Legal Medicine: Page 1 of 6
Legal Medicine: Page 1 of 6
Legal Medicine: Page 1 of 6
LEGAL MEDICINE 4. Stab wound (saksak) – caused by an instrument sharp point with
a sharp edge. A small surgical incision caused by a thrust with a
Branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical sharp instrument. (single/ double bladed).
knowledge to the purpose of law and in the administration of
justice. 5. Hacking wound (taga) [bolo/axe] – large incise wounds.
The application of basic and clinical, medical and paramedical
sciences to elucidate legal matters. 6. Contusion (pasa) – tapture of blood vessels due to forceful
contact due to a blunt object or instrument. Another name for a
1. Lacerated wound / tear (putok) – open wound caued by a blunt
object or instrument. A bruise or contusion is caused when blood vessels are damaged
or broken as the result of a blow to the skin. (be it bumping
These wounds are torn, rather than cut. They have ragged, against something or hitting yourself with a hammer.)
irregular edges and masses of torn tissue underneath. These
wounds are usually made by blunt, rather than sharp objects. 7. Hematoma (bukol) – blood cyst or tumor – extravassation of
blood that newly formed cavity, also cause by a blunt object.
Eg: Fist blow in the face, bump of the car, bamboo, lead pipe.
An abnormal localized collection of blood in which the blood is
2. Punctured wound (tusok) – caused by a sharp pointed instrument usually clotted or partially clotted and is usually situated within
or object. an organ or soft tissue space, such as within a muscle. A
hematoma is caused by a break in the wall of a blood vessel.
Punctures are caused by objects that penetrate into the tissues
while leaving a small surface opening. Wounds made by nails, 8. Abrasion (gasgas) – contact with a rough surface / friction or
needles, wire, and bullets are usually punctures. As a rule small scratching.
puncture wounds do not bleed freely.
Made when the skin is rubbed or scraped off. Rope burns, flood
Eg.: Syringe, needle, pen, ice pick, nail (.5cm.) burns, and skinned knees or elbows are common examples of
3. Incised wound (hiwa/ cut/ slash) – caused by a sharp edged This kind of wound can become infected quite easily because
instrument. Incisions, commonly called CUTS are wounds dirt and germs are usually embedded in the tissues.
caused by sharp cutting instruments such as knives, razors, and
broken glass. Incisions tend to bleed freely because the blood Types of Abrasions
vessels are cut cleanly and without ragged edges.
1. Linear
Eg.: Knife, blade, scalpel. 2. Multi-linear
3. Confluent (tapyas)
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-the value of the test is only presumptive, not conclusive, because of 2. Expert – goes to court to enlighten the court to render his expert
false positive and false negative results. opinion on matters.
- He has authority on that particular field.
Subpoena – order issued by the court to a person to appear in court.
1. Subject recently fired a gun
-totally not related to the incident in question A “subpoena ad testificandum” is a court summons to appear and give
oral testimony for use at a hearing or trial.
2. Subject is a smoker
3. Subject is a farmer who deals with
fertilizer. -any willfull disobedience to or disregard of a court order or any
misconduct in the presence of a court action that interferes with a
FALSE NEGATIVE judge’s ability to administer justice or that insults the dignity of the
court. Punishable by fine or imprisonment or both.
1. Subject is a professional
2. Incessant rushing with water and soap (suka) 2 kinds:
3. Paraffim test was done beyond 3 days from the time of incident.
Direct – inside the court room or anywhere in the court room
Indirect – outside the court room, defied the order of the court.
- A person who by perceiving and made known his perception
to others.
- Person who testifies under oath in a trial with first hand or
expert evidence useful in a lawsuit. VIRGINITY
- A person who sees an event.
- A condition of a female who has not experience sexual
Who cannot be a witness? intercourse and whose genital organs have not been alteres
by carnal connection and whose hymen is still intact.
-Those who cannot made known his perception to others
Virtuous Female
* Children
- If her body is pure and if she has never had any sexual
* Senile / Insane intercourse with another though her mind and heart is
* Those who have previously been convicted of perjury
Kinds of Virginity:
Two Types of Witnesses:
1. MORAL – the state of not knowing the nature of sexual life and
1. Ordinary – goes to court and specify what he has perceived. not having experienced sexual relation.
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- Applies to children below the age of puberty and whose sex - literally the term refers to a truly virgin woman; that there are
organs and secondary sex characters are not yet developed. structural changes in her organ to infer previous sexual intercourse and
2. PHYSICAL – condition whereby a woman is conscious of the that she is a virtuous woman.
nature of the sexual life but has not experienced sexual
intercourse. - inasmuch as there are no conclusive evidence to prove the existence of
such condition, liberal authorities extend the connotation of the term to
The term applies to women who have reached sexual maturity include women who have had previous sexual act or even habitually but
but have not experienced sexual intercourse. had not given birth.
-this term refers to a condition who permits any form of sexual 6. Self-scratching or irritation
liberties as long as they abstain from rupturing the hymen by 7. Masturbation
sexual act. 8. Insertion of foreign bodies
- the woman may be embraced, kissed, may allow her breasts to 9. Previous operation
be fondled, her private organ to be held and other lascivious acts. 10. Horseback riding
- the woman allows sexual intercourse but only “inter-femora” 11. Aerobics / biking
or even “inter-labia” but not to the extent of rupturing the 12. Throma to the genitalia
- hymen is still intact Degree of Laceration:
Superficial – the laceration does not go beyond one-half of the MUSCULAR CHANGES in the BODY following DEATH
whole width of the hymen
Deep – the laceration involves more than one-half of the width Importance: help us determine the approximate time of death.
of the hymen but not reaching the base. 1. Stage of Primary Flaccidity:
- Both the internal and external examination of the dead. -done on those who -done to those who
died on non-natural died from natural
NEGATIVE AUTOPSY – after the autopsy, cause of death is still causes causes
-NO NEED for -consent from next
NEGLIGENT AUTOPSY – cause of death is still unknown because of consent of the next of kin is needed,
so many errors committed during the autopsy. of kin. they will decide
whether it will be a
-always a TOTAL TOTAL or
autopsy PARTIAL autopsy.
-Only those -by the pathologist
authorized by law of the hospital
may perform this
kind of autopsy