings, Geological & Geotechnical aspects and construction
cavities in stage I viz., Machine Hall, Transformer Hall, and data relating to Tehri Power Complex.
Expansion Chambers of the complex are located in the available
most competent rocks (PQM)and phyllitic quartzite thinly
bedded (PQT) Grade–I.These cavities run parallel to each other i. B.L. Jatana,“BuildingTehri Mega Dam In Himalayas-
and are aligned normal to the strike of rocks. In addition, there Challenges In Design and Construction” - Water and Energy
are four bus duct tunnels joining machine hall & transformer International, Jan. to March 2007 Vol.64 No.1 published by
hall at right angle. Central Board of Irrigation and Power.
These caverns were stabilized by means of rock bolting and ii. P.C. Nawani, H.C.Khanduri and Harish Bahuguna,
shotcreting barring a patch in the crown of machine hall where “Geotechnical Aspects of the Dam Foundation, Spillway
a 5m band of deformed rock mass, associated with a major Structures and Underground Caverns” - Water and Energy
longitudinal shear.As the strike of the deformed rock mass International, Jan. to March 2007 Vol.64 No.1 published by
and the bus-duct alignment are sub parallel, serious stability Central Board of Irrigation and Power.
problems were recorded in the crown portion of these openings
iii. G.M.Prasad and R.K.Vishnoi, “Distinctive Features of
(bus ducts) for a considerable length during excavations. Longer
Design and Construction of Stilling Basin of Tehri Chute
rock bolts (+ 15m length) followed by steel rib supports were
Spillway” – Water and Energy International, Jan. to March
installed in these critical zones.
2007 Vol.64 No.1 published by Central Board of Irrigation
Further, due to insufficient rock cover of 41m (less than 2D) and Power.
between the Machine Hall and Transformer Hall,convergence
iv. R.K. Sharma, G.M. Prasad, Shailendra Singh and T.S.
was observed during the excavation of the bus ducts in the
Routela, “Design of Underground Power House Caverns of
common wall. Multiple bore hole extensometers (MPBAX)
Tehri HPP”Water and Energy International, Jan. to March
and load cells were installed to monitor the rate and extent of
2007 Vol.64 No.1 published by Central Board of Irrigation
convergence, and a number of deep cable anchors (blind and
and Power.
through) were installed to stabilize the area.
v. A.L. Shah, J.L. Narang, Shailendra Singh and Atul Jain,
(i) Blind Hole Cable Anchors
“Slope Stabilisation of Intake Area of Tehri HPP and PSP”
68 numbers of 18 m long (6 m fixed length) prestressed – Water and Energy International, Jan. to March 2007
cable anchors of 110 tons load capacity (Locking force 77 Vol.64 No.1 published by Central Board of Irrigation and
tons) were installed in the blind holes of diameter 105-120 Power.

IGS News u October-December 2021 7

IGS Awards Presented during IGC-2021
Honorary Fellowship for outstanding contribution to by Pankaj Sharma, Saurabh Rawat and Ashok Kumar Gupta
geotechnical engineering was conferred to Prof. T.G. published in Indian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 49, Issue 6
Sitharam. (pp.603–619).
IGS-H.C. Verma Diamond Jubilee Award for “Innovative IGS-Prof. A.V. Shroff Biennial Award for the Best Paper
Instrument Design” was given jointly to Sravan Kumar on “Grouting Technology and Environment Geotechnology”:
Gara, K.S. Rao, Nirbhay Narayan Singh and Raunaq Singh Paper entitled “Undrained Yielding of Black Cotton Soil
for “Large Direct Shear Machine” and Saptarshi Kundu and Treated with Calcium Carbide Residue” by Ashish Juneja
B.V.S. Viswanadham for “Design and Development of an and Shrikant Tanaji Shinde published in Indian Geotechnical
Actuator for Simulating Dynamic Compaction Induced Ground Journal, Volume 50, Issue 3 (pp. 319–329).
Remediation of Geomaterials” for the years 2019-2020.
IGS-HEICO Biennial Award for the Best Paper on “Rock
IGS-Sardar Resham Singh Award for “Original and Mechanics”: Paper entitled “Acquisition of Acoustic Emission
Innovative Research/Applications/Procedures” was given Signals from Rocks Using Directly Bonded PZT Patches” by
to Manojit Samanta for “Helical Anchor Innovation and Prateek Negi and Tanusree Chakraborty published in Indian
Application to Infrastructure Projects” for the years 2019-
Geotechnical Journal, Volume 50, Issue 1 (pp.117–132) .
Reviewer of the Year 2020 (EBM) Award was given to Prof. IGS-Dr. Shamsher Prakash Biennial Award for the Best
T. Venkata Bharat in recognition to his outstanding contribution Paper on “Soil Dynamics”: Paper entitled “Assessment of
to the Indian Geotechnical Journal. Seismic Liquefaction of Soil Site at Mundra Port, India, Using
CPT and DMT Field Tests” by Pradnya Singbal, Santiram
Reviewer of the Year 2020 (non EBM) Award was given
Chatterjee and Deepankar Choudhury published in Indian
to Prof. Amit Kumar Verma in recognition to his outstanding
Geotechnical Journal, Volume 50, Issue 4 (pp.577–586)
contribution to the Indian Geotechnical Journal.
IGS-Shri M.S. Jain Biennial Award for the Best Paper on
EBM of the Year 2020 Award was given to Dr. Kumar
“Innovations in Piling and Other Foundation Construction
Pitchumani N. in recognition to his outstanding contribution to
Techniques”: Paper entitled “A Case on Engineered Solution
the Indian Geotechnical Journal.
for Deep Excavation in Restricted Space” by Ajitkumar
IGS-Prof. G.A. Leonards Annual Award for 2020 for the Kumbhar, Rajay Balwan and Girish Gokhale published in the
best Ph.D. Thesis in Geotechnical Engineering was given Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019, Surat.
to thesis titled “Novel Numerical Procedures for Limit
Analysis: Implementation to Planar, Axisymmetric and Three- IGS-Soiltech India Pvt. Ltd., Pune YGE Award for the Best
Dimensional Geomechanics Stability Problems” by Debasis Paper on “Shallow Foundations”: Paper entitled “Behavior and
Mohapatra . Critical Failure Modes of Strip Foundations on Slopes under
Seismic and Structural Loading” by Dhiraj Raj, Yogendra
IGS-Shri B.N. Gupta Biennial Award for the Best Paper Singh and Amir M. Kaynia published in International Journal
on “Shallow Foundations”: Paper entitled “Estimation of of Geomechanics, ASCE (2019)
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Footings on Soft Clay from Plate
Load Test Data Considering Variability” by Parbin Sultana and IGS-AIMIL - HCV YGE Award for the Best Paper on
Ashim Kanti Dey published in Indian Geotechnical Journal, “Geotechnical Investigation and Testing”: Paper entitled “An
Volume 49, Issue 2 (pp.170–183). Apparatus to Measure Gas Diffusion and Gas Permeability
of Unsaturated Cap Barriers Subjected to Distortion” by S.
IGS-Prof. Dinesh Mohan Biennial Award for the Best Paper
Rajesh and V. Khan published in Geotechnical Testing Journal,
on “Pile Foundation”: Paper entitled “Flexural Response of
Pile Foundation in Liquefiable Soil Using Finite-Difference
Formulation Following Pseudostatic Approach” by Rahul IGS-Chennai Chapter YGE Award for the Best Paper on
Sinha, Rajib Sarkar and J.S. Rajeswari published in Indian “Solutions of Problematic Soils”: Paper entitled “Performance
Geotechnical Journal, Volume 50, Issue 6 (pp.880–906) Enhancement of Encased Stone Column with Conductive
IGS-Dr. B.B. Rai - S.N. Gupta Biennial Award for the Best Natural Geotextile under k0 Stress Condition” by B.K.
Paper on “Earth and Earth Retaining Structures”: Paper entitled Pandey, S. Rajesh and S. Chandra published in Geotextiles and
“A Parametric Study on Effects of Basement Excavation and Geomembranes (2020).
Foundation Loading on Underground Metro Tunnel in Soil” by IGS-Roorkee Chapter YGE Award for the Best Paper on
Sumeet Mahajan, Ramanathan Ayothiraman and K.G. Sharma “Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering”: Paper entitled
published in Indian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 49, Issue 6 “Probabilistic Characterization of Rock Mass from Limited
(pp.667–686). Laboratory Tests and Field Data: Associated Reliability
IGS-Shri R.N. Prasad Biennial Award for the Best Paper on Analysis and Its Interpretation” by Bhardwaj Pandit, Gaurav
“Slope Stability and Landslides”: Paper entitled “Study and Tiwari, Gali Madhavi Latha and G. L. Sivakumar Babu
Remedy of Kotropi Landslide in Himachal Pradesh, India” published in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2019).

8 IGS News u October-December 2021

IGS-Kolkata Chapter YGE Award for the Best Paper on IGS-Baroda Chapter was given Appreciation Award for
“Earth Retaining Structures”: Paper entitled “Centrifuge Model conducting excellent technical activities for the professionals
Studies on Performance of Hybrid Geosynthetic–Reinforced creditably.
Slopes with Poorly Draining Soil Subjected to Rainfall” by
IGS-Raipur Chapter was given Appreciation Award for
Dipankana Bhattacherjee and B.V.S. Viswanadham published
conducting lot of technical activities for the benefit of students
in Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
and the work related to Student Chapters creditably.
ASCE, Volume 145, Issue 12 (2019).
IGS-Bangalore Chapter YGE Award for the Best Paper on IGS-Chennai Chapter was given Appreciation Award for
“Environmental Geotechnology”: Paper entitled “Combined hosting magnificent IYGEC 2021.
Effects of Wet-Dry Cycles and Interacting Fluid on Desiccation
GeoVisleshana-2021 Competition Awards conducted by IGS
Cracks and Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clay” by
SC-7 Student Chapter Activities and Continuing Education
M. Julina and T. Thyagaraj published in Engineering Geology
was given to Sagar Shah and Uddant Patel for securing First
Position. The Award carries a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and
IGS-Kakinada Chapter YGE Award for the Best Paper a Certificate.
on “Deep Excavations and Underground Structures”: Paper
entitled “Stability Analysis of Twin Horse-Shoe Shaped GeoVisleshana-2021 Competition Awards conducted by IGS
Tunnels in Rock Mass” by Obaidur Rahaman and Jyant Kumar SC-7 Student Chapter Activities and Continuing Education
published in Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, was given to Duvvala Anil and Qudrathullah for securing
98 (2020). Second Position. The Award carries a cash prize of Rs. 7,500/-
and a Certificate.
IGS-AIMIL Best Local Chapter Award for the year 2021
was presented to IGS-Aurangabad Chapter for best overall GeoVisleshana-2021 Competition Awards conducted by IGS
performance amongst various IGS Chapters. The award carries SC-7 Student Chapter Activities and Continuing Education
a cash prize of Rs.10,000/- and a Memento. was given to Akshata Patel and Dhruvi Shah for securing Third
IGS-Visakhapatnam Chapter was given Appreciation Award Position. The Award carries a cash prize of Rs. 5,000/- and a
for hosting a magnificent IGC-2020 (virtual mode). Certificate.

R.K. Bhandari Pijush Samui
(HF-0007) (LM-3028)

Dr. R.K. Bhandari, a former President Dr. Pijush Samui has

and an Honorary Fellow of the IGS has been selected as a
been honored by the Hon’ble Prime guest professor at The
Minister of India with the coveted Subhash Chandra Bose Aapada University of Science
Prabandhan Puraskar for the year 2021 on the Prakram Day on the 23 and Technology Beijing
January 2022. This award is in recognition of his dedicated and selfless (China).
contributions and service to the nation and for his pioneering work in the
area of disaster mitigation in general and landslide studies in particular.

Rocks in Greek Mythology

Madhav Madhira
Some time back an article on ‘Sands in Literature, Mythology and History’ was published in IGS Newsletter. Here is another
snippet from Greek Mythology.
A legend tells Greece was formed when God was distributing soil around the world through a sieve presumably a large one. Job
done, He found himself with lots of leftover rocks and stones and used them to build Greece. This sharp handiwork is apparent
as you approach mainland Greece from almost any direction. Often the mountains rise straight out of the sea. 80% of Hellenic
Country is mountainous with jagged peaks and spectacular deep gorges.
From: The Power of Geography by Tim Marshall.

IGS News u October-December 2021 9

Summary of Ph.D Theses
Title of Thesis: A Study on the Electrokinetics in Stone Columns Encased by
Conductive Geotextile

Name of the Student: Dr. Balbir Kumar Pandey

Supervisor: Prof. Sarvesh Chandra and Dr. Rajesh Sathiyamoorthy
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Summary: In the present research work, an attempt has been made to couple the electrokinetic process with the encased stone column
to improve the performance of the very soft ground. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted on soft clay, stone column and
stone column encased with conductive geotextiles with and without electrokinetic coupling to assess the applicability of electrokinetic
in enhancing the engineering behavior of the composite system and characteristics of the soft clay. The results of the study reveal that
coupling the electrokinetic with encasing the stone columns can be considered as a sustainable technique for improving soft grounds.
Further, it has significantly improved the efficiency in removing pore water, decreasing the water content, accelerating the consolidation
rate of settlement and increasing the undrained shear strength. It has also altered the pH, chemical composition, mineral phases, and
microfabric of soft clay. For measuring and characterizing the soil behavior during and at the end of the tests, latest instruments (used for
XRD, SEM, ICPMS, pH, Zeta potential, etc.) and sensors (for pore water pressure, temperature, volumetric water content, water potential,
etc.) were used.

Title of Thesis: Investigation on Batter Pile Foundation in Liquefiable and

Laterally Spreading Ground

Name of Student: Dr. Rajeswari J.S.

Supervisor: Dr. Rajib Sarkar
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
(Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
Summary: The research focuses on the performance assessment of single batter pile as well as pile group with batter piles in liquefying and
laterally spreading ground. Probabilistic methods of analyses were adopted to investigate the effects of uncertainty of various geotechnical
parameters. Based on the investigations, predictive relationships for the design forces and displacements have been developed. Moreover,
Multi-Gene Genetic Programming (MGGP) has been employed for the investigation of behaviour of batter piles under laterally spreading
ground. This work provides a complete assessment of behaviour of batter piles in liquefying and laterally spreading ground which is still
not available in the literature.

Title of Thesis: Experimental Investigation on Seismic Behaviour of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced

Self Compacting Concrete Beam-Column Joint under Quasi-Static Cyclic Load

Name of Student: Dr. S.M. Kavitha

Supervisor: Dr. G. Venkatesan
Department& Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai

Summary: This study evaluates the seismic performance of hybrid fibers in the exterior beam-column joint specimens subjected to
reverse cyclic loading. Experiments were carried out on mono fibers such as steel fiber, sisal fiber and hybrid fiber (steel fiber+ sisal fiber)
added specimens. The experimental results show that the hybrid fiber added specimens perform better than the control specimen and mono
fiber added specimens. The ductility, energy dissipation capacity, energy absorption capacity of the joints can be significantly enhanced
by adding hybrid fibers instead of adding single type of fiber. This phenomenon takes advantages in the design of seismic resistant

Title of Thesis: Static and Seismic Behaviour of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls
under Surcharge Load

Name of Student: Dr. Akshay Pratap Singh

Supervisor: Dr. Kaustav Chatterjee
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT-Roorkee, Roorkee

10 IGS News u October-December 2021

Summary: The influence of infinite uniform surcharge and strip load on the cantilever sheet pile wall at varying distances from the
top of the wall under static as well as seismic conditions is analyzed using theoretical method (simplified and partial mobilized method)
and finite difference based computer program. The results indicate that the presence of the surcharge load at the top of the wall influences
the cantilever sheet pile wall significantly and as the distance of surcharge load increases, the influence gets reduced and beyond 2 times
excavation depth, the influence is insignificant. It is also observed that the maximum bending moment increases and more mobilization of
earth pressure takes place with increase in horizontal seismic acceleration coefficients, magnitude of surcharge load, embedded depth and
decrease in the distance of surcharge load from the top of the wall. Dynamic analysis of cantilever sheet pile wall having surcharge load
is executed by using finite difference based computer program subjected to three different seismic motions. The research carried out and
presented is of practical significance for geotechnical engineers working in the field of designing the cantilever sheet pile wall.

Title of Thesis: Efficacy of EICP (Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation) Techniques

for Tropical Soils – Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Applications

Name of Student: Dr. MD Abdul Lateef

Supervisor: Dr. Syed Abu Sayeed Mohammed and Dr. Arif Ali Baig Moghal
Department & Institute: VTU Belagavi, Department of Civil Engineering, HKBK College of Engineering,
Bangalore, Karnataka
Summary: This work concentrated on the use of Urease Enzyme sourced from Jack beans, in improving the geotechnical and
geoenvironmental performance of two native Indian soils. Sorption and desorption tests were conducted on artificially metal spiked (Cd+2,
Ni+2 and Pb+2) soils to quantify the contaminant remediation potential of enzyme treatment. Enzyme treatment proved to be an effective
way of improving the contaminant remediation potential, enhance the shear strength of soils and reduce the swell and permeability
characteristics of selected soils through carbonate precipitation. This thesis corroborated the fact that, enzyme treatment can be a sustainable
alternative to conventional soil stabilization methods.

Title of Thesis: Numerical Study on Tunnels in Squeezing Rock Subjected to

Anisotropic Stresses

Name of Student: Dr. Manasa H.

Supervisor: Dr. V.B. Maji
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT-Madras (IITM), Chennai
Summary: Thesis highlight the investigation of tunnel behaviour in squeezing rocks. The primary assumption of earlier studies is based
on isotropic stress conditions and the effect of anisotropic in-situ stresses is not been fully explored. Existing methods namely analytical
and empirical methods are used in predicting the squeezing potential of two case studies in the Himalayas. The predicting capability is
subsequently enhanced with numerical analyses. Anisotropic stresses and tunnel shapes along with rock mass properties play an important
role in tunnel deformation. Correlations are proposed to find tunnel strain and radius of the plastic zone. Further, the tunnel is analyzed with
supports, and a rock support interaction analysis is performed.

Title of Thesis: Stabilisation of Selected Clayey Soils with Addition of Scrap Tire Chips for
Use as Highway Embankment Fill Material and Improved Foundation Bed
for Vibrating Bases

Name of Student: Dr. G. Tabitha Subbarao

Supervisor: Prof. C.N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy
Department & Institute: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Summary: The research work is aimed at evaluating the stabilizing effect of scrap tire chips of 10mm and 20mm size addition in
proportions of 5-25% (by weight of soil) in increments of 5% in selected clays of low & intermediate compressibility and clayey sand
for use as highway embankment construction material and improved foundation bed for supporting vibrating bases. The optimum tire
chips content for stabilization of Clays of Low, Intermediate compressibility (CL &CI) and clayey sand (SC) under the study in terms of
CBR values are determined as 20% and 15% respectively, with 10mm size tire chips exhibiting better stabilizing effect than 20mm size
tire chips. The stabilized CL and SC soils under study with addition of optimum scrap tire chips content achieved the required strength
(CBR>3%) for use in construction of highway embankments of 9-15m heights whereas stabilized CI soil under study with addition of
optimum content of scrap tire chips attained required strength (CBR >5%) for use in construction of highway embankments of 6-9m as
per TRH 09 -1982 specifications. Further, the stiffness of stabilized clay of low compressibility and clayey sand with tire chips in terms of
coefficient of elastic uniform compression is observed to improve based on small scale cyclic load tests. However, addition of scrap tires
did not show any significant improvement in the stiffness of clay of intermediate compressibility.

IGS News u October-December 2021 11


IGS Aurangabad Chapter

A one-week STTP on “Advances
in Geotechnical Earthquake
Engineering” was jointly Organised
by IGS – Aurangabad Chapter & Soil
Dynamics Forum, ISET in association
with Civil Engineering Department,
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
Aurangabad & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Technological University, Lonere on
25th – 29th October 2021. The workshop
started with a formal inauguration
session at 10:45 AM on 25 October 2021
through the online platform of the ZOOM
app. This included a welcome speech of
the Convener; Dr. M.S. Dixit (HCED,
MIT Aurangabad & IGS Aurangabad
chapter) followed by introductory
speeches by co-conveners Dr. Ravi S.
Jakka (Secretary, Soil Dynamics forum, presentation on “Seismic response of Expert Talk on Importance of Software
ISET) and Dr. S.M. Pore (Professor, reinforced retaining walls”. Dr. Ravi S. for Civil Engineering & Internship was
DBATU, Lonere). After this, Dr. N.G. Jakka, Associate professor, IIT Roorkee organized by IGS Aurangabad Chapter
Patil, Director, MIT, Aurangabad and made a presentation on “Influence of local in association with Civil Engineering
Prof. N.K. Samadhiya, President, IGS soil conditions on seismic site response Department, Marathwada Institute of
addressed the participants. and their estimation”. Dr. Ajanta Sachan, Technology, Aurangabad. The webinar
The STTP aimed to enhance the Associate Professor, IIT Gandhinagar started with a welcome speech and a
participants with the concepts of made a presentation on “Liquefaction”. brief introduction of the expert at 11:30
geotechnical earthquake engineering, Dr. Viswas A. Sawant, Professor, Civil am on 25 November 2021 through the
seismic response of reinforced retaining Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee online platform of the ZOOM app. The
walls, influence of local soil conditions made a presentation on “Seismic session was addressed by Er. Hitesh
on seismic site response, influence aspects of pile/shallow foundation”. Dr. Lahoti (Authorized Trainer & Structural
of soil conditions on design response Vipul Prakash, Professor, IIT Roorkee Consultant) at 11:40 am on the title
spectra, seismic hazards and risk made a presentation on “Influence of “Importance of Software for Civil
assessment, seismic design of slopes soil conditions on design response Engineering & Internship”. During the
and embankments, physical modeling spectra”. Dr. Amit Prashant, Professor, talk, the speaker gave brief information
of earthquake effects, liquefaction, IIT Gandhinagar made a presentation on the various software related to civil
modeling of elements for analysis, on “Seismic design of slopes and engineering and also the importance of
seismic aspects of pile etc. 165 embankments”. Dr. Ing. B.V.S. software in the construction industry.
participants registered for this STTP, Viswanadham, Professor, IIT Bombay The speaker briefed about various
which consisted of faculty members of made a presentation on “Physical software training and courses available
renowned institutions, research scholars, modeling of earthquake effects and for students who wish to enter the
and UG/PG Students from various liquefaction remediation”. Dr. Sreevalsa industry. The importance of ETABS
places. Vote of Thanks were given by Kolathayar, NIT, Surathkal made a & STAAD Pro in structural analysis
Er. S. G. Quadri, Joint Secretary, IGS presentation on “Seismic hazard and and design, use of AutoCAD for
Aurangabad Chapter. risk assessment”. Dr. Sachin M. Pore, drafting, the importance of MS Project
Professor, DBATU Lonere made a in project management was also
Dr. Vasant A Matsagar, Professor,
presentation on “Modeling of elements explained to participants. At the end
IIT Delhi made a presentation on
for analysis’’. Dr. U.B. Kalwane, MIT, of the session, a demo on foundation
“Introduction to geotechnical earthquake
Aurangabad made a presentation on design in STAAD Pro was given by
engineering”. Dr. Madhavi Latha Gali,
“Stress management through Yoga”. exerting.
Professor, IISc, Bangalore made a

12 IGS News u October-December 2021

IGS Guntur Chapter
The IGS Guntur Chapter in association
with the Department of Civil
Engineering, RVR & JC College of
Engineering, Guntur, A.P. conducted
64th Webinar under IGS Student Chapter
on 07.10.2021. A. Shivaditya, Marine
Geotechnical Engineer, COWI delivered
a webinar lecture on “Geotechnical
Finite Element Analysis using Python
Interface”, shared his knowledge
and experience. Participants actively
interacted with the resource person.
in the execution of one of the projects. Er. V.K. Panwar, Sr. General Manager,
Participants actively interacted with the EIL, Haryana explained the design of
resource person. Tank foundations for Hydrocarbons.
Er.V.K. Panwar shared his knowledge
Fourth Prof. A.Sreerama Rao
and experiences on tank foundations,
Commemorative lecture was organized
design philosophy of tank foundations,
by the IGS Guntur Chapter on 20th
and case studies.
November 2021. Around 50 participants
attended the webinar. The welcome
address was given by Er. G. Brahmaiah,
Executive Engineer and Chairman, IGS
Guntur, in which he briefed about the
activities conducted by the chapter during
this year. Dr. M. Rama Rao, Professor
& HOD, Department of Civil Engg.,
The IGS Guntur Chapter in association RVR & JCCE, Guntur and Secretary,
with the Department of Civil IGS Guntur chapter presented the brief
Engineering, Chalapathi Institute of biodata of late Prof. Sreerama Rao who
Technology, Mothadaka, Guntur Dist, was instrumental in the formation of
A.P. conducted 65th Webinar under the IGS Guntur Chapter. Prof. N.K.
IGS Student Chapter on 13.10.2021. Er. Samadhiya, President IGS, New Delhi,
B.V.Sushma, Tata Consulting Engineers briefed about the contributions made by
Ltd, Assistant General Manager, Civil Late. Prof. A. Sreerama Rao. Mr. PVS.
(Geotech) delivered a lecture on “Raising Maruthi Krishna, Associate Prof., RVR
Ash Pond for Augmented Storage”, & JCCE, introduced the speaker to the
shared her knowledge and experience audience.

IGS Hyderabad Chapter

Indian Geotechnical Society Hyderabad
Chapter in association with VNR
VJIET, Hyderabad, JNTU College of
Engineering, Hyderabad, and Indian
Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,
organized a workshop on ‘GeoPractices
2021’ on 27 Nov 2021 at VNR VJIET,
Hyderabad. On behalf of the IGS
Hyderabad Chapter, Dr. S. Sasanka
Mouli, Assistant Professor, VNR VJIET,
Hyderabad, organized the event.
The conference was inaugurated by Prof.
E. Saibaba Reddy, former Principal,
JNTUCEH, Chairman of IGS Hyderabad
The inaugural session of Geopractices 2021

IGS News u October-December 2021 13

Chapter; Prof. M.R. Madhav, Emeritus
Professor, JNTU Hyderabad; Dr. S.
Sasanka Mouli, Assistant Professor,
VNR VJIET, Hyderabad and organizing
secretary of the GeoPractices 2021.
Dr. C.R. Parthasarathy, Founder,
Chairman, and Managing Director,
Sarathy Geotech and Engineering
Services Pvt Ltd., delivered the Tenth
Madhav lecture on ‘Geotechnical
Investigation for Onshore and Offshore
Structures - Good Practices’. Prof. Amit
Prashanth, Professor, Civil Engineering
and Dean of Research and Development,
IIT Gandhinagar, delivered his talk on Lecture on geotechnical investigation for offshore and onland structures-Good practices and
case studies by Dr. C.R. Parthasarathy
‘Seismic Displacements of Cantilever
Retaining Walls using Double Wedge delivered his lecture on ‘Pile Foundations Strain Deformation in Rocks’. Over 135
Model’. Additionally, two more - Design Issues and Geotechnical delegates attended the conference and
lectures were delivered. Dr. Jaykumar Interpretation’ and Dr. Shwetabh Yadav, made it a grand success. The conference
Shukla, Principal Engineer, and Senior Assistant Professor, IIT Hyderabad, concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. S.
Consultant, Geo dynamics, Vadodara, delivered his talk on ‘Mechanics of Large Sasanka Mouli.

IGS Jabalpur Chapter reinforcement arrangement of the pile. the pile load test (PLT). The project
The site engineer explained the use of engineer explained the importance of
IGS Jabalpur Chapter and Jabalpur bentonite powder in the granular soil PLT. About 30 students visited these
Student Chapter jointly conducted strata. The second visit was done on construction works and got benefited.
three site visits for civil engineering 17th November at Garha road location Jabalpur Student Chapter’s president
students in October, November, and where the slab construction work of Er. Sagar Shrivastava coordinated the
December 2021. The students visited the elevated corridor was in progress. visit. Er. Sanjeev Verma, Chairman, and
under construction works of the longest At this location, students checked the Dr. Sanjay Verma, Honorary Secretary
elevated corridor in Madhya Pradesh in reinforcement of slabs and beams. The of IGS Jabalpur Chapter motivated
Jabalpur. The elevated corridor is about site engineer explained the importance and appreciated the student chapter
6.9 km long between Damoh Naka to of expansion and construction joints. activities.
Madan Mahal is designed by AECOM He also explained the construction
and the construction work is being IGS Jabalpur Chapter and Students’
of reinforced earth walls. The third
carried out by Nagarjun Construction Chapter jointly organized a National
visit was carried out on 6th December
Company Ltd. On 30th October students Webinar on 26th December. A lecture
at Madan mahal location where the
visited the construction of piling work was delivered by Dr. R.N. Khare,
construction of foundation work for a
at Ranital location. Students learned Principal VEC Lakhanpur C.G. on the
cable-stayed bridge is under progress.
the method of pile digging and the topic “Characterization of Contaminated
At this location, the students learned
Soil”. Dr. Khare explained the effect
of contaminated water on the bearing
capacity of the soil. He also described
arsenic and chloride contamination and
its impact on soil. Dr. N.K. Samadhiya,

14 IGS News u October-December 2021

President, IGS was the Chief Guest of the
webinar. Er. Sanjiv Verma, Chairman,
welcomed the guests and Dr. Sanjay
Verma, Honorary Secretary, conducted
the webinar. Er. Sagar Shrivastava from
the Students Chapter moderated the
webinar and Prof. Vedant Shrivastava
proposed a vote of thanks. NEC member
Er. Ravi Sundaram, Dr. A.P. Singh, and
about 50 participants, eminent practicing
engineers, technocrats, and students
from various engineering colleges were
present in the webinars. E-certificates
were presented to the participants.

IGS Jodhpur Chapter December 5, 2021, through online mode. on “Site investigation- Today’s scenario
The lecture was delivered by Dr. D.L. and case studies”. Dr. D.L. Shah is the
IGS Jodhpur Chapter organized the Shah, Ex. Head of Applied Mechanics Chairman of the IGS Vadodara Chapter.
2nd Alam Singh memorial lecture on Department, M.S. University of Baroda Honourable IGS president Dr. N.K.
Samadhiya was the Chief Guest of the
event, whereas Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma,
Honourable Vice-Chancellor of MBM
University was the presiding guest and Dr.
Sunil Sharma, Dean, MBM Engineering
College was the Guest of Honour. About
100 participants, including faculties of
various colleges, students, and several
practicing engineers, attended the
lecture. The lecture consisted of various
design and practical issues which are
related to site investigation. Dr. D.L.
Shah used various case studies to explain
the prevalent issues in site investigation
and presented the possible remedies.

IGS Kochi Chapter life history of Dr. Terzaghi, touching of late Sri Praphulla Kumar, founder vice-
upon both his professional and personal chairman of the IGS Kochi Chapter. The
The fourth in the series, Rendezvous-4 life journey which took him to fame as program was conducted virtually. This
Webinar 2021-22 was conducted on ‘Father of Soil Mechanics’. In the second year’s memorial lecture was delivered
the 4th October 2021 at 7.00 pm on session, Dr. Balu George presented by Eminent Professor (Dr) Mahendra
the zoom platform. After the welcome his doctoral work on Helical Piles, a Singh, Professor of Civil Engineering,
address by Shri. M. D. Nair, Chairman popular foundation choice in many Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
IGS Kochi Chapter, Dr. Jimmy Thomas, countries. The application of helical The Chief Guest of the function was Prof.
EC member, IGS introduced the speaker piles in cohesionless soils includes Light N.K. Samadhiya, President IGS. The
of the evening Prof. (Dr) B.R.Srinivasa Houses, Solar Panels, and many such function was presided over by Sri M.D.
Murthy, of IISc Bangalore. Dr. structures subjected to uplift loads. Dr. Nair, Chairman of IGS-Kochi Chapter.
Srinivasa Murthy is a renowned expert Balu narrated the foundation technique After his welcome speech, Sri. Leeson
in soil stabilization using soil nailing using the helical piles. This was followed Paulose, Hon. Secretary of APS-Kochi
techniques and by using geotextiles. by a very lively discussion. Dr. Jimmy Centre gave a brief background of the
The webinar series 2021-22 - Thomas, an IGS-EC member proposed annual Praphulla Kumar lecture. Mrs.
Rendezvous-5 was conducted on the 8th the vote of thanks. Sadhana Verma, wife of Sri. Praphulla
November 2021 at 7.00 pm on the zoom Kumar then addressed the gathering.
On 30th November 2021, the IGS-
platform. In the first session, Dr. Divya Kochi Chapter in association with the After a brief introduction of the President
gave a very interesting and illuminative Association of Piling Specialists-Kochi IGS by Dr. Jimmy Thomas, IGS-EC
life of Dr. Karl Terzaghi, the father of Centre organized the Tenth Praphulla member, the Program was inaugurated
soil mechanics. She gave an interesting Kumar Memorial lecture in the memory by Prof. Samadhiya, President IGS.
IGS News u October-December 2021 15
The Honorable Speaker of the day Er. Reji Zacharia, the IGC-2022 website was concluded with Dr. Anil Joseph,
Prof. Mahendra Singh was introduced was launched by President IGS, Prof. Hon. Secretary, IGS-Kochi chapter
to the audience by Dr. Beny Mathews Samadhiya. He then released the first proposing the vote of thanks. IGS-Kochi
Abraham, Vice-Chairman of the IGS- bulletin of the IGC-2022. Chapter AGM for the year 2021 was then
Kochi Chapter. Prof. Mahendra Singh conducted at 2 p.m.
then delivered a very interesting and Dr. Babu T Jose, Patron of the IGS-Kochi
informative talk on “Strength Behaviour chapter, then announced the IGS-AISAT The Sixth in the series of Webinar
of Jointed Rocks: Applications in Slopes, award for the best M.Tech. Thesis in 2021-22, Rendezvous-6 was conducted
Foundations, and Tunnels”. Dr. Singh Geotechnical Engineering in Kerala for on the 6th December 2021 at 7.00
discussed recently developed approaches the year 2021. The award consisted of pm on zoom platform. Dr. Akhila,
that take into account the effect of various a cash price, memento, and certificate. Assistant Professor at SCMS School of
aspects of discontinuities in assessing Mr. Abhilash Joy, President, GRACE Engineering & Technology, Karukutty
the strength response of the rock mass. announced the results of the best B.Tech. in her presentation of “Liquefaction of
The applicability of these approaches Project competition for B.Tech. Civil Silts and Low Plastic Clays” explained
to problems of slopes, foundations, Engineering. The AISAT-GRACE price the reason why liquefaction is a very
and tunnels was also demonstrated in for the winners was a rolling trophy, important cause for extreme property
the talk. The talk was appreciated by cash price, and certificates. Felicitations damage and loss of life. Dr. Anil Joseph,
both the academicians and practicing were given by Rev.Fr. Denny Mathew Hon Secretary, IGS Kochi chapter.,
engineers. After a brief introduction by Peringatt, Manager, AISAT. The meeting proposed the vote of thanks.

IGS Pune Chapter

IGS Pune Chapter organized an event on
8th October 2021 in the fond memory
of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam with an expert
lecture delivered by Dr. Neelima Satyam
(Assoc. Prof and Head, Dept. of Civil
Engg, IIT Indore).
The event began with a warm welcome
to all dignitaries by Er. Suman Jain, Hon.
Secretary, IGS Pune Chapter and seeking exhaustive, explaining all laboratory Industry is the treasured personality of
the blessings of goddess Saraswati on tests indicating macro characterization the IGS Pune Chapter. Er. Vikas Patil,
the auspicious occasion of the 2nd day and engineering properties of bio- Chairman along with Ex. Committee
of Navratri. Er. Vikas Patil, Chairman, cemented sand. Er Suman Jain, delivered members grabbed a wonderful
IGS Pune Chapter welcomed the Chief the Vote of Thanks at the conclusion of opportunity to express their love and
Guest Dr. S R Gandhi, Guest of Honour, the event. affection towards Shri Kulkarni on his
IGS President Dr. N K Samadhiya, 75th birthday that was celebrated in a
distinguished speaker Dr. Neelima IGS Pune Chapter celebrated and
grand way on the 26th of November 2021.
Satyam, wellness partner Dr. Kumar honored Er. Ramesh Kulkarni on his
The celebrations will be remembered
Pitchumani, event sponsor TechFab (I) 75th birthday on 26th Nov. 2021.
for long by the committee members
represented by Dheeraj Kumar and all Er. Ramesh Kulkarni, a maestro and which indeed was a thanksgiving event
participants on Zoom and Facebook Live well-known figure in the Geotechnical celebrated to express gratitude and
(more than 150).
Distinguished guests motivated all
present by their inspiring words after
being introduced by Dr. Nalawade, Er.
Deepali and Dr. Krishnaiah respectively.
Kumar Pitchumani gave the Mantra for an
energetic healthy life - Deep breathing
and conscious chewing, which left
everyone energized. The presentation
by Dr. Neelima Satyam was on the topic
“Laboratory to Large Scale Application of
Bio-cementation in Liquefiable Sand”’.
The topic was selected keeping in mind
the interest of the student community and
research scholars. The session was quite Er. Ramesh Kulkarni with Mrs. Kulkarni, Dr. Nitin Karmalkar and Ex. Committee members

16 IGS News u October-December 2021

recognize the initiatives taken by him for
establishing and ensuring the growth of
the IGS Pune Chapter.
IGS Pune Chapter in association
with PVPIT, Pune organized a State
Level Mega Quiz Competition for
civil engineering degree & diploma
Students and 12th science students.
For engineering students, the quiz was
focused on the geotechnical field while
for 12th science students it was a general
quiz competition. The event was well
coordinated by IGS faculty advisor Prof
A K Kadu and other staff. Organizers with Quiz winners

IGS Roorkee Chapter

The first-ever Research Conclave 2021
was jointly organized by the Indian
Geotechnical Society (IGS) Roorkee
Student Chapter and the Department of
Civil Engineering in virtual mode on
4th-5th December 2021. The event was
inaugurated in the honorable presence
of Chief Guest Prof. T.G. Sitharam,
Director of IIT Guwahati, Prof. N.K.
Samadhiya, President of IGS, and
Prof. S.K. Ghosh, Head of the Civil
Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee.
Prof. Mahendra Singh, Chairman of
IGS Roorkee Local Chapter, and Prof.
V.A. Sawant, Faculty coordinator of
IGS Roorkee Student Chapter also (Technical), THDC India Ltd), Prof. response of over 40 abstracts from
addressed the participants. The 2-day M.R. Madhav (IIT & JNTU Hyderabad), various National and International
conclave hosted four keynote lectures Prof. S. Haldar (IIT Bhubaneshwar), Institutes, out of which 17 full-length
by renowned geotechnical experts, and Prof. N.R. Patra (IIT Kanpur). papers and 2 extended abstracts were
namely Mr. H.L. Arora (Former Director The event received an overwhelming invited for presentations.

IGS Shimla Chapter Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh in STRUCTURES, MATERIALS and
collaboration with the Indian Geotechnical CONSTRUCTION (ICSMC) 2021
Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee Society (IGS) Shimla chapter organized on 12th and 13th November 2021 in
University of Information Technology, the first international conference on online mode. ICSMC 2021 featured
keynote lectures by 10 world-renowned
speakers and 100 oral papers by various
delegates. Selected proceedings of the
conference are published by Springer
in its Scopus indexed book series called
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering in
the book entitled “Recent Advances in
Structural Engineering and Construction
Management” which will become
available in early 2022.
The conference saw various deliberations
upon a vast range of topics related to the
Engineering & Construction sector for
improving productivity and efficiency
IGS News u October-December 2021 17
of the industry as well as research augmented reality, drones, 3D scanning Singapore, Prof. Sandeep Singh from
& innovation. Latest research upon and printing, Building Information Department of Earth Sciences, IIT
structural engineering, structural health Modelling (BIM), advanced building Roorkee, India, to name a few who
monitoring, new age digitalization, materials were some of the topics which enlightened the participants upon various
innovative material technologies, were covered in the conference. burning aspects in the field of structural
advancement in the geotechnical Keynote speakers included renowned engineering, geotechnical engineering,
regime, new construction techniques & personalities like Dr. Kong Kian construction management, and smart
autonomous equipment, utilization of Hau from the National University of materials.

IGS Thiruvananthapuram • Dr. R. Shivashankar, Professor, NITK 3. Dr. Purnanand Savoikar, Member,
Chapter Surathkal TC 107, Professor, Goa Engineering
• Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Associate College
IGS Thiruvananthapuram Chapter Professor, NITK Surathkal 4. Dr. Jayamohan J, Member, TC
organizes an annual Commemorative 107, Professor, LBS Institute of
• Dr. Sheila Evangeline, Professor
lecture in fond memory of late Prof T Technology for Women
(Retd), College of Engineering
S Ramanatha Ayyer. The 5th Annual
Trivandrum 5. Mrs. Bindhu Rajagopal, Principal
Lecture was organized on November
• Dr. Purnanand Savoikar, Professor, Soil Chemist, Central Soil Analytical
20th, 2021, in association with the
Goa Engineering College Laboratory, Government of Kerala
Department of Civil Engineering of
LBS Institute of Technology for Women, • Dr. Chandresh Solanki, Professor, The Student Chapters of the Indian
Thiruvananthapuram. The speaker was SVNIT, Surat Geotechnical Society and Indian Concrete
Dr. Deepankar Choudhury, Prof. T.Kant • Dr. Jaya V, Professor, College of Institute of LBS Institute of Technology
Chair Professor and Head, Department Engineering Trivandrum for Women, Thiruvananthapuram jointly
of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay. • Dr. Neelima Sathyam, Professor, IIT organized an online National Conference
The lecture was inaugurated by Prof Indore on “Geotechnics and Concrete Structures
Narendra Samadhiya, President, Indian • Dr. Arumairaj, Professor (Retd), GeoCon 2021”, on December 2nd and
Geotechnical Society. The topic of the Government College of Technology, 3rd, 2021. Thirty-Six Technical papers
lecture was “Foundation Systems for Coimbatore were presented at the conference.
Mega Structures – Recent Advances”. • Dr. Ashish Juneja, Professor, IIT Plenary lectures were delivered by the
IGS Thiruvananthapuram Chapter Bombay following speakers
organized an online Faculty Development • Dr. Divya, Associate Professor, IIT 1. Dr. K. Balan, Professor (Retd),
Programme on “Geotechniques for Palakkad College of Engineering Trivandrum
Infrastructure Projects”, in association 2. Dr. N. Unnikrishnan, Professor,
IGS Thiruvananthapuram Chapter
with the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum
organized an online Symposium on
LBS Institute of Technology for Women, 3. Dr. Jaya. V, Professor, College of
“Tropical Residual Soils”, in association
Thiruvananthapuram from November Engineering Trivandrum
with TC 107 and the Department of Civil
22nd to 26th 2021. The program was
Engineering, LBS Institute of Technology 4. Dr. Priyadarshini, Professor, College
inaugurated by Dr. Narendra Samadhiya,
for Women, Thiruvananthapuram on of Engineering Trivandrum
President, Indian Geotechnical Society.
December 1st, 2021. The program was 5. Dr. Lakshmi, Professor, College of
The speakers of the Faculty Development inaugurated by Dr. Anthony Leung, Engineering Trivandrum
Programme were Secretary, TC 107. The speakers of the 6. Dr. Jayasree PK, Professor, College
• Dr. Narendra Samadhiya, Professor, program were of Engineering Trivandrum
IIT Roorkee 1. Dr. Anthony Leung, Secretary, World Soil Day Celebrations were
• Dr. B. Umashankar, Professor, IIT TC 107, Professor, Hongkong organized by the IGS Student Chapter
Hyderabad University of Marian Engineering College,
• Dr. G.V. Rao, Professor, IIT 2. Dr. R. Shivashankar, Member, TC Thiruvananthapuram. They organized
Gandhinagar 107, Professor, NITK Surathkal technical events.

IGS Vellore Chapter Engineering, VIT Vellore on 02nd 60 participants from various NITs,
October 2021 in online mode. This IITs, reputed universities and academic
A one-day webinar on Geophysics for webinar aimed to guide participants institutions, and from Government/Non-
Site Characterization and Remediation on the successful implementation of Government organizations attended
Monitoring was organized by the Indian geophysical surveys for geological the program. A lecture on “Mapping
Geotechnical Society – Vellore Chapter mapping, groundwater exploration & of Karstic Features in Limestone using
in association with the School of Civil geotechnical investigations. More than Microgravity for Geotechnical/Site

18 IGS News u October-December 2021

Investigation” was delivered by Mr.
Jamaludin Othman, Founder & Principal
Geophysicist, subMap Geophysical
Services Sdn Bhd, Malaysia in Session
1. In session 2, a lecture on “Geophysical
Investigations for Landslides” was
delivered by Dr. Chandrasekaran S.S.,
Professor & Director, Centre for Disaster
Mitigation & Management (CDMM),
VIT Vellore. In the afternoon session
Ms. Silky Agrawal, Founder, GeoCarte
Radar Technology Pvt. Ltd, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat discussed principles of Ground
IGS – Vellore student chapter, organized illustrating the application of geotechnical
Penetrating Radar (GPR), various
an expert lecture on “Case Studies in engineering under various changeling
projects of soil explorations using
Geotechnical Engineering” on 21st situations. Dr. M. Muthukumar, Associate
GPR, and its processing techniques to
October 2021 (11 AM to 12.30 PM) professor, School of Civil Engineering,
extract subsurface information. Finally,
through online mode using Microsoft VIT and Chairman, IGS-Vellore chapter,
the participants and the speakers of all
Teams. The expert lecture was delivered welcomed the participants. Dr. B. Divya
sessions had a technical discussion. The
by Shri Ravi Sundaram, Director, Cengrs Priya, Assistant Professor, School of Civil
session ended with a valedictory function
Geotechnica Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. Nearly Engineering, VIT and Secretary, IGS-
and participants gave good feedback
100 participants, including faculty, Vellore chapter introduced the speaker,
about the webinar.
research scholars, and students attended and Dr. S.S. Ajeesh, Assistant Professor,
The IGS Vellore Student Chapter was the expert lecture. During the expert School of Civil Engineering, VIT and
inaugurated on 21.10.2021 at Vellore lecture, Shri Ravi Sundaram discussed Faculty coordinator, IGS Vellore student
Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore. three different interesting case studies chapter proposed the vote of thanks.

IGS Agartala Chapter S. Jakka, Associate Professor, Dept. of for leading this chapter with several
Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee activities in this part of the country.
A webinar on the most relevant and & Former Secretary, Indian Society of Appraising the topic of the webinar on
important topic of ‘Importance of Earthquake Technology (ISET), and Dr. Earthquake Engineering, he suggested
Seismic Microzonation of Indian Cities’ Jay Kumar Shukla, Principal Engineer research in the direction of developing
was organized on 27th November 2021 & Senior consultant Geo Dynamics; Er. Seismic Resilient Affordable Houses
by the Indian Geotechnical Society, C. Debnath, Chairman, IEI Tripura state for all clusters of people especially
Agartala Chapter in association with center; Prof. S K Pal, Chairman, IGS for this seismically active NE region,
National Institute of Technology, Agartala Chapter & Professor Dept. of and stressed on the development of
Agartala (NIT Agartala) & The Institute Civil Eng, NIT Agartala; and Dr. Rajib Earthquake Early Warning System. He
of Engineers of India, Tripura State Center Saha, Secretary, IGS Agartala chapter & appealed to the present dignitaries for
in commemoration of the foundation day Associate Professor Civil Engineering. assisting the Seismic School of Science
of the chapter. The inauguration session and Engineering of NIT Agartala by
was graced by Prof. NK Samadhiya, Prof. Samadhiya congratulated the
taking up some collaborative research
President IGS & Professor, Dept. of Civil IGS Agartala chapter for hosting this
proposals. Both expert speakers, Prof.
Engineering, IIT Roorkee; Prof. Harish webinar. Prof. H K Sharma, Director,
Ravi Jakka and Dr. Jay Kumar Shukla
Kumar Sharma, Director NIT Agartala; NIT Agartala appreciated the Civil
have also stressed upon need to carry
two expert speakers namely, Prof. Ravi Engineering Department, NIT Agartala
out Seismic Microzonation work for the
urban areas of our country especially
in NE India and setting up satellite-
based earthquake recording stations. In
this context, the action taken by a state
like Uttarakhand and Gujarat may be
Finally, Prof. S. K. Pal (Organizing
Chairman) and Dr. Rajib Saha (Organizing
Secretary of this event) briefed the
activities and roles of the IGS Agartala
chapter and gave a vote of thanks to all
dignitaries, expert speakers, and attendees/
participants of the webinar.
IGS News u October-December 2021 19
IGS Visakhapatnam
A 3-day online training program on
“Earthquake and Cyclone Disaster Risk
Mitigation” was organized by Andhra
University College of Engineering,
Visakhapatnam, and Indian Geotechnical
Society Visakhapatnam Chapter in
collaboration with the National Institute
of Disaster Management (NIDM), New Prof. N.K. Samadhiya, President, IGS delivering the Inaugural Address
Delhi during October 26-28, 2021. Prof.
Ali Khan, NIDM appreciated the active and maintenance of existing drains
C.N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy, Department
collaboration of the Department of Civil was stressed to mitigate the urban
of Civil Engineering, Andhra University
Engineering, Andhra University College flooding problem. Prof. K. S. Rao, IIT
College of Engineering & Chairman, IGS
of Engineering, and IGS Visakhapatnam Delhi delivered a lecture on “Seismic
Visakhapatnam Chapter and Dr. Amir
Chapter with NIDM to organize the microzonation of mega cities- A case
Ali Khan, NIDM, New Delhi convened
technical events on disaster risk mitigation study of Delhi”. The need for performing
the program. The training program was
on regular basis. seismic microzonation in other cities
inaugurated by Prof. N.K. Samadhiya,
of India was highlighted as it helps in
IIT Roorkee and President, Indian During the first day (26.10.2021) of the
evaluating the vulnerability of sites that
Geotechnical Society, New Delhi. program, Dr. Shilpa Pal from Delhi
experience severe ground amplification
Technological University delivered a
During the inaugural address, Prof. N.K. during earthquakes. The methods for
lecture on “Basic conceptual design of
Samadhiya stressed the preparedness of evaluation of the liquefaction potential of
earthquake-safe structures”. Dr. Shilpa
engineers for the design of earthquake subsoil strata were presented.
deliberated on the influence of foundation
resistant structures as 50% of the area During the final (third) day (28.10.2021)
type on the stability of structures during
in India has a moderate risk against of the training program, Prof. K. Srinivasa
earthquakes. Effects of Irregularities in
earthquake occurrence. Further, he Rao, Andhra University delivered a
vertical and horizontal directions and
emphasized the need for the design lecture on the topic of “Repair and
soft storey in terms of structural stability
of structures along the long coast of retrofitting of distressed structures”.
during the earthquakes were explained.
the country for the anticipated lateral He explained the various techniques to
Prof. Ravi Sinha, IIT Bombay delivered
loads caused by high-speed winds of repair the affected structures after the
a lecture on “Modeling and analysis
cyclones. Prof. C.N.V. Satyanarayana disasters. Also, he stressed the need and
for earthquake resistant structures”. He
Reddy, Andhra University called for methods to retrofit the existing vulnerable
suggested adopting dynamic analysis
the attention of engineers in the safe structures to ensure safety against future
through model studies for precise
design of structures, particularly high- anticipated disasters. Dr. P. Hari Krishna,
estimation of loads under anticipated
rise structures, skyscrapers, and flyovers Chief Scientist, SERC, Chennai delivered
by proper consideration of appropriate a lecture on “Cyclone disaster mitigation
earthquakes and cyclone wind loads During the second day (27.10.2021) of
for structures”. Various issues related to
as the failure of the structures result in the training program, Prof. N.V. Uma
the design of structures for high-speed
loss of life and property. Prof. Chandan Mahesh, NIT Warangal delivered a lecture
cyclonic wind loads were explained. Also,
Ghosh, Head, Building Infrastructure on “Urban flooding” with case studies
he presented case studies on the failure of
Division, NIDM stressed on usage of IS on recent flooding of metropolitan cities
structures affected by recent cyclones.
codes for appropriate estimation of site- such as Bombay, Bangalore, Chennai,
specific loads on proposed structures and Hyderabad. The need for stormwater 242 delegates comprising academicians
from earthquakes and cyclones. Dr. Amir management at the community level from engineering colleges, engineers
from state and central government
organizations, practicing engineers from
consulting firms/organizations, research
scholars, and engineering students from
different parts of India participated in the
training program. The technical sessions
of the training program can be viewed on
YouTube through the following day-wise
Day 1 (26-10-2021):
Day 2 (27-10-2021):
Dr Amir Ali Khan, Prof. C.N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy, Dr P. Hari krishna and Day 3 (28-10-2021):
Prof. K. Srinivasa Rao during Technical Sessions of the training program https://youtu.be/vklqDzfrmUE

20 IGS News u October-December 2021

IGS Visakhapatnam Chapter in parts of the country. The following is the of Engineering on December 20, 2021 in
association with the Department of link for Prof. Madhav’s special lecture online mode on Google Meet Platform.
Civil Engineering, Andhra University video. Prof. Anand addressed the challenges
College of Engineering organized a posed by problematic soils in general and
Special Lecture on “Soil Nailing and expansive soils in particular to various
Micro Piles” by Prof. M.R. Madhav, civil engineering structures and suggested
Visiting Professor, IIT Hyderabad & remedial measures. He presented the
Emeritus professor, JNTU, Hyderabad Another special lecture on “Problematic information through interesting case
on 13th November 2021 in online mode Soils – Geotechnical Challenges ad studies and exposed the participants to
on Google Meet platform. Prof. Madhav Solutions” by Prof. Puppala Anand, the area of deep mixing of expansive clay
presented the design concepts of soil Department of Civil and Environmental with cement. The lecture was attended by
nailing and explained the construction of Engineering, A.P and Florence Wiley more than 160 participants from different
soil-nailed walls for the retention of soil Chair, Interim Director, Centre for parts of the country. The lecture is
in excavations. The role of Micropiles Infrastructure Renewal, Texas A & available for viewing on YouTube using
in retrofitting structures and retention M University, Texas was organized the link given below.
of soil in excavation is highlighted. The by IGS Visakhapatnam Chapter in
YouTube Link
special lecture was attended by more association with Department of Civil
than 180 participants from different Engineering, Andhra University College

Vol 15, Issue 6, December 2021
Table of Contents
Message from member societies................................................................................................................................................................... 1

ISSMGE Time Capsule Project..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

TC Corner...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Conference Reports...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
• XXXI Italian National Conference on Geo-synthetics Engineering, Bari, Italy
• International Geotechnical Forum, Saint Peterberg, Russia

ISSMGE Foundation reports..................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Event Diary.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Corporate Associates.................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Foundation Donors..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27

Important News
ü Indian Geotechnical Journal is being published in 6 issues from 2019.
ü Cover page of the Indian Geotechnical Journal has changed.

IGC-2023 would be hosted by
IGS-Roorkee Chapter
The Venue, Theme, scheduled dates etc. are being worked out and shall be announced soon.

IGS News u October-December 2021 21


BRIEF OUTLINE/BACKGROUND of the Lamp. The welcome address was delivered by Prof. G.
The 43rd Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC-2021 was Swaminathan, Head, Department of civil engineering, NIT
planned to be organized jointly by the IGS Trichy Chapter Trichy, acknowledging the importance of infrastructure and
and National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during innovative applications in the geotechnics stream. The colossal
the month of December 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic activity and milestones of the Indian Geotechnical Society
situation, it was decided to organize the conference in a were precisely illustrated by Prof. J. T. Shahu, Hon.Secretary
virtual mode. Amidst the various online virtual conferences, of IGS, followed by the brief outline of the IGC2021 journey
a tremendous effort has been made to develop a 3D platform, since the beginning by Prof.K. Muthukkumaran, Chairperson,
showcasing the NIT Trichy campus features and facilities. The IGC-2021 and IGS Trichy chapter. With that note, Prof N.
accessibility and usage of the virtual platform were made easy K. Samadhiya sermonized the presidential address, during
and convenient by releasing a demonstration video featuring which he deliberately quoted the demand for infrastructural
the step-by-step guidelines of accessing the conference virtual improvement with sustainable development and the necessity
platform. Besides, the dry run session was successfully of bridging research efforts between academia and industry.
conducted on December 14 & 15, 2021, to the invited speakers The guest of honor address was facilitated by Prof. T.G.
and authors, which enhanced the lecture delivery to a more Sitharam, and he affirmed that the research and development
significant extent. Additional guidelines were communicated to are the backbone of a globally competent knowledge-driven
the chair/co-chair/session coordinators along with the dry run economy and investing in the same would fetch enormous
session, which disabled all the possible technical glitches in the market participation. Meanwhile, Director’s address was given
conference. by Prof. G. Kannabiran, Director Incharge, NIT Trichy.
The inaugural address was delivered by the chief guest, Shri
D.K. Sen, during which he meticulously highlighted his
Preconference workshop on “Unsaturated Soils” was challenging personal experiences in geotechnical investigations.
successfully organized by ISSMGE TC106 on December 15, While concluding his address, he also added the importance
2021, which had around 400+ geotechnical society members of geotechnical engineering when it comes to infrastructure
in the audience. It consisted of two technical sessions followed development, especially transport connectivity, including
by a panel discussion. Around 25+ speakers & panel members remote areas. Appreciation and excellence awards were
took part in the workshop session. On the same day, another communicated by the Indian Geotechnical Society. Towards
panel discussion on “Geotechnical Engineering Challenges: the end of the inaugural ceremony, the vote of thanks was given
Academia and Industry Perspective” was arranged to kindle and by Dr. U. Mashudha Sulthana, Organizing secretary, IGC2021.
share the perspectives between academia and industry, which The inaugural ceremony was followed by the 43rd IGS Annual
accommodated more than 20+ panel members. Both academia lecture on “A Tryst with Geosynthetics” which was deliveredby
and industry panel members sportively communicated their Shri. Shahrokh P. Bagli, Technical Advisor and Chief
benefits, demands, challenges, and practical implications in the Technology Officer, Strata Geosystems. The annual lecture
stream of geotechnical engineering. projectedthe diverse applications of geosynthetics, the need to
INAUGURAL CEREMONY & 43rd IGS ANNUAL consider any geotechnical aspect of a project holistically rather
LECTURE than in isolation, encourage out-of-the-box solutions, and, most
importantly, emphasize conservation of natural resources.
The inaugural ceremony was commenced on December 16,
2021, with the esteemed presence of the chief guest, Shri. RESOURCE CENTER
D. K. Sen, Whole-Time Director and Senior Executive Vice The resource center was made available in the virtual platform,
President (Development Projects), L&T, and guest of honor, which comprises the conference proceedings, program schedule,
Prof. T. G. Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati, with the lighting and a hand note on the 43rd IGS Annual lecture.In addition,

22 IGS News u October-December 2021

virtual exhibition stalls have been arranged with the facility to India Limited), and Prof. Alessandro Flora (University of
interact with the industry sponsors and access their video/text Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy). Plenary session - 3 was
content at their respective stall displays. followed by Technical Session – 2, constituted with the theme
TECHNICAL PROCESS lectures by Dr. Rajesh Sathyamoorthy (IIT Kanpur), Prof. C.H.
Solanki (NIT, Surat), Dr. Priti Maheshwari (IIT Roorkee), Prof.
More than 1000 delegates have shown continuous enthusiasm B Uma Shankar (IIT Hyderabad), and Er. M Kumaran (L&T
in attending the conference. The abstract submission was Geostructures, Chennai).
received from 567+ authors. Out of which, 529 abstracts have
been shortlisted under the core of 14 sub-themes. The technical Plenary session – 4 was accomplished with the eye-opening
committee involved in the reviewing process was constituted by lectures by Prof. K. Ilamparuthi (Anna University, Chennai)
184 reviewers, 14 co-editors, and editors. Upon the acceptance and Prof. Susan Gourvenec (University of Southampton,
of abstracts, 310 full-length papers have been submitted. Two UK). Upon the successful completion of Plenary session – 4,
hundred seventy-five articles have been accepted by the decision theme lectures have been accommodated in Technical session
of the technical committee and invited to submit the camera- – 3 by Dr.Jaykumar Shukla (Geo Dynamics), Dr.Pijush Samui
ready papers after the successful incorporation of reviewer and (NIT Patna), Prof. R Ayothiraman (IIT Delhi), Er. Annapoorni
editor comments in their original full-length paper. At this stage, Iyer (Engosym Consultants) and Dr. P Anbazhagan (IISc
240 camera-ready papers have been received, which was fed into Bangalore).
the rigorous evaluating process for the similarity in technical The second day came to an end with the sizzling cultural program,
content. During the first stage of the screening process, only which was conducted offline at BARN Hall, NIT Trichy,
157 papers have been passed, and the remaining articles have strictly adhering to the COVID – 19 SOP (Standard Operating
been given provision for revising and uploading the camera- Procedure) guidelines. The cultural program was clubbed with a
ready paper. Two such revisions were exercised, and finally,235 motivation and magic show performance by Prof. M. J. Rajesh
camera-ready papers have been accepted to be presented in the Fernando, a 12-time world recorder in creative communication
conference and carried further to the springer publication in the for character building. It was followed by a colorful mixture of
book series on “Lecture notes in Civil engineering.” pre-eminent Indian classical dance, Bharatnatyam, performed
by Shrimati. Vrinda Ramanan Group, Trichy.
To accommodate 235 technical paper presentations at the GLIMPSES OF THIRD DAY
conference, five halls have been provided for carrying out the The conference’s final day kickstarted with the enriched Plenary
technical session in parallel, and one separate (BARN) Hall Session -5. It was comprised of enlightening keynote lectures
has been allocated for the Plenary session, majorly to shelter by Prof. Sanjay Kumar Shukla (Edith Cowan University,
the keynote lectures. Meanwhile, the theme lectures have been Australia), Dr. R. Chitra (CSMRS, New Delhi), and Prof.
fitted in five different halls, including the technical sessions. BuddhimaIndraratna (University of Technology Syndey,
Australia). Plenary session - 5 was succeeded by Technical
session – 4, brimming with the intellective theme lectures by
On the first day of the conference, BARN Hall was honored by Dr. Ravi S Jakka (IIT Roorkee), Dr.C.R.Parthsarathy (Sarathy
the spectacular lectures by Prof. Kenichi Soga (University of Geotech & Engineering Services), Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
California), Dr. John Endicott (AECOM, Hong Kong), and Er. (NIT Srinagar), Prof. PurnanandSavoikar (GEC Goa), and
Ravindra Kashinath Ghanekar (ONGC, India) during the Plenary Dr. Jimmy Thomas (Geotechnical Consultant, Kochi). In
Session 1. In continuation to their mind-boggling speeches, continuation to Technical session – 4, Technical session – 5 have
Technical session - 1 was commenced in five different venues, been initiated accommodating the author presentations around
with the theme lectures followed by the author presentations of 60 papers. Furthermore, Plenary session – 6 was honored by
their original work. Technical session – 1 was spotlighted with the overwhelming keynote lectures by Prof. Hesham El Naggar
the theme lectures by Dr. Subhadeep Banarjee (IITM Chennai), (Western University, Canada), Prof. Sai Vanapalli (University
Prof. Sreedeep S, Professor (IIT Guwahati), Er. Manish Kumar of Ottawa, Canada), and Prof. Krishna Reddy (University of
(ITD Cementation), Er. Hari Krishna Yandamuri (Keller Ground Illinois Chicago, USA).
Engineering) and Ms. MinimolKorulla (Maccaferri). Upon the
successful completion of Technical session -1, the first day of VALEDICTORY SESSION
the conference was wrapped up with the infotainment bundle The valedictory session was commenced with the esteemed
of Plenary Session – 2, enhanced with the remarkable lectures presence of Prof. N.K. Samadhiya, President of IGS, followed
of Prof. A. P. S. Selvadurai (McGill University, Canada), Er. by the presentation of awards by Prof. J.T. Shahu, Hon.Secretary
Moreno Scotto (Maccaferri, Italy), and Prof. Jean-Louis Briaud of IGS. The categories of awards presented include Journal
(Texas A&M University, USA). review awards, Best paper awards, Young geotechnical engineers
awards, Appreciation awards, and GeoVisleshana -2021
Competition Awards. Furthermore, Prof. K. Muthukkumaran,
The second day of the conference started with the Plenary Session Chairperson, IGC-2021, threw sufficient limelight on the technical
– 3, embedded with the enlightening keynote lectures by Prof. process adopted in the IGC-2021 and announced Dr.Arif Ali
Kaushik Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University, Kolkatta), Prof. Baig Moughal (NIT Warangal) as the Best Technical Supporter
Madhavi Latha (IISc, Bangalore), Er. V K Panwar (Engineers of IGC-2021 for his extraordinary support in the editorial role,

IGS News u October-December 2021 23

critical evaluation, and reviewing process for his assigned sub- bountiful edutainment.
theme 04, comprising a paper strength of 104. Besides, the
Preconference Workshop/ Inaugural Ceremony/ Cultural
IGS Trichy chapter paid a token of appreciation to the authors
Event/ Valedictory Session/ Annual/ Keynote/ Theme lectures
of 4 papers, who have given immense effort in producing the
recorded videos link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCus
article with a minimum similarity percentage of 2 and 3. For
M7HemClITmxeRXn CXMsQ/videos
the springer best paper award, 28 technical papers have been
announced under 13 sub-themes. Upon the completion of the 43rdIGS Annual Lecture Note link: https://drive.google.com/
awards announcement, Prof. K. Muthukkumaran conveyed his file/d/1nW50vitjf_-MPiR0iSTCMYql VagbqK7e/view
wholehearted gratitude to the title sponsors L&T GeoStructure Cultural Evening Photos link: https://drive.google.com/drive/
and Sree Infratech & Constructions, all other sponsors, and folders/1HxpBx7VE-Cv6tKwZBkHSLmU3PT-VrBS3?usp=
everyone for the continuous support and encouragement for the sharing
successful conduct of the IGC 2021.
Cultural Evening Videos link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/
SPECTATORSHIP 1MAUTs_8TCh3EStXBsyOFjjOFJz-NI77i/view?usp=sharing
Furthermore, the IGC-2021 was honored by more than 600+ Program & Lectures Photos (Screenshots) Link: https://drive.
spectators at our virtual platform, 500+ and 60+ Live streaming google.com/drive/folders/1ledtOcil2DXQSCnwMTWqJCkyyI
sessions at Youtube and Zoom platforms, respectively. Besides, WMcGWX?usp=sharing
the conference was graced by the moonlight of 70+ chairs &
co-chairs, and 35+ session coordinators, who made the event Conference Proceedings link: https://igc2021trichy.nitt.edu/
successful by their sincere dedication and active participation. proceedings.php
We believe that our conference experience has given you a


Panel Discussion during the Preconference workshopon “Geotechnical

Engineering Challenges: Academia and Industry Perspective”

Preconference Workshop on “Unsaturated Soils”

The lighting of lamp at the Inaugural Ceremony of IGC-2021

Unsaturated Soils Preconference Workshop presentation by

Prof. Sai K Vanapalli, University of Ottawa, Canada The inaugural ceremony of IGC 2021

24 IGS News u October-December 2021

Address by Chief guest Shri. D. K. Sen, Whole-time Address by Guest of HonourProf. T.G. Sitharam, Prof. M R Madhav introducing the keynote speakers
Director & Sr. Executive Vice President (Develop- Director IIT Guwahati of plenary session-1
ment Projects), L&T

43rd IGS Annual Lecture by Shri. Shahrokh P. Bagli, Technical Advisor and Chief Technology Officer, Keynote lecture by Prof. Jean-Louis Briaud, Texas
Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt Ltd A&M University, USA

Keynote lecture by Prof A.P.S. Selvadurai, McGill Keynote lecture by Prof. BuddhimaIndraratna, Keynote lecture by Prof. Susan Gourvenec,
University, Canada University of Technology Sydney, Australia University of Southampton, UK

Keynote lecture by Prof. Sanjay Kumar Shukla, Keynote lectureby Prof. Madhavi Latha, IISc Keynote lecture by Dr. R. Chitra, CSMRS, New
Edith Cowan University, Australia Bangalore Delhi

Keynote lecture by Prof. Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois Chicago, USA Theme lecture by Prof. Subhadeep Banarjee, IIT

IGS News u October-December 2021 25

Theme lecture by Ms. MinimolKorulla, Maccaferri Theme lecture by Prof. C. H. Solanki, NIT Surat Theme lecture by Er. M. Kumaran, L&T

Magic performance by Prof. M. J. Rajesh Fernando

Classical Dance performance byShrimati. Vrinda Ramanan Group, Trichy

Valedictory Session of IGC-2021 IGC-2021 Valedictory Session – Award presentation

26 IGS News u October-December 2021

Theme Paper ID Paper title and Authors Presented Author Email ID
No Name
01 TH-01-009 Chemical And Mineralogical Evaluation of Soils For Their Sameer Vyas [email protected]
Suitability In Geotechnical Application by Sameer Vyas, Beena
Anand, RP Pathak
01 TH-01-019 Elemental Assessment of Pond Ash For Evaluating its Application Aditya Shankar [email protected]
as a Subbase Material for Hardstand Construction by Aditya Ghosh
Shankar Ghosh; Tapas Kumar Roy
02 TH-02-007 A Parametric study of the Yield of Ring Well - A Practical Shashank S Shastry [email protected]
Approach by H S Prasanna, Shashank S Shastry, Sharanprasad
Rajesh B, Shivaprasad M, Sanjay Raj L
03 TH-03-003 Analysis and Design of Foundation System for the Horizontal Sreyashrao [email protected]
Solar Axis Tracker by Sreyashrao Surapreddi, G. Santhosh Surapreddi
kumar and Priyanka Ghosh
03 TH-03-038 Wind Turbine foundation using PHC piles in problematic soil by Sunil Ranjan [email protected]
Shirlin Charles, Sunil Ranjan, Sudhansubhusan
03 TH-03-043 Behavior of Pile in Sloped Grounds Under the Influence Jegatheeswaran [email protected]
of Surcharge Loads by Jegatheeswaran Boopandi, Boopandi
Muthukkumaran.K, Manjula.R
03 TH-03-053 Comparative solutions of laterally loaded piles in clay using Rupam Mahanta [email protected]
subgrade modulus approach by Rupam Mahanta
04 TH-04-014 Application of Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) for Abhijeet Kanungo [email protected]
Improvement of Soft Clays – A Case Study by Abhijeet Kanungo,
V. Jaya Pragash
04 TH-04-031 Static and Dynamic Study on the Performance of Modified Stone- Milind Amin [email protected]
Column in Ahmedabad Soil by Milind Amin, Manendra Singh
04 TH-04-056 Effect of Biopolymer Inclusion and Curing Conditions on the Kopparthi Venkata [email protected]
Failure Strain and Elastic Modulus of Cohesive Soil Kopparthi Vydehi
Venkata Vydehi, Arif Ali Baig Moghal
04 TH-04-065 Mechanical Behaviour of Silty Soil Reinforced with Carbon Nadeem Gul [email protected]
Fibers by Nadeem Gul, Bashir Ahmed Mir, K M N Saquib Wani
05 TH-05-001 Influence of Freeze-Thaw cycles on bio-treated sand using MICP Meghna Sharma [email protected]
by Meghna Sharma, D Neelima Sathyam
05 TH-05-013 Study of Soil Erosion Process in Laboratory Flume Experiments Charu Chauhan [email protected]
by Charu Chauhan, Tarun Semwal, K.V. Uday
06 TH-06-005 Liquefaction Analysis of Earth Embankment Dam Structure by Neetha Prabhakar [email protected]
Neetha Prabhakar, K Rangaswamy
06 TH-06-012 Effect of Shaking Pattern on Re-liquefaction Potential of Solani Gowtham [email protected]
Sand by Gowtham Padmanabhan; B.K. Maheshwari Padmanabhan
06 TH-06-014 Effect of Foundation Size on the Dynamic Behavior of Gobinda Das [email protected]
Cohesionless Soil-Foundation System by Gobinda Das and
Priyanka Ghosh
06 TH-06-042 Nonlinear Analysis of Soil Pile Interaction Under Seismic Loads Siri Reddy [email protected]
by Siri Reddy, G V S K Harini and Dr. Thanikella Vijayasri
07 TH-07-028 Behavior of Diaphragm Wall in Semi Top-down Construction PVSR Prasad [email protected]
Method: A Case Study by Vimala C, PVSR Prasad & Madan
Kumar Annam,Vimala .C
08 TH-08-018 Experimental Investigation of Pull-out Resistance of Grouted Ruchita Shashikant [email protected]
Soil Nails - A Critical Review by Ruchita Shashikant Salvi, Salvi
Ashish Juneja
08 TH-08-029 Optimum Thickness of Veneer Cover Soil of MSW landfill Soujanya Dabbiru [email protected]
for Stability Against Uplifted-Floating Failure by Soujanya
Dabbiru, B. Munwar Basha

IGS News u October-December 2021 27

09 TH-09-001 Numerical Evaluation of performance of the geosynthetic Mainak Majumder [email protected]
reinforced walls with poorly graded reinforced fill by Mainak
10 TH-10-014 Influence of Conductive Jute Geotextile-Encased Stone Column B.K. Pandey [email protected]
in Soft Clay by B.K. Pandey; S. Rajesh and S. Chandra
10 TH-10-015 Behaviour of Back-to-back Wrapped Around Walls with Full Vamsi Krishna [email protected]
Height Rigid Facing Walls for High-Speed Rail Applications Kadagana
by Vamsi Krishna Kadagana, Sasanka Mouli Sravanam,
Umashankar Balunaini
11 TH-11-016 Sensitivity Study of the Pressure-Dependent Soil Model Based Aritra Bagchi [email protected]
on the Abutment-Backfill Pushover Behaviour by Aritra Bagchi,
Dr. Prishati Raychowdhury
11 TH-11-035 Hydraulic Conductivity of Fly Ash - Bentonote Mixture Exposed Rabi Narayan Behera [email protected]
to Salt Solutians: ANN Model and Senstivity Analysis by
Suvendu Kumar Sasmal, Anjali Jayadas K, G Suneel Kumar,
Rabi Narayan Behera
12 TH-12-011 Crack growth in rocks with pre-existing flaws subjected to Sivakumar G [email protected]
uniaxial and biaxial compression by Sivakumar G and VB Maji
12 TH-12-027 Incorporation of surrounding rock layer presence in the design Chiranjib Sarkar [email protected]
of underground cut & cover box structure by Chiranjib Sarkar,
Ankit Som, Ganesh Deepak Kanchuboyina
13 No nomination
14 TH-14-001 Intelligent Assessment of Axial capacity of Pipe Piles using High Ramdev Gohil [email protected]
Strain Dynamic Pile Load Tests in Offshore Environment by
Ramdev Gohil, CR Parthasarathy


Paper ID Similarity level Paper title with authors Corresponding author
during the first email ID
Plagiarism check
TH-06-029 2% Signicance of Impedance Ratio Incase of Infilled -Pile Barriers for Vibration [email protected]
Isolation by Thentu Jahnavi and Sanjit Biswas
TH-07-007 2% Numerical Analysis of Earthen Embankment Resting on Soft Clay Deposit by [email protected]
Anand. M. Hulagabali, R. Srujana, A. V. Rachana, M. Y. Longkumer
TH-07-001 3% Restoration of Breached Ash Dyke Embankment in Constrained Site [email protected]
Conditions by Vinod Kumar Mauriya
TH-07-025 3% Construction of Diaphragm Wall for Seawater Intake Pump House by Govind [email protected]
Raj, Madan Kumar Annam, Bairagi Kondapalli


Dr. Arif Ali Baig Moughal, NIT Warangal for his extraordinary support in the editorial role, critical evaluation, and reviewing process for his
assigned sub-theme 04, comprising a paper strength of 104.


The prestigious
44 IGS Annual Lecture 2022

will be delivered by Prof. A. Boominathan, Professor,

Civil Engineering Department IIT Madras during IGC-2022,

28 IGS News u October-December 2021

Brief Report on
October 21-23, 2021, Chennai
The Eighth Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference Anindya Pain (CBRI, Roorkee), Dr. Arif Ali Baig Moghal (NIT
2021 (8IYGEC2021) was held in Chennai through the virtual Warangal) and Dr. J. Jasmine Nisha (Dow Chemicals Int. Pvt.
mode during October 21-23, 2021. The conference was Ltd., Chennai).
organized under the flagship of the Indian Geotechnical Society
The conference received an overwhelming response with 319
(IGS) Chennai Chapter in association with Indian Institute of
abstracts and 178 full-length papers were accepted for the oral
Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, Anna University, Chennai,
presentations during the conference. Altogether 200+ young
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research,
engineers and researchers registered from all over the country
Chennai, and SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
and abroad and actively participated in the conference.All the
Kattankulathur. This conference assumes significance because
contributing papers were presented in 18 technical sessions
of the importance given toinfrastructure in recent years in India
covering 13 themes related to the recent trends in geotechnical
and abroad. As infrastructure development will be the prime
engineering. The plenary and parallel sessions were attended
activity for the growth over the next few decades and foundation
by a large number of budding engineers and researchers. All the
technologies contribute immensely to the acceleration of
sessions were found to be very lively with fruitful discussions.
construction of our country, this conference covered various
issues related togeotechnical engineering. The conference was The three-day conference concluded with a valedictory
a significant step towards sharing knowledge and an effort to session.The conference reportwas presented by Prof. P. T.
bring out the work of the young geotechnical engineers and Ravichandran, Co-chairman, and Dr. G. Janardhanan, Secretary
researchers. This three-day conference provided a platform to of the conference. The valedictory address was delivered by
the young minds for participation and exposure to the global Prof. J. T. Shahu, Honorary Secretary, IGS New Delhi. This
trends in research and insight into various upcoming fields was followed by the feedback report and thank you note by the
of geotechnical engineering. The conference was partially Conference Chairman Prof. T. Thyagaraj and the Joint Secretary
sponsored by the M/s Keller Ground Engineering India Pvt. Dr. S. Bhuvaneshwari.
Ltd., Chennai, M/s Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services
Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, and M/s Geo Structurals Pvt. Ltd.,
The conference started with the welcome address by Prof. M.
Muttharam, Chairperson of the IGS Chennai Chapter. Prof. T.
Thyagaraj, Chairman of 8IYGEC 2021, gave an overview of
the conference and highlighted the important aspects of the
conference and its significance to the present-day context.
The inaugural address was delivered by the chief guest, Prof.
T. G. Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati. He encouraged young
geotechnical engineers to take up challenging geotechnical
problems. This was followed by the presidential address by
Prof. N. K. Samadhiya, President, IGS New Delhi.
The conference proceeded with six Keynote lectures and six
Theme lectures delivered by renowned young and mid-level
academicians and professionals across the globe. The keynote
and theme lecture speakers include Dr. ChianSiau Chen Darren
(NUS Singapore), Dr. Rajesh Sathiyamoothy (IIT Kanpur), Dr.
Tejas G Murthy(IISc Bangalore), Dr. J S Vinod (UoW, Australia),
Dr. Makarand G. Khare (Terranova Consultants, Mumbai), Dr.
William Cheang (Bentley Geotechnical Engineering, Singapore),
Dr. Munwar B. Basha(IIT Hyderabad), Dr. Sowmiya Chawla
(IIT (ISM) Dhanbad), Dr. Sudheesh T. K. (IIT Palakkad), Dr. Screenshots from the 8IYGEC 2021

IGS News u October-December 2021 29

Need for formation of student chapters • Creation and maintenance of homepage of student
The scope of Geotechnical Engineering expanded significantly in
the last 30 years whereas the coverage of geotechnical engineering • Host lectures of engineers/professionals in civil/
in the curriculum is limited to two/three subjects and a maximum geotechnical engineering
of two electives in some institutions and colleges. The syllabus • Invite professional organizations for lectures and also
is restricted and as a result, many students are not exposed to the explore possibilities for internships
wide coverage of current trends and exciting professional/teaching/ • Use online materials from ISSMGE/IGS and other
research opportunities in geotechnical engineering. There is a need related sources for discussion/presentation/knowledge
to motivate students to give exposure to careers and opportunities enhancement
in this area and also develop leadership skills among students • Organise debates/lectures/quiz programs among students
which will help them in their career. Student chapters provide an • Participation in programs such as Swatch Bharath/Save
opportunityfor Bachelor Degree students of 2nd, 3rdand 4th year planet etc.
in Civil Engineering and Master’s Degree students of Geotechnical • Develop oral and written communication skills bypreparing
Engineering program. Activities such as seminars/workshops/ presentations/ articles for Magazines/Newsletter
lecturesconducted by student chapters under the guidance of faculty • Organise/participate in annual programs such as GEOFEST
coordinators from the Institutions/colleges and the members of local along with student chapters of other colleges
chapters will significantly help the student community. 4. The leadership committee shall organize technical events in
A student chapter may be established at any university/institute with the institute with the help of faculty mentor(s) for one year by
the following qualifications: using the corpus fund/college support, which shall be managed
• University/Institution has a Bachelors’ in Civil Engineering/ by the faculty mentor and the Student Chapter leadership;
Master’s program in Geotechnical Engineering/Soil Mechanics 5. Shall participate as volunteers and student delegates invarious
or equivalent. technical events organised by the local IGS chapter;
• University/Institution has one full-time faculty member who 6. Completion of one year of successful operation under the
isIGS Fellow/ Member/Associate Member and who agrees to effective guidance of the IGS members/chapter in whose
serve as a faculty advisor. jurisdiction the institution is located;
• The chapter will have a minimum membership of 12 students 7. The database of students will be maintained by IGS local chapter
and if the college has Master’s program in Geotechnical and student members will be givenCertificates of participation/
Engineering or equivalent of Civil Engineering or related awards by the local chapterof IGS.
engineering or technology, these students can also join in the Stage – II
chapter and advice and motivate the young members from
1. On Completion of one year of successful operation under
undergraduate program.
the effective guidance of the IGS members/chapter a formal
When to submit an application for Student Chapter? application shall be submitted along with the details of all the
Stage – I events organised in one year;
1. The student group shall approach IGS member(s) of the institute 2. The application for the student chapter shall be formallyendorsed
with a proposal and obtain his/their consent to mentor them; by the head of the institution and IGS local chapterto establish
2. Obtain endorsement of the proposal by the Head of Civil an IGS Student Chapter and attain the official recognition of
Engineering department and the endorsement of the proposal by the Committee on Student Activities of IGS NationalExecutive
the IGS local chapter in whose jurisdiction the institute islocated; Committee.
3. Student members may join and form a student chapterby paying 3. Once the Chapter is officially recognized, it will be listed
a nominal amount of INR 250 towards annualmembership to inthe IGS homepage and the chapter is expected to continueits
the student chapter. These funds shall be maintained by them activities and promote geotechnical engineering.
for useas a corpus to organize technical events. The college 4. The student chapter needs to submit annual progress reportto
can also support the student chapter financially.The leadership maintain the student chapter status;
committee formedwithin the students will organize technical 5. A student chapter will lose its status and become dormant, if
events such as guest lectures/seminars/workshops/field visits the annual reports are not submitted.
etc. for the students to undertake and learn from. Benefits for students
The followingofficers are to be appointed with the help of IGS 1. Contributes to developing leadership skills and public
member(faculty): relationship skills
• A student chapter President 2. Creates interest in the subject, motivation and passion in
• A student chapter Vice-president engineering professional work
• A student chapter secretary 3. Creates opportunities for internships and jobs
• A student chapter treasurer 4. Improves chances of admission in Masters program abroad
These officers need to be nominated/elected from the group and the work done as student member can be indicated in the
members.Attached is a description of the Student officer Statement of Purpose (SoP)
functions.The activities that Student Chapter can do are as Clarifications if any can be obtained from IGS office by email
follows: ([email protected]).

IGS News
14 News
News 

July-September 2018
April-June 2018 IGSIGS
News u October-December
News 21
 July-September 2021
Indian Geotechnical Society has been in the forefront of advancing Benefits
geotechnical engineering practice in the country. It is essential 1. Concessional rate in sponsorship in IGS activities (10
that many professional organizations such as soil investigation percent).
agencies, consultants and designers, contractors, manufacturers of 2. Free copy of the journal and Newsletter and access to IGS
various products such as testing equipment, geosynthetics, ground library and website
improvement contractors, geo-environmental companies involved
3. Mentioning of company name and address in IGS Newsletter.
in testing of soils for contaminants, dewatering contractors, etc join
the Indian Geotechnical Society as associates with the objectives 4. Support of the IGS professional forum.
of delivering quality geotechnical services in India and abroad. 5. Help in identification of potential well trained staff and
The following are the criteria for admission and the membership interns.
benefits. 6. Participation in Professional activities of the Forum and
1. Experience of at least 5 years in geotechnical services/ Society. Participation in Elections as an Associate member and
products. have a say in the decision making.
2. Willingness and commitment to participate in IGS activities. 7. Select papers will be given priority in publication and
Must participate in IGS activities at least once in three years presentation of technical papers in IGS conferences and events.
in the form of attendance at IGS seminars / conferences / stalls (Subject to review and scrutiny by experts).
and events. The details for payment are as follows.
3. Should have minimum 3 qualified personnel with a minimum Beneficiary Name : Indian Geotechnical Society,
of 5 years individual relevant experience. Employees or IFCS Code : IDIB000N044
owners must have written at least three technical papers in Account No: S.B. A/c 443208824,
conferences. Bank Name : Indian Bank, Nehru Place, New Delhi
4. Must not have been black listed by any major government Income tax Permanent Account Number is: AAATI0175L
body from projects in the past three years. If disqualified, then Contact Person:
company cannot become a corporate member for 2 years post Mr. Sanjay Arora,
disqualification or maybe cannot contest elections for 2 years. Executive Secretary, IGS
5. Can become member of the IGS by paying either Rs. 9,000/- 206, Manisha Building, 75-76, Nehru Place,
per year or Rs. 40,000/- for a block of 5 years (to be added) or New Delhi-19 (India)
Rs. 75,000/- for a block period of 10 years. Email:[email protected]


M/s Aimil Ltd., (AM 0002) M/s Geo Dynamics, (AM 0036)
Naimex House, A-8 Mohan Co-op. Ind. Est., 49, Atmajyoti Nagar Society, Near Atmajyoti Ashram,
Mathura Road, New Delhi-100044, Delhi, India, Ellora Park, Vadodara-390023, Gujarat, India
E-mail: [email protected] Mob No: 09327226064,
E-mail: [email protected]
M/s Hydraulic & Engg. Inst., (AM 0010)
A-13 Naraina Indl. Area, Phase II, M/s Strata Geosystems India Pvt. Ltd (AM 0037)
New Delhi-110028, Delhi, India Sabnam House, Plot No. A-15/16, Central Cross Road B
E-mail: [email protected] Mumbai-400093, Maharashtra, India
Email : [email protected]
M/s Cengrs Geotechnica Pvt. Ltd., (AM 0025)
M/s Arun Soil Lab Pvt Ltd (AM0038)
A-100, Sector-63, Noida-201309,
E-11, First Floor, Lekhraj Market-I, Indira Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Lucknow, Pin:226016, Uttar Pradesh, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Mob No: 09415025566
M/s Aarvee Associates Architects (AM 0026) M/s Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd (AM 0039)
Engrs & Consultants Pvt. Ltd., No.671, 6th C Main, 11th Cross, 3rd Phase, J.P. Nagar,
8-2-5 Ravula Residency, Bengaluru, Pin:560078, Karnataka, India
Srinagar Colony Main Road, Punjagutta, Mob No: 09844279055
Hyderabad-500082, Andhra Pradesh, India E-mail: [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
M/s Enviro Geosystems (AM 0040)
M/s Techfab India Industries Ltd., (AM 0027) 3/448, Viram Khand, Gomti Nagar,
712 Embassy Centre, Nariman Point, Lucknow, Pin:226010, Uttar Pradesh, India
Mumbai-400021, Maharashtra, India Mob No: 09621660000
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]
M/s S.M. Consultants (AM 0034) M/s CEG Test House and Research Centre Pvt Ltd (AM 0041)
S.M. Tower, Plot No:130, Mancheswar, Industrial Estate, CEG Tower, B-11-G, Malviya Nagar Industrial Area,
Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar – 751010, Orissa, India Jaipur, Pin:302017, Rajasthan, India
Mob No: 0943765889 Mob No: 09870139304
Email: [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]

IGS News u October-December 2021 31


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IGC - 2022

(15th - 17th December, 2022)


Hotel Le Meridien Kochi Due date for Abstract Submission 15.04.2022
Intimation of Abstract Acceptance 16.05.2022
Organized by : Last date for Full Paper Submission 15.07.2022
Indian Geotechnical Society, Kochi Chapter Intimation of Paper Acceptance 15.09.2022
Department of Civil Engineering, Cochin University of Science
Submission of Camera Ready Paper 15.10.2022
and Technology (CUSAT)
Last date for Registration of
INVITATION Accepted Papers
Date of Conference 15–17 December, 2022
Indian Geotechnical Society, Kochi Chapter and Department of
Civil Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology REGISTRATION FEES
(CUSAT) extends you a warm invitation to the IGC-2022 to be
held at Kochi. Delegate Category Up to 30th After 30th Foreign
Sept 2022 Sept 2022 Delegates
The main theme of the conference is “GEOLEAP - Geotechnics IGS Member 5500 6500 350
- Learning, Evaluation, Analysis & Practice”. SAARC Country 6500 7500 -
CONFERENCE SUB-THEMES Student 3000 3500 250
Theme 1 – Behaviour of Soils and Soil-Structure Interaction Senior Citizen 3000 3500 250
Theme 2 – Soil Stabilization, Ground Improvement and Land Accompanying Person 2500 2500 250
Theme 3 – Shallow and Deep Foundations
Theme 4 – Geotechnical, Geological and Geophysical Conference Chairman
Investigation Dr. Babu T. Jose, Emeritus Professor CUSAT and Patron, IGS
Kochi Chapter
Theme 5 – Rock Engineering, Tunnelling and Underground
Structures Conference Co-Chairmen
Theme 6 – Slope Stability, Landslides and Liquefaction Mr. M. D. Nair, Chairman IGS Kochi Chapter
Dr. Benny Mathews Abraham, Vice Chairman, IGS Kochi Chapter
Theme 7 – Earth Retaining Structures and Deep Excavations
Mr. M. M. Mohandas, Vice Chairman, IGS Kochi Chapter
Theme 8 – Geosynthetics Engineering
Organizing Secretary :
Theme 9 – Geo–Environmental Engineering, Sustainable
Geotechnics and Landfill Design Dr. Anil Joseph, Secretary, IGS Kochi Chapter
Theme 10 – Geohydrology, Dam and Embankment Engineering Joint Organising Secretaries :
Theme 11 – Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Dr. Jimmy Thomas, National Executive Committee Member, IGS
Mr. Manoj Mathew, Treasurer, IGS Kochi Chapter
Theme 12 – Transportation Geotechnics Dr. K. S. Beena, Dean -CUSAT
Theme 13 – Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Retrofitting
of Geotechnical Structures Address for Correspondence :
Theme 14 – Offshore Geotechnics, Marine Geology and Sub– Dr. ANIL JOSEPH
Sea Site Investigation Organising Secretary, IGC 2022
Theme 15 – Computational, Analytical and Numerical Mobile : +91 9388868327
Modelling E-mail: [email protected]
Theme 16 – Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering Website: igc2022kochi.org

IGS News u October-December 2021 33

Volume 51, Issue 6, December 2021

Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls with Sustainable Backfills 1135-1144
S. Vibha and P.V. Divya
Inter-conversion of Modulus and Compliance for Viscoelastic Soil 1145-1150
Siddhant Swain, Abhijeet Swain and Sonalisa Sahoo
Delineating the Aptness of Improved Geomaterial Strength for Ground Improvement Through
Microstructure and Cluster Analysis 1151-1165
Donald Chimobi Nwonu and Cordelia Nnennaya Mama
Multi-additive Optimization for Expansive Soil Treatment Using Grey-Super-Efficiency Model
Integrated in Taguchi Method 1166-1181
Chijioke Christopher Ikeagwuani and Donald Chimobi Nwonu
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Undrained Behavior of Geogrid Reinforced Pond Ash 1182-1194
Swaraj Chowdhury and Nihar Ranjan Patra
Influence of Under Sleepers Rubber Mat on Propagation of Vibrations from a Railway Track Lying
on a Semi-Infinite Soft Ground 1195-1208
C. A. Moubeké, A. Nguessong-Nkenfack, G.E. Nitamack, T. Beda and S. Charif D’Ouazzane
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential of Coastal Sands Using Laminar Box System 1209-1224
K. S. Beena, Veena Jayakrishnan, A. Alex and C. S. Bindu
Relationships that Govern Changes in Permeability and Microstructure of Leachate Drainage
Layer Under Loading 1225-1233
Liwen Cao, Nian Cai, C. Lian and Xiaohua Huang
Analysis and Design of a Complex Underground Structure with Economic Comparison of
Top-Down and Diaphragm Wall Construction Methods 1234-1248
Meziab Moien Barkhori and Hadi Asgarzadeh
Influence of Water Retention Curves Model Fitting Parameters on Unsaturated Seepage Modeling
of Fly Ashes and Pond Ashes 1249-1262
Abhijit Deka and Sreedeep Sekharan
Seismic Active Earth Pressure on Narrow Backfill Retaining Walls Considering Strain Localization 1263-1282
Shaik Moin Ahmed and B. Munwar Basha
Drained Creep Test and Creep Model Evaluation of Coastal Soft Clay 1283-1298
Huiyuan Deng, Guoliang Dai, M.R. Azadi and Yuxia Hu
Water Resistance Properties of Lime Soil Ground under Long-Term Soaking Environment 1299-1309
Tian-shun Hou, Xin-hao Yuan, X. Zeng, X. Wang, Y. Ceng, Z. Zhang and Miao-lei Hou
Erosion Process of a Core Clay in Earth and Rockfill Dams: Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modelling 1310-1318
Mohammed Kadri and Ahmed Benamar
Seismic Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Placed on an Anisotropic and Nonhomogeneous Inclined Ground 1319-1337
Hamed Haghsheno and Mahyar Arabani
3D Numerical Analyses for Optimization of Deep-Mixing Columns Combined by Raft Foundations 1338-1348
Mohammad Oliaei, Heisam Heidarzadeh and Saman Mansouri
Surface Settlement Induced by Slurry Shield Tunnelling in Sandy Cobble Strata—A Case Study 1349-1363
Shaohui He, Chenghui Li, D. Wang and Xiabing Liu
A Numerical Study on Dynamic Response of Cantilever Retaining Wall Subjected to Pulse-like Ground Motion 1364-1373
P. N. Singh Partha Sarathi Nayek and Maheshreddy Gade
Analysis of Retaining Wall Built Near Rock Face for Different Wall Movements 1374-1383
Godas Srikar and Satyendra Mittal
Application of Distinct Element Method to Analyze the Fracture and In-situ Stress on Wellbore Stability
under Triaxial Compression 1384-1398
Reza Shirinabadi, Ehsan Moosavi and Mehran Gholinejad

IGS News u October-December 2021 35

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TIPS for Effective Performance of Local Chapters
Local chapters are the vital links between IGS main body and members. Effective functioning of the local chapters makes
Indian Geotechncal Society very vibrant and improve the quality of professional services and education in the country.
The local chapters are the media which connect professionals and students and energise the whole system. Towards these
objectives the following tasks need to be fulfilled by the local chapters.
1. Creation and maintenance of the homepage of the chapter.
2. Maintenance of local chapter directory updated with affiliations
3. Categorization of members (professionals, academia, students etc to help in understanding the interests of specific
4. Facilitate creation and handholding of student chapters in organising the activities
5. Give representation to students and young members (two members each) and seek their help in maintenance of homepage,
conference organization etc. Student members will not have voting members until they complete the graduation and
become members of IGS
6. Facilitate affiliate members of local chapters to life members of IGS within two years of their joining local chapter as
affiliate member.
7. Organization of general body meeting, technical programs such as workshops, seminars, expert lectures, field visits,
use of ISSMGE webinars and other related technical matters, giving certificates to student chapter members in different
colleges under their jurisdiction, newsletter etc.
8. Submission of activity report for newsletter, accounts information as well as activities information by November 15th
every year for discussion in chapters meeting during annual conference of IGS.
It is hoped that the local chapters adopt the above to serve geotechnical engineering profession better.

Joining IGS enables members enjoy the following benefits:
1. Receiving information on IGS programs and updates.
2. Life time free access of Indian Geotechnical Journal by Springer.
3. Reduced registration fee for attending national and international conferences. Just log on to:
4. Travel support to attend International conferences (limited number based on number
of applicants). www.igs.org.in
5. Travel support for attending conference for young Geotechnical engineers.
6. Membership to ISSMGE with nominal additional payment for a block period of four
7. Many other benefits such as professional connections, visibility etc.

Now Online Membership Available

The homepage of the Society has been updated and a new online membership platform has been
created to facilitate joining of new members.

Just log on to:


IGS News u October-December 2021 37

2022 September 04-08 2022
Imperial College, London
February 23-24 The 11th International Symposium on Field December 15-17
Lahore, Pakistan Monitoring in Geomechanics. Hotel Le Meridien Kochi
16th International Conference on For Details:
Geotechnical Engineering (16ICGE). Website: www.field-monitoring.org Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-
2022) on GEOLEAP Geotechnics -
For Details:
Learning, Evaluation, Analysis & Practice
Email : [email protected] 2023 Organized By: Indian Geotechnical
May 01-05 February 20-23 Society, Kochi Chapter, Department of
International Convention Centre Sydney, Cairo, Egypt Civil Engineering, Cochin University of
Australia The 4th African Regional Conference Science and Technology (CUSAT).
20th International Conference on Soil on Geosynthetics – GeoAfrica 2023 For Details:
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering by the International Geosynthetics Society Dr. ANIL JOSEPH
2022. through the Egyptian chapter (IGSE) Organising Secretary, IGC 2022
For Details: For Details: Mobile : +91 9388868327
Website: www.icsmge2022.org Website: www.geoafrica2023.org E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Email : [email protected] Website: igc2022kochi.org

Welcome to New Members

The Executive Committee of IGS extends hearty welcome to the following members who have been admitted to the Society recently/
elevated to Fellowship.



IGS News u October-December 2021 39

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Editor : Prof. J.T. Shahu, Hon. Secretary, IGS & Professor, Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Assoc. Editor : Mr. Sanjay Arora, Exec. Secretary, Indian Geotechnical Society, 206, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Published by : Indian Geotechnical Society (Regn. No. S/18957), 206, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Email : [email protected], [email protected], Website: www.igs.org.in, Ph. : 26210361, 26211146
Printed by : Pushpak Press Pvt. Ltd., 203-204, DSIDC Complex, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi-110020

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