Sana All Rizal
Sana All Rizal
Sana All Rizal
Shortly after midnight of July 4 (12:30 -Rizal wrote a poem entitle “A Don
am of July 15, 1892), Rizal was brought Ricardo Carnicero” because of his
under heavy guard to the steamer Cebu kindness and generous on August 26,
which was sailing fro Dapitan, reaching 1892
Dapitam on Sunday, the 17th of July at Wins in Manila Lottery
7:00 in the evening.
Captain Delgras went ashore and -On September 1892 , mail boat
handed Rizal over to Captain Ricardo butuan came to Dapitan bringing
Carnicero, Spanish commandant of happy tidings that the lottery ticket no.
Dapitan. That same night, July 17, 9736 jointy owned by Captain
1892, Rizal began his exile in lonely Carnicero , Dr. Rizal and Francisco
Dapitan which would last until July 31, Equilior , resident of Dipolog won the
1896, a period of four years. 2nd prize of 20,000 in the Government-
owned Manila lottery.
-he gave 2,000 to his father and 200 to
CHAPTER 22 his friend basa in Hongkong.
-Exile in Dapitan, 1892-96
-Dapitan , a remote town in Mindanao Rizal-Pastells Debate
which was under the missionary
jurisdiction of Jesuits. -During his exile in Dapitan , Rizal had
a long and scholarly dabate with Father
-He practiced medicine , pursued Pastells on religion.
scientific studies , continued his artistic
and literary work , widened his -As he wrote blumentritt from Paris on
knowledge of languages , established a January 20, 1980 “I want to hit the
school for boys , promoted community friars but only friars who utilized
development projects , invented a religion not only as shield, but also as a
wooden machine for making bricks and weapon, castle, fortress armor, etc.I
, engaged in farming and commerce. was forced to attack their false and
suoertitious religion in order to fight the
-fellow reformist and eminent scientist enemy who hid himself behind it.
and scholars of Europe
-Rizal and Pastells remained good
friends. Father Pastell gave Rizal a copy
of the Imitation De Cristo by father
Thomas a kempis. And Rizal gave his Friars to a secret mission in Dapitan; to
Jesuit opponent in debate a bust of St. spy Rizal’s activities and to Filch certain
Paul which he had made. letter and writings.
-Captain Sitges submitted the report to
Governor General Blanco and these
Rizal Challenges a Frenchman to a Duel document confidential.
-he involved in a quarrel with a French -After the incident, Rizal wrote a letter
acquaintance in Dapitan , Mr. Juan to his Brother-in-Law, Manuel T.
lardet a business man. Hidalgo about the incident.
-this man purchased many logs from
lands of Rizal because some of the logs
were of poor quality Rizal and Father As Physician in Dapitan
-Rizal practiced medicine in Dapitan
-Father Pastell instructed Father Obach but most of his ptients are poor that’s
cura of Dapitan and Father Jose why he gave them free medicine.
Villaclara cura of Dipolog to try their
best to persuade Rizal to bring back -His mother and sister Maria went to
Rizal within the catholic Fold. Dapitan to have operations to his
mother’s eye and it was successful
-Father Pastell assigned Father operate but unfortunately it was been
Francisco De Paula Sanchez, Rizals infected because Rizal’s instruction was
favorite teacher at the Ateneo De ignored by his mother.
-He had many patient from Luzon,
-Father Sanchez did not convince Rizal Bohol, Panay, Negros and Mindanao
and even from Hongkong.
-Don Ignacio Tumarong, a rich Filipino
Idyllic life in Dapitan was able to see again because of Rizal’s
-Rizal family took turns in visiting Rizal skill and paid 3000 and another
in order to assuage his loneliness in the English patient paid 500.
isolated outpost of Spanish power in -Don Florencio Azacarraga, a rich
the Moroland. hacendero of Aklan was also cured of
-Rizal wrote to Blumentritt describing eye ailment and paid Rizal a cargo of
his experience in Dapitan on December sugar.
19, 1983.
-He introduced himself as a friend and -Modern Engineers marveled how Rizal
relative, showing photo of Rizal and a could have built such a system of
pair of buttons with the initials “P.M” as waterworks even he had inadequate
evidence on his kinship with the Rizal tools and meager materials and his
Family. finances were very limited.
-Rizal irked by the impostor lies and -Mr. H.F Cameron, an American
sent him away from his house at the Engineer praised Rizal’s engineering
next day. work.
-He wrote a letter to Blumentritt about -In February 1895, Donya Telesfora with her
what he had learned. eyesight fully restored, returned to Manila.
-Donya Teodora saw how busy her talented
son was and regretted that he had neglected
the muses that’s why she requested him to
write poetry again.
Artistic Works in Dapitan
-Rizal wrote a poem entitled “Mi Retiro”.
-Rizal contributed his painting skill to
the sisters of charity who were
preparing the sanctuary of the Holy
Virgin in their private chapel. Rizal and Josephine Bracken
-Rizal made sketches of person and -On August 28, 1893, Leonora Rivera died
things that attracted him in Dapitan. and this was make Rizal lonely exile and
melancholy mood.
-Josephine Bracken, Irish girl of sweet talk about the plan of katipunan but Rizal
eighteen, “slender”, a chestnut blond with objected it because of two reasons
blue eyes, dressed with elegant simplicity. She
was born in Hongkong on October 3,1876. 1.) the people are not ready
-James Bracken, father of Josephine and a 2.) arms and funds must first be collected
corporal in the British Garrison. before raising the cry of revolution
-The lost son was named “Francisco” in -Rizal had a pleasant trip from Dapitan to
honor of Don Francisco Manila, with a delightful stopovers in
Dumaguete, Cebu, Ilo-ilo, Capiz and Romblon.
-Rizal missed the steamer Isla De Luzon
Rizal and the Katipunan which should be brought him to Spain
-While Rizal was mourning the loss of his -While waiting Rizal was kept as a guest on
son, ominous clouds of revolution gradually board the Spanish cruiser Castilla
darkened the Philippine skies.
-Andres Bonifacio, the “Great Plebeian”
From Dapitan to Manila
-“Katipunan”, secret revolutionary society
which Rizal founded on July 7,1892 -Dumaguete, first stopover and which Rizal
visited a friend and a former classmate,
-In a secret meeting of the katipunan at a Herrero Regidor, judge of the province. He also
little river called Bitukang Manok on May visited other friends including Periquet and
2,1896, Dr. Pio Valenzuela was named Rufina families and operated on a Spanish
emissary to Dapitan, in order to inform Rizal Captain of the Guardia Civil.
of the plan of the katipunan.
-Cebu, second stopover which Rizal was
-June 15, 1896, Dr. Valenzuela left Manila fascinated by the entrance of the place which
on board the steamer venus with a Blind man he considered beautiful. He visited Attorney
named Raymundo Mata and a guide to hide Mateos and met an old couple he had known
his true mission. in Madrid.
-June 21, 1896, Dr. Valenzuela arrive in -Ilo-ilo, third stopover and Rizal went
Dapitan in the evening and after dinner they shopping in the city and visited the molo
went to the garden and had a heart to heart church.
and the Minister of war and Colonies were
exchanging coded telegrams and confidential
Rizal Misses Ship going to Spain messages for his arrest.
-August 6, 1896, Espanya arrived early in
the morning which is one day after Isla De
Luzon departed. Rizal Arrested before Reaching Barcelona
-September 27, he heard from the
passengers that a telegram arrived from
Outbreak of the Philippine Revolution Manila reporting the execution of Francisco
-While Rizal was waiting for the next Roxas, Genato and Osorio.
steamer, portentous event occurred passaging -September 28, a day after the steamer had
the downfall of Spanish Power in Asia and in left port said, a passenger told Rizal the bad
the evening of August 19, 1896 the katipunan news that he would arrested by order of
was discovered by Fray Mariano Gil, Gobernador General Blanco and sent to prison
Agustinian Cura of Tondo. in Ceuta.
-The katipunan led by Bonifacio attacked -Rizal was shocked by the alarming news
San Juan, near City of Manila but they were and belatedly realized that he was doped by
repulsed with heavy losses. the unscrupulous Spanish official particulary
-After the battle in San Juan, Governor Governor General Blanco.
General Blanco proclaimed a state of war in -September 30, Rizal was officially notified
the first eight provinces in Manila, Bulacan, by Captain Alemany that he should stay in his
Cavite, Batangas, Laguna Pampanga Nueva cabin until further orders from manila.
Ecija and Tarlac.
-Rizal knowing the event happened was
worried because of two reasons; One, violent Arrival in Barcelona as a Prisoner
revolution which he sincerely believe to be
premature and would only cause must -October 3, La Isla de Panay arrived in
suffering and terrible loss of human lives. Barcelona with Rizal as Prisoner. His jailor
Second it would arouse Spanish vengeance was General Eulogio Despujol, the one who
against all Filipinos. ordered his banishment to Dapitan.
-October 6, Rizal was awakened by the
guards and taken out of prison which they
brought Rizal to Despujol’s Headquarter to
have an interview which lasted quarter of an
Departure for Spain hour.
-August 30, 1896, the day when Rizal - Rizal was shipped back to Manila on
received from Gobernador General Blanco two the transport ship Colon
letters of introduction for the Minister of
Colonies, with a covering letter which absolved
him from all blame for the raging revolutions.
-September 2, 1896, Rizal was transferred to
the steamer Isla de Panay which was sailing Last Homecoming and Trial
for Barcelona and in the next day Rizal’s last - October 11, before reaching Fort
trip to Abroad began. Said, Rizal’s diary was taken away
and was critically scrutinized by the
authorities but nothing
Rizal in Singapore incriminating was found
- Unsuccessful Rescue in Singapore
-Isla De Panay arrived at Singapore on - Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto
September 7 and Rizal went ashore for sight- Lopez dispatched frantic telegram to
seeing and shopping for souvenirs. an English lawyer in Singapore
-Don Pedro and Don Manuel adviced Rizal named Hugh Fort to rescue Rizal
to stay in Singapore for the protection of his from the Spanish steamer by a writ
life but unfortunately, Rizal ignored their habeas corpus
appeal because he had given his word of - Unfortunately, Chief Justice Loinel
honor. Cox denied the writ of habeas
Arrival in Manila
Victim of Spanish Duplicity
- November 3, Colon arrived in Manila
-Rizal was unaware that since his departure - Rizal was transferred to Fort
from Manila Bay on his way to Spain, Blanco Santiago
- Spanish Authorities fished for - December 25, Rizal’s wrote a
evidence against Rizal by way of manifesto to his people appealing to
torturing many Filipino patriots them to stop the necessary shedding
including Deodato Arellano, Dr. Pio of blood.
Valenzuela, Moises Salvador, Jose
Dizon, Domingo Franco, Temoteo Rizal’s Saddest Christmas
Paez and Pedro Serrano Laktao. - December 25, it was a dark and
Paciano also was tortured. cheerless Christmas for Rizal
- Two kinds of evidence were - Rizal wrote a letter to Lt. Taviel de
presented against Rizal namely Andrada informing him to have time
documentary and testimonial to talk before going to the Court
- Documentary evidence consists of
15 exhibits The Trial of Rizal
- Testimonial evidence consisted of
- December 26, 1896, court-martial of
the oral testimonies of Martin
Rizal started in the military building
Constantino, Aguedo del Rosario,
called Cuartel de Espanya
Jose Reyes, Moises Salvador, Jose
- Rizal was given by the court the
Dizon, Domingo Franco, Deodato
verdict of death
Arellano, Ambrosio Salvador, Pedro
- Court give chance to Rizal what he
Gerrano Laktaw, Dr. Pio Valenzuela,
want to say and Rizal read a
Antonio Salazar, Francisco Quison
supplement to his defense which he
and Timoteo Paez.
wrote in his prison cell to prove his
- Captain Rafael Dominguez, special
innocence by his 12 points
judge advocate to institute the
- The supplement was remained
corresponding action against Rizal.
indifferent and president, Lt. Col.
- Dominguez made a brief resume of
Togores Arjona considered the trial
the changes and returned the
papers to Blanco who transmitted
again to Judge Advocate Don Polavieja signs Rizal’s executions
Nicolas De la Pena.
- Pena submitted the following - December 28, Polavieja approved
recommendations the decisions of the court-martial
1. The accuse must be and ordered Rizal to be shot at 7:00
immediately brought to trial o’clock in the morning of December
2. He should be in prison 30 at Bagumbayan field.
3. Order of attachment be
issued against his property to
the amount of 1 million as
4. he should be defended in
court by an army, not by a Chapter 25
civilian army Last hours of Rizal
Rizal Chooses his defender - Captain Rafael Dominguez was
- December 8, Spanish authorities designated to the arrangement for
give Rizal a list of 100 first and the execution of Rizal
second lieutenant in the Spanish - Rizal was moved to the prison
army chapel
- Don LuisTaviel de Andrade, 1st Lt. At 7:00 am of December 29, 1896
and a brother of Lt. Jose Taviel de
Andrade who is Rizal’s bodyguard in - Father Miguel Saderra Mata and
Calamba Father Luis Viza was his first
Reading of information of charges to the
accused At 8:00 am
- Rizal was accused of being the - Father Antonio Rosell arrived to
principal organizer and the living relieve Father Viza and after
soul of the Filipinos insurrection, breakfast Lt. Tavieda de Andrade
the founder of societies, periodical came.
and books to fomenting and
propagating ideas of rebellion At 9:00 am
- Rizal admitted that he wrote the - Father Federico Faura arrived, Rizal
Constitution of the Liga Filipina reminded him that he will be a
which was merely a civic association prophet to his book Noli Me
Rizal’s Manifesto to his People Tangere.
At 10:00 am - He wrote two letters for his family
and for his older brother Paciano
-Father Jose Villaclara and Vicente after his last breakfast
Balaguer visited Rizal and after them is the - Josephine Bracken accompanied by
Spanish journalist, Santiago Mataix who his sister of Rizal, Josefa arrived.
interviewed Rizal for his newspaper El Heraldo - Rizal gave her last gift to Josephine
de Madrid. which is a religious book entitled
From 12;00 am to 3:30 pm Imitacion of Christ by Father Thomas
a Kempis
- Rizal wrote a poem and hid it inside
his alcohol cooking stove which was At 6:00 am
given to him as a gift by Paz Pardo - Death March to Bagumbayan
de Tavera ( wife of Juan Luna) and
his last letter to Blumentritt. Death March to Bagumbayan
At 3;30 pm - Rizal walked calmly with his defense
counsel Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
- Father Balaguer returned to Fort with the two priest Father March
Santiago and discussed with Rizal and Villaclara
about his retraction of the anti- - Rizal was dressed elegantly in a
Catholic Ideas in his writing, black suit, black derby hat, black
At 4:00 pm shoes, white shirt and balck tie.