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Fitting & Maintenance Instructions


1 – Transmission unit 5 – Guard ring

2 – Standard hub -external location [sizes 0014-0360] 6 – Spacer
2A – Standard hub -internal location [sizes 0350-1400] 7 – Membrane pack
2B – Disc hub (large bore) [option on sizes 0014-0360] 8 – Drive-bolt assembly (drive bolt, locknut,
3 – Hub bolt sleeve (washer) and overload collar)

Foreword Any warranty may be affected by improper handling, installation or use of

this coupling. Contact John Crane for information as to exclusive product
These instructions are provided to familiarize the user with John Crane's
warranty and limitations of liability.
Metastream TSKS coupling and its designated use. These instructions
must be followed whenever work is carried out on the coupling and should If questions or problems arise, contact your local John Crane sales/
be kept available for future reference. service engineer or the original equipment manufacturer, as appropriate.

ATTENTION These instructions are for the fitting, operation ATTENTION John Crane couplings are precision products and
and maintenance of the coupling as used in must be handled appropriately. Take particular care
rotating equipment and will help to avoid danger to avoid damage to spigots, mating faces, hub bores,
and increase reliability. The information required keyways and membranes. Do not excessively compress
may change with other types of equipment or the coupling membranes during assembly. Refer to
installation arrangements. These instructions Table 2 for compression limits (Min gap ‘X’).
must be read in conjunction with the instruction
manuals for both the driver and driven machinery. These instructions are written for standard catalog products, generally
designed in accordance with the drawing shown.
If the coupling is to be used for an application other than that originally
intended or outside the recommended performance limits, John Crane
must be contacted before its installation and use.


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

Safety Instructions
The following designations are used in the installation instructions to highlight instructions of particular importance.
IMPORTANT is used for items of particular concern when using the coupling.

ATTENTION where there is an obligation or prohibition concerning the avoidance of risk.

where there is an obligation or prohibition concerning harm to people or damage to the equipment.
The usual extent of supply comprises:
• A factory-assembled transmission unit (1) comprising
–– 2-off guard rings (5)
–– 1-off spacer (6)
–– 2-off membrane packs (7)
–– 12-off drive bolt assemblies (8) *consisting of drive bolt and nut, overload collar and washer*
• Driver hub (2, 2a, 2b)
• Driven hub (2, 2a, 2b)
• 2 sets of hub bolts (3) to secure the transmission unit between the two hub flanges
• A set of compression bolts to compress the transmission unit for assembly between the hubs
NOTE: Only supplied with 0360 size, or for all sizes when both sides have a disc hubs
–– For TDKS-0014 and TSKS-0025 to 0215, with at least one standard hub, compress using standard hub bolts (half on each side)
–– For TSKS-0350 to 1400 sizes, compress using compression slots in the hub. If the length of the spacer allows it, it may be possible to use the
standard hub bolts to compress
IMPORTANT If a general arrangement drawing is supplied with the coupling, then all data indicated on that drawing takes precedence over
information included in these instructions.

Storage Spares
If the coupling is not to be used immediately, it should be stored indoors When requesting spares, always quote the full designation of the
or in a waterproof container away from direct heat in its original packing. coupling (e.g., TSKS-0120-0177-1500).
All documentation supplied with the coupling should be retained for The following spares can be purchased from John Crane:
future reference. • Set of hub bolts (3) *please specify standard and/or disc hubs*
• Hubs, bored to your requirement or unbored (2, 2a, 2b)
• Complete transmission unit, balanced or unbalanced (1)
• Guard ring assembly (O=kit), including
–– Membrane pack (7)
–– Drive bolt assembly (8) *consisting of drive bolt and nut,
overload collar and washer*
–– Guard ring (5)


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

Installation Parallel bore with keyed drive

1. Ensure the hub bore and mating shaft are clean.
Remove the coupling from the packaging and carefully inspect for
signs of damage. Pay particular attention to the hub bores and the 2. The hub is usually installed with the hub face and shaft end flush.
spigot/recess location features, which should be free from burrs 3. Measure the shaft diameter and hub bore to confirm the correct fit.
and other damage.
4. For clearance fits, install the key(s) into the shaft keyway and with a
Installation of hubs little lubrication on the shaft, slide the hub onto the shaft. The key
Prior to installing the coupling, ensure that the should be a tight sliding fit in the keyway with a small clearance at
machinery is made safe. Hubs must be adequately the top of the key. Secure the hub to the shaft in the correct axial
supported during installation to avoid accidental position with one or more grub screws.
damage should they slip. 5. John Crane recommends a light interference fit for most applications,
and it may be necessary to apply heat to assist fitting of such hubs.
Installation gaps A warm oil bath will usually be adequate. DO NOT spot heat or exceed
There is a “minimum” and “preferred” installation gap that is required 175°C as this may cause distortion. A thermal heat stick can be used
behind the disc hub (see Table 1). to estimate the temperature before quickly sliding the hub onto the
• The “minimum” installation gap (see Figure 2) is mandatory and
shaft. A suitable stop will ensure the correct axial position is located.
is required to allow the transmission unit to be fitted and removed
without moving driving or driven machinery. However, the small gap FIGURE 2
provides limitations and,
in order to fit the coupling, the instructions below must be followed.
–– When fitting the coupling, insert the hub bolts into the hub prior to
fixing the hub axial position.
–– When removing hub bolts, remove the transmission unit then
slide the hub towards the end of the shaft to create a gap for
bolt removal.
• The ‘preferred’ installation gap (see Figure 3) is not mandatory but
allows the hub bolts to be replaced without disturbing the hub.

Installation Gap (mm)
Coupling Size
Minimum Preferred
0014 15 57
0025 15 57 FIGURE 3
0055 21 68
0120 21 78
0215 24 88
0360 27 100


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

Taper bore with keyed drive (see Figure 4) Fit and secure the axial ram or hydraulic nut BEFORE
1. Thoroughly clean all contact surfaces and smear the tapered injecting oil between the components.
surfaces with oil. 7. Inject oil between the components until the required mounting pressure
2. Fit the hub onto the shaft without the key(s). Lightly hammer is reached, or it leaks out at the ends of the mating surfaces.
the hub with a soft-faced mallet to ensure metal-to-metal 8. By means of the mounting tools, draw the hub up the shaft to the
contact takes place. correct axial position, injecting oil during this operation.
3. Measure the distance from the end of the shaft to the face of NOTE: The correct pull-up distance should be shown on the
the hub using a depth micrometer (record this measurement). hub drawing.
4. Securely mount a dial gauge onto the inboard hub flange and 9. Release the oil pressure and leave equipment fitted for one hour to
set to zero. allow for oil to drain from mating surfaces.
5. Remove the hub and fit the key(s), which should be a tight sliding 10. Remove the mounting tool and oil injection equipment.
fit in the keyway with a small clearance at the top of the key. 11. Remeasure the distance from the end of the shaft to the face of the
6. Refit the hub and draw up the shaft to the correct axial position hub to confirm the correct pull-up.
indicated by the dial gauge. If an interference fit is required the hub 12. Fit the locking washer and shaft-end retaining nut if applicable.
may have to be heated (this is rare, however).
7. When the hub has cooled re-measure the distance from the end of WAIT for 3-4 hours before applying torque.
the shaft to the face of the hub to confirm the correct axial position.
Unbored hubs
8. Fit the shaft-end retaining nut if applicable to ensure the hub is
locked in position axially. John Crane recommends a light interference fit for keyed hubs and
NOTE: The hub face may not be flush with the shaft end when taper shafts (e.g., a P7/h6 fit). The finished bore size can be calculated from
bores are used. the measured shaft diameter.
When setting up the hub to machine the bore use the hub location recess
FIGURE 4 and face as datum surfaces, as shown in Figure 5.
The hub face should be set such that the maximum runout does not
exceed 0.025 mm TIR. The hub location recess should be set so the
maximum runout does not exceed 0.03 mm TIR. Please note that for API
671 applications the required tolerances will be tighter.


Taper hubs mounted by oil injection (see Figure 4)

1. Ensure that fillets and corner radii of mating surfaces, oil distribution Adapters
and drainage grooves are well rounded and free from burrs.
For machines having an integral flanged shaft, the flange may be
2. Thoroughly clean all contact surfaces and smear the tapered machined to suit the bolting configuration of the coupling transmission
surfaces with oil. unit. Alternatively, the coupling may be supplied with a customized
3. Fit the hub onto the shaft. Lightly hammer the hub with a soft-faced flange adapter. Refer to the specific general arrangement drawing for
mallet to ensure metal-to-metal contact takes place. location and mounting details.
4. Measure the distance from the end of the shaft to the face of the Shaft Alignment
hub using a depth micrometer (record this measurement). Align the center lines of the driving and driven machine shafts as follows:
5. Securely mount a dial gauge onto the inboard hub flange and 1. Move the equipment into position.
set to zero.
2. Check for any soft foot and correct before commencing alignment.
6. Fit the oil injection equipment, axial stop and mounting tools.
Consult the arrangement drawing and the oil injection system 3. With one machine firmly bolted down, set the distance between shaft
suppliers' instructions. ends (DBSE) according to the drawing or catalog dimension.


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

IMPORTANT DBSE should be measured between the inner face of Installation of the Transmission Unit
the hubs and should not be taken as the length of the
transmission unit at its outer periphery. DBSE may not 1. Check spigot and recess locations on the hubs and transmission unit
be equal to the precise distance between shaft ends. In for damage.
particular, the faces of tape-bored hubs may not be flush
with the shaft end (refer to Figure 6). The transmission unit must be adequately supported
during installation to avoid accidental damage
should it slip.
2. Compress the transmission unit then slide it between the hubs.
–– For the TDKS-0014 and TSKS-0025 to 0215, compress using hub bolts (3).
–– For the TSKS-0360 (standard and disc hub) or for all sizes if disc
hubs are present on both sides, separate compression bolts will
always be supplied.
–– For TSKS-0350 to 1400, compress using compression slots in the hub
flanges. If the length of the spacer allows it, it may be possible to
use the hub bolts to assist with compression.
To allow for compression using hub bolts (3), the spacer flanges (6) are
4. Align the shaft center lines both horizontally and vertically, ideally drilled to allow the bolts to be threaded into the guard ring (5) as shown
using the shafts. However, if access prohibits this then align using the in Figure 7. For DBFF’s less than the preferred minimum, spacer flanges
hub bosses or flanges. John Crane recommends the reverse periphery are slotted. Tightening evenly, compressing the transmission unit until
method for accurate alignment. This can be done using dial gauges or clearance between the hub spigots and transmission unit length is
with a laser shaft alignment kit. Further details on recommended laser achieved, allowing installation. Do not over compress the transmission
alignment vendors are available from John Crane on request. unit as this can damage the metal membrane elements. The minimum
gap ‘X’ (see Figure 7) should not be less than the values shown in
5. Recheck the DBSE after the shafts have been aligned. Table 2, unless indicated otherwise on the general arrangement drawing.
6. Axial shims (together with a shim carrier in some cases) may be
supplied on applications where it is difficult to accurately set a IMPORTANT Always remove the compression bolts as soon as the
predetermined shaft end separation (DBSE). This is often the case transmission unit is in position.
where one or both of the hubs are taper bored. Where this feature is 3. Align the hub/transmission unit flanges if they have been match marked.
supplied, the thickness of shims (plus carrier, if applicable) are added
to the free length of the transmission unit so that the combined length 4. Fit the hub bolts by hand initially, then tighten evenly to locate the
is equal to the measured distance between the hub flange faces, transmission unit, ensuring the spigots enter their recesses squarely.
making any allowance for known shaft movements. Using a torque wrench tighten in a "diametrically opposite" sequence
NOTE: It is best to measure the transmission unit when it is in a to the torque values shown in Table 2 (tightening torque relates to
gagged condition. lubricated bolts).
5. Measure dimension 'A' (see Figure 1) on the transmission unit. Check
IMPORTANT The misalignment tolerances quoted in literature and on against the minimum and maximum value in Table 2. If outside these
drawings allow for dynamic conditions and variations. limits, redo the axial alignment.
For the best service from the coupling, John Crane
recommends that installed misalignment is no more 6. Rotate the machinery two or three times slowly to ensure it moves freely.
than 10% of the maximum allowable misalignment, with
allowance being made for any anticipated movements
which will occur during operation (e.g., thermal FIGURE 7
movements on hot pumps).


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

Hub Bolts Coupling
Min Gap Dim’n Dim’n
Coupling Tightening Torque Max Axial
Hub Bolt Size ‘X’ ‘A’ (Min) ‘A’ (Max)
Size (for lubricated bolts) Deflection
mm mm mm
Nm +/- mm
0014 M6 12 4.5 1.5 5.5 5.7
0025 M6 12 7.2 1.0 7.9 8.0
0055 M8 30 7.4 1.25 8.3 8.4
0120 M8 30 7.7 2.0 9.1 9.3
0215 M8 30 8.1 2.5 9.8 10.1
0360 M10 64 8.5 2.75 10.4 10.7
0350 M8 25 11.6 2.75 13.6 13.9
0500 M10 50 11.8 3.25 14.4 14.7
0740 M10 50 12.3 3.75 15.2 15.5
0930 M12 86 12.5 4.25 15.9 16.2
1400 M12 86 13.4 5.0 17.4 17.8

Operation, Inspection and Maintenance Transmission Unit Refurbishment

Before starting the machinery, ensure that all It is recommended that a transmission unit is the minimum spare
necessary safety procedures are being observed ordered, in order to ensure that the quality of transmission unit assembly
and coupling guards are fitted. is maintained.
To replace the transmission unit, remove the hub bolts and then withdraw
Routine examination should include a periodic check on the tightness the transmission unit using the compression bolts feature in the spacer,
of fasteners and visual inspection of transmission unit components for as appropriate.
signs of fatigue or wear.
If the coupled machinery is disturbed at any time, shaft alignment should The transmission unit must be adequately
be rechecked. Alignment checking is recommended if a deterioration of supported during removal to avoid accidental
installation alignment during service is suspected. damage should it slip.

Maintenance work must only be carried out by suitably ATTENTION When repairing John Crane flexible membrane couplings,
qualified personnel when the equipment is stationary only John Crane approved parts should be used.
and has been made safe.
NOTE: For balanced TSK spacer couplings, the transmission unit
John Crane flexible power transmission couplings are designed and is usually supplied as a factory assembled unit that should not
selected to give an unlimited service if used within the parameters for be dismantled. However, when used at low or medium speeds, the
which they are specified. Failures are rare and can generally be attributed transmission unit can be reconditioned but will require rebalancing.
to excessive misalignment, severe overload or a combination of both. In Guard ring assembly units (O-kits) should be replaced in pairs, failure of
all cases of coupling failure, it is advisable that the cause of failure is one will usually result in damage to the other.
first identified and corrected.
Failure of the coupling will generally be failure of a membrane assembly.


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

Guard Ring Assembly Unit (O-kit) Replacement

1. Remove the drive bolts (8B) and nuts (8N), and remove the guard ring FIGURE 8
assembly from the spacer piece. Do not attempt to dismantle the guard
ring assembly any further.
2. Identify the fasteners on the new guard ring assembly, which attach to
the spacer flanges, and remove the loosely assembled nuts (8N).
3. With the bolts (8B) in position, carefully press on the bolt heads to
push them into the spacer evenly.
NOTE: Light hammering with a soft mallet may be required, but ensure
assembly is even so as not to over-strain the flexible membranes.
4. Place a small amount of thread-locking compound (e.g., Loctite 242 or
equivalent) on the protruding bolt threads and then assemble the nuts
(8N). Holding the bolts firmly, turn the spacer nuts evenly to the correct
tightening torque value given in Table 3.
5. Complete the refurbishment of the transmission unit by replacing the
second guard ring assembly unit.

TABLE 3. Standard Tightening Torques

TSKS Tightening Torque Nuts (8N)
Coupling Size
Image indicative of TSKS 0014 to 0360
TDKS - 0014 11
0011, 0013, 0025 11
0027, 0033, 0055 23
0060, 0075, 0120 47
0110, 0135, 0215 75
0180, 0230, 0360 130
0260, 0350 150
0400, 0500 205
0560, 0740 285
0750, 0930 380
1120, 1400 490


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

This section refers to couplings that bear the CE and ATEX required markings:

CE / ATEX Marking
All couplings that comply with CE and ATEX legislation will be marked as shown. This will be etched on the spacer element of the transmission unit if
enough room is available.
A) Ambient temperature is standard (40ºC max)

Where John Crane's Metastream metal membrane couplings are required for use in higher ambient temperatures, John Crane UK Ltd certifies that the
equipment complies with the temperature classification range listed below in Table 4, and in all other respects complies with the type certificates.
Ambient Range Marking Group II, Category 2 GD
Group I, Category 2 M2 Marking Option
Min. Max. **
Unknown T3 (T200°C) Not Applicable B
-55°C < Ta < 150°C T3 (T200°C) Not Applicable B
-55°C < Ta < 90°C T4 (T135°C) 150°C C
-55°C < Ta < 55°C T5 (T100°C) 150°C C
-55°C < Ta < 40°C T6 (T85°C) 150°C A

B) Ambient temperature is (-55°C < Ta < 150ºC) OR ambient temperature is unspecified, the equipment is not suitable
for mining applications, Group I, Category 2.

C) Ambient temperature is (-55°C < Ta < 90ºC)

When the ambient temp. is specified, ‘T3’ is replaced by the following ‘T’ mark (**) according to Table 4.

‘XX’ is the year of manufacture and will change. For example, for year 2016; XX = 16.
CE and EX marks must meet requirements of Annex II in Reg. (EC) No. 765/2008 and Annex II in Dir. 84/47/EEC respectively.
Operation in aggressive atmospheres
The following components contain non-metallic materials. Confirm compatibility or provide suitable protection if the coupling is to operate in an
aggressive atmosphere.
• The hub electrical insulation (if supplied option) – reinforced thermosetting plastic
• Limited end float bearings (if supplied option) – PTFE based plastic

Temperature classification of John Crane's Metastream couplings

John Crane's Metastream metal membrane couplings, supplied in conformance with Directive 2014/34/EU, have to meet the classifications specified in
Table 4 when used in accordance with instructions and information supplied.
T, L and H series couplings, using the disk type flexible elements, are covered by type examination certificate Sira 02ATEX9403.
M series couplings, using the diaphragm type flexible elements, are covered by type examination certificate S ira 02ATEX9404.
Metastream ATEX I-ATEX EN (rev3)
EEC Directives
Metastream ® –
ATEX Page EN3 (rev3)
I-ATEX of 4
EEC Directives – FOR API
Page 4 of 4
2014/34/EU (ATEX) & 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive) Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

John CraneUK
361-366 BuckinghamAvenue


E.C. Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)

EEC Directive 2014/34/EU of 26.02.2014
and resultant legislation and standards
We, the manufacturers – John Crane UK Ltd, – confirm that the explosion prevention requirements
have been
Section 1.0 - implemented
Flexible Power Transmission Ring and Diaphragm Form Membrane Couplings
Types: Metastream metal-membrane couplings

Equipment complies
‘H’, ‘T’, with the Series
‘L’ & ‘M’ requirements of directive 2014/34/EU. It is in accordance with
article 1 3. (a) of the directive and the fundamental Health and Safety requirements of Annex II, are
fulfilled.2.0 - Applicable Harmonised Standards
ISO13709 (API 610) for centrifugal pumps
ISO14691 couplings for - General-purpose applications
The current Type Examination
ISO10441 Certificates
(API 671) for the couplings
(opt) couplings are:-
for - Special-purpose applications

Section 3.0 - Declaration: ‘T’, ‘L’ & ‘H’ Series - Sira 02ATEX9403
We, John Crane‘M’ Seriesthat
declare - under our soleSira 02ATEX9404
responsibility for the supply of the
machinery defined in Section 1.0 above, the said machinery parts are intended to be
incorporated into other machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute
The technical machinery
documentation is deposited
as covered with the designated notified body in accordance with
by this Directive.
article 13 (b) (ii) of the Directive 2014/34/EU.
The machinery parts, covered by this declaration must not be put into
service until the machinery into which it is to be incorporated has been
declared in conformity with the provisions of the Directive.
SIRA Certification Services
Unit 6, Hawarden Industrial Park
Hawarden, Chester, CH5 3US
United Kingdom

Date: 20th July 2016
Signed: Date: 20th July 2016
S. Pennington
S. Pennington
(Engineering Manager - Couplings)
(Engineering Manager - Couplings)

Metastream® ATEX I-ATEX EN (rev3)

Page 4 of 4
2014/34/EU (ATEX) & 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive) Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

John Crane UK Ltd

361-366 Buckingham Avenue
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 1753 224 000
F: +44 (0) 1753 224 224

Declaration of Incorporation

E.C. Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)

Section 1.0 - Machinery Description:

Flexible Power Transmission Ring and Diaphragm Form Membrane Couplings

‘H’, ‘T’, ‘L’ & ‘M’ Series

Section 2.0 - Applicable Harmonised Standards

ISO13709 (API 610) for centrifugal pumps
ISO14691 couplings for - General-purpose applications
ISO10441 (API 671) (opt) couplings for - Special-purpose applications

Section 3.0 - Declaration:

We, John Crane declare that under our sole responsibility for the supply of the
machinery defined in Section 1.0 above, the said machinery parts are intended to be
incorporated into other machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute
machinery as covered by this Directive.

The machinery parts, covered by this declaration must not be put into
service until the machinery into which it is to be incorporated has been
declared in conformity with the provisions of the Directive.

Date: 20th July 2016

S. Pennington
(Engineering Manager - Couplings)


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions


Fitting & Maintenance Instructions

North America Europe Latin America Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific
United States of America United Kingdom Brazil United Arab Emirates Singapore
Tel: 1-847-967-2400 Tel: 44-1753-224000 Tel: 55-11-3371-2500 Tel: 971-481-27800 Tel: 65-6518-1800
Fax: 1-847-967-3915 Fax: 44-1753-224224 Fax: 55-11-3371-2599 Fax: 971-488-62830 Fax: 65-6518-1803
If the products featured will be used in a potentially dangerous and/or hazardous process, your John Crane representative should be consulted prior to
their selection and use. In the interest of continuous development, John Crane Companies reserve the right to alter designs and specifications without
prior notice. It is dangerous to smoke while handling products made from PTFE. Old and new PTFE products must not be incinerated. ISO 9001 and
ISO14001 Certified, details available on request.
©2017 John Crane Revised 10/17 I-TSKS

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