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Profession - Calling

Requires extensive education and special body of knowledge

Criteria of a Profession (5)

1. Requirement of prolong specialized training to acquire the body of knowledge
pertinent to the role performed
2. An orientation of the individual towards service, either to a community or to an
3. On- going research
4. A code of ethics
5. A professional organization

Common Definition of Nursing (6)

1. Art 5. Helping profession
2. Science 6. Concerned with health promotion,
health maintenance and health
3. Holistic
4. Client centered

Definition of Nursing Accd. to: (3)

1. Virginia Henderson
“Nursing is a unique function to assist individual sick or well in the performance
of activities contributing to health and its recovery, that would perform unaided if he
has the necessary knowledge, will, and strength.”
2. Florence Nightingale
“Nursing is the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him/her
3. American Nurses Association
“Nursing is a direct, goal oriented and adaptable to the needs of the individual,
group, families and communities during health and illness”
“Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or
potential health problem.” (1980)
Nurse - Is a person trained to take care for the sick
It can be preventive or promotive

Patient - Person waiting for undergoing medical treatment or care

Implies passive acceptance of the treatment by health professionals

Client - a person who engages the advice or services of another who is qualified to
provide ths service

Characteristics of Nursing (5)

1. Nursing is Caring
2. Involves close, personal contact with the patient
3. Concerned with services that human, into account as physiologic and sociologic
4. Committed to personalized services for all persons without regard to color, creed
or social economic status
5. Committed to involvement to ethical, legal, political issues in the deliveries of
health care

Personal Qualities and Professional Qualities of a Nurse (8)

1. Interest and willingness to work and learn with individuals/group in a variety of
2. Has a warm personality and concern for people
3. Resourceful and Creative as well as a well-balanced emotional condition
4. Capacity and ability to work cooperatively with others
5. Initiative to improve self and service
6. Competence in performing work through the use of nursing process
7. Skill in decision making, communicating and relating with others and being
research oriented
8. Actively participates in issues confronting nurse and nursing
Scope of Nursing

Types of Clientele (3)

1. Individuals
2. Families
3. Communities

Areas of Nursing Practice (4)

1. Promoting health and illness
2. Preventing illness
3. Restoration of Health
4. Caring for the Dying (Hospice Care)

Promoting Health and Wellness

Wellness - process that engages in activities and behaviors that enhance quality of
life and maximize personal potential
*this involves: (5)
1. Individual and Community activities to enhance healthy lifestyle
2. Improving nutrition and physical fitness
3. Preventing drug and alcohol misuse
4. Restricting smoking
5. Preventing accidents and injuries in the home and work place

Preventing Illness
Objective/Goal - maintain optimal health by preventing disease.
* nursing activities includes: (4)
1. Immunizations
2. Prenatal/Postnatal
3. Infant Care
4. Prevention of STD
Restoring Health
- focuses on the ill client, and it extends from early detection of diseases through
helping the client during recover period.
*Nursing Activities includes: (5)
1. Provide direct care to the ill person
2. Performing diagnostic and assessment procedures
3. Consulting with other health care professionals about client problems
4. Teaching clients about recovery activities
5. Rehabilitating clients to their optimal level following physical or mental
illness, injury or chemical addictions

Caring for the Dying Client (Hospice Care)

- Comforting and Caring for people of all ages who are dying
*Nursing Activities includes: (2)
1. Helping client live as comfortable as possible until death and helping support
person cope with death
2. Carrying out activities work in the homes, hospitals and extended care

History of Nursing in the Philippines

A. Period of Intutive Nursing
*Early Belief and Practices
- Disease and their causes and treatment were shrouded with mysticism and
superstitious beliefs
- Nursing was “untaught”, it was performed out of compassion
*Belief about the source of Disease (3)
- caused by another person or witch
- evil spirits enters the body and makes the man sick because of “black magic” or
- due to supernatural causes
*Others (3)
- “Shaman” - witch doctor or medicine man
- Treatment was learned by trial and error
- They believe that evil spirits can be driven away by person with power that
expel demons
*Techniques in Driving Away Evil Spirits
1. Shocking and Annoying the Evil Spirits (5)
- wear mask or animal furs
- use of noise
- bite or pinch the patient
- immerse sick person alternately in hot or cold water to annoy spirits
- offer bitter drinks
2. Molifying Acts - Appeasing the Spirits (3)
- offering of Sacrifices
- ask evil spirits to transfer to inanimate objects
- incantations
3. Trepanation (Trephening)
- boring an hole in the skull with a sharp stone to provide and exit for evil
* Others
- Belief in Special Gods of Healing
- Herb doctors/Herbolarios - someone who uses leaves and roots
- Priest Physician - someone who uses holy water
- Herbmen were called “Herbecheros”, which means someone who practice
- Manggagaway/Mangkukulam - supposed to be the cause when childbirth
becomes difficult. Gunpowder was exploded from a bamboo cane close to
the head of the sufferer should be done to disperse their influence.

Religious Orders
- exerted to care for the sick by building hospitals in the different parts of the
The Earliest Hospital were: (5)
1. Hospital Real de Manila (1577)
- established mainly for soldiers but also admitted Spanish Civilians
- founded by Gov. Francisco de Sande
2. San Lazaro Hospital (1577)
- built excusivel for patients with leprosy
- founded by Bro. Juan Clemente and was administered by the Hospitalliers
of San Juan de Dios
3. Hospital de Indios (1586)
- service was in general supported alms and contribution from charitable
- established by Franciscan Order
4. Hospital de Aguas Santas (1590)
- established in Laguna; near a medicinal spring
- founded by Bro J. Bautista of Franciscan Order.
5. San Juan de Dios Hospital
- rendered general health services to the public
- support was derived from alms and rents
- founded by the Brotherhod of Misericordia and administered by the
Hospitalliers of San Juan de Dios

The First Colleges of Nursing in the Philippines (3)

1. University of Santo Thomas College of Nursing (1946)
2. Manila Central University College of Nursing (1947)
3. University of the Philippines College of Nursing (1948)

Nursing Leaders in the Philippines (8)

1. Anastacia Giron Tupas
- first filipino nurse to hold the Chief Nurse and Superintendent
- founder of the Philippines Nurses Association
2. Cesaria Tan
- first filipino to recieve a Masteral Degre in Nursing abroad.
3. Socorro Sirilan
- pioneered the hospital social service in San Lazaro Hospital where she was the
chief nurse
4. Rosa Militar
- pioneer in school health education
5. Sor Ricarda Mendoza
- pioneer in nursing education
6. Socorro Diaz
- first editor of PNA magazine called “The Message”
7. Conchita Ruiz
- first full time editore of the newly PNA magazine “The Filipino Nurses”
8. Loreto Tupaz
- Dean of the Philippine Nursing
- Florence Nightingale of Ilo-Ilo

Health and Nursing Organizations (10) Early Institution of Child Welfare

1. Hospicio de San Jose (Manila, 1782)
2. Asylum of San Jose (Cebu)
3. Asylum of Looban (Manila)
4. Colegio de Santa Isabel Naga City - who took care of poor girls
5. Gota de Leche (Manila 1907)
- Milk Station - promote health in infant through proper feeding
6. Liga Nacional Filipiniana la Protection dela Primera Infancia
- work for the passage of child welfare legislations
7. Public Welfare Board
- took over the work of Liga in 1915
- coducted a systematic campaign in Child Hygiene in 1917
8. Philippine Nurses Association
- national organization of Filipino Nurses
9. National League of Nurses
- the association of nurses employed by Department of Health
10. Catholic Nurses Guild of the Philippines

Contributions to Medicine and Nursing

Babylonian Culture
1. Code of Hammurabi
- regulated code in the practice of medicine
- regulated physician’s conduct (Physician Fee)
- they give patient to choose between the use of charm or surgeon
procedure to cure their disease
2. Diagnosis of Illness (3)
1. Divinian - they kill an animal and diagnose the sickness of a patient
through the animal liver.
2. Sick person is brought to the market and passerby who had experienced
the same illness will prescribe a medicine
3. Chants, Herbs and Sacrifice.

Egyptian Culture (6)

- Pyramids to preserve their dead
- Mummification
- Introduce the art of embalming which enhance their knowledge of human
- They developed the ability to make keen observations and left a personal
record of 250 recognized diseases
- there were no nurses or hospitals mentioned. The slave and patient’s families
are the ones who nurse the sick.
- “Imhotep” acknowledge being the first physician in the Egyptian Culture

Hebrew Culture
- “Mosaic Code”- systematic and organized method of preventing diseases
- Principles of personal hygiene

- Moses - recognized as the “Father of Sanitation”. He wrote the five books of OT
1. Emphasized the practice of hospitality to stranger and acts of charity
2. Promulgate laws of control on the spread of communicable disease and
the ritual of circumcision of the male child

China (3)
- they gave the world knowledge of Materia Medica (Pharmacology)
- they practiced ancestor worship which prohibit the dissection of dead human
- nursing wasn’t mentioned in their records. It is assumed that nursing is done by
female family members

- Men of Medicine built Hospitals, practiced intuitive form of Asepsis and
proficient in the practice of Medicine and Surgery
-Sushurutu made a list of function and qualifications of a nurse. Nurse is
described as a combination of physical therapist and a cook.

- Nursing was the task of untrained slaves
- Caduceus - insignia of medical profession today.
- Hippocrates - born in greece; “The Father of Scientific Medicine”

Period of Apprentice Nursing

- this period extends from the founding of religious nursing orders in the crusades,
which began in 11th century.
- period of “OJT”
- nursing care is performed without any formal education
- religious oders of the church developed this kind of nursing

Important Nursing Public Figures During this Period (3)

1. St. Claire
- founder of the second order of St. Francis
- took vows of poverty,obedience gave nursing care to the sick and afflicted
2. St. Elizabeth of Hungary
- “Patroness of Nurses”
- she used her wealth to make the lives of the poor happy and useful
- she built hospital for sick and needy
3. St. Catherine of Siena
- the first “Lady with a Lamp”
- 25th child from Italy
- she pledged her life to service at 7 years old
- referred to as little saint

Dark Period of Nursing

- This extende fromt the 17th and the 19th century from the period of reformation to
civil war.
- Properties of Schools and Hospitals were confiscated
- Nursing is the work of the least desirable women. They work 7 days a week
- Patients have no provision

Period of Educated Nursing

- this period began on June 15 1860 when the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing
opened at St. Thomas Hospital in London.

Important Public Figure in this Period (4)

1. Linda Richards
-first graduate nurse in US
- graduated ond September 1 1873
2. Dr. William Halsted
- designed the firsth rubber glove
3. Caroline Hampton Robb
- the first to wear the rubber gloves while working as an OR nurse
4. Edith Cavell
- “Mata Hari”- suspected as a spy
- she a monument in Russia to recognize her service

Period of Contemporary Nursing

- This covers the period after WWII to the present.
- Scientific and Technological Developments as well as social changes mark this

Events and Trends

1. Establishment of WHO
2. Use of atomic/nuclear energy for medical procedures
3. Utilization of Computers
4. Use of Sophisticated Equipments for Diagnosis
5. Advent of space medicine brought the development of aerospace nursing
6. Health is perceived as a fundamental right
7. Nursing involvement in the community health is intensified
8. Technological Advances
9. Development of the expanded role of the nurse
10. Licensure of Nurses started
11. Specialization of hospital and diagnosis
12. Training of nurse’s in diploma program
13. Development of baccalaureate and advance degree program
14. Scientific technological development as well as changes mark this period

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