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Sana All Rizal

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 Rizal, did not know the Japanese  The following afternoon, Rizal and the

language. To avoid further gardener waited for Seiko. After seeing

embarrassment, Rizal decided to study her, Rizal took off his hat and politely
the Japanese language. He also studied introduced himself just like how
the Japanese drama (Kabuki), Japanese Germans do.the gardener took aid of
art of self defense (Judo), arts and Rizal's Japanese as he's Japanese at
music. that time was still very poor.
 Seiko and Rizal's language barrier was
Rizal and the Tokyo Musicians eliminated when Seiko converse with
 One spring afternoon on March 1888, Rizal in English and French
Rizal was strolling in a street of Tokyo  They visited the interesting spots of the
near a park. In the park, Rizal heard city
the Tokyo band playing a classical work o Imperial Gallery
of Strauss. He was amzaed of the o Hibiya Park
performance and listen in rapt o Universities
attention. o Shrines
 The band stopped playing. The o Shokubutsu-En (Botanical
musicians walked around for a rest. Garden)
Then he heard them speakong in Sayonara, Japan
Tagalog, he asked in amazement:
"Paisano, taga saan po kayo?  After 45 days in Japan. On April 13,
 The musicians were all surprised and 1888, Rizal boarded 'Belgic' bound for
delighted to meet him. Musicians told United States. His sojourn in Japan
Rizal they are Filipinos and they were was one of the happiest interludes in
playing for the secondary instruments. his life.

Rizal's Impression of Japan O-Sei-San after Rizal's Departure

.1. The things which favorably impressed  Brokenhearted by the first man to
Rizal in Japan were: capture her heart. About 1897, she
1. The beauty of the country - it's married Mr. Alfred Chariton, British
flowers, mountains, streams, and chemistry teacher in Tokyo. Their
scenic panoramas wedlock was blessed by a daughter
2. The cleanliness, politeness, and named Yuriko, later Yuriko married
industry of the Japanese people Yoshiharu Takiguchi, son of a Japanese
3. The picturesque dress and simple senator. O-Sei-San survived WWII and
charm of the Japanese women died at the age of 80, May 1, 1947
4. There were very few thieves in Japan
so that the houses remained open Voyage Across the Pacific
day and night, and in the hotel room
 Despite his sorrowing heart, Rizal
one could safely leave money on the
enjoyed the pleasant trans-Pacific
voyage to the United States. On board
5. were rarely seen in the city streets,
the ship, he met a semi-Filipino Me.
unlike in Manila and other cities
Reinaldo Turned, his wife Emma
.2. One thing Rizal did not like in Japan
Jackson, their children, and their maid
was the popular mode of
servant from pangasinan.
transportation by means of rickshaws
 One day one of the children, a bright
drawn by men. Seeing people working
young boy asked Rizal: "Do you know,
on rickshaws recoiled the sensitive
sir, a famous man in Manila named
soul of Rizal. He felt disgusted at the
Richal? He wrote a novel, Nopi Me
way human was employed like a horse
Rangers." "Yes, hijo, I am Richao," Rizal
Romance with O-Sei-San replied.

 One spring afternoon after Rizal moved Rizal and Tetcho

to the Spanish Legation in the Azubo
 Tetcho Suehiro
district, Rizal saw a pretty Japanese girl
o A fighting Japanese journalist,
walking.having an eye for beauty, he
novelist, and champion of
was attracted by her loveliness and
human rights.
charm, modesty, and intelligence. She
o Was forced by the Japanese
was also his guide, tutor, and
government to leave the country,
just as Rizal was compelled to
 Rizal then made inquiries in the
leave the Philippines by the
legation emplyoyess and learned from a
Spanish authorities.
Japanese gardener that she was Seiko
o April 13 - December 11, 1888
Usui who lived in her parent's home.
Tetcho came to admire Rizal,
whose patriotism and Hotel which was then considered a
magnificent talents greatly first-class hotel in the city.
fascinated him and influenced  Leland Stanford, was a senator
him to fortify his own crusade for representing California and the founder
human rights in his own and benefactor of Stanford University
country.  Grover Cleveland was the President of
o Shortly after his return to Japan, the United States at that time.
Tetcho published his travel diary  May 4-6, 1888, RizL stayed in San
which contained his impression Francisco
of Rizal. He then entered into
politics and was elected as Across the American Continent
member of the lower house of the
First Imperial Diet (Japanese  May 6, 1888, it was Sunday, 4:30 P.M.,
parliament), where he carried on Rizal left San Francisco for Oakland
his fight for human rights. kind miles across San Francisco Bay,
o The following year, he published by ferry boat.
a political novel titled"Nankai-no-  May 7, 1888, it was morning, Rizal
Daiharan" (Storm Over the South awoke and had a good breakfast at
Sea) which resembles Rizal 'Noli Reno, Nevada, now glamorized by
Me Tangere' in plot. American high-pressure propaganda as
o He then published another novel "The Biggest Little City in the World."
entitled 'O-unabara' (The Big  May 7-13, 1888, Rizal wrote in his diary
Ocean) which was similar to 'El the beautiful memories from Nevada,
Filibusterismo' Chicago until he reached Albany
o Tetcho died of heart attack in  Oakland, first stop via ferry boat
February, 1896. He was then 49  Travel flow
years old o Sacramento, where he ate his
 Rizal and Tetcho were valiant Patriots, supper 75cengs and slept at his
implacable does of injustice and couch
tyranny. Both were men of peace using o Reno, Nevada, where he had
their trenchant pens as formidable breakfast
weapons. o Utah, where he saw Mormons,
thickly populated
Chapter 13 Rizal in US o Colorado, a lot of snow and pine
Rizal's Visit to the United States o Nebraska, Omaha City, as big as
 Rizal first saw America on April 28, San Francisco
1888. His arrival in this great country o Missouri River, twice as big as
was marred by racialnprejudice. He saw Pasiig River
the discriminatory treatment of the o Chicago, every cigar store has
Chinese and the Negros by the white Indian figure, and always
Americans. different.
o Albany, where he saw the
Arrival in San Francisco Hudson River.

 Saturday, April 28, 1888, the steamer Rizal in New York

Belgic docked at San Francisco.
American authorities did not let the 6. It was Sunday morning on May 13,
passengers to land for one week 1888 wh Rizal reached New York. He
because of the rumored cholera stayed three days in this city, which he
epidemic called the "big town".
 Rizal knew there was no cholera 7. On May 16, 1888, Rizal left New York
epidemic that time and he protest with for Liverpool on board the City of Rome.
other passengers the unjustifiable Rizal saw the Statue of Liberty on
actions of American authorities. Bedloe Island.
 He soon discovered that it was Rizal's Impression of America
motivated by politics and the ship was
carrying 643 Chinese coolies.  The good impressions were:
 After a week of qirantine, all of the o The material progress of the
passengers were allowed to land except country as shown in the great
for the second and third-class Chinese cities, huge farms, flourishing
ad Japanese passengers industries, and busy factories.
o He drive and the energy of the
Rizal in San Francisco America people.
o The natural beauty of the lanthe
 May 4, 1888, the day he was permitted
high standard of living
to go ahore and registered at the Palace
o The opportunities for better life  Rizal spent of his time in the British
offered to poor immigrants Museum.
 The bad impression Rizal had of
America was the lack of racial equality. News from Home, Good and Bad
 In year 1890, two years after Rizal's  The bad news were injustices
visit to the United States,Jose committed by Spanish authorities on
Alejandro, who was then studying the Filipino people and the Rizal family.
engineering in Elgiul, roomed with him.
 Among which were as follow:
 Rizal impression of America "is the land o Persecution of Filipino Patriots
par excellence of freedom but only for who signed the "Anti-Friar
whites". Petition of q888"
o Persecution of Calamba tenants
including Rizal's family and
o Furious attack on Rizal by
Chapter 14 Rizal in London Senators Salamance and Vida
Lived in London from May 1888 to March o Rizal's brother-in-law, Manuel T.
1889 Hidalgo, was exiled to Bohol
without due process of law.
3 reasons why he stayed there o A friend of Rizal, Laureno Viado,
was jailed in Bilibid prision,
 To improve his knowledge of the
because copies of "Noli Me
English language
Tangere'" were found in his
 To study and annotate Morga's Sucesos house.
de Las Islas Filipinas
 Good news that cheered Rizal
 London was a safe place for him to o Was Rev. Vicente Garcia's
carry on his fight against Spanish defense of the Noli against the
Tyranny attack of the friars.
During his stay, he had Filipiniana studies, he Annotating Morgan's Book
completed annotating Morga's books, he wrote
many articles for La Solidaridad, and penned  The greatest achievement of Rizal was
young women of Malolos. annotating Morgan's Book, Succos De
Los Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of
Trip Across the Atlantic
the Philippine Island), which was
 He made friends in his Atlantic voyage published in Mexico, 1609.
 Rizal was on board the "City of Rme".  Rizal laboriously read the old histories
While on board, Rizal entertained the of the Philippines written by Fr.
American and European passengers Chirino, Fr. Collin, Fr. Argensola, Fr.
with his marvelous skill of the yo-yo as Plasencia, etc.
a defensive weapon.
Short Visit to Paris and Spain
 Rizal arrived at Liverpool,England on
May 24, 1888.  Rizal visited Paris for a week. Earlier in
o He spent his night at September, 1888. To search for
AdelphiHotel historical materials in Bibliotheque
o He also wrote to his family Nationale
 He was entertained in this gay French
Life in London
metropolis by Jua Luna and his
 Rizal went to London on Ay 25, 1888. wife(Paz Prado de Tavera)
 He stayed asba guest at the home of Dr.  On December 11, 1888, he went to
Antonio Ma. regidor, an exile of 1872 Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona
and practicing lawyer in London o There he met Marcelo H. Del
 By the end of May, he was boarder of Pilar and Mariano Ponce
the Beckett family
Christmas in London
o Mr. Beckettis an organist at St.
Paul Chur h  Rizal returned to London on December
o Has three sons and four 24 and spent Christmas and New Year
daughters, the eldest of the with the Beckett Family
sisters was Gertrude,called  He sent Christmas gifts to his friends.
'Gettie' o To Blumentritt, bust of Emperor
 Rizal came to know Dr. Reinhold Rost of Agustus
the librarian of the Ministry of Foreign o To Dr. Carlos Czepelak, a bust of
Affairs and the authority on Malayan Julius Caesar
Languages and Customs. o To Rizal's landlady, Mrs. Beckett
 Dr. Rost called Rizal "A Pearl of a Man" a book entitled, "The Life and the
Adventures of Valentine Vox, The her sons in defense of the
Ventriliquist". fatherland
o A Filipino woman should know
Rizal Becomes Leader of Filipinos in Europe how to preserve her dignity and
 Rizal learned that Filipinos in
o A Filipino woman should educate
Barcelona were planning to establish a
herself, aside from retaining her
patriotic society. This was called:
good racial values
Asociacion La Solidaridad which was
o Faith is not merely retaining long
inaugurated on December 31,1888.
prayers and wearing religious
 Officers of Asociacion La Solidaridad
pictures but rather it is living in
o Galiciano Apacible - President
the real Christian way, with good
o Garciano Lopez - Vice President
morals and good manners.
o Manuel Santa Maria - Secretary
 Dr. Host, editor in Trubner's Record
o Mariano Ponce - Treasurer
requested Rizal o contribute some
o Jose Ma. Panganiban -
articles. In which Rizal prepared two
articles: (1) "Specimens of Tagalog
Rizal and the La Solidaridad Newspaper Folklore" published in the journal in
May 1889 and (2) "Two Eastern Fables",
 Graciano Lopez Jaena founded the published in ajune 1889
patriotic newspapers called La
Solidaridad in Barcelona on February Romance with Gertrude Beckett
18, 1889.
 Rizal had a romantcie interlude with
 La Solidaridad aims:
the eldest of the four Beckett sisters,
o To oppose work peacefully for
Gertrude. Gettie as she was affectionaly
political and social reforms
called was a Buxom English girl with
o To portray the deplorable
brown hair, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks.
conditions of the Philippines so
 Rizal eventually called the finish of four
that Spain may remedy them
sculptural works:
o To oppose evil forces of reaction
o Prometheus Bound
and medievalism
o The Triumph of Death Over Life
o To advocate liberal ideas and
o Triumph of Science Over Death
o A Composite Carving of the
o To champion the legitimate
Beckett Sisters (The last named
aspiration of Filipino people to
carving was a farewell gift to the
xlife, democracy, and happiness.
Beckett Sisters)
First article in La Solidaridad
Adios to London
 Rizal's first article was entitled 'Los
 Suddenly on March 19,1889, Rizal
Agricultores Filipino' (The Filipino
bade goodbye to the kink Beckett
Farmers), which was published on
family (particularly to Gertrude) and
March 25, 1889, six days after he left
he left London for Paris because
London for Paris
Rizal suddenly realized that he
Writings in London could not marry Gettie for he had
mission to fulfill in life.
 Rizal received news on Fray  He was sad as he crossed the
Rodriguez'anabated attack on Noli English channel for he cherished so
 In defense, he wrote a pamphlet; La many beautiful memories of London.
Vision de Fray Rodriguez (The Vision of
Fray Rodriguez) which was published in Chapter 15 Rizal's Second Sojourn in Paris
Barcelona under his nom-de-plume and the Universal Exposition in 1889
"Dina's Alang". In this pamphlet, Rizal
Difficulty in Finding quarters
demonstrated two things:
o His profound knowledge on  In March 1889, it was extremely
religion difficult for a visitor to find a living
o His biting satire quarters in Paris because Universal
Exposition was scheduled to open on
"Young Women of Malolos" (February 22, May 6, 1889
1889) in Tagalog
 The cost of living was high because the
 The main points of the letter were: French landlords are taking advantage
o A Filipino mother should teach for the upcoming event.
her children Love of God,  For a short time, Rizal lived in the
fatherland, and mankind house of his friend Valentin Ventura at
o The Filipino mother should be No. 45 Rue Maubeuge
glad, like the Spartan mother, to
 He transferred residence several time  Rizal was enchanted by the dignified
and finally he lived in a little room, and proud bearing and the American
together with Capitan Justo Trinidad Indians whose red-skinned andproudly
(former gobernadorcillo of Sta. Ana, riding their sturdy ponies, elegantly
Manila), Jose Albert ( a young student dressed in their native attire and
from Manila, and a refugee from wearing their war feathers and paints
Spanish Tyranny  This was born the Indios Bravo's and
replaced Kidlat Club
Life in Paris  It's members pledged to excel in
 He used most of his time in the reading intellectual and physical prowess. They
room of the Bibliotheque Nationale practicesld the use of the sword and
(National Library) checking up his pistol. Rizal taught them Judo, an
historical annotations on Morga's book Asian art of self-defense, that he
 In Paris, he writes letter to his family learned in Japan
and friends and goes to gymnasium for R.D.L.M Society
his daily physical exercises.
 In spare hours, Rizal used to find at the  Many biographers of Rizal did not
homes of the Taveras, the Venturas, mention the R.D L.M Society. Of the
Bousteads, and Lunas numerous letters written by Rizal and
 On June 24, 1889, a baby girl was born his fellow propagandists, only two
to Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de Tavera. mentioned this secret society:
She was their second child, the first o Rizal's letter to Jose Maria Basa,
was a boy named Andres, whose pet Paris, September 21, 1889.
name was Puking o Rizal's letter to Marcelo H. del
 Rizal was her baptismal godfather, who Pilar, Paris, November 4, 1889.
chose her name "Maria de la Paz,  According to Dr. Leoncio Lopez- Rizal,
Blanca, Laureana, Hermenegilda Juan grandnephew of the hero, the society
Luna y Pardo de Taveras" has a symbol or countersign
represented by a circle divided into
Rizal and Paris Exposition of 1889 three parts by two semi-circles having
in the the interlocked letter I and B
 The greatest attraction of this
meaning Indios Bravos, and the letters
exposition was the Eiffel Tower. 984 feet
R D L M. placed outside an upper,
high, which was built by Alexander
lower, left and right sides of the circle.
Eiffel, who is a celebrated French
 The letters R.D.L.M. are believed to be
the initials of the society's secret name
 One of the features of the exposition
Redencion de los Malayos (Redemption
was the international competition, Felix
of the Malays)
R. Hidalgo's painting was awarded
 Only a few of Rizal's trusted friends
second prize, the paintings of Juan
became members of the society,
Luna and Felix Pardo de Tavera each
namely, Gregorio Aguilera, Jose Ma.
obtained third prize,while Rizal's entry
Basa, Julio Llorente, Marcelo H. del
got no prize
Pilar, Mariano Ponce, Baldomero Roxas,
Kidlat Club and Father Jose Ma Changco (Filipino
 March 19, 1889, the day Rizal arrived  The aim of the society, as stated by
in Paris, he organized his compatriots Rizal was "the propagation of all useful
into a society called Kidlat Club. knowledge - scientific, artistic, literary,
 Among the members were Antonio and etc. - in the Philippines"and the
Juan Luna, Gregorio Aguilera, "Redemption of Malay Race"
Fernando Canon, Lauri Dimayuga,  February 23, 1892, Rizal's writing to
Julio Llorente, Guillermo Puatu, and Blumentritt frm Hong Kong, revealed
Baldomero Roxas his intention to be a leader of freedom,
 Kidlat Club aims to bring together the if not in Philippines, then in other lands
young Filipinos in the French Capital so  Provision for Bornean Colonization
that they could enjoy their sojourn in o Right of the colonists to buy
Paris. lands
 "Kidlat in Tagalog means Lightning and o Free use of the seashores
for the same reason this club will last o Unusual long term of lease for
only during the Exposition. It will also 999 years
disappear like lightning" -letter dated o "A period of timelong enough fo
March 19, 1889 to Blumentritt many generationa to form a
Nation and to consolidate its
Indios Bravo's status"

Annotated Edition of Morga Published

 Was Rizal's outstanding achievement in  Predicted with amazing accuracy the
Paris (1890) which he wrote in the tragic end of Spain's sovereignty in Asia
British Museum and was printed by  Parts of the article
Garnier Freres. By the request of Rizal o Begins with a glorious past of the
a prologue was written by Professor Filipino people
Blumentritt. o Then he described the economic
 Rizal's errors stagnation and happiness under
o Rizal commits the error of many the harsh Spanish rule
historians in appraising the o Ends peered into the future and
rents of the past in the light of warned Spain of what would
present standards happen to her colonial empire in
o Rizal's attacks on the church Asia if she would not adopt a
were unfair and unjustified more liberal and enlightened
because the abuses of the friars policy towards the Philippines
should not construed to mean
that Catholicism is bad The Indolence of the Filipinos
 Rizal published Morga's Sucesos  Essay written by Rizal in defense of the
because it was the best of the many alleged indolence of the Filipinos. It
histories of the Philippines written by studied the causes of why the Filipinos
the early Spanish writers did not work hard during the Spanish
 Rizal dedicated the new edition of regime.
Morga to the Filipino people to know  Main thesis: Filipinos are not by nature
their glorious past indolent
Comments on Morga's Publication Date  10 causes of decline one economic life
1. Native revolts and other internal
 "Paris, Libreriavde Garnier Hermanos, disorder
1890" was the title page of Rizal's 2. Wars which the Filipinos fought
annotated edition of Morga for Spain
 Documentary evidence to show that 3. Raids on the coastal towns and
Rizal's edition of Morga must have come village by the Muslim pirates of
off the press in 1889 and not in 1890 Mindanao and Sulu
are: 4. Forced labor
o October 12, 1889, Blumentritt 5. Lack of stimulus to work harder
received the edition (Leitmeritz) because people could not enjoy
o December 28, 1889, Rizal sent the fruits of their labor
copies to Dr. Baldomero Roxas 6. Government neglect and
from Paris to Lipa indifference to agriculture,
o December 31, 1889, Mariano industry, and commerce
Ponce received the book 7. Bad example shown by
Rizal as Historian 8. Teaching of Spanish missonaries
9. Gambling
 Rizal's research studies in the British
10. System of Spanish education
Museum (London) and in the
Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris) enriched International Association of Filipinologists
his historical knowledge
 Rizal's knowledge on foreign languages  Rizal proposed the International
enabled him to read historical Association of Filipinologists in order to
documents: take advantage of the world's attention
o Pigafetta's famous First Voyage which is centered to Universal
Around the World (Italian) Exposition in 1889.
o Works of Marsden, Raffles, Lord  The aim of the association is to study
Stanley, and Wallace (English) the Philippines from the scientific and
o Writings of Blumentritt, Jagor, historical point of view
Virchow (German)  Officers:
 Historical Commentaries which qualify 1. President - Dr. Ferdinand
Rizal to be a real hsitorian Blumentritt (Austrian)
o Ma-yi (December 6, 1888) and 2. Vice-president - Mr. Edmund
Tawalis of Ibn Batuta (January Plauchut (French)
7, 1889). Both were written in 3. Counsellors
London  Dr. Reinhold Rost (Anglo-
The Philippines Within a Century  Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
 Artcile in which Rizal expressed his
4. Secretary - Dr. Jose Rizal
views on the Spanish Colonization in
the Philippines
 August 1889 (Paris) - scheduled holding with the original copy in
of the inaugural convention the British Museum
 Invited renowned scholars in Europe: 2. To see Gertrude Beckett
1. Dr. Reinhold Rost for the last time
2. Sir Henry Yule
3. Dr. Feodor Jagor
5. Dr. H. Kern
6. Dr. Czepelak  On January 28, 1890, Rizal left
Project for Filipino College in Hong Kong Paris for Brussels, capital of
Belgium. Two reasons impelled
 Planned by Rizal while he was still in Rizal to leave Paris:
Paris was to establish a modern college o The cost of living in Paris
in Hong Kong. He wrote this letter to was very high because of
Jose Maria Basa. It aims "to train and the Universal Exposition
educate men of good family and o The gay social life of the
financial means in accordance with the city hampered his literary
demands of modern times and works, especially writing
circumstance of his second novel El
 Mr. Mariano Cunanan from Mexico, Filibusterismo
Pampanga promised to help him raised  Rizal’s friends were of to belief he
40,000 pesos as initial capital left because he was running
 Subjects away from a girl just as he left
o Ethics London
o Religion
o Natural law I. LIFE IN BRUSSELS
o Civil law  Rizal was accompanied by Jose
o Hygiene Albert when he moved to
o Mathematics Brussels. They lived in a modesr
o Physics and chemistry boarding house on 38 Rue
o Natural history Philippines Champagne
o Geography, etc
II. Articles Published in La Solidaridad
Por Telefono  April 30, 1889 - “A La Defensa”
(To La Defense), a reply to an
 By penning a satirical booklet entitled
anti Filipino writing of Patricio de
La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Rizal was
la Escura
able to defend Fray Jose Rodriguez'
 May 31, 1889 - “La Verdad Para
attacks on Noli
Todos” (The Truth For All), a
 Rizal also wrote another satirical work
defense against the Spanish
entitled " Por Telefono" as a reply
toanother slanderer Fr. Salvador Font
 June 15, 1889 - “Vicente
 The satirical pamphlet under the
Barrantes’ TeatroTagalo”,
authorship of "Dimas Alang" (one of
exposes Barrantes’ ignorance on
Rizal's pen name) is a witty satire which
the Tagalog theatrical art
ridicules Fr. Fon
 July 31, 1889 - “Una
 The satire describes in comical vein a
Profanacion” (A Profanatio), bitter
telephone conversation between Fr.
attack against the friars for
Font who was in Madrid and the father
denying a Christian burial to
provincial of the San Agustin Convent-
Mariano Herbosa because he was
a brother-in-law of Rizal
Christmas in Paris  July 31, 1889 - “Vervades
Nuevas” (New Truths), a reply to
 December 25, 1889, Jose Albert, Vicente Belloc Sanchez
Capitan Justo Trinidad, and Rizal  August 15, 1889 - “Crueldad”
planned to have a Christmas dinner. (Cruelty), defense of Blumentrit
Their dinner was compose of fried from the scurrilous attacks of his
chicken, rice, and vegetables. The event enemies
was Rizal's last Christmas dinner in  September 15, 1889 -
Paris. “Diferencias” (Differences), a
 After New year, Rizal made a brief visit reply to biased article entitled
to London for unknown purpose “Old Truths”
o 2 theoritical reasons:  November 30, 1889 -
1. To check his annotated “Inconsequencias”
edition of Morga's Sucesos (Inconsequences), a defence of
Antonio Luna against the attack head high and the brow
of Pablo Mir Deas serene is not to fall, it is to
 January 15, 1890 - triumph
“Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), a iii. The sad thing is to fall
reply to Governor General with the stain of dishonor
Valerio Weyler
III. NEW ORTOGRAPHY OF TAGALOG  He feared that we would not live
 The tagalong letters k and w  He was not afraid to die, but he
should be used instead of the wanted to finish his second novel
Spanish c and o. before he went to his grave
i. Salacot = salakot/ arao =  Letter to del Pilar:
araw i. In my childhood I had a
 April 15, 1890 - “Sobre la Nueva strange belief that I would
Ortofografia de la LenguaTagala” not reach 30 years of age.
was published in La Solidaridad ii. I am preparing myself for
death and for any
IV. RIZAL CRITICIZES MADRID eventuality. Laong Laan
FILIPINOS FOR GAMBLING (Ever Ready) is my true
 Rizal’s letter to M.H del Pilar: name.
i. Luna in Paris complains of
the gambling of the VII. PREPARATION TO GO HOME
Filipinos in Madrid  In the face of the sufferings
ii. We are serving the friars’ which afflicted his family, Rizal
scheme planned to go home.
iii. Filipinos do not come to  He could not stay in Brussels
Europe to gamble and to writing a book while his family
amuse himself but to work are persecuted
for his liberty and for the  Letter to Ponce:
dignity of his race i. Graciano Lopez Jaena
iv. We in whom the poor shold not got to Cuba but
people place their modest to our country to allow
hopes. himself to be killed in
 The gambling Filipinos in Madrid defense of his ideals
were angry when they learned of 1. We have only once
Rizal’s moralizing to die, and if we do
i. They derisively called him not die well, we lose
“Papa” (Pope) instead of an opportunity
“Pepe” which will not again
be presented to us.
V. BAD NEWS FROM HOME ii. I want to go back to the
 The Calamba agrarian trouble Philippines
was getting worse. 1. We are not making
 The management of the any progress by
Dominican Hacienda continually following prudence
raised the land rents until such
time that Rizal’s father refused to
i. The Dominican Order filed  Rizal ignored the dire warning of
a suit in court to his friends to return to the
dispossess the Rizal family Philippines. No threat of danger
of their lands in Calamba. could change his plan
ii. Tenants were persecuted  Something happened that
 Jose’s letter to Soledad suddenly made him change his
i. I have caused much harm plan.
to our family, but at least i. It was a letter from
there remains to us the Paciano which related that
consolation of knowing they lost the case against
that the motive is not the Dominicans in Manila,
disgraceful nor does it but they appealed it to the
humiliate any body Supreme Court in Spain
ii. It raises us up and gives ii. A lawyer was needed to
us more dignity in the handle it in Madrid
eyes of our enemies  Rizal wrote to del Pilar retaining
themselves; to fall with the the latter’s services as lawyer.
i. Jose informed del Pilar  More terrible news:
that he was going to o Ejectment order by the
Madrid to supervise the Dominicans against
handling of the case Francisco Rizal and other
Calamba tenants
IX. TO MY MUSE (1890)  Their parents had
 A poem that represents Jose’s been forcibly
worries on the disasters ejected from their
experienced by his family home
o Deportation of some of his
X. ROMANCE WITH PETITE JACOBY family members, including
 Two things brought some Paciano to Mindoro
measure of cheer to the  Rizal sought the aid of the liberal
despondent Rizal, as he was Spanish statesmen
preparing for his trip to Madrid o Jose was disappointed –
i. FIRST: summertime the statesmen merely gave
festival in Belgium, which him honeyed words of
was celebrated in carnival sympathy and nothing
style else
ii. SECOND: romance with  Blumentritt urged Jose to see
Petite Jacoby, niece of his Queen Regent Maria Cristina
landladies o But Jose doesn’t have
powerful friends to bring
CHAPTER 17: MISFORTUNES IN MADRID him to her nor gold to
(1890-91) grease the palms of
influential courtiers
 August 1890 – Rizal arrived in
Madrid to seek justice for his II. RIZAL’S EULOGY TO PANGANIBAN
family and the Calamba tenants.  August 19, 1890 – Jose Ma.
Panganiban died in Barcelona,
I. FAILURE TO GET JUSTICE FOR after lingering illness. He was
FAMILY very talented co-worker of Rizal
 Upon arrival in Madrid, Rizal in the Propaganda Movement.
sought the help of the Filipino
colony, The Associacion Hispano- III. ABORTED DUEL WITH ANTONIO
Filipina, and Liberal Spanish LUNA
Newspapers in securing justice  Luna was drunk in one of the
for the oppressed Calamba social reunions of Filipinos in
tenants and his family Madrid.
 Together with M.H del Pilar (his  Luna was bitter because of his
lawyer) and Dr. Dominador frustrated romance with Nellie
Gomez (secretary of the Boustead
Asociacion Hispano-Filipina): o He was blaming Rizal for
 Jose called on the his failure to win her
Minister of Colonies o Although Rizal had
(Señor Fabie) in previously explained to
order to protest the him that he had nothing
injustices to do about it
committed by Gov.- o Because of jealousy and
Gen. Valeriano the effects of alcohol,
Weyler and the Luna uttered certain
Dominicans against unsavory remarks about
the Calamba Folks. Nellie
 Nothing came out  Rizal, with high sense of chivalry,
of Rizal’s interview could not tolerate any slur
with Minister Fabie against the honor of any woman
 El Resumen (Spanish o Angered by the slanderous
Newspaper) remarks, he challenged
 Sympathized with Luna to a duel.
the Filipino cause o Rizal was a better pistol
 Said: “To cover the shot than Luna and Luna
ears, open the was a superior
purse, and fold the swordsman
arms – this is the  Luna, as the
Spanish colonial challenged party,
had the choice of the Spanish people they
weapons must possess high
 Logically, he would standards of morality,
have to choose the dignity, and spirit of
sword; in which sacrifice
case, Rizal’s life o Unfortunately, his
would be in idealism was not shared
jeopardy by others who loved wine,
o Filipinos tried to pacify women, and cards
them pointing out that o Rizal’s leadership declined
such a duel would damage  They resented
their cause in Spain Jose’s interference
 When Luna became sober in their private lives
o He realized that he had  They became
made a fool of himself and supporters of del
apologized for his bad Pilar
remarks  The Filipinos in Madrid met on
o Rizal accepted the apology January 1, 1891 to patch up
their differences and to intensity
IV. RIZAL CHALLENGES RETANA TO the campaign to reform. Rizal
DUEL Abdicates his Leadership
 Wenceslao E. Retana:
o A talented Spanish VII. RIZAL ABDICATES HIS
scholar, was then a press LEADERSHIP
agent of the friars in Spain  The election took place during
o Used to attack the the first week of February, 1891.
Filipinos, including Rizal  The Filipinos were divided into
in various newspapers in two hostile camps: the Rizalistas
Madrid and the Pilaristas
o He wrote that the family o Jose obtained the
and friends of Rizal had necessary 2/3 vote and
not paid their rents so became the Responsible
that they were ejected  But Jose graciously declined the
from their lands coveted position
o Retana apologized in the o He was a man of dignity
newspapers for he and did not relish being a
believed that discretion is leader of a divided people
better part of valor, and, o He preferred to abdicate
more so, to save his skin his leadership rather than
V. INFIDELITY OF LEONOR RIVERA be the cause of disunity
 In the autumn of 1890, Rizal was and bitterness among his
feeling so bitter at so many countrymen
disappointments he encountered
 Early in December 1890, Rizal  First stay in Madrid: happy
received a letter from Leonor,  Second stay in Madrid:
announcing her coming marriage unhappy/ last time he saw
to an Englishman (the choice of Madrid
her mother) and asking his
 At February 15, 1891 - Rizal CHAPTER 18: BIARRITZ VACATION AND
received from Blumentritt ROMANCE WITH NELLY BOUSTEAD (1891)
consoling him. Three months
later, Blumentritt sent another I. ROMANCE WITH NELLIE
comforting letter to Rizal saying BOUSTEAD
that she was not the woman for  To seek solace for his
Rizal. disappointments in Madrid, Rizal
took a vacation in the resort city
VI. RIZAL-DEL PILAR RIVALRY of Biarritz on the fabulous
 Rizal tried to imbue his French Riviera
compatriots with his own o Jose was a guest of the
idealism for rich Boustead Family at
o He believed that to gain its winter Residence –
prestige for the Villa Eliada
Propaganda Movement o It was in Biarritz where he
and to win the respect of had a serious romance
with Nellie and finished  He notified the Propaganda
the last chapter of his 2nd authorities in Manila to cancel
novel, El Filibusterismo his monthly allowance and
 Jose proposed marriage to Nellie devote the money to some better
(rebound love from Leonor) cause, such as the education of a
o Del Pilar: young Filipino student in Europe
 Teased him about
changing the “o” in
o Tomas Arejola  Simultaneous with his
 By marrying her, I retirement from the Propaganda
fear that instead of Movement, Rizal ceased writing
happiness, you articles for La Solidaridad
would only find  Del Pilar himself realized the
bitterness and need for Rizal’s collaboration in
trouble both the Propaganda Movement
o Antonio Luna: and in the La Solidaridad
 Who had previously newspaper
loved and lost Nelly o because the enthusiasm
, encouraged Rizal for the reform crusade in
to woo and marry Spain was declining
Nellie o he wrote to Rizal begging
 Rizal’s marriage proposal failed forgiveness for any
for two reasons: resentment and
o He refused to give up his requesting him to resume
catholic faith and be writing for the La
converted to Solidaridad
Protestantism, as Nelly  Jose’s reply to del Pilar:
demanded o Rizal denied any
o Nelly’s mother did not like resentment
Rizal as son-in-law o Reasons of Rizal:
 Nelly’s mother , like  More time to work
the mother of on his novel
Leonor Rivera, had  He wanted other
no wish to entrust Filipinos to work
her daughter’s also
happiness to a man  He considered it
who was poor in very important to
material things, the party that there
 a physician without be unity in the
a paying clientele, work
 a writer who earned  It is better for del
nothing from his Pilar to leave him
pen, alone to direct the
 and a reformer who policy such as he
was persecuted by understands it and
the friars and Jose doesn’t want
government officials to meddle with it
in his own country (they have their
own personal ideas)
 Frustrated in romance, Rizal El Filibusterismo Published in Ghent (1891)
found consolation in writing  He had begun writing it in October 1887
 The eve of his departure from while practicing medicine in Calamba.
Biarritz to Paris, he finished the  The following year (1888), in London, he
manuscript of El Filibusterismo made some changes in the plot and
corrected some chapters already written.
III. RETIREMENT FROM THE  He wrote more chapters in Paris and
PROPAGANDA MOVEMENT Madrid, and finished the manuscript in
 Owing to the intrigues of his Biarritz on March 29,1891. It took him
jealous compatriots, Rizal retired three years to write his second novel.
from the Propaganda Movement,  On July 5,1891, Rizal left Brussels for
or reform crusade Ghent, a famous university city in
Belgium because the cost of printing in
Ghent was cheaper than in Brussels and the thought; it contains bitterness,
to escape from the enticing attraction of hatred, pain, violence and sorrow.
Petite Suzzane.  The original intention of Rizal was to
 In Ghent, he met Jose Alejandro and make the Fili longer than Noli. As
Edilberto Evangelista, both studying printed, however, it is shorter than Noli.
engineering in the world-famed It contains 38 chapters as against the
University of Ghent. Rizal lived in a Noli’s 64. Rizal had to cut the Fili
cheap boarding house with Jose drastically owing to lack of funds.
Alejandro as roommate.  Rizal himself considered the Noli as
 Shortyly after his arrival in Ghent, rizal superior to the Fili as a novel.
searched for a printing shop and he did
find F. MEYER-VAN LOO PRES. Who Rizal’s Unfinished Third Novel
was willing to print his book on  On September 22, 1891, four days after
installment basis. He pawned his jewels the Fili came off the press, Rizal wrote to
in order to pay the down payment and Blumentritt that he is thinking of writing
the early partial payments during the a third novel.
printing of the novel.  On October 18, 1891, Rizal boarded the
 On August 6, the printing had to be steamer Melbourne in Marseilles bound
suspended as Rizal feared because he for Hong Kong. During the voyage he
could no longer give the necessary funds began writing the third novel in Tagalog
to the printer. which he intended for Tagalog readers.
Ventora, Savior of the Fili  In Hong Kong he continued it, but for
reason or another he did not finish it.
 Valentin Ventura in Paris learned of  The unfinished third novel has no title.
Rizal’s predicament and immediately It consists of 44 pages (33 cm. x 21 cm.)
sent him the necessary funds. With his in Rizal’s handwriting, still in
financial aid, gthe printing of the Fili was manuscript form. It is preserved in the
resumed. National Library, Manila.
 It is said that Rizal was fortunate not to
The Fili Comes Off the Press have finished this novel because it would
 On September 18, 1891, El have caused greater scandal and more
Filibusterismo came off the press. Spanish vengeance on him.
 Rizal immediately sent on this date two Rizal’s Other Unfinished Novels
printed copies to Hong Kong – one for
Basa and the other for Sixto Lopez.  Makamisa – a novel in Tagalog. It is
 Rizal gratefully donated the original written in a light sarcastic style and is
manuscript and an autographed printed incomplete for only two chapters are
copy to Valentin Ventura. finished. The manuscript consists of 20
 He sent other complimentary copies to pages, 34.2 cm. x 22 cm.
Blumentritt, Mariano Ponce, G. Lopez  Dapitan – written in Ironic Spanish. He
Jaena, T.H. Padro de Tavera, Antonio wrote it during his exile in Dapitan to
and Juan Luna, and other friends. depct the town life and customs. The
manuscript consists of 8 pages, 23 cm.
Dedicated to Gom-Bur-Za x 16 cm.
 Rizal dedicated the El Filibusterismo to  Without title – novel in Spanish about
them. the life in Pili, a town in Laguna. The
manuscript consists of 147 pages, 8” x
The Manuscript and the Book 6.5”.
 Without title – about Cristobal, a
 The original manuscript of El
youthful Filipino student who has
Filibusterismo in Rizal’s own
returned from Europe. The manuscript
handwriting is now preserved in the
consists of 34 pages, 8 ½” x 6 ¼”.
Filipiana Division of the Bureau of
 The beginning of another novel are
Public Libraries Manila.
contained in two notebooks – the first
 It had been acquired by the Philippine
notebook contains 31 written pages,
Government from Valentin Ventura for
35.5 cm x 22 cm. and the second 12
10,000. It consists of 279 pages of long
written pages, 22 cm. x 17 cm. This
sheets of paper.
unfinished novel is written in Ironic
Noli and Fili compared Spanish, describing the deplorable
conditions of the Philippines.
 The Noli is a romantic novel; it is a work
of the heart; a book of feeling; it has
freshness, color, humor, lightness and
 On the other hand, Fili is a political Ophthalmic Surgeon in Hong Kong (1891-
novel; it is a work of the head; a book of 92)
 After publication of El Filibusterismo, the Colonization of British North Borneo
Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong, where by the Filipinos)
he lived from November 1891 to June  La Mano Roja (The Red Hand)
1892. In Hong  Constitution of the Liga Filipina
 On October 3, 1891, Rizal left Ghent for  Rizal also contributed articles to the
Paris, where he stayed a few days to say British daily newspaper, The Hong Kong
goodbye to his friends. He then Telegraph.
proceeded by train to Marseilles and on
October 18 he boarded the steamer Decision to Return to Manila
Melbourne bound for Hong Kong.  In May 1892, Rizal made up his mind to
 Rizal arrived in Hong Kong on November return to Manila. Not even the fear of
20, 1891. HE established his residence death could deter Rizal from his
at No. 5 D’Aguilar Street, No. 2 decision.
Rednaxola Terrace, where he also  On June 19, 1892, he spent his 31st
opened his medical clinic. birthday in Hong Kong. Evidently, he
 The Christmas of 1891 in Hong Kong had a premonition of his death.
was one of the happiest Yuletide
celebrations in Rizal’s life. For he had a
happy family reunion.
 A Portuguese physician, Dr. Lorenzo P.
Marques, helped Rizal to build a wide Second Homecoming And The Liga Filipina
clientele. In due time, Dr. Rizal became
a successful and well-known medical  Rizal returned to Manila in June 26,
practitioner in the British colony. 1892, his second homecoming.
 He successfully operated on his mother’s  At that night he went to Malacañang
left eye so that she was able to read and Palace to seek audience with the
write again. Aside from being an eye Spanish governor general, General
specialist, he was a general practitioner. Eulogio Despujol, Conde de Caspe.
Governor General Despujol agreed to
Borneo Colonization Project pardon his father but not the rest of his
 Rizal conceived the establishment of a
 The following day (June 27), Rizal visited
Filipino colony in North Borneo (Sabah).
his friends.
He planned to move the landless Filipino
families to that rich British-owned Founding of the Liga Filipina
island and carve out of its virgin
wilderness a “New Calamba”.  On the evening of Sunday, July 3, 1892,
 On March 7,1892, Rizal went to following his morning interview with
Sandakan to negotiate with British Governor General Despujol, Rizal
authorities for the establishment of attended a meeting of the patriots at the
Filipino colony. The British authorities home of the Chinese-Filipino mestizo,
of Borneo were willing to give the Filipino Dodroteo Ongjunco, on Ylaya Street,
colonists 100,000 acres of land, a Tondo, Manila.
beautiful harbor, and a good government  Rizal explained the objectives of the Liga
for 999 years free of all charges. Filipina, a civic league of Filipinos, which
 Governor Despujol notified the Spanish he desired to establish and its role in the
consul general in Hong Kong to tell Rizal socio-economic life of the people. He
that he could not approve the Filipino presented the Constitution of the Liga
immigration to Borneo, alleging that the which he had written in Hong Kong and
Philippines lacked laborers and it was discussed its provisions. The patriots
not very patriotic to go off and cultivate were favorably impressed and gladly
foreign soil. approved the establishment of the Liga.
 The motto of the Liga Filipina was: Unus
Writings in Hong Kong Instar Omnium (One Like All).
 The governing body of the league was the
 Ang mga karapatan ng tao (The Rights of
Supreme Council which had a
jurisdiction over the whole country.
 A la Nacion Española (To the Spanish
 All Filipinos who have at heart the
welfare of their fatherland are qualified
 Sa Mga Kababayan (To my Countrymen)
for membership. Every member pays an
 Una Visita la Victoria Gaol (A Visit to
entrance fee of two pesos and a monthly
Victoria Gaol)
due of 10 centavos.
 Colonisation du British North Borneo,
par de Families de Iles Philippines Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago
(Colonization of British North Borneo by
Families from the Philippine Islands)  On July 6, Rizal went to Malacañang
 Proyecto de Colonization del British Palace to resume his series of interviews
North Borneo por los Filipinos (Project of with the governor general.
 During the interview, Governor General *Blumentritt , Reinhold Rost , A.B
Despujol suddenly showed him some Meyer ,W. Joest of Berlin ,s. Knuttle of
printed incriminatory leaflets which Stuttgart and N. M Kheil of Prague
were allegedly found in Lucia’s pillow
cases. The incriminatory leaflets were Beginning of Exile in Dapitan
entitled Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars) -steamer cebu carved a letter from
under the authorship of Fr. Jacinto and Father Pablo Pastells, superior of the
printed by the Imprenta de los Amigos Jesuit Society of the Philippines to
del Pais, Manila. They were a satire Father Antonio Obach which contains 3
against the rich Dominican friars who conditions
amassed fabulous riches contrary to
their monastic vow of poverty. 1.) “That Rizal publicly retract his
 Rizal vigorously denied having those errors concerning religion and make
leaflets in either hisor Lucia’s baggage, statements that were clearly pro-
which had been thoroughly searched spanish and against revolution”.
upon their arrival from Hong Kong by
2.) That he perform the church rites
the custom authorities who found
and make a general confessions of his
past life.
 Despite his denial and insistent demand
for investigation in accordance with due 3.) That henceforth he conduct himself
process of law, he was placed under in an exemplary manner as a Spanish
arrest and escorted to Fort Santiago by subject and a man of religion.
Ramon Despujol.
 The following day, July 7, the Graceta de -Rizal didn’t agree with the condition
Manila published gthe story of Rizal’s and consequently live in the house of
arrest which produced indignant the commandant Captain Carnicero
commotion among the Filipino people, -Captain Carnicero give Rizal a freedom
particularly the members of the newly to go anywhere , reporting only once a
organized Liga Filipina. week at his office and permitted Rizal to
Arbitrary Deportation to Dapitan ride his chestnut horse.

 Shortly after midnight of July 4 (12:30 -Rizal wrote a poem entitle “A Don
am of July 15, 1892), Rizal was brought Ricardo Carnicero” because of his
under heavy guard to the steamer Cebu kindness and generous on August 26,
which was sailing fro Dapitan, reaching 1892
Dapitam on Sunday, the 17th of July at Wins in Manila Lottery
7:00 in the evening.
 Captain Delgras went ashore and -On September 1892 , mail boat
handed Rizal over to Captain Ricardo butuan came to Dapitan bringing
Carnicero, Spanish commandant of happy tidings that the lottery ticket no.
Dapitan. That same night, July 17, 9736 jointy owned by Captain
1892, Rizal began his exile in lonely Carnicero , Dr. Rizal and Francisco
Dapitan which would last until July 31, Equilior , resident of Dipolog won the
1896, a period of four years. 2nd prize of 20,000 in the Government-
owned Manila lottery.
-he gave 2,000 to his father and 200 to
CHAPTER 22 his friend basa in Hongkong.
-Exile in Dapitan, 1892-96
-Dapitan , a remote town in Mindanao Rizal-Pastells Debate
which was under the missionary
jurisdiction of Jesuits. -During his exile in Dapitan , Rizal had
a long and scholarly dabate with Father
-He practiced medicine , pursued Pastells on religion.
scientific studies , continued his artistic
and literary work , widened his -As he wrote blumentritt from Paris on
knowledge of languages , established a January 20, 1980 “I want to hit the
school for boys , promoted community friars but only friars who utilized
development projects , invented a religion not only as shield, but also as a
wooden machine for making bricks and weapon, castle, fortress armor, etc.I
, engaged in farming and commerce. was forced to attack their false and
suoertitious religion in order to fight the
-fellow reformist and eminent scientist enemy who hid himself behind it.
and scholars of Europe
-Rizal and Pastells remained good
friends. Father Pastell gave Rizal a copy
of the Imitation De Cristo by father
Thomas a kempis. And Rizal gave his Friars to a secret mission in Dapitan; to
Jesuit opponent in debate a bust of St. spy Rizal’s activities and to Filch certain
Paul which he had made. letter and writings.
-Captain Sitges submitted the report to
Governor General Blanco and these
Rizal Challenges a Frenchman to a Duel document confidential.
-he involved in a quarrel with a French -After the incident, Rizal wrote a letter
acquaintance in Dapitan , Mr. Juan to his Brother-in-Law, Manuel T.
lardet a business man. Hidalgo about the incident.
-this man purchased many logs from
lands of Rizal because some of the logs
were of poor quality Rizal and Father As Physician in Dapitan
-Rizal practiced medicine in Dapitan
-Father Pastell instructed Father Obach but most of his ptients are poor that’s
cura of Dapitan and Father Jose why he gave them free medicine.
Villaclara cura of Dipolog to try their
best to persuade Rizal to bring back -His mother and sister Maria went to
Rizal within the catholic Fold. Dapitan to have operations to his
mother’s eye and it was successful
-Father Pastell assigned Father operate but unfortunately it was been
Francisco De Paula Sanchez, Rizals infected because Rizal’s instruction was
favorite teacher at the Ateneo De ignored by his mother.
-He had many patient from Luzon,
-Father Sanchez did not convince Rizal Bohol, Panay, Negros and Mindanao
and even from Hongkong.
-Don Ignacio Tumarong, a rich Filipino
Idyllic life in Dapitan was able to see again because of Rizal’s
-Rizal family took turns in visiting Rizal skill and paid 3000 and another
in order to assuage his loneliness in the English patient paid 500.
isolated outpost of Spanish power in -Don Florencio Azacarraga, a rich
the Moroland. hacendero of Aklan was also cured of
-Rizal wrote to Blumentritt describing eye ailment and paid Rizal a cargo of
his experience in Dapitan on December sugar.
19, 1983.

Water System for Dapitan

Rizal Encounter with the Friar’s spy -Rizal construct a system of waterworks
-Florencio Namanan , A.K.A Pablo in order to furnish clean water to the
Mercado ,spy of the friars townspeople.

-He introduced himself as a friend and -Modern Engineers marveled how Rizal
relative, showing photo of Rizal and a could have built such a system of
pair of buttons with the initials “P.M” as waterworks even he had inadequate
evidence on his kinship with the Rizal tools and meager materials and his
Family. finances were very limited.

-Rizal irked by the impostor lies and -Mr. H.F Cameron, an American
sent him away from his house at the Engineer praised Rizal’s engineering
next day. work.

-The rascal was still in Dapitan and

after Rizal knowing that, he went to the Community Projects for Dapitan
commandancia and denounced the
impostor to Captain Juan Sitges -When Rizal arrived in Dapitan, he
(successor of Captain Carnicero on May wants to improve it to the best of his
4, 1893. God-given talent.
-Captain Sitges instruct Anastacio -Aside from the first water system, Rizal
Adriatico to arrest Pablo Mercado and spent many months draining the
investigate him immediately. After marshes in order to get rid of malaria
investigation, the truth came out. that infested in Dapitan.
-Florencio Namanan, a single and about
30 years old. He hired by the Recollect
-He also made a lighting system -other sculptural works of Rizal in
consisted of coconut oil lamps and Dapitan were a bust of Guerrico (Ateneo
remodeled the town plaza. Professors, statue of Dapitan Girl,
woodcarving of Josephine Bracken and
St. Paul.
Rizal as Teacher
-Rizal established a school in 1893 Rizal as a Farmer
which existed until the end of his exile
in July 1896. -Rizal bought 16 hectares of land in
Talisay where he built his home, school,
-It began with 3 pupils and in the and hospital and planted cacao. Later,
course of time the enrollment increase he acquired more land until his
to 16 and later to 21. holdings reached 70 hectares
-16 pupils didn’t pay any tuition containing 6000 hemp plant, 1000
instead he made them work in his coconut trees and numerous fruit trees
garden and construct projects in the and other crops.
community. -He applied and introduced modern
-Formal classes were conducted 2:00 methods of Agriculture which he had
pm and 4:00 pm observe in Europe and America.

-One day the lessons were conducted in

Spanish and on the next day in English Rizal as Businessman
-“Emperor” the best pupil in Ateneo -Rizal engage in business and made a
-“Himno A Talisay”, In honor of talisay. partnership with Ramon Carreon,
Dapitan Merchant.
-He invited his relatives particularly
Contribution to Science Saturnina and Hidalgo to come to
-Rizal found Mindanao a rich virgin
field to collecting specimen. -Hemp Industry was the most profitable
business venture of Rizal in Dapitan.
-Rizal built up a rich collection of
concology which consisted of 346 shells -Rizal organized the cooperative
representing 203 species Association of Dapitan Farmers in
January 1,1895.
-Rizal discover some rare specimen
which were named in his honor; among
these were Draco Rizali (flying dragon),
Apogonia Rizali (small beetle) and Rizal’s Inventive Ability
Rhacophorus rizali (a rare frog). -While practicing medicine in Calamba
Rizal Invented a cigarette lighter which
he sent as gift to Blumentritt. He called
Linguistic studies it “sulpukan”.
-Rizal learned the Bisayan, Subanum -He invented a machine for making
and Malay languages. bricks.
-He wrote a Tagalog grammar made of
comparative study of the Bisayan and
Malayan languages. My Retreat

-He wrote a letter to Blumentritt about -In February 1895, Donya Telesfora with her
what he had learned. eyesight fully restored, returned to Manila.
-Donya Teodora saw how busy her talented
son was and regretted that he had neglected
the muses that’s why she requested him to
write poetry again.
Artistic Works in Dapitan
-Rizal wrote a poem entitled “Mi Retiro”.
-Rizal contributed his painting skill to
the sisters of charity who were
preparing the sanctuary of the Holy
Virgin in their private chapel. Rizal and Josephine Bracken

-Rizal made sketches of person and -On August 28, 1893, Leonora Rivera died
things that attracted him in Dapitan. and this was make Rizal lonely exile and
melancholy mood.
-Josephine Bracken, Irish girl of sweet talk about the plan of katipunan but Rizal
eighteen, “slender”, a chestnut blond with objected it because of two reasons
blue eyes, dressed with elegant simplicity. She
was born in Hongkong on October 3,1876. 1.) the people are not ready

-James Bracken, father of Josephine and a 2.) arms and funds must first be collected
corporal in the British Garrison. before raising the cry of revolution

-Elizabeth Jane MacBride, Mother of

Josephine and died in the childbirth of Volunteers as Military Doctor in Cuba
-Rizal offered his services as a military
-Mr. George Taufer , serve as guardian of doctor in Cuba as what Blumentritt said to
Josephine and a blind person him which there was a shortage of physicians
-Josephine Bracken and Mr. Taufer went to to minister to the needs of Spanish troops and
Manila to seek the service of Dr. Rizal a card the Cuban people
of introduction by Julio Elorente, his friend -Rizal wrote to Governor General Ramon
and schoolmate. Blanco, Despujol successor on December 17,
-Rizal and Josephine fell in love with each 1895 offering his services as military doctor in
other and agreed to marry but Father Obach Cuba
refused to marry them without the permission -July 1, 1896 a letter from governor Blanco
of the Bishop of Cebu. arrived at Dapitan notifying him of the
-When Mr. Taufer heard of their projected acceptance of his offer.
marriage he flared up in violent rage and tried -Rizal wrote his heart warming poem “EL
to commit suicide but Rizal prevented it. Canto del Viajero”.
-Mr. Taufer returned alone to Hongkong -On July 31, 1896, Rizal’s 4 years exile in
while Josephine stayed in Manila with the Dapitan came to an end. At midnight of that
Rizal Family. date, he embarked on board the steamer
-Rizal wrote a poem for Josephine Espana and accompanied by Josephine,
Narcisa, Angelica his three nephews and six
-In the early part of 1896, Rizal was pupils.
extremely happy because Josephine was
expecting a baby unfortunately, he played a
prank on her, frightening her so she CHAPTER 23
prematurely gave birth to an eight months
baby boy who live only for 3 hours. Last Trip Abroad

-The lost son was named “Francisco” in -Rizal had a pleasant trip from Dapitan to
honor of Don Francisco Manila, with a delightful stopovers in
Dumaguete, Cebu, Ilo-ilo, Capiz and Romblon.
-Rizal missed the steamer Isla De Luzon
Rizal and the Katipunan which should be brought him to Spain
-While Rizal was mourning the loss of his -While waiting Rizal was kept as a guest on
son, ominous clouds of revolution gradually board the Spanish cruiser Castilla
darkened the Philippine skies.
-Andres Bonifacio, the “Great Plebeian”
From Dapitan to Manila
-“Katipunan”, secret revolutionary society
which Rizal founded on July 7,1892 -Dumaguete, first stopover and which Rizal
visited a friend and a former classmate,
-In a secret meeting of the katipunan at a Herrero Regidor, judge of the province. He also
little river called Bitukang Manok on May visited other friends including Periquet and
2,1896, Dr. Pio Valenzuela was named Rufina families and operated on a Spanish
emissary to Dapitan, in order to inform Rizal Captain of the Guardia Civil.
of the plan of the katipunan.
-Cebu, second stopover which Rizal was
-June 15, 1896, Dr. Valenzuela left Manila fascinated by the entrance of the place which
on board the steamer venus with a Blind man he considered beautiful. He visited Attorney
named Raymundo Mata and a guide to hide Mateos and met an old couple he had known
his true mission. in Madrid.
-June 21, 1896, Dr. Valenzuela arrive in -Ilo-ilo, third stopover and Rizal went
Dapitan in the evening and after dinner they shopping in the city and visited the molo
went to the garden and had a heart to heart church.
and the Minister of war and Colonies were
exchanging coded telegrams and confidential
Rizal Misses Ship going to Spain messages for his arrest.
-August 6, 1896, Espanya arrived early in
the morning which is one day after Isla De
Luzon departed. Rizal Arrested before Reaching Barcelona
-September 27, he heard from the
passengers that a telegram arrived from
Outbreak of the Philippine Revolution Manila reporting the execution of Francisco
-While Rizal was waiting for the next Roxas, Genato and Osorio.
steamer, portentous event occurred passaging -September 28, a day after the steamer had
the downfall of Spanish Power in Asia and in left port said, a passenger told Rizal the bad
the evening of August 19, 1896 the katipunan news that he would arrested by order of
was discovered by Fray Mariano Gil, Gobernador General Blanco and sent to prison
Agustinian Cura of Tondo. in Ceuta.
-The katipunan led by Bonifacio attacked -Rizal was shocked by the alarming news
San Juan, near City of Manila but they were and belatedly realized that he was doped by
repulsed with heavy losses. the unscrupulous Spanish official particulary
-After the battle in San Juan, Governor Governor General Blanco.
General Blanco proclaimed a state of war in -September 30, Rizal was officially notified
the first eight provinces in Manila, Bulacan, by Captain Alemany that he should stay in his
Cavite, Batangas, Laguna Pampanga Nueva cabin until further orders from manila.
Ecija and Tarlac.
-Rizal knowing the event happened was
worried because of two reasons; One, violent Arrival in Barcelona as a Prisoner
revolution which he sincerely believe to be
premature and would only cause must -October 3, La Isla de Panay arrived in
suffering and terrible loss of human lives. Barcelona with Rizal as Prisoner. His jailor
Second it would arouse Spanish vengeance was General Eulogio Despujol, the one who
against all Filipinos. ordered his banishment to Dapitan.
-October 6, Rizal was awakened by the
guards and taken out of prison which they
brought Rizal to Despujol’s Headquarter to
have an interview which lasted quarter of an
Departure for Spain hour.
-August 30, 1896, the day when Rizal - Rizal was shipped back to Manila on
received from Gobernador General Blanco two the transport ship Colon
letters of introduction for the Minister of
Colonies, with a covering letter which absolved
him from all blame for the raging revolutions.
-September 2, 1896, Rizal was transferred to
the steamer Isla de Panay which was sailing Last Homecoming and Trial
for Barcelona and in the next day Rizal’s last - October 11, before reaching Fort
trip to Abroad began. Said, Rizal’s diary was taken away
and was critically scrutinized by the
authorities but nothing
Rizal in Singapore incriminating was found
- Unsuccessful Rescue in Singapore
-Isla De Panay arrived at Singapore on - Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto
September 7 and Rizal went ashore for sight- Lopez dispatched frantic telegram to
seeing and shopping for souvenirs. an English lawyer in Singapore
-Don Pedro and Don Manuel adviced Rizal named Hugh Fort to rescue Rizal
to stay in Singapore for the protection of his from the Spanish steamer by a writ
life but unfortunately, Rizal ignored their habeas corpus
appeal because he had given his word of - Unfortunately, Chief Justice Loinel
honor. Cox denied the writ of habeas
Arrival in Manila
Victim of Spanish Duplicity
- November 3, Colon arrived in Manila
-Rizal was unaware that since his departure - Rizal was transferred to Fort
from Manila Bay on his way to Spain, Blanco Santiago
- Spanish Authorities fished for - December 25, Rizal’s wrote a
evidence against Rizal by way of manifesto to his people appealing to
torturing many Filipino patriots them to stop the necessary shedding
including Deodato Arellano, Dr. Pio of blood.
Valenzuela, Moises Salvador, Jose
Dizon, Domingo Franco, Temoteo Rizal’s Saddest Christmas
Paez and Pedro Serrano Laktao. - December 25, it was a dark and
Paciano also was tortured. cheerless Christmas for Rizal
- Two kinds of evidence were - Rizal wrote a letter to Lt. Taviel de
presented against Rizal namely Andrada informing him to have time
documentary and testimonial to talk before going to the Court
- Documentary evidence consists of
15 exhibits The Trial of Rizal
- Testimonial evidence consisted of
- December 26, 1896, court-martial of
the oral testimonies of Martin
Rizal started in the military building
Constantino, Aguedo del Rosario,
called Cuartel de Espanya
Jose Reyes, Moises Salvador, Jose
- Rizal was given by the court the
Dizon, Domingo Franco, Deodato
verdict of death
Arellano, Ambrosio Salvador, Pedro
- Court give chance to Rizal what he
Gerrano Laktaw, Dr. Pio Valenzuela,
want to say and Rizal read a
Antonio Salazar, Francisco Quison
supplement to his defense which he
and Timoteo Paez.
wrote in his prison cell to prove his
- Captain Rafael Dominguez, special
innocence by his 12 points
judge advocate to institute the
- The supplement was remained
corresponding action against Rizal.
indifferent and president, Lt. Col.
- Dominguez made a brief resume of
Togores Arjona considered the trial
the changes and returned the
papers to Blanco who transmitted
again to Judge Advocate Don Polavieja signs Rizal’s executions
Nicolas De la Pena.
- Pena submitted the following - December 28, Polavieja approved
recommendations the decisions of the court-martial
1. The accuse must be and ordered Rizal to be shot at 7:00
immediately brought to trial o’clock in the morning of December
2. He should be in prison 30 at Bagumbayan field.
3. Order of attachment be
issued against his property to
the amount of 1 million as
4. he should be defended in
court by an army, not by a Chapter 25
civilian army Last hours of Rizal
Rizal Chooses his defender - Captain Rafael Dominguez was
- December 8, Spanish authorities designated to the arrangement for
give Rizal a list of 100 first and the execution of Rizal
second lieutenant in the Spanish - Rizal was moved to the prison
army chapel
- Don LuisTaviel de Andrade, 1st Lt. At 7:00 am of December 29, 1896
and a brother of Lt. Jose Taviel de
Andrade who is Rizal’s bodyguard in - Father Miguel Saderra Mata and
Calamba Father Luis Viza was his first
Reading of information of charges to the
accused At 8:00 am
- Rizal was accused of being the - Father Antonio Rosell arrived to
principal organizer and the living relieve Father Viza and after
soul of the Filipinos insurrection, breakfast Lt. Tavieda de Andrade
the founder of societies, periodical came.
and books to fomenting and
propagating ideas of rebellion At 9:00 am
- Rizal admitted that he wrote the - Father Federico Faura arrived, Rizal
Constitution of the Liga Filipina reminded him that he will be a
which was merely a civic association prophet to his book Noli Me
Rizal’s Manifesto to his People Tangere.
At 10:00 am - He wrote two letters for his family
and for his older brother Paciano
-Father Jose Villaclara and Vicente after his last breakfast
Balaguer visited Rizal and after them is the - Josephine Bracken accompanied by
Spanish journalist, Santiago Mataix who his sister of Rizal, Josefa arrived.
interviewed Rizal for his newspaper El Heraldo - Rizal gave her last gift to Josephine
de Madrid. which is a religious book entitled
From 12;00 am to 3:30 pm Imitacion of Christ by Father Thomas
a Kempis
- Rizal wrote a poem and hid it inside
his alcohol cooking stove which was At 6:00 am
given to him as a gift by Paz Pardo - Death March to Bagumbayan
de Tavera ( wife of Juan Luna) and
his last letter to Blumentritt. Death March to Bagumbayan
At 3;30 pm - Rizal walked calmly with his defense
counsel Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
- Father Balaguer returned to Fort with the two priest Father March
Santiago and discussed with Rizal and Villaclara
about his retraction of the anti- - Rizal was dressed elegantly in a
Catholic Ideas in his writing, black suit, black derby hat, black
At 4:00 pm shoes, white shirt and balck tie.

- Rizal’s mother arrived with his sister Martyrdom of Hero

Trinidad. - One of the priest blessed him and
- As they were leaving Rizal gave his offered him a crucifix to kiss
alcohol cooking stove to Trinidad - Rizal with a supreme effort, turned
and whispering to her in English his bullet-riddled body to the right
that there is something inside the and fell on the ground dead with
stove. face upward facing the morning sun
At 6:00 pm - Rizal was died of aged 35 years, 5
months and 11 days.
- Rizal received a new visitor, Don
Silvino Lopez Tunon, Dean of the Aftermath of a Hero-martyr’s Death
manila Cathedral - Spanish authority, residents and
At 8:00 pm friars exulted with sadistic joy for
the death of Rizal while shouting
- Rizal’s last supper and inform “long live spain” “death to the
Captain Dominguez who has with traitors”
him that he forgave his enemies - Spanish military band played the
gay marcha de Cadiz.
At 9:30 pm
- Rizal was visited by Don Gaspar
Gestano, the fiscal of the Royal
Audiencia of Manila
- He left Rizal with a good impression
of Rizal’s intelligence and noble
At 10;00pm
- The draft of the retraction sent by
the anti-Filipino Archbishop
Bernardino Nozaleda was submitted
by Father Balaguer to Rizal for
signature but the hero rejected it
because it was too long and he did
not like it (this retraction was still in
debate if he did or not)
At 3:00 o’clock in the morning on
December 30, 1896
- Rizal heard mass, confessed his sins
and took holy communion
At 5:30 am

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