Gned 10
Gned 10
Gned 10
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 4 )
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 5 )
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 6 and 7 ) Midterm Exam
Identify, analyze and apply the V. Gender and Work Activity 5 and 6: If I am the
concepts and theories about the - Meaning and Nature owner of the
role of gender in the working - Women and Men in the school…(Collaborative Work)
environment and identify similar Workforce
issue and offer - Gender Pay Gap
recommendations - Perspective on Gender Pay
1. identify, analyze and apply the VI. Gender and School Activity 5 and 6: If I am the
concepts and theories about the - Meaning and Nature owner of the
role of gender in school - School as Gender school…(Collaborative Work)
2. Identify similar issue in school - Gender Differentiation
and offer recommendations Implications to Parents’
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 9)
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 10)
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
1. identify, analyze and apply VIII. Gender and the Activity 8: Research Paper:
the concepts and theories Church Gender Roles in Church
about the role of gender in - Meaning and Nature (Collaborative Work)
the church - Gender Role and
- Gender Bias in the
2. identify similar issue in the
church and offer
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 11)
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
1. identify, analyze and apply IX. Gender and Politics Activity 9. GADVocacy:
the concepts and theories - Meaning and Nature Infomercials (Collaborative
about the role of gender in - Gender role, Work) and Reflection Paper
the political sphere differentiation, and bias in
the politics
2. identify similar issue in the
political sphere and offer
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 12)
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 13)
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 14)
Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Expected Output
1. discuss gender issues and XI. Gender Issues and Activity 9. GADVocacy:
how these issues being Corresponding Laws Infomercials (Collaborative
protected by laws - Trafficking against persons Work) and Reflection Paper
- Sexual Harrassment
- LGBTQ+++
2. demonstrate awareness and
being responsive to what has
been happening in the
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 15)
Intended Learning Topic Expected Output
discuss and examine the XII.Legal Mandates Activity 9. GADVocacy:
legal mandates pertaining to - International Infomercials (Collaborative
Gender and Development. - National Work) and Reflection Paper
- Local
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Course Content ( Week 16)
Intended Learning Topic Expected Output
1. Discuss the meaning of XIII. Gender Analysis and Activity 10. Sample Barangay
gender analysis. Tools GAD Plan and Budget
Gender analysis (collaborative work)
2. Demonstrate ability to use Gender tools
these tools in analyzing situation
or cases that are helpful for
3. Discuss GAD Planning and GAD Planning and Budgeting
Course Materials: lecture notes, powerpoint presentation, video, suggested reading materials
Outcomes Based Assessment
• Collaborative Work (Digital Poster, “I am the owner of the School,
Gender Roles in Church, GADVocacy, Sample Barangay GAD Plan
and Budget)
• Individual Work (Gender-Fair Language Worksheet, Family Tree,
Gender Ideals and Types of Society Worksheet, Sex Characteristics,
Timeline of Gender and Development Historical Background)
• Online Quiz
• Reflection Paper
• Research Paper
• Class Participation
• Major Examinations
Transmutation Table and Grading System
96.7 – 100.0 1.00
• Midterm Exam – 20%
93.4 – 96.6 1.25
• INCOMPLETE - Passed the • Final Exam – 20%
90.1 - 93.30 1.50
course but lack some
• Quiz – 20%
86.7 – 90.0 1.75 requirements.
83.4 – 86.6 2.00 • Student’s portfolio - 30%
• DROPPED - If unexcused
80.1 – 83.3 2.25 absence is at least 20% of • Class Participation – 10%
the Total Class Hours.
76.7 – 80.0 2.50
• Total Class
73.4 – 76.6 2.75
Class attendance
70.00 – 73.3 3.00 (3 unit Lec – 54 hrs) NOT required
50.0- 69.9 4.00 NOT computed
Below 50 5.00
Class Policies
1. sign an Honor Pledge as an oath
2. do not give or receive unauthorized aid of any kind to others
including your classmates
3. practice good manners and right conduct at all times
4. practice gender sensitivity and awareness
5. observe proper netiquette
6. during online-synchronous sessions, you shall wear a decent
Class Policies
7. for offline, asynchronous activities, you are expected to work diligently on
assigned tasks and to submit outputs on time.
8. all major exams, particularly Midterm and Final Examinations shall be
administered as scheduled (based on the University Calendar).
9. if you miss a major examination or any class activity, your absence may
be excused and you shall be allowed to make up for it only when your
reasons are acceptable as assessed by your instructor.
10. any form of cheating and dishonesty shall not be tolerated. Once you are
found guilty of such, your chance to earn points or grades for the specific
outputs shall be automatically forfeited.
11. the University’s Grading System shall be followed as appropriate for this
flexible learning arrangement.
Be Respectful
Be Forgiving
- respect privacy Read and Follow the Rules
- try to be understanding of
- do not record or share a - keep mic on mute until you
photo of virtual meeting are called to speak
- not everyone will know these
- do not share personal info - have a paper and pen
without consent
Email Etiquette 101