RapidBlocs English SCR Aug12

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•W Construction cost

The galvanised steel Unistrut

•W Stackable

You can make just about

•W Reconfigurable

Want to move things around?

used in the channel floor to anything from these blocs: That’s easy; although we’re
position the blocs is relatively try making a weir to flood the always on hand for course
inexpensive and your first story of a building! Or design and setup (with
construction contractor will perhaps a set of steps, capped years of experience in flow
already be familiar with it. with grip textured square lids. modelling) if you need us.

Mounting track Groynes Lids

Wherever you need it. Flush with 3:2 sloping walls. Safe radiuses and clean look.

Wave formers Tamper proof So many possibilities …

Tweak features + wave trains. With security head bolts. Rescue, rafting + competition.

Patent Application Number 61/168098

Registered Design 4011933
International Design Classification
… 3D adjustable
LOC (07) Cl. 21–02
Available in rs
f colo u
range o
Product range (just ask)

Standard bloc Rounded lid Square lid

 •WW 1m x 0.5m x 0.25m

 •WW 1m x 0.5m x 0.08m
 •W 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.06m
 •W galvanised steel frame
 •W rounded smooth edges
 •W grip tread pattern
 • inc. 4x steel anchors  • covers anchors  •W covers anchors

Half bloc Groyne bloc Safety  / wave wedge

 •WW 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.25m

 •WW 1m x 0.5m x 0.75m
 •WW 1m x 0.5m x 0.25m

 •W galvanised steel frame

 •W galvanised steel frame
 • mount on channel floor

 • inc. 2x steel anchors  • inc. wall attachments or on another bloc

 •W upstream
for safety /
downstream for waves

•k Strength
Build rigid structures
•i Mounting
We recommend Unistrut

8 Samples
Contact us for samples of
from these simple shapes. P3270 PG concrete inserts the blocs or rails. Rails are
Moulded from HDPE set 500mm apart to also available from your
plastic with galvanised form the rail system. local Unistrut dealer.
steel bolts and inserts.

Patent Application Number 61/168098

Registered Design 4011933
International Design Classification
… easy to fit
LOC (07) Cl. 21–02
London, Lee Valley
Olympic competition course

The client This Olympic and World Championship venue

We worked for Morrison demanded stable yet powerful rapids; which meant
Construction on this new an exceptionally 'clean' and efficient channel.
build Olympic standard
whitewater channel. The “The blocs can be fine tuned to create
course is operated by a fair and challenging course for all
Lee Valley Regional Park competitors. New blocs, like the
Authority. wave formers, allow us to continue to
develop our course for everybody.”
What we did — Simon Ricketts, Manager, Lee Valley

This course design was

completed in just 3 months The RapidBlocs system converts just 5.5m of head into one
and commissioned in days. of the best whitewater courses in the world. Wedges, lids and
World class whitewater half blocs subtly tweak features; a sticky hole transformed
flowed from the moment the into a loose hole, breaking wave or smooth glassy wave.
pumps were turned on. Clusters of blocs at key locations make the groynes very

 •WW construction oversight strong, suitable for the operator to use ten man rafts. The

 •W detailed flow analysis

obstacles development bloc configuration has evolved with input from the world’s
 •W bloc setup top slalom coaches and competitors. Only RapidBlocs can
 •W whitewater fundamentally change an entire channel, quickly and with no
 • commissioning specialist tools or lifting equipment.

 •W and much more …

… whitewater with
Prague, Troja barrage, Czech Republic
Slalom competition course

The client The most well-known slalom site in the Czech

Working for Labska Republic. RapidBlocs have been used on several
Construction, this was a sections of the course to make the features more
retrofit of the RapidBlocs flexible and to improve depth and stability.
system. The city of Prague
and the operators wanted to “The best choice for Troja with respect
bring this successful slalom to flexibility, safety, and resistance to
site up to the highest level flooding and ice flows.”
for the 2012 Slalom World — Pavel Přindiš, Manager, Troja White Water Centre

Cup and 2013 World Slalom

Championships. The course Using the RapidBlocs system the channel now has some
is operated by University excellent features, including the powerful Tlama freestyle
Canoe Slalom Sport Club. playhole. Continued evolution of the channel with new
RapidBlocs sections during 2012, the course will continue
What we did to improve on the classic Troja features and reknowned
The channel is now more whitewater, keeping hydraulic efficiency and great carry
adaptable and now has the though of energy. The RapidBlocs were retrofitted with
best freestyle feature the minimal downtime for installation. The course has to deal
course has ever seen. with ice flows when the river melts and the RapidBloc system

 •WW retrofit copes well in this environment.

 •W obstacles development

 • bloc setup assistance

… reinvigorated by
Teesside, Tees Barrage
Slalom competition course

The client This channel previously had a GRP bollard system

Refurbishment of the Tees that although progressive for its time, developed
Barrage channel and retrofit repetitive features. RapidBlocs have been fitted as
of RapidBlocs for British part of a major refurbishment of the site.
Waterways. The course is
operated by Tees Active. “remarkably versatile … we have been
able to keep the course challenging for
What we did canoeists, rescue training and rafting.”
The refurbishment has seen a — Simon White, Head of Adventurous Activities, Tees Active

re-birth of a previously bland

channel with diverse and There have been remarkable results: 300m of continuous well-
exciting features. formed and stable whitewater. With limited energy (3.7m) and

 •WW retrofit a flow of 5 to 13 cumecs the channel has been configured with

 •W obstacles development the RapidBloc system to provide a great rafting experience,
 •W bloc setup challenging slalom moves and an exciting and progressive
 • feature development course for beginners and intermediate whitewater paddlers
when the flow is lower. With a couple of alterations, made in
minutes, the channel is ready to receive power boats as they
train for flood rescue scenarios.

… new possibilities with

Budweis, České Vrbné barrage, Czech Rep.
Slalom competition course

The client A new 210m long whitewater course, near the

Working for Zanovec site of an old and well known whitewater channel.
Construction on this new The course uses the full RapidBlocs system in a
build slalom and recreational concrete channel with aesthetic stone insets in the
channel operated by the high sections around the main pools.
Sport Club of Whitewater
Slalom Kayaking České “Every day I am surprised by what we
Budějovice. have created on 3.5m drop. An amazing
variety of whitewater features. The
What we did warm-up area playspot is a bonus.”
We assisted in the design — Jakub Prüher, Sport Club České Budějovice Chairman

specifying track and obstacle

arrangements. The water is fast, continuous, stable and has good depth.

 •WW bloc setup + numbers The versatility of the RapidBloc obstacle system allowed the

 • construction assistance course to be commissioned in two weeks and was quickly

open for training and recreation with a stable and exciting
configuration forming excellent whitewater. The Czech 2012
canoe slalom team qualification culminated with an exciting
event at Budweis with world class racing and compliments all
round for the new whitewater.

… build it with
London, Lee Valley
Legacy Channel

The client A short course designed to service the main

We worked for Morrison Olympic channel as a warm up area and as
Construction on this new a recreational legacy to the games. It's used
build recreational channel. for freestyle, rafting, intermediate slalom and
The course is operated by recreational paddling. The course is now associated
Lee Valley Regional Park with some excellent freestyle features.
“… one of the biggest advantages of
What we did this system is how easy it’ll be to play
A new build recreational around and tweak features.”
channel with exceptionally — James Bebbington, 2011 World Freestyle Champion

stable and balanced features

on a low head and medium The course is powerful, despite its limited flow, and the
flow course. features are well defined. Good speed between the features

 •WW flow analysis and sufficient depth throughout allows this course to excel

 •W bloc setup

obstacles development despite its low energy pumping head.

… fine tuned with

Teesside, Tees Barrage
Short course

The client One of the steepest whitewater channels in the

New build of an extreme world with a substantial drop, expertly sculpted
whitewater channel with RapidBlocs. It has been used as a hydraulic
and rescue area at the modelling laboratory and also as a film set for
Tees Barrage for British water and flood scenes.
Waterways. The course is
operated by Tees Active. “We can quickly set up ‘buildings’ that
recreate an urban flood. We can also
What we did replicate hazards like low-head weirs in
This recent addition to the a controlled environment.”
Tees Barrage course enables — Paul O’Sullivan, Manager Director Rescue 3 (UK)

the flow to be diverted

down a steeper short course. The success of this channel is its ability to completely change
RapidBlocs make this in character, from a 2m deep pool with tranquil flows, to
otherwise straightforward full release and a steep chute. Or changing from a freestyle
channel extremely adaptable. feature to a swift water rescue training facility. The blocs

 •WW flow analysis are used to control depths and power accurately at a range

 •W bloc setup

obstacles development of flows; directing water onto or away from obstacles for
 • swimming and vehicle rescue practice. The blocs can also be
used to build mock facades for building rescue practice by the
emergency services.

… total control with

Small scale projects

Cardiff, CIWW
Wave former

The client
Cardiff International
White Water.

What we did
We supplied and fitted
RapidBlocs to overcome The course, which opened in 2010, has shallow and
a limitation in the existing surging water. They needed a safe feature former
obstacle system. on the floor that the rival obstacle system, already

 •WW flow analysis

installed, couldn't offer. Our wave forming wedges

 •W obstacles development provided smooth flow transitions for green surf
 • custom bloc setup waves in this low flow course.

Reading, Mapledurham
Weir improvement

The client
Environment Agency.

What we did
Adding Unistrut in the
re‑concreting of the
radial control gate we An experimental installation to demonstrate
made an adaptable wave/ the ease of installing RapidBlocs during weir
hole canoe feature. refurbishment; making a recreational feature from

 •WW flow analysis

an otherwise single purpose structure.

 •W obstacles development

 • bloc setup

… what's your project?

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