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Kom MCQ With 2 Marks and 16 Marks

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MCQ and Important Questions (2 Marks & 16 Marks)


[1 MARK]

1. What is a link?
(a.) part of a machines
(b.) stationary part of a machine
(c.) part of a machine which has motion relative to some other part (d.) none of the above

2. When relative motion between two element is completely or successfully constrained, the
these two elements from a
(a) mechanism
(b) machine
(c) Kinematic pair
(d) kinematic chain
3. Piston and cylinder of a reciprocating steam engine forms a
(a) turning pair
(b) rolling pair
(c] sliding pair
(d) spherical pair
4. A ball and socket joint form an
(a) turning pair
(b) rolling pair
(c) sliding pair
(d) spherical pair
5. Ball bearing and roller bearing form a
(a) turning pair
(b) rolling pair
(c) sliding pair
(d) spherical pair
6. Which one of the following is a lower pair?
(a) ball and roller bearing
( b) automobile steering gear
(c) cam and follower
(d) belt and chain drives
7. Choose the correct statement
(a) a sliding pair has incompletely constrained motion
(b) a pair of friction discs constitutes a lower pair
(c) rectilinear motion of a piston is converted into rotary motion by slider crank
(d) automobile steering gear is an example of higher pair
8. The function of an element is to
(a) transmit motion
( b) to serve as a support
(c) to guide other elements (d) all of the above
(e) none of the above
9. The motion of a shaft between a foot-step bearings is an example of
(a) incompletely constrained motion
(b) completely constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion
(d) none of the above

10.The motion of a shaft with collars at each end in a circular hole is an example of
(a. ) incompletely constrained motion( b.) completely constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion (d) none of the above
11. Motion of a shaft a circular hole is an example of
(a) incompletely constrained motion
(b) completely constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion
(d) none of the above
12. The differential mechanism of an automobile is having
(a) one degree of freedom
(b) two degree of freedom
(c) three degree of freedom
(d) zero degree of freedom
13. If a kinematic chain has 'l' links, then the number of mechanism obtained is
(a) l 1
( b) l 2
(c) l+1
( d) l
14. For a kinematic chain, the relationship between number of pairs (P) and number of
links (L) is
(a) L = P -2
(b) L = 2P 4
(c) L = 4P 2
(d) L = P - 4
15. Whitworth quick return mechanism is an inversion of
(a) double slider crank chain
(b) single slider crank chain
(c) four bar chain
(d) crossed slider crank chain
16. The Ackermann steering gear is the inversion of
(a) slider crank chain
(b) four bar chain
(c) double slider crank chain
(d) crossed slider crank chain
17. Oldham's coupling and elliptic trammels are the inversion of
(a) double slider crank chain
[b) single slider crank chain
(c) four bar chain
(d) crossed slider crank chain

18. Inversion of a mechanism is

(a) changing of a higher pair to lower pair. (b) obtained by fixing different links in a kinematic
chain. (c) turning it upside down (d) obtained by reversing the input and output motion.
19. In gears, interference takes place when
(a) tip of a tooth of a mating gear digs into the portion between base and root circles
(b) gears do not move smoothly in the absence of lubrication
(c) pitch of the gear is not same.
(d) gear teeth are undercut
20. Which of the following is an inversion of a double slider crank chain?
(a) whith worth return motion
(b) rotary engine
(c) beam engine
(d) Oldhams coupling









21. Define link.
A link or an element is defined as that part of a machine which has motion relative to
some other part.
22. Define structure.
Structure is an assemblage of number of resistant bodies having no relative motion between
23. Define degree of freedom. [Anna Univ. May 2004]
The mobility of a mechanism or degree of freedom is defined as the number of input
parameters (usually pair variables) which must be controlled independently in order to being the
device into a particular position.
24. What is toggle position?
It is the position of a mechanism at which the mechanical advantage is indianite and the
sine of angel between the coupler and driving link is zero.
25. What is pantograph?
Pantograph is a device which is used reproduces a displacement exactly in an enlarged
or reduced scale. It is used in drawing offices, for duplicating the drawings, maps, plans, etc. it
world on the principle of 4 bar chain mechanism i.e., oscillating-oscillating converter mechanism.
26. Compare machine and structure. [Anna Univ. May 2005]
Relative motion exists between its No relative motion exists between its
It transforms available energy into It does not convert the available energy into
useful work.
Links are
meant to transmit motion Members are meant for carrying loads having
and force.
Examples: scooter, car bus
Examples: roof trusses, bridges

27. Differentiate kinematic pair and kinematic chain.

Kinematic pair
Kinematic chain
1. A pair is a joint of two elements that
permits relative motion in such a way that A kinematic chain is a combination of pairs
their relative motion is completely or joined in such a way that the relative motion
between the links or elements is completely or
successfully constrained.
successfully constrained.
2. Double slider crank chain.
Example: 1. four bar chain

28. What is meant by transmission angle?

In a four bar chain mechanism, the angle
between the coupler and the follower (driven) Link is called as the transmission angle.
29. What is mechanical advantage in a mechanism?
The mechanical advantage is defined as the ratio of output torque to the input torque. It is
alsodev9ned as the ratio of the load to the effort.
30. Discuss the difference between mechanism and machine. [MU, Apr96 and Oct99]
S. No
and Machine transmits forces and couples.
modifies motion.
A mechanism is the skeleton
Machine may have many mechanisms for
outline of
the machine
to transmitting power or mechanical work.
produce definite motion between
various links.
Example: clock work, typewriter Example: shaper and lathe in workshop
31. Write down the grashofs law for four bar mechanism? [MU, Apr99]
Grashofs law states that the sum of the shortest and longest links cannot be greater than
the sum of the remaining two links lengths, if there is to be continuous relative motion between
two members.

[16 MARKS]

32. (i) Describe Whitworth's quick return mechanism. [Anna Univ. Dec 2003](6)
(ii) Distance between two parallel shafts connected by oldhams coupling is 25 mm.
Determine maximum speed of sliding of tongue of intermediate piece in the slot in the flange if
driving shaft is run at 250 rpm.
(iii) Discuss the application of Grashoffs law in identifying the input and output motions of
four-bar mechanism.
33. (i) Define and explain inversion of mechanisms. [Anna Univ. Dec 2003](4)
(ii) Sketch and explain oldhams coupling.
(iii) Design a four-bar crank rocker quick return mechanism to give a time ratio of 1.25 with
rocker swing angle as 75 clockwise. Assume the out put link (rocker) length as 50 mm and in the
left extreme position it is vertical.
34. (i) Explain the inversions of four bar chain, with neat sketches. [Anna Univ. Dec2005 ]
(ii) Explain with neat sketches the following: (1) Offset slider mechanism, (2) An indexing
mechanism.[MS Univ. Apr96]
35. (i) Explain the inversions of single slider crank chains, with neat sketches.
(ii) Explain mechanical advantage and transmission angle related to four-bar mechanisms.

36. (i) Define transmission angle of a four bar linkage. What is the effect of transmission angle
on mechanical advantage?
(ii) Briefly explain various types of constrained motions.
(iii) Illustrate a crank and slotted lever mechanism as an inversion of single slider crank
chain. Deduce an expression for length of stroke in terms of link lengths.
37. Analytically perform the displacement analysis of a four bar mechanism.
38. (i) Define transmission angle of a four bar linkage. What is the effect of transmission angle
on mechanical advantage? [MS Univ. Apr96]
(ii) State and prove Kutchbach criterion for the following kinematic chains: Three bar chain,
four bar chain, Cam with knife edge follower. [Bharathiyar Univ. Nov97](6)
(iii) Explain any two inversions of a four bar kinematic chain.
39. In a Whitworth quick return mechanism, as shown in figure, crank OA rotates at 30 rpm in
clockwise direction. The dimensions of various links are OA = 150 mm, OC = 100 mm, CD = 125
mm and DR = 500 mm. Determine the acceleration of the sliding block R and the angular
acceleration of the slotted lever BD.



[1 MARK]
40. Piston, piston rod and cross head of a steam engine constitue
(a) one link
(b) two link
(c) three link (d) do not comform to the concept of a link
41 .Connecting rod , big and small and brasses , caps and bolts constitute
(a) one link
(b) two link
(c) three link
(d) four link
42. Crank. connecting rod, cylinder and piston of a steam engine constitute
(a) one link
(b) two link
(c) three link
(d) four link
43. Pick the odd one out
(a) cam and follower
(b) belt, rope and chain drive
(c) ram guides in a shaper
(d) ball and roller bearings
44. Two elements that permit relative motion which is completely constrained or
successfully constrained constitute a
(a) Closed pair
(b) lower pair
(c) kinematic pair
(d) mechanism
45. The number of link in a pantograph is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
46. Type writer constitutes a
(a) Machine
(b) mechanism
(c) structure
(d) inversion
47. Cam and follower mechanism constitutes a kinematic pair of type
(a) lower and open (b) higher and open (c) lower and closed
(d) higher and closed

48. A ball and socket joint constitutes a spherical pair having

(a) no degree of freedom
(b) one degree of freedom
(c) two degrees of freedom
(d) three degrees of freedom
49. The number of link l
and the number of pairs p in a kinematic chain conform to the
(a) i=p- 4
(b) i = 2p - 4
(c) i = 2p + 1
(d) i = 2 (p-1)
50. If the number of links in a mechanism is 6 the number of pairs would be
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
51.Is it possible to have a kinematic chain with 5 link and 5 joint?
(a) no
(b) yes
(c) marginal case (d) data insufficient to make any prediction
52. A slider crank chain consists for a kinematic chain having plane motion is give by the
(a) 1.3
(b) 2,2
(c) 3,1
(d) 4,0
(e) 0,4
53. The number of inversions of a double slider crank chain are
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6
54. Mid -point of the fluting link of elliptical trammel traces a
(a) circle
(b) parabola
(c) ellipse
(d) straight line
55. A Hook's joint is used to connect
(a) two parallel shafts
(b) two intersection shaft
(c) two non-parallel intersecting shaft
(d) two non-parallel, non intersecting shafts
56. A universal joint is an example of
(a) lower pair
(b) higher pair
(c) rolling pair
(d) sliding pair
57.A four bar mechanism has instantaneous centres of rotation
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
58. The number of link and instantaneous centres in a reciprocating engine mechanism are
(a) 4,4
(b) 4,3
(c) 4,6
(d) 4.12
59. A mechanism has 7 links which are all binary except one which is ternary. the number
of instantaneous centres of rotation will be
(a) 4,4
(b) 4,3
(c) 4,6
(d) 4.12









60. Define instantaneous centre and instantaneous axis. [MU, Apr97]
Instantaneous centre: instantaneous centre of a moving body may be defined as that centre
which goes on changing from one instant to another.
61. Define rubbing velocity of joint.
A pin joins two links A and B, A rotates with A
angular vilocityandB rotates with B
angular velocity in opposite direction. What is the rubbing velocity of that pin?
Rubbing velocity of pin = (1+2) x r
Where r is the radius of the pin.

62. What is the magnitude of linear velocity of any point on a link with respect to another
point on the same link
= TB B
63. What is the magnitude of linear velocity of a point B ona link AB relative to A?
The magnitude of linear velocity of a point B on al link AB, which rotates with
angular velocity with respect to A is:
64. What is the expression for coriolis component of acceleration?
a BC = 2
= angular velocity ofOA, and
v = linear velocity of B
65. What are the properties of instantaneous centre? [MU, Apr2000]
Number of instantaneous centres, N = n(n-1)
Where n = number of links.
N= 4(4-1) = 6 centres are possible. 2
66. What are the two components of acceleration? [MU, Apr97]
1. Radial component of acceleration,
a OB = OB x OB
2. Tangential component of ecceleration,
A OB = OB x OB
OB = angular velocity of link OB, and
OB=angular acceleration of link OB, and
OB = length oflink OB.
67. State the condition for the link to experience coriolis acceleration.
Coriolis acceleration occurs when a point on one link is sliding along another rotating
link, such as in quick return mechanism.
68. Briefly explain the types of instantaneous centres.
Three types of instantaneous centres are:
1. fixed instantaneous centres:
I 12 and I 14 are called the fixed instantaneous centres as they remain in the same place for
all configuration of the mechanism.
2. Permanent instantaneous centres: I 23 and I34 are called the permanent nature.
69. Define kennedys theorem. [MU. Oct1995]
The kenedys theorem states that if three bodies move relatively to each other, they have
three instantaneous centres and lie on a straight line.


[16 MARKS]

70. (i) A four bar mechanism DABC has the following dimensions :
DA = 300 mm; CB = AB = 360 mm; DC = 600 mm. Link DC is fixed and angle ADC is Driving
link DA turns clockwise at 100 rpm. Constant driving torque is 50 N-m. Determine the following:
(1) Velocity of point B (2) Angular velocity of driven link CB (3) Mechanical
advantage of mechanism in this position (4) Resisting torque.
(ii) Sketch a four-bar crank rocker mechanism in (1) Maximum transmission angle position
and (2) toggle position where mechanical advantage is infinity.
71. (i) Find the number of instantaneous centres for a six link mechanism. State the use of
instantaneous centre method in kinematic analysis.
(ii) Crank of a slider crank mechanism rotates clockwise at a constant speed of 300 rpm, crank
and connecting rod are of lengths 150 mm and 600 respectively. Determine the following; at a
crank angle of 45 from inner dead centre posi tion (1) Linear velocity and acceleration of the
midpoint of connecting rod (2) Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod.
[MS Univ. Apr96]
72. (i) Compare instantaneous center method and velocity polygon method for velocity analysis
of mechanisms.
(ii) A four bar linkage has following dimensions: Crank AO 2 = 150 mm; Link AB = 450 mm;
Link BO4 = 300 mm; Link O2O4 = 200 mm. Link O2O4 is fixed. Find the angular acceleration of
links AB and BO4 when the crank is rotating with a constant angular velocity of
200 rad/s counter clockwise and also positioned of 45 to horizontal.
73. (i) State the properties of relative velocities of points on kinematic links. [MU, Oct97]
(ii) In a small steam engine running at 600 rad/min counter clockwise, length of crank is 80
mm and ratio of connecting rod length to crank radius is 3. For the position when crank makes
45 to horizontal, determine acceleration of piston . Find also total acceleration of a point X on
connecting rod 80 from crank pin.
74. The driving crank AD of the quick-return mechanism, as shown in figure, revolves at a
uniform speed of 200 r.p.m. Find the velocity and acceleration of the tool-box R, in the position
shown, when the crank makes an angle of 60with the vertical line of centers PA. What is the
acceleration of sliding of the block at B along the slotted lever PQ?

75. For the toggle mechanism as shown in figure, the slider D is constrained to move along
horizontal direction. The crank rotates at 180 rpm. The dimensions of various links are as

follows. OA = 180 mm ; CB = 240 mm; AB = 360 mm; BD = 540 mm. For the given
configuration determine the velocity of the slider and angular velocities of links AB, BC and BD.
Also determine the linear acceleration of the slider D. [MS Univ. Apr96]

76. Derive the displacement, velocity and acceleration equation of a slider crank mechanism.
77. For the toggle mechanism as shown in figure, the slider D is constrained to move along
horizontal direction. The crank rotates at 180 rpm. The dimensions of various links are as follows.
OA = 180 mm; CB = 240 mm; AB = 360 mm; BD = 540 mm. For the given configuration
determine (i) the velocity and acceleration of the slider (ii) angular velocity and angular
acceleration of links AB, BC and BD.

78. The crank of a slider crank mechanism is 15 cm and the connecting rod is 60 cm long. The
crank makes 300 rpm in the clockwise direction. When it has turned 45 from the inner dead
centre position determine: (i) Velocity of slider, (ii) Angular velocity of connecting rod, (iii)
Linear velocity of the mid point of the connecting rod. [MU, APR2003]
79. In a four bar mechanism, the crank rotates at 36 rad/s. The lengths of the links are AB = 200
mm; BC = 400 mm; CD = 450 mm and AD = 60 mm. AD is the fixed link. At the instant when is
at right angle to AD, determine the velocity of (i) the mid point of the link BC (ii) a point on link
CD, 100 mm from the pin connecting the links CD and AD.
80. What is the importance of finding acceleration of various points in a mechanism? Name the
two different methods of finding acceleration in a mechanism. [MKU, Apr2003]
81. What do you mean by Coriolis component of acceleration? When will it exist? Prove that the
component of acceleration is 2v where, v = linear velocity of the slider, = angular velocity of
the crank. [MS Univ. Apr96]




[1 MARK]

82. Instantaneous centre of rotation of a piston in a internal combustion engine lies at

(a) centre of crank pin (b) centre of piston pin (c) centre of crankshaft bearing(d) infinity
83. Crankshaft rotating in the journal bearing of an engine forms a
(a) screw pair
(b) turning pair
(c) spherical pair
(d) rolling pair
84. The coriolis component of acceleration
(a) leads the sliding velocity vector by 180
(b) rotates the sliding velocity vector about its origin along the direction of velocity
(c) is directed along the sliding the velocity vector
(d) is directed along the tangential acceleration.
85. The direction of coriolis component of acceleration is the direction
(a) at right angles to that of relative angular velocity vector
(b) relative to velocity vector for two coincident point rotated by180 in the
direction of angular velocity of rotation of link
(c) of relative velocity vector for two coincident point rotated by 90 in the
direction of angular velocity of rotation of link
(d) of relative velocity vector for two coincident point in the direction exactly
opposite to that of angular velocity.
86. Coriolis component of acceleration exists whenever a point moves along a path that has
(a) tangential acceleration
(b)centripetal acceleration
(c) linear motion
(d)rotational motion
87. Instantaneous centre of rotation of a piston in an internal combustion engine lies at
(a) centre of crank pin
(b) centre of piston pin
(c) centre of crankshaft bearing
(d) infinity
88. A four bar mechanism has________instantaneous centres of rotation
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
The number of links and instantaneous centres in a reciprocating engine mechanism
(a) 4.4
(b) 4.3
(c) 4. 6
(d) 4.12
A mechanism has 7 links which are all binary except one which is terary .the number of
instantaneous centre of rotation will be
(a) 14
(b) 21
(c) 28
(c) 42
91. Consider a point on a link connecting double slider crank chain .it would trace
(a) a circular path (b) an elliptical path
(c) a straight line path
(d) a parabolic path
92. Klien 's construction is mainly used to determine
(a) displacement of piston
(b) linear velocity and acceleration of piston
(c) angular velocity of connecting rod
(d) angular acceleration of link
93. Klien 's construction is applicable when the crank has
(a) sloe rotational speed
(b) uniform angular velocity
(c) uniform angular acceleration
(d) cyclic variations in velocity and acceleration.
94. A pulley 300 mm in diameter drives a pulley 1500mm in diameter by means of a belt
20mm thick. If the drive pulley turns 200 revolutions per minute ,the speed of the driven pulley
would be closer
(a) 42rpm
(b) 92 rpm
(c) 435rpm
(d) 950 rpm
95. Identify the wrong statement
(a) slip is a measure of the difference between the linear speed of the rim of the pulley and the belt
on it.
(b) belt slipping reduces the velocity ratio of the system


(c) slippage is a self correcting evil

[d) for the same percentage of slip at both the drive and driven pulleys ,the velocity ratio remains
96. with whipping of open belt system
(a) velocity ratio is increased
(b) belt slipping gets enhanced
(c) power transmitted remains unaffected
(d) life of the belt is shortened
97. Creep in a belt occurs due to
(a) weak material of the belt
(b) weak material of the pulley
(c) improper crowning
(d) uneven contraction and extension of the belt.
98. The mid section of flat pulleys is slightly raised to
(a) reduce tension in the belt
(b) increase the angle of contact
(c) avoid lateral slip of the belt
(d) save the pulley from any damage from the belt joints
99. The crowning height of the pulleys is
(a) smaller for wider and larger belts at high speed b) smaller for narrow and larger belts at slow speed
(c) greater for wider and larger belt at high speed d) independent of the belt width and speed of pulleys
100. An idler pulley is used
(a) for frequent stoppage of motion
(b) to maintain requisite tension in the belt
(c) to change the direction of motion of the belt
(d) to run only during non-load periods
101. The ratio between tension on the tight and slack side of the belt cannot be
increased by
(a) placing the pulleys closer
(b) increasing the belt speed
(c) dressing the belt material to increase the coefficient of friction between the belt and pulley
(d) employing crossed belt drive instead of open belt drive










102. What is cam? [MU, Apr2003]
A cam is a rotating machine element which gives reciprocating (or) oscillating motion to another
element known as follower.
103. Define tangent cam.
When the flanks of the cam are straight and tangential to the base circle and nose circle, the cam
is known as tangent cam.
104. What are the different motions of the follower?
Uniform motion, Simple harmonic motion, Uniform acceleration and retardation, and cycloidal
105. Define Dwell period.
The period during which the follower remains at rest is called dwell period.
106. Explain offset follower. [MU, Oct96]
When the motion of the follower is along an axis away from the axis of the cam centre, it is
called offset follower.
107. Define pressure angle with respect to cams.
It is the angle between the direction of the follower motion and a normal to the pitch curve. This
angle is very important in designing a cam profile. If the pressure angle is too large, a reciprocating
follower will jam in its bearings.


108. Define lift.

It is the maximum travel of the follower from its lowest position to the top most position.
109. Define undercutting in cam. How it occurs?
The cam profile must be continuous curve without any loop. If the curvature of the pitch curve is
too sharp, then the part of the cam shape would be lost and thereafter the intended cam motion would not
be achieved. Such a cam said to be undercut.Undercutting occurs in the cam because of attempting to
achieve too great a follower lift with very small cam rotation with a smaller cam.
110. How can you prevent undercutting in cam? [MU, Apr99]
1. By decreasing the following lift.
2. By increasing cam rotation angle.
3. By increasing the cam size (i.e., Base circle).
111. Distinguish radial and cylindrical cams. [Anna Univ. Dec2003]
Radial cam
Cylindrical cam
In this cam, the follower reciprocates (or)
In this the follower reciprocates(or) oscillates in a
oscillates in a direction perpendicular to the cam
direction parallel to the cam axis.

[16 MARKS]

112. (i) Explain the following terms : (1) Prime circle (2) Pressure Angle related to cams. (4) (ii)
Draw the profile of a disc cam to give uniform motion and uniform velocity during
outstroke of 25 mm to a knife edge follower during first half revolution. Return of cam is also of
similar uniform motion with uniform velocity during remaining half revolution. Minimum radius
of the cam is 25 mm. Assume that the axis of knife edge follower passes through cam axis.
[MU Apr96]
113. (i) Briefly explain the features of mushroom followers. [Anna Univ. Dec2005]
(ii) Draw the profile of a cam to give following motion to a flat faced reciprocating follower.
(1) Follower to have a stroke of 20 mm during 120 of cam rotation. (2) Follower to dwell for 30
of cam rotation (3) Follower to return to initi al position during 120 of cam rotation. (4) Follower
to dwell for remaining 90 of cam rotation . The base circle radius is 40 mm and the
follower axis coincides with cam axis of rotation.
114. Draw the profile of a cam to give following motion to a reciprocating follower with a flat
face: (i) Follower to have a stroke of 20 mm during 120 of cam rotation. (ii) Follower to dwell for
30 of cam rotation. (iii) Follower to return t o its initial position during 120 of cam rotation. (iv)
Follower to dwell for remaining 90 of cam rot ation. Minimum radius of cam = 25 mm. Out
stroke and return stroke of the follower are simple harmonic.
115. Draw the profile of disc cam to give uniform acceleration and retardation out stroke of 25 to a
knife edge follower during first half of revolution. Return of cam also takes place with uniform
motion during remaining half of cam revolution. Assume minimum radius of cam as 25 mm.
[MS Univ. Apr96]
116. A cam with a minimum radius of 25 mm, rotating in clockwise direction with a uniform
speed of 100 rpm is to be designed to give the motion for a roller follower as follows.
(i) To raise through 50 mm during 120 rotation of cam with SHM. (ii) Fully raised through next
30. (iii) To lower during next 60 with UAUR. (iv) Dwell for the remaining period.
Draw the profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the follower is offset by 15 mm from the
axis of the camshaft. [MKU, Oct97]
117. Construct a tangent cam and mention the important terminologies on it. Also derive the
expressions for displacement, velocity, acceleration of a reciprocating roller follower when the
roller has contact with the nose. [Bharathiyar Univ. Nov97]

118. A cam drives a flat reciprocating follower in the following manner: (i) Follower moves
outwards through a distance of 20 mm with simple harmonic motion during the first 120 rotation
of the cam. (ii) Follower dwells during next 30 of cam rotation. (iii) Follower moves inwards
with simple harmonic motion for the next 120 of cam rotation. (iv) The follower dwells for the
remaining period. Draw the profile of the cam, when the minimum radius of cam is 25 mm. Also
calculate the maximum velocity and acceleration during outward and inward motion of the
follower when the cam rotates with 200 rpm.
119. Construct a tangent cam and mention the important terminologies on it. Also derive the
expression for displacement, velocity, acceleration of a reciprocating roller follower when the
roller has contact with the nose. [MU, Apr2003]
120. From the following data draw the profile of a cam in which the follower moves with SHM
during ascent while it moves with uniformly accelerated and decelerated motion during descent.
Least radius of the cam = 50 mm; Angle of ascent = 48; Angle of dwell= 42; Angle of descent=
60; Lift of the follower= 40 mm; Diameter of the roller= 30 mm. If the cam rotates at 360 rpm
anticlockwise find the maximum velocity and acceleration of the follower during descent. [MKU,
121. A symmetrical tangent cam with a least radius of 25 mm operates a roller follower of radius
10 mm. The angle of ascent is 60 and total lift is 15 mm. If the speed of the cam is 400 rpm, then
calculate: The principal dimensions of the cam, ie., the distance between the cam centre and nose
centre; nose radius and angle of control of cam with straight flank.


[1 MARK]
122. The power transmitted by belt drive is designed on the basis of
(a) angle of lab on the smaller pulley
(b) angle of lap on the large pulley
(c) average angle of lap of two pulleys
(d) angle of lap of the driver pulley whether smaller or larger
123. The average tension on the tight and slack side of a flat belt drive system are 70k.g.f
and 40 k.g.f respectively .if linear velocity of the belt is 5 m/s ,the power transmitted by
system would be about
(a) 2 HP
(b) 2.6HP
(c) 3.3HP
(d) 4.7 HP
124. For identical conditions of belt speed pulley, diameters centre distance and material of
pulley and belt crossed belt drive transmit
(a) more more
(b) more less
(c) less less
(d) less more
125. The centrifugal tension in the flat belt drive system increases
(a) in direct proportion to mass per unit length of the belt
(b) in direct proportion to belt thickness
(c) in direct proportion to square of belt speed
(d) exponentially with maximum permissible tension in the belt
126. The centrifugal tension in belts
(a) increases power transmission
(b) decreases power transmission
(c) may increase or decrease power transmitted depending upon tension on slack and tight
side of the belt system
(d) does not affect the power transmitted
127. In belt drives the centrifugal tension
(a) reduces the speed of driven wheel (b) reduces friction between the belt and pulley rim
(c) reduces the driving power
(d) reduces the lengthening of belt under tension


128. For maximum power transmitted by belt drive the centrifugal tension is equal to
(a) half the effective tension on the side of the belt drive
(b) one -third of effective tension on the tight side of the belt drive
(c) two-third of effective tension on the tight side of the belt drive
(d) three -fourth of effective tension on the tight side of the belt drive
129. For same power transmission v-belt are________ but ________ as compared to flat
(a) narrow thicker
(b) thicker, narrow
(c) wider, thinner
(d) thinner wider
130. Which of the following is not a common section of v-belts?
(a) a
(b) c
(c) e
(d) f
131. Fan belt is automobiles is
(a) a3-layer flat belt
(b) a5-layer flat belt (c) B-section v-belt (d) E-section V-belt
132. A, P, I, V system is used for
(a) fluctuating loads
(b) suppressing torsional vibrations
(c) infinitely variable speed drives
(d) low torque drives
133. For constant velocity ratio positive drive with large distance between drive and driven
shaft ,one would use
(a) flat belt drive
(b) v-belt drive
(c) chain drive
(d) gear drive
134. Spot the odd one out
(a) hartnell governor
(b) hartung governor (c) proell governor (d) wils hartnell governor
135. Which one of the following is a spring controlled centrifugal governor?
(a) pickering governor
(b) porter governor (c) proell governor
(d) watt governor
136. The quality of a governor is judged by its
(a) stability
(b) sensitivity
(c) effort
(d) power
137. Which of the following provides a smooth and positive drive
(a) rope drive
(b) v- belt drive
(c) chain drive
(d) gear drive
138. Axial thrust is minimum in case of
(a) spur gear
(b) double helical gear
(c) bevel gear
(d) minter gears
139. A rack is a gear of infinite
(a) pitch
(b) module
(c) diameter
(d) number of teeth
140. The cam size depends upon
(a) pitch circle
(b) base circle
(c) the cam circlre enclosing the cam profile
(d) operation speed of the cam
(e) prime circle
141. The reference point on the follower for the purpose of tracing the cam profile is
(a) trace point
(b) pitch point
(c) cam centre
(d) base point









142. What is meant by arc of the recess and arc of contact? [MU, Apr96]
Arc of approach is the portion of the path of contact from the beginning of the
engagement to the pitch point. Arc of recess is the position of the path of contact from pitch point
to the end of the engagement of a pair of teeth.


143. State law of gearing. [MU, Apr96]

The law of gearing states that for obtaining a constant velocity ratio, at any instant of teeth
the common normal at each point of contact should always pass through a pitch point, situated on
the line joining the centre of rotation of the pair of mating gears.
144. What are the methods to avoid interference?
1. The height of the teeth may be reduced.
2. The pressure angel may be increased.
3. The radial flank of the pinion maybe cut back
145. Define contact ratio. [MU, Apr2003]
It is the ratio of the length of arc contact to the circular pitch is known as contact ratio.
The value gives the number of pairs of teeth in contact
146. Define interference
The phenomenon when the tip of tooth undercuts the roots on its mating gear is known as
147. What is gear train or train of wheels?
Two or more gears re made to mesh with each other to transmit power from one shaft to
another. Such a combination is called a gear train or train of wheels
148. What are the types of gear trains?
1. Simple gear train,
2. Compound gear train,
3. Reverted gear train, and
4. Epicyclical gear train.
149. Define simple gear train. [MS Univ. Nov95]
When there is only one gear on each shaft, it is known as simple gear train.
150. What is reverted gear train?
When the axes of the first and last wheels are co-axial, the train is known as reverted gear
151. Where the epicyclic gear trains are used?
The eicyclic gear trains are used in the back gear of lathe, differential gears of the
automobiles, pulley blocks, wrist watches, etc.

[16 MARKS]

152. (i) Discuss the advantages of involute gear tooth profile.[Anna Univ. Dec2005]
(ii) Describe the advantages and applications of helical, bevel and worm gears.
(iii) In an epicyclic gear train, the sum gear A and the planet gear B are having 36 and 45
teeth respectively. If the arm rotates at 150 rpm counter clockwise about center of A which is
fixed, determine speed of gear B. If the arm is locked and gear A rotates at 300 rpm what is the
speed of gear B?
153. (i) A pinion having 25 teeth drives a gear of 60 teeth. Tooth profile is involute with pressure
angle of 20, module of 8 mm and addendum of 1 modu le. Determine: (1) Length of path of
contact (2) Length of arc of contact and (3) contact ratio.
(ii) Design a compound gear train for an exact train ratio of 180: 1. Minimum teeth on any gear
shall be 12 to avoid interference and Maximum gear ratio in any one stage is 10 : 1. Also
sketch the arrangement.
(iii) Discuss the necessity of differentials in automobiles. [MU, Apr2003]


154. (i) What is meant by interference in gears? What are the measures to eliminate the same? (ii)
An epicyclical train has a pinion A having 15 teeth, centrally located and rigidly connected to shaft
of driving motor. Another gear B having 20 teeth is gearing with A and also with annular fixed
wheel D. Gear C is integral with B and meshes with another annular wheel E which is keyed to the
shaft of driven unit. The arm rotates about driving shaft and carries compound gear B, C. Sketch
the arrangement and determines speed of machine for a motor speed of 1000 rpm. Also determine
torque on machine shaft for a motor torque of 100 N-m. [MS Univ. Apr96]
155. Two mating gears have 20 and 40 involute teeth of module 10 mm and 20 pressure angle.
The addendum on each wheel is to be made of such a length that the line of contact on each side of
the pitch point has half the maximum possible length. Determine the addendum height for each
gear wheel, length of the path of contact, arc of contact and contact ratio. 27. (i) An epicyclic gear
train is shown in the figure. How many revolutions does the arm makes, (1) when A makes one
revolution in clockwise and D makes a revolution in the opposite sense (2) when A makes one
revolution in clockwise and D remains stationary. The number of teeth in gears A and D are 40
and 90 respectively. [MU Apr96]
(ii) What is reverted gear train? Explain the arrangement of various gears in a reverted gear
train and express the characteristic equations used to define their operation.

156. (i) State and prove law of gearing

[MKU, Apr2003]
(ii) A pair of involute spur gears with 16 pressure angle and pitch of module 6 mm is in
mesh. The number of teeth in pinion is 16 and its rotational speed is 240 rpm. The gear ratio is
1.75. In order to avoid the interference, determine (1) addenda on pinion and wheel (2) length of
path of contact (3) maximum velocity of sliding on either side of pitch point.
157. (i) Two involute gears of 20 pressure angle are i n mesh. The number of teeth on pinion is 20
and the gear ratio is 2. If the pitch expressed in module is 5 mm, and the pitch line speed is 1.2
m/s, determine the angle turned through by pinion, when one pair of teeth is in mesh. Also
calculate the maximum velocity of sliding. Take addendum as one module.
(ii) Derive an expression for the minimum number of teeth required on the pinion in order to
avoid interference in involute gear teeth. [MU Apr96]
158. (i) What are the special advantages of an epicyclic gear train? [MU Apr96]
(ii) An epicyclic gear train for electric motor is shown in figure. The wheel S has 15 teeth and
is fixed to the motor shaft running at 1450 rpm. The planet P has 45 teeth, gears with fixed annulus
E and rotates on a spindle carried by an arm A which is fixed to the output shaft. If the motor
transmits 1.5 kW, determine the torque required to fix the annulus.


159. What do you mean by pitch point, circular pitch, module, addendum and pressure angle?
Explain in detail. [MU Apr96]
160. State and prove the law of gear tooth action for constant velocity ratio and show how the
involute teeth profile satisfies the condition. Derive an expression for the velocity of sliding
between a pair of involute teeth. State the advantages of involute profile as a gear tooth profile.
[Bharathiyar Univ. Nov97]


[1 MARK]
161. The lead screw of lathe with nut forms a
(a) rolling pair
(b) sliding pair
(c) turning pair
(d) none of the above
162. When the elements of a pair are kept in contact by the action of external forces, the
pair is said to be a
(a) lower pair
(b) higher pair
(c) self closed pair
(d) force closed pair
163. The lower pairs are
(a) self closed pair
(b) force closed pair (c) turning pair
(d) rolling pair
164. The cam and the follower is an example of
(a) sliding pair
(b) rolling pair
(c) lower pair
(d) higher pair
165. An automobile steering gear is an example of
(a) sliding pair
(b) rolling pair
(c) lower pair
(d) higher pair
166. A combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way that the relative motion
between the links is complete constrained is called a
(a) structure
(b) mechanism
(c) kinematic chain (d) inversion
167. A mechanism is an assemblage of
(a) two links
(b) three links
(c) four or more than four links (d) all of the above
168. When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is known as a
(a) structure
(b) mechanism
(c) inversion
(d) machine
169. the method of obtaining different mechanisms, by fixing in turn different links in a
kinematic chain, is known as a
(a) structure
(b) machine
(c) inversion
(d) compound mechanism
170. A kinematic chain is known as a mechanism when
(a) none of the links fixed
(b) one of the links fixed
(c) two of the links fixed
(d) none of the above fixed
171. in a coupling rod of a locomotive, each of the four pairs is a
(a) sliding pair
(b) turning pair
(c) rolling pair
(d) none of the above

172. The motion of a shaft in circular hole is an example of

(a) Complete constrained motion
(b) incomplete constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion
(d) none of the above
173. A sliding pair has a
(a) complete constrained motion
(b) incomplete constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion
(d) none of the above
174. The screw pair is a
(a) rolling pair
(b) sliding pair
(c) turning pair
(d) lower pair
175. When the two elements of a pair is called lower pair if it is in
(a) point contact
(b) line contact
(c) surface contact
(d) none of the above
176. When the two elements of a pair is called lower pair if it is in
(a) point contact
(b)line contact
(c) surface contact
(d) none of the above
177. Which of the following is an example for higher pair?
(a) toothed gearing
(b) belt and rope drive (c) ball and roller bearing (d) all of the above
178. The relation between number of pairs (p) forming a kinematic chain and number of
links (l) is
(a) l=2p-2
(b) l=2p-3
(c) l=2p-4
(d) l=2p-5
179. The relation between number of links (l) and number of joints (j) in a kinematic chain
(a) l=1/2(j+2)
(b) l=2/3(j+2)
(c) l=3/4(j+3)
(d) l= (j+4)
180. Which of the following is an inversion of a single slider crank chain?
(a) Pendulum pump (b) coupling rod locomotive (c) elliptical trammel (d) oldhams coupling









181. What are the effects of limiting angle of friction? [MU, Apr96]
1. If limiting angle of friction is equal to tan then the body will move over the plane
irrespective of the magnitude of the force (F) (Limiting force of friction).
2. If < tan then no motion of the body on plane is possible irrespective of how large the
magnitude of F may be.
182. Define co-efficient of friction ()
It is defined as the ratio of the limiting friction to the normal reaction irrespective of
how large the magnitude of F may be
= Limiting force of friction F
Normal reaction
183. Why self-locking screws have lesser efficiency?
Self locking needs some friction of the thread surface of the screw and nut hence it
needs higher effort to lift a body and hence automatically the efficiency decreases
184. What are the functions of clutches? [MU, Oct97]
1. It supplies power to the transmission system.
2. It stops the vehicle by disconnecting the engine from transmission system.


3. It is used to change the gear and idling the engine.

4. It gives gradual increment of speed to the wheels.
185. Explain velocity ratio.
It is defined as the ration between velocity of the driver and the follower (or) driven.
186. State the law of belting? [Anna Univ. May 2004]
Law of belting states that the centre line of the belt as it approaches the pulley must lie
in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the pulley or must lie in the plane of the pulley, otherwise
the belt will runoff the pulley.
187. What is the centrifugal effect on belts?
During the operation, as the passes over a pulley the centrifugal effect due to its self
weight tends to lift the belt from the pulley surface. This reduces the normal reaction and hence
the frictional resistance.
188. When is the cross belt used instead of open belt? [MU, Apr2003]
1. Cross belt is used where the direction of rotation of driven pulley is opposite to
driving pulley.
2. Where we need more power transmission there we can use cross belt drive.
189. What do you mean by a brake? [MU, Oct97]
Brake is a device by means of which motion of a body is retarded for slowing down (or) to
bring it to rest which works on the principle of frictional force, it acts against the driving force.
190. Explain self-energizing.
When moments of efforts applied on the break drum and frictional force are in the same
direction, the breaking torque becomes maximum (frictional force aids are the braking action). In
such a case the brake is said to be partially self actuating or self energizing.
[16 MARKS]
191. (i) Discuss the advantages of V belts. [MKU, Oct97]
(ii) A rope drive transmits 600 kW from a pulley of effective diameter 4 m, which runs at 90
rpm. Angle of lap is 160; angle of groove is 45; co-efficient of friction is 0.28; mass of rope is
1.5 kg/m and allowable tension per rope is 2400 N. Determine the number of ropes required.
[MS Univ. Apr96]
(iii) Describe the features of internal expanding brakes used in automobiles. [MU Apr96]
192. (i) Following data are for a screw jack. Screw pitch is 12.5 mm; mean diameter of screw is
50 mm; co-efficient of friction is 0.13. Determine torques to raise and lower 20 kN load and
efficiency of jack.
(ii) Discuss the functions of clutches in automobiles. [MKU, Oct97]
(iii) Derive the expression to determine the ratio of tensions in a flat belt drive.
193. (i) A square threaded bolt of root diameter 22.5 mm and pitch 5 mm is tightened by screwing
a nut whose mean diameter of bearing surface is 50 mm. If the coefficient of friction between nut
and bolt is 0.1 and nut and bearing surface is 0.16, determine the force required at the end of
spanner 500 mm long when the load on the bolt is 10 kN.
(ii) A leather faced conical clutch has a cone angle of 30. If the intensity of pressure between
the contact surfaces is limited to 0.35 N/mm and the breadth of the conical surface is not to
exceed of the mean radius. Determine the dimensions of the contact surfaces to transmit 22.5 kW
at 2000 rpm. Assume uniform wear rate and = 0.15.
194. (i) Derive the expression for Frictional torque on cone clutch based on uniform pressure
theory. [MKU, Oct97]


(ii) The brake whose dimensions are shown in figure has a co-efficient of friction of 0.3 and is to
have a maximum pressure of 1000 kPa against the friction material. (1) Using an actuating force of
1750 N, determine the face width of the Shoes (both shoes have same width) and (2) What torque
will the brake absorb?

195. (i) A square threaded bolt of root diameter 22.5 mm and pitch 5 mm is tightened by screwing
a nut whose mean diameter of bearing surface is 50 mm. If the coefficient of friction between nut
and bolt is 0.1 and nut and bearing surface is 0.16, determine the force required at the end of
spanner 500 mm long when the load on the bolt is 10 kN.
(ii) From the first principles, derive an expression for the frictional torque of a cone clutch
under uniform wear consideration. [MS Univ. Apr96]
196. (i) Determine the width of a 9.75 mm thick leather belt required to transmit 15 kW from a
motor running at 900 rpm. The diameter of the driving pulley is 300 mm. The driven pulley runs
at 300 rpm and the distance between the centers of two pulleys is 3 m. The density of the leather
can be taken as 1000 kg/mm . Take = 0.3 and maximum allowable shear in the leather = 2.5
MPa and the drive is open type.
[Bharathiyar Univ. Nov97]
(ii) A band brake acts on the 3/4th of circumference of a drum of 450 mm diameter which is
keyed to the shaft. The band brake provides a braking torque of 225 N-m. One end of the band is
attached to a fulcrum pin of the lever and the other end to a pin 100 mm from the fulcrum. If the
operating force is applied at 500 mm from the fulcrum and the coefficient of friction is 0.25, find
the operating force when the drum rotates in anticlockwise direction.
197. An open belt drive connects two pulleys 120 cm and 50 cm diameters on parallel shafts 4 m
apart. The maximum tension in the belt is 1855 N. The coefficient of friction is 0.3. The driver
pulley of diameter 120 cm runs at 200 rpm. Calculate: (i) the power transmitted (ii) the torque on
each of the two shafts. [MU Apr96]
198. A car moving along a level road is having the following data: Wheel base of car = 2.85 m;
Height of CG from road surface = 600 mm; Perpendicular distance of CG from rear axle = 1.2 m;
Speed = 60 km/h; = 0.1; Find the minimum distance in which the car may be stopped when
brakes are applied (i) to the rear wheels (ii) to all the four wheels.


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